《Heroine ϟ Marvel [3]》2.4


The Hand Showdown

- - - - -

Ana's ears picked up the indistinct chattering that floated around her. As far as she could tell without opening her eyes, she was in a small room, and she was on a sofa, head propped up with a piece of clothing. There were three voices — Matt, Jess and Luke. When she didn't hear Danny's at all, that was when it hit her. The last thing she could remember was the man, Stick, approaching Danny with a sword, and he had smoked both her and Luke into unconsciousness. The worry in the pit of her stomach was hard to ignore as she thought on Danny's whereabouts and safety.

"She's waking up." Matt whispered, nudging his head towards Ana.

"Finally." Jess commented. "I was about to slap her awake."

"She would've pulled some mystical shit on you if you did." Luke retorted, shrugging a shoulder at Jessica's sceptical expression.

Matt, who was inches away from Ana, removed the jacket he had placed under her head as she sat up, laying it across her knees. She rubbed her eyes, feeling groggy from the smoke she inhaled before she passed out. She squinted, analysing the others before her.

"Where are we? Where's Danny?" Ana asked, putting on her jacket.

"Elektra took him." Matt answered. Jess and Luke shot him looks, not very appreciative of the way he had left that part of their problem out.

"Elektra?" Ana repeated, trying to put a face to the name, but came up short.

"A friend of mine that I thought was dead." Matt went on to explain, pushing his red shades higher up the bridge of his nose. He seemed nervous. "The Hand brought her back, not sure how, and since then she's been having trouble remembering who she is."

That was when Ana smiled. He spoke of Elektra the way an admirer or even a lover would. She nudged his knee with her hand and chuckled lightly.

"You have a significant other with memory loss too?" Ana questioned, smiling when his brows creased.

"Wait... you..."

"Long story. I'll tell you guys about it over pizza some day." Ana promised. "But for now, the Hand is our issue. What's the plan?"

She looked at all three for a reply, and got nothing but silence and a shrug from Luke. Ana sighed as Matt pursed his lips. "Midland Circle is our best bet."

"What did you get from the architect?" Luke questioned Jess.

"He was planning on blowing up the building. Collapsing it straight down into the hole." She replied.

"They're still digging?" He asked.

"No, digging stopped, but there's some structure, some dome-shaped thing-" Matt said.

"We found blueprints inside the piano." Jess cut him off. Ana and Luke glanced at each other, clearly out of the loop.

"The what?" Luke asked.

"Don't ask." Jess brushed it off, and looked at the floor after letting out a scoff.

"What happened while I was gone?" Ana mumbled out.

"A lot." Matt whispered beside her. "If they think Danny's a key, maybe whatever it is he unlocks is in that structure." He said louder for the other two to hear.

"Oh, my God, this is the dumbest..." Jess shook her head, and groaned.

"The question is, what are we gonna do about it? I mean, I just got out of jail." Luke reminded them, standing up only to pace around. He threw his hand in Matt's direction. "They don't know who you are, Matt."


Ana jumped slightly when Jessica yelled at the knocking on the door. "Jesus! Give us a minute!"

Luke patted Ana's shoulder. "Pretend you're still unconscious."

Ana went to stand, but a hand pushed her back down softly and she looked up at Matt, who shook his head.

"It's not the cops." He assured, before getting to the door and opening it. His close friend Foggy Nelson stood on the other side, a duffle bag in hand. He asked to borrow Matt and the two exited to discuss in silence. Ana rested her elbows against the back of the chair she was sitting on and watched as Jessica and Luke started talking.

"This is taking too long. We know where Danny is. Why don't we just go?" Jessica asked.

Before Luke could offer a response, Ana spoke up. "Incase you haven't noticed, we are in a police precinct. We're not allowed to leave without their blessing. So unless you wanna bust a wall open and break out, I suggest you sit tight." She said, shrugging her shoulders when Luke sighed at her statement.

"The three of us are the muscle. We can break out if we want. But again, I was in jail last week. I can't risk it." Luke sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. "We can at least try to talk to the cops. Misty'll have our backs."

"All I know is that the longer we stay, the closer the destruction of the whole of New York is." Jessica added, stressed.

