《Heroine ϟ Marvel [3]》2.3


Get Tough

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The Sanctum Sanctorum stood tall and wide on Bleecker Street, New York. The sun hadn't yet risen and the sky was just a fraction towards becoming lighter. The streets were quiet and empty in this part of Greenwich Village, and no one saw the lone woman drag a body behind her. The Outrider that Ana had bested was wrapped up in a dark cloth she had taken from a construction site. She held the corners of the sheet and pulled it along, hearing the way it scraped against the concrete sidewalk. The transmitter in her jean pocket had beeped a few minutes beforehand, and she had checked it nervously, only to find that it went back to normal, no longer signalling incoming enemies.

Ana was on edge. Her paranoia was greater than usual. The only thing that was going through her mind was to get rid of the Outrider, and to let Stephen and Wong in on what was happening to her. She thought that they, mostly Wong, would have information on how to defeat a wide range of aliens without causing repercussions — like a war between her and said species. She didn't need an army of Skrulls or Outriders to flood Earth's gates. Once was more than enough when the Chitauri invaded.

"Welcome to your new home, alien." Ana mumbled, stopping at the double doors to the Sanctum. She didn't bother knocking and just teleported right through. The floorboards creaked under the weight of the Outrider as she dragged it inside. Ana wasn't a fan of the Sanctum when the sun wasn't out. It was creepy and dark, and no matter if you were alone, you always felt like you were being watched.

And in Ana's case, she was, but by Wong and Stephen who had just used a portal to greet the Sanctum's new guest. Ana easily heard them, and watched intently as they emerged from the shadows of the library.

"Mornin', fellas." Ana smiled tightly, giving them a small wave of her hand. She took a deep breath as they advanced on her, trying hard to calm the nerves.

Wong and Stephen didn't have their focus on the woman, instead they were staring at the large object underneath the sheet that was completely still. The men exchanged a look, before facing Ana.

"What did you do?" Wong sighed, crossing his arms over his robe.

Ana tried not to take any offence from his tone of voice and rolled her eyes, "Nice to see you too, Wong. Anyway, this is why I came here..." She snapped her hand forward, and tugged at the sheet. The dead Outrider was forced forward, rolled out of the cloth and into their view, stopping at their feet. Stephen was startled by the enormous alien, and stumbled away from it with a little shout, while Wong stayed completely still, hands behind his lower back.

Ana roughly folded the free cloth and dropped it by the door, along with her jacket. The muscle tee she wore was stained with her blood, as well as the Outrider's. The scratches that went from her shoulders to her elbows were slowing healing, and weren't much of a bother anymore. She stepped forward as Stephen composed himself, "What the hell is that thing?" He questioned, jabbing his finger towards it.

Wong was scrutinising the Outrider quietly, trying to make some sort of connection between the being and Ana, coming up short in the end. "Ana... where have you been?" He asked.

"To answer both questions, I'll need your full attention and confidentiality." Ana slapped her hands together and pursed her lips, "I was up there. The galaxies. And while I was saving the universe, I found out about my real father."


Stephen was hanging on every word, and basically leaned forward in anticipation. "And?"

"He was a cosmic warrior. A god, who went by the Sentinel." Ana revealed.

"If he was a god, then that makes you..." Stephen was talking slowly, treading for the right answer.

"A demigod." Ana finished for him softly. She tilted her head and sighed. "Yeah. And since then I've become a target because of his reputation. Dad made a lot of enemies. A few days ago I let a Skrull, an alien shapeshifter, into my home thinking he was a friendly. A fight broke out and I sent him to the Quantum Realm, while I found myself in an alternate dimension. I got back yesterday, and this guy," She gestured to the Outrider, "Gave me a visit an hour back."

"Was he the only one sent for you?" Wong asked, circling the alien.

Ana dug around for the transmitter as she replied. "I think so." She showed them the device, shrugging. "I snagged this from the Skrull and it tells me what comes after me. I think the tech makes it suit the owner or something. And I'm pretty sure I broke it." She flicked it with her fingers when the screen went blank, then shook it violently.

"Then why is it blinking?" Stephen questioned, narrowing his eyes at the screen when she stopped shaking it so much.

"Stephen you need to get your eyes checked because I-" Ana was cut off by Wong when he took the device from her hands, showing the front to her.

"No, no, it's definitely not broken." He pointed out.

"Oh crap..." Ana widened her eyes when two dots appeared on the radar.

"What?" Stephen asked, stepping closer.

"There's two more." She whispered, fear clear in her voice.

