《Heroine ϟ Marvel [3]》4.6


Story Time, Ana

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Ana looked down at the stirring God of Thunder, worry in her eyes when he would groan softly. She did her best to heal the forming bruises and scratches along his body, and ended up apply ice to his swollen jaw when Hulk wouldn't let her concentrate. His eyes opened slowly, and he blinked a few times to adjust to the lighting in the room, inhaling sharply. He recognised the woman looming over him, and breathed out slowly. He took quite a few hits from their mutual teammate, and suffered from a concussion when Hulk dropped a fist on his face at the end of the match.

"Ana... where am I?" Thor questioned, his voice croaky.

Ana slid a hand underneath his back and helped him up into a sitting position. She let him see for himself where they were, and she gestured at Hulk in the jacuzzi with her head, an annoyed glint in her eyes. "The big guy has his own suite. And a hot tub."

Thor winced, lifting a hand to his aching head. Ana saw and excused herself to bring him a cup of water from the shelves of drinks. On her way back to him, she picked up his vest from the floor, and handed both items to him.

"Here. Drink this, you'll feel better." Ana eased the cup in his hands, and shot him a gentle smile.

Thor gulped the entire contents down, and with Ana's aid, got to his feet. His eyes fluttered, and he swayed on his feet. He didn't have to worry about falling because Ana was right there to catch him. He pulled on his vest and exhaled heavily, shooting Hulk a look.

"Are we cool?" He asked.

Hulk grunted in response, as if to say whatever. Thor couldn't help himself as he said, "It's Hulk in a hot tub." Ana smiled at that and leaned back onto the window sill. "How long have you been like that?" Thor asked Hulk.

"Like what?" Came Hulk's reply.

"Like this." Thor waved his hand around. "Big, green... stupid."

Hulk revealed himself from the shadowy corner, and stepped forward in the jacuzzi. "Hulk always Hulk."

Ana crossed her arms as Thor joined her at the window. "Bruce always used to say he had some control over this part of himself, but looking at him now... he's probably lost inside of Hulk somewhere. Really, really lost." She said lowly, loud enough for only Thor to hear. He nodded along, taking in the information. They both noted how relaxed Hulk was, but there was no sign he was going to transform back to Bruce. At least not yet.

"How'd you get here?" Thor asked Hulk.


"You mean cheating." Thor remarked, lowering the collar of his vest to show off the obedience disk. "Were they wearing one of these when you won? How'd you arrive here?"

Like a kid, Hulk mimed a plane landing in the water, splashing around. "Quinjet." He answered.

"Yes. Where is the Quinjet now?" Thor questioned.

"The third sector." Ana quickly replied. She turned around and faced the window, eyes searching the grounds for the aircraft while Thor gasped softly, grimacing when Hulk walked out of the jacuzzi, buck-ass nude. Ana was oblivious to it, and frowned when Thor's hand suddenly covered her eyes. She was pulled away from the window when Hulk got to it, raising his hand to point at the jet that was in the third sector of the landfill.


"Thor... I can't see." Ana mumbled, reaching up to grab his forearm.

"Trust me, you wouldn't want to witness this." Thor said.

Ana took a while to get to what he was insinuating, and when it clicked, she gasped, horrified. "Hulk's naked?"

"It's in my brain now." Thor replied.

"Quinjet." Hulk stated, looking down at the aircraft that was in perfect condition. He chuckled softly when he noticed Thor's hand over Ana's eyes. He left to put on a towel to cover up, allowing Ana's vision to come back to her. Thor found the Quinjet, and instantly grinned, tugging on Ana's hand.

"Yes! I'm getting us out of here. This is a terrible, awful place. You're gonna love Asgard. It's big. It's golden. Shiny." Thor said.

Hulk moved to his bed, and jumped on it, reaching for a large pumpkin to chew on. He bit into it, and said, "Hulk stay."

"No, no, no. My people need me to get back to Asgard. We must prevent Ragnarök." Thor argued.

"Rag-na-ruh?" Hulk sounded out, confused.

Ana clicked her fingers at him, growling at the way he didn't seem to care about anything. "Hey! You're coming with us whether you like it or not."