"And that's something that can't wait." Ana puffed out the air from her cheeks, before making her mind up and nodding, "Alright, let's haul ass and save New York."

The three heavy hitters looked to the door when Matt opened it, bag in hand. He had a faint smile on his face after figuring out what Foggy had given him.

"Look, we've been talking, and no matter what it takes, no matter what we have to tell these cops, we gotta get to Midland Circle." Luke spoke for the three of them, waiting for Matt's response to see if he agreed or not. The Daredevil nodded, fixing his shades,

"Okay. So long as we're on the same page. Here's my official legal advice."

- - -

After breaking the back wall of the NYPD precinct and escaping the place, the gang took to the streets and hid while patrol cars searched for them in every nook and cranny. Their personal belongings including cash and wallets were taken, and they had to sneak onto the subway to get to Midland Circle. It was after they got off their stop when Ana realised she could've made a portal to Danny's whereabouts if she had her Sling Ring.

"This would have been a lot faster if my mind was at full control. And if the cops didn't take what wasn't theirs." Ana commented as they walked side by side down the street towards their target building. Matt was on her left, dressed in his signature Daredevil suit.

"Don't push it. That smoke is still in your system, as well as Luke's." He replied, nudging Luke who stood on Ana's right with his crimson baton. Ana hadn't seen the type of weapons since training with Bobbi Morse, aka the Mockingbird, in early SHIELD days. She then sighed, she missed the simple old days.

"We have time to grab a drink? Or three?" Jessica asked on the other side of Luke, looking bored as hell and on the brink of ripping her hair out.


"Having second thoughts?" Luke questioned her.

"No. Maybe. You?" Jess countered.

"No. Maybe. What about you?" He looked to Ana who started removing her outer jacket, finding it harder to breathe. She glanced up at him, frowning.

"I used to be an Avenger, I'm not allowed to have second thoughts." She answered. "Hesitation gets you killed." She could hear Natasha's voice as she recited her words in her head.

Matt nodded along beside her, agreeing with her words about hesitation. He didn't seem phased by the fact that she had just revealed to them that she was an Avenger.

"Whoa, back up. Avenger?" Luke's eyes were practically bugging out of their sockets. "Like hanging out with Captain America and Iron Man, Avenger?"

"My god, it is her." Jessica squinted while planting her palm over Ana's eyes without giving her a warning first. She slapped her other hand against Luke's chest while Ana wrenched the one on her face off, and rubbed her thumb and index finger together, "When we get our wallets back, pay up."

Ana pulled a smile. "What gave it away?"

"I'm a PI, it's what I do for a living. Also, not a lot of people can do what you do, so putting it together wasn't rocket science." Jessica explained, tone of voice flat as her eyes bore into Ana's, gaze unwavering.

"Also, Danny likes talkin' about you. A lot." Luke chuckled, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "Said you were apart of a team."

"He likes talking in general, Luke." She chuckled lightly, before facing the woman. "Do you have a card?" Ana questioned Jessica, eyebrow raised.

"Sure. Here." Jessica shoved her hand into her jean pocket and picked out an old and faded business card. She slipped it into Ana's palm and the brunette glanced at it, before sliding it into her pocket.

Matt was simply standing there beside the three, waiting for their conversation to be over. Ana slung an arm around his shoulders, admired the Daredevil suit briefly, before grinning at him. "And you can count on me to give you a call when I need a lawyer. I just wanna let you know, let you all know, that I'm always here if you need another hitter on your team."

"Good to know." Luke nodded.

"Appreciate it." Matt smirked.

Jess shrugged. "I'll think about it."

Ana observed the building. She knew the Hand would be on high alert. They'd be waiting for them. Probably with more firepower than the police department. They had to be smart and circle around, go somewhere where the weak spots shined. "So how do we get in?"

"Back entrance. Parking garage. I came looking for Danny a couple days ago. That's how I got in." Luke said.

"A couple days?" Jessica groaned. "God, that feels like three weeks ago."

"I think if we spilt up, we'll cover more ground." Ana suggested, planning on going alone. "I'll take the front while you guys take the back."

"I don't think that's a good idea. We need to stick together." Matt argued.

"Trust me on this, Matt." Ana pleaded. She clapped her hands once, before rubbing them together. She grinned, excited for the coming battle.