Out of nowhere, the front doors were knocked from their hinges, and sent flying towards the sorcerers. They all ducked out of the way, and Ana looked over her shoulder to make sure the other two were okay. Two Outriders stomped inside, eyes solely on their target. Behind Ana, they recognised one of their own dead, and that was enough to send their ferocity into overdrive. They stood on their hind legs, and shrieked in her direction just as the sorcerers got to their feet.

"Ana..." Stephen began, finding it hard to breathe in the face of two Outriders. He had never seen anything like it. "Get up."

"Get out of here." Ana said lowly, still sitting across from the Outriders. They hadn't attacked yet, and waited for their target to move. Her hands were reaching for the large wooden splinter behind her back. She kept her eyes open and on them, watching for any movement she didn't like. "They're after me. You stay and you die."

"I am not leaving you." Stephen stated firmly.

"Then I'll take them out."

Ana reached for her Sling Ring and activated a portal that oversaw the Empire State Building. She didn't want to involve Stephen and Wong, knowing she would never forgive herself if anything bad happened to them throughout the fight. The Eldritch Whip she called on made sure to encase both Outriders. She then swung them into the portal, before running after their dropping bodies.

Ana could hear Wong and Stephen yell after her, but she closed the portal, halting any further attempts to go after her. Now, she was free falling, diving downwards. The Outriders were spazzing about in the air, and once they realised she was right above them, they lessened their mass so they were floating. Ana used mystical mandalas to step on, and sent her Sword of Light at the closest Outrider. It dodged it easily, and soared towards her. She flinched away from it's arms, and grabbed it by it's legs. She pulled it along and bashed it into the second Outrider that tried to sneak up on her.


"Back to where you came from!" She yelled, sending them through a portal as she thought of Thanos. They disappeared in a blink and she gladly smiled, liking the efficiency of her actions. Her sword leapt back into her grip and she threw her head back, groaning,

"God, I got to get out of Earth..."

- - -


Ana rubbed the top of her head where she accidentally grazed it. When she walked into the portal she made from thinking of Danny's whereabouts, she did not expect to see him unconscious and tied up in a chair. After sending the Outriders back, Ana gave Stephen a message that she was okay. She turned around, being careful not to collide into the pipe she just hit, and found Luke in the other room reading the newspaper, minding his own business.

She opened her arms. "Uh, what happened?"

Luke squinted at her sudden arrival, thrown off by the fact that she had just appeared out of thin air. He noticed the soft glance she threw Danny's way, and stood up, ready to interfere if she decided to untie the Iron Fist. "The Hand found us just after you left. We fought. We fled. We kidnapped a guy on their side. Got information out of him. Stick cut his head off when he tried to kill Danny."

Ana blinked.

"I meant why is Danny bound to a chair?" She jabbed her thumb at Danny's unconscious body. She definitely missed a lot.

"Oh, he wanted to give himself over to the Hand. Stupid, right?" Luke scoffed to himself, sitting back down when Ana took a step away from Danny.

"Hell yeah. Who knocked him out?" Ana found another chair and dragged it closer to Luke, before settling down on it with a heavy sigh. She tried to listen for any sign of Matt, but found nothing besides Danny's slow breathing and Luke's steady heartbeat.

"Jess." Luke answered, a small smile on his face.

"Ah." Ana nodded.

"Where have you been?" Luke asked, closing the newspaper in his hands and leaned forward. Ana rolled up her sleeves, noticing that she could feel a dull sting on her arm.

"Fighting aliens with magic." Ana smirked, glancing up at him quickly.

Luke narrowed his eyes at her. "You're serious?"

"As serious as these holes in my arm." Ana lifted her left hand and moved closer to Luke so he could get a better look at where the Outrider grabbed her wrist.

"I'm not even going to ask." He shook his head, opening the paper once again.

"Smart." Ana noted. "Where are the others? And who is Stick?"

"Matt and Jess went to visit the Midland Circle architect's wife. Apparently there's a hole in the middle of the building that goes really, really down below the earth and that's where we think the Hand are trying to get to. And Stick... well you'll meet him soon. His an old friend of Matt's." Luke noticed how she was getting near Danny, and shot her a look. "Don't untie him. Not yet at least."

"You got it, Luke." She assured him. After a few moments of silence, their curiosity for each other bubbled up. They both opened their mouths to speak, though the realisation that they were about to speak over each other made them laugh.

"I'll keep it simple. You don't have to tell me your life's story. Just... how?" Ana asked, opening