"The prophesied death of my home world, the end of days, it's the end of..." Thor noticed that none of what he was saying was getting through to Hulk as the big green guy yawned, and sighed. "If you help me get back to Asgard, I can help you get back to Earth."

"Earth hate Hulk." Hulk stated.

Ana kept her mouth shut, not wanting to anger the Hulk any further. Sure, Hulk wasn't the most trusted hero of their time, but he did a lot of good with the Avengers. The public did their best to try and look past all the destruction and death from Hulk's past.

"Earth loves Hulk. They love you. You're of the Avengers. One of the team, one of our friends. This is what friends do. They support each other." Thor added, trying to get Hulk on his team.

Ana pointed at Thor, looking directly to Hulk. "See, he gets it."

"You're Banner's friend." Hulk motioned at the two.

"I'm not Banner's friend. I prefer you." Thor instantly inputed. He looked to Ana, waiting for her to go along with him, though he frowned when she didn't say anything.

"Banner's friend." Hulk repeated.

"I don't even like Banner." Thor scoffed with a chuckle, then began a bad impersonation, lifting his fingers to act like he was pressing buttons. "I'm into numbers and science and stuff."

"Thor and Ana go. Hulk stay." Hulk said.

Ana started walking backwards, way ahead of Thor. "Don't got to tell me twice."

"Fine. Stay here. Stupid place. It's hideous, by the way. The red, the white. Just pick a colour." Thor balanced his hands around, motioning to the designs on the floors and walls. He started heading for the exit, catching up with Ana.

"Smash you." Hulk called after them.

"You didn't smash anything. I won that fight." Thor shot back.

"I smashed you." Hulk said again.

"Yeah, sure, sure." Thor waved it off.

"Baby arms." Hulk teased.

"What?" Ana asked, confused.

"Baby!" Hulk threw his pumpkin at them. The pair easily dodged the oversized piece of food, and glared at the immature Avenger.

"Moron! You big child." Thor yelled at him. Ana and Thor turned to pass through the doorway, but were stopped when the sensors on either side of the walls flared, zapping them both. They shook violently before plummeting to the floor, hearing Hulk's laugh as they fell. He pointed at them, slapping his hands on his knees in hysterics.


"Go again!"

- - -

"Hulk trains."

Hulk heaved a heavy looking axe over his shoulder as he made his way towards the exit of his bedroom. He was all dressed up in his armour, ready for some sparring. Ana was wondering around his room, picking up random things. Ana lowered a giant gold coin from her face and gave Hulk a sarcastic grin.

"Have fun!"

She narrowed her eyes when she saw Hulk meet up with Brunnhilde at the end of the hall. When they were out of sight, Ana dropped the coin behind her carelessly, and turned to face Thor, who was busy praying to Heimdall. He had been quiet for over ten minutes, and Ana patiently waited for him to finish.

Thor gasped all of a sudden, stumbling back. His gold eyes turned back to their blue ones, and he spun around, looking for Ana. She glanced at him, eyebrows furrowed. "What did he say?" She asked.

Thor joined her at Hulk's bed, kneeling down to sit beside her. "That we are surrounded by doorways, and we should go through the biggest one. So, when we can, we grab the Quinjet and get us the hell out of here." He informed her.

"Until Hulk comes back, we're not going anywhere." Ana told him, throwing her hand up in the direction of the doorway that wouldn't let them pass. "Stupid door."

There was a beat of silence between them before Ana spoke up. "Thor, I gotta ask... can you tell me about my dad?" Her voice was soft, and she looked at him, slightly hesitant. She wasn't sure if he would indulge her with stories of her father when his home was in the middle of a war. But then again, Thor saw it as a perfect way to get his mind off it, even though Ragnarök was an important event. He wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

Thor smiled at her. He rested his hands on her shoulders. "I would like nothing else."

Ana physically relaxed at his words, and scooted over so he could sit with her against the end of Hulk's bed. Thor gazed at the window for a few seconds, gathering a tale he wished to recite. When ready, Thor peered down at Ana, and smiled. "I knew your father well. For a time, he was Odin's right hand, and many thought he was too young to be held in such a high honour. But in truth, he had lived many lifetimes. Like me, he was a god, and gods are considered immortal."

"So, he's Asgardian?" Ana raised her eyebrow.