"Let's break."

- - -

"Where's the party?"

Ana was disappointed. When she walked into the main doors, she expected an army in the foyer. All she got was silence. It made her insides churn. What if Danny wasn't here? What if they already got what they wanted and offed him? Choosing to get down to the lower levels of the building, Ana stood alone in the basement. An empty room that didn't have much but a few electricity boxes and utility hardware. She tried to find any sound that confirmed any of her questions. All she got was a muffled conversation underneath her. Ana looked down to the floor, and walked around, trying to find the hollow point where she could break through. She tapped her feet twice as she got closer to the weakest point in the floor, and once she found it, she smiled.

She crouched down to it, and felt the concrete. After a few seconds, she knocked her closed fist against it gently. Just by the gentle tap, it crumbled. She did it again, and a huge chunk curved inwards. She straightened up and stomped her foot, effectively creating a hole. The force of the kick was too great, and the circle expanded to take her down.

Ana groaned when she came into contact with a catwalk, half of her body sliding off the edge of it. She didn't see the people behind her, and didn't know who had grabbed her foot before she could fall down into the never-ending hole that was underneath the building.

"Not so fast, Avenger."

Jessica had a handful of Ana's jeans in one hand while the other rested against her hip casually. Luke and Matt smiled at Jess' words, while she took Ana's hand and lifted her up.

"Nice job, Defender." Ana replied, shooting her a thankful smile. She looked at the others and waved a finger at them, "By the way, we're the Defenders."

"Did you just make a hole in half a metre of thick concrete?" Luke questioned, pointing up at the ceiling.

"Yes, I did." Ana stated, proudly.

Matt smiled, looking around at his team. "I'm glad we found each other."

Luke glanced at him, shaking is head. "I'm not hugging you."

Matt sighed, as Ana stepped closer to the Daredevil, patting his shoulder. "You know what? How 'bout I give you one once this is over? That way we would've lived through it."

He gave her a small grin. "Sure."

"You guys ready or what?" Jessica asked, looking at the elevator in front of them that would take them down to the lowest point.

A chorus of no's before Jessica nodded, "Sounds about right." She remarked. They all advanced towards the elevator, stepping inside and lowering themselves down into the hellhole.

- - -

Before they touched the end of the line, Luke had come up with a plan. There would be much more than thirty of the Hand waiting for them, all armed. It was decided that Jess would break the ice, and speak until Matt, Luke, and Ana had enough time to survey the competition and jump from the top of the elevator, taking down the closet to give Jessica a moment to shine.

Ana stood along with Matt and Luke on the other side of the top of the elevator when it stopped at the bottom. It was then when she clearly got a look at Elektra, and Danny. As Jessica started walking out of the elevator, Ana nudged Matt with her elbow gently, "I've been through this, Matt. There's this guy, and he was brainwashed practically everyday of his life to do the work of a terrorist organisation. At first, we'd fight. But then, I realised what was happening and I wanted to help. We have a similar past, and I know if I was in his position, I'd want someone to help me. So, I get it. I know you'll try to single her out and knock some sense into her. And I want you to know, that if you need it, I'm here."

Matt tilted his head downwards, nodding. "Thank you."

Jessica stopped in front of the army of the Hand. "Okay. Don't shoot. Look, I don't give a shit what you guys are doing... down here in your secret cave thing." Walking down the ramp, she faced Elektra, opening her arms out. "I just want to talk. You started this. Ever since you burst into my office, my life has become one big kung fu party. I don't want to fight you. Alone."

Time for the surprise. All at once, Matt, Luke and Ana revealed themselves to the Hand, swooping down and taking out the ninjas closest to Jessica. Jessica used that time to send an uppercut towards Elektra, forcing her metres away and onto her back. Ana grabbed two of the Hand, easily pushing them into a wooden column. She elbowed the one on her right, and nailed the other one in the chest with her foot, sending him flying. While she was fighting, another opponent ran at her with a katana. She didn't see it in time and waited for the hit, but only wind attacked her.

Danny had tackled her rival to the ground, punching him out cold. She extended her hand for him to take, and smiled, hauling him up. "Sorry I lied earlier, about not leaving you alone." She joked, quickly swinging her fist into the jaw of an incoming ninja.