Thor was quick to deny. "No, Marcus was an Eternal. A species so rare you'd be lucky to even come across one of them in a span of a thousand years. He said he was the last of his race, and that his home was destroyed by a collision between his universe and another. My father found him drifting in space, took him in, and treated him like family. Marcus had kept his youthfulness for centuries, but with every passing day in the cosmos, his power grew. Sometimes I would find him alone before a battle, and he would recite these words, 'My strength comes from the universe. And it's my duty to protect that strength.' Marcus had a great burden no one man should uphold on his own. But he did. Until the day he fell to Earth."

"Can you tell me about that day?" Ana whispered, getting lost in the story.

"There are many versions of this tale, but what escapes these lips are true. I was there. Loki too. The day had started off like any other. Everything seemed normal, until a dark shadow cast itself over the Bifrost bridge. Heimdall had called for Marcus to search the skies for the source. Word spread that demons were involved. Dark forces from another plane of existence ready to ambush Asgard. His sword that you carried had the ability to vanquish those demons. He did so knowing full well that he would never return to Asgard. There was an awfully bright explosion. It looked like the cosmos had split apart, and a void of pure light bled through the stars. The moment Heimdall lost sight of Marcus was the day all of Asgard mourned his loss." There was a far off look in Thor's eyes, as the moment he recalled visualised in his mind. He could hear the Asgardians pray for the Sentinel to return. He could see the blinding light in the sky. He remembered the look on Heimdall's face when he sped out of the observatory — dread. Loki — disbelief. Odin — sorrow. The familiar feelings of loss, anger, and grief all swirled together in his chest, and he raised his fist, planting it on his thigh. When his knuckles turned white, Ana lifted a hand to his shoulder as a sign of sympathy. Thor had more of a history with Marcus than Ana will ever have, meaning that she couldn't relate to his distress since she never truly knew her father.

Thor placed his hand over her own, and sent her a little smile, reassuring her that he was alright. "I just wish he hadn't hid on Earth as he did, because he would be among people who idolised and respected him, and you would be brought up in a place where you would thrive. And with live parents, no less." Thor shook his head, rubbing his eyes as he let out a heavy sigh. "It's a shame. Your past on Earth saddens me so. Makes me regret the day Marcus left to defend Asgard on his lonesome."

Ana raised a hand to her face, and wiped away a stray tear. Thor glanced down at her, lips pressed into a thin line. He wished he was aware that Marcus was Ana's true father from the moment they met, because then he would have had more time to let her in on all of the galaxy's secrets. He would have warned her of all the dangers lurking in the deepest parts of the cosmos. He would have showed her the best parts too. She would always have a home on Asgard if by any chance she needed to get away from Earth.

Thor wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and pulled her in for a side embrace. Ana let out a little laugh, and rested her head against his shoulder. "My past is my own. I don't like it. I wish it wasn't the way it was, but here I am. I'm all types of fighter because of it." Ana said strongly, trying her best to look at the light side of things.

"Do you fly?" Thor asked out of the blue.

"Why would you ask that?" Ana replied.

"Marcus learned to use the air so he could glide through it. I assume that ability wasn't passed down." Thor informed her.

"No. Just the strength." Ana glanced down at her open palms.

"You don't seem excited about it." Thor muttered, shaking her gently.

Ana shrugged, and caught his eyes. "It's scary, isn't it? Having all this power — the potential — to knock down buildings and cities." She listed, and was interrupted by the God of Thunder.

"And monsters and powerful, evil beings." Thor added on a lighter note, grinning as he bumped their shoulders together. "You have the potential to become something more. Something much like your father once was. I know you can feel it. I do."

Ana placed her hand on his that was resting on his thigh. "I'm so sorry about your father, Thor." She whispered, hoping to offer him some comfort. For Thor, he had only lost his hammer and his father a day ago. Much of his identity was scrambled, and she could tell he felt lost. Mjolnir wasn't at his side. Odin wasn't there anymore to give him guidance. He had learned of a long lost sister who was hell bent on destroying everything that was once denied to her. His life was all over the place. He didn't deserve any of it.