Danny chuckled, "I don't blame you, you were unconscious when they took me." He replied, spinning around to strike another opponent away from him.

"Friends?" Ana held her hand out.

"Always." Danny finished, cupping his hand around her own. He nodded at the figure behind her and she swung him around, letting him kick the goon across the face.

"Cool." Luke commented when he ran by them, chasing a few who were aiming to attack Jessica.

Once the five Defenders had dropped most of the bodies, they met up in the middle, facing off with Madam Gao, Elektra, and the rest of the recovering Hand goons. "They're going to destroy the city." Danny heaved.

"Tell me something I don't know." Luke scoffed.

"Once they get what they want, this place is gonna crumble." Danny added.

"Not on my watch." Luke sighed.

"Where's Alexandra?" Matt questioned, keeping his focus on the rising opponents.

"She's dead." Danny answered.

"Did you kill her?" Jessica asked.

"No. She did." Danny motioned at Elektra.

"That explains the way they all act by her words." Ana commented.

"Is that elevator the only way out of here?" Jessica looked to the other four.

"Yep." Matt replied.

Danny looked at Ana's hands, trying to find the ring that allowed her to travel. She noticed and shrugged, "It's at the police station."

"We can't leave. We have to end them." Danny eyed all of the people that stood in between him and the elevator.

"We got a plan." Luke stated.

"Yeah, it involves a bomb." Jessica added. "You're cool with bombs, right?"

Ana looked to her, eyes wide. "Since when do we have bombs?"

"Since Colleen took them from evidence." She replied. Ana chuckled as Danny glanced at Jessica, perplexed. "Seriously?"

"The only way out of here is together." Matt whispered, loud enough for his team to hear.

Luke looked to Danny, "Danny, light it up. Now."

With his eyes on Madam Gao who had stepped forward, the Iron Fist readied himself into a fighting stance. He drew back his glowing fist, and when Madam Gao went to attack him, Danny simultaneously shot his hand out, causing a wave of energy to hurtle towards the rest of the Hand, taking them down. But the effect didn't last for long. The Hand got back up, and attacked with more ferocity.

The other four had their opponents clear in their sights, while Ana studied Elektra. The woman in red and black stood still, eyeing Ana curiously. Almost challengingly. Ana thought to herself that a good knock on the head would free up her suppressed memories, finally bringing Matt's old love back from the dead. It worked on Clint. Worked on Bucky that one time. Even worked when Natasha had bashed Ana's head into the quinjet.

Ana saw her task.

As did Elektra.

A beat, before the two ran at each other. Elektra discarded her blade, and tucked in her elbows, nailing Ana in the chest before the Warrior could grab her. Ana didn't expect the strength behind the kick, and found herself crashing into a wooden beam. A few broken ribs upon impact. Ana coughed, and rolled to her side, watching as Elektra smirked, stalking towards her.

"So that's how it feels..." Ana muttered, hand over her chest.

"I know what you aim to achieve." Elektra said, grabbing Ana by her muscle tee and hauling her up. She looked intensely into her eyes, "It won't work."

Ana groaned, "You've got skills, I'll give you that. Make sense why Matt loves you. If you're gonna run with the Devil, better be sure to take the heat." She taunted. She could see that just by uttering Matt's name, something inside Elektra sparked. Ana grabbed Elektra's shoulders, and pushed her off, sending a fist her way. Elektra sloppily dodged it, the hit getting her right in the jaw instead of her temple. She spun, recovering quickly and sweeping Ana's legs out from underneath her.

Ana fell back. She covered her face when Elektra planned to step on it, and grabbed her foot, pulling it so that she landed right next to her. Ana scrambled to get on her knees, and leaned back when Elektra had retrieved a splinter of the wooden beam Ana crashed into before. Elektra's wrist was locked in Ana's grip, and the Warrior used her strength to send her into the rock in the middle of the room. Ana stood and ran at Elektra, finding that she hadn't hit her in the head hard enough. Elektra brushed herself off and reminded herself that Ana had quite the impact against the wooden beam earlier, noting that bones should be broken. She speedily took a length of wire hanging form the ceiling and wrapped it around Ana's neck.

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