Thor's jaw set when he could feel the stinging sensation behind his eyes. He couldn't tell how hard he was gripping Ana's hands, possibly because she held them tight too. He nodded slightly, registering her words. His lips parted, and his voice broke at the beginning. "It doesn't feel real. Hours ago I had my father. He was right next to me... then he suddenly passes and enters Valhalla. I just wish I was able to stop it."

"None of it was your fault, Thor. I hope you know that. As for stopping your father's passing... I don't know about you, but he seemed at peace with it."

"I do find solace in that." Thor nodded.

Ana smiled at him warmly, and patted his hands. They sat in a comfortable silence for a while, before Thor spoke up. He wanted to ask her about his friends back on Earth. He wanted something to take his mind off the war in his home.

"How are the Avengers?"

Ana looked down at her hands then. She thought about the Avengers and how they divided, and if she should tell Thor. She knew he would become disappointed — in all of them. Thor believed in teamwork, and having each other's backs in battle. He would be crushed to learn what he left behind had fractured significantly. There was also that whole weight of the prophesied destruction of his home. Thor didn't need this right now. He didn't need another heavy issue on his mind.

So Ana put on a false smile, and nodded.

"They're great. You hungry?"

- - -

When Ana woke up the next day on Hulk's large sofa, she heard loud snoring next to her. She turned her head to find Thor in an awkward upright position, arms flailed across the back of the sofa. Ana was curled up in the corner, and she grimaced when she felt her neck had stiffened during her slumber. Hulk was already up, lifting weights in the centre of his room. He heard Ana yawn, and looked over his shoulder, giving her a little wave.

Ana stood up, but not before slapping Thor's cheek to get him to wake up. She returned the wave to Hulk, rubbing her neck. "You really don't want to go home?" She asked, walking closer to him.

Hulk continued to lift the weights up and down. "Hulk stay. Hulk better here." He replied, grunting. Ana could only guess that he meant his smashing was more than encouraged by the Sakaarians since it was their sole source of entertainment.

"Maybe..." Ana sighed out, conflicted.

Thor stretched his arms over his head as he joined Ana, yawning loudly. "That was unpleasant." He commented, rubbing circles on his back.

Hulk stepped away from the weights and picked up a huge battle hammer. He pointed at the end of the hall where he could see Brunnhilde coming, motioning for the two to get near the window. He had done Thor a favor and asked his sparring partner to drop by in the morning. Thor had discussed his plan with Ana, and she was all good to go.

Before Brunnhilde entered, she nudged one of the guard's staff with her foot, laughing. The guards left as Hulk greeted her, "Angry girl!" He said, bumping his fist against his chest as a salute.

Brunnhilde started to playfully fight with Hulk, laughing affectionately when he tripped and fell on his front. She looked up then, "What's going on? What do you...?" She trailed off, spotting Thor and Ana reveal themselves from behind the shelf of alcohol. Ana simply crossed her arms casually while Thor fidgeted around, trying to find a place to rest his arm. He gave up and clasped them in front of him.

Brunnhilde stared at Ana for little while. She wasn't aware the Warrior knew of Thor and Hulk. She tried to not let the dismay show on her face, but failed when Ana squinted from the look in her eyes. Valkyrie believed Ana's relationship with an Asgardian would turn sour. She clenched her jaw, and stepped on Hulk to advance towards them.

"You're so thick-headed that you can't tell when someone's hiding all the way across the universe and wants to be left alone?" Valkyrie headed for the exit.

Thor started to follow her, "We need to talk."

Valkyrie shook her head. "No, you want to talk to me."

Ana jogged in front of Valkyrie, stopping her in her tracks. "This is important. I know I've never done you any favours by losing you lots of money."

"Try over fifty million." Valkyrie interjected, raising her eyebrows.

Ana paused, eyes wide. "Oh, that's... a lot. But, anyway, I'd say that you owe me one for avoiding me ever since I brought up my father."

"I'm doing you a good deed. You don't need to know about me or my relationship with Marcus." Valkyrie said in a hushed tone. "And some advice, young Warrior, get far away from your Asgardian ally. It'll only end in death." She finished, giving Ana a serious look. She saw this as an opportunity to ensure Ana wouldn't end up just like her father. Valkyrie was convinced the Sentinel's end was entirely because of his association with Asgard.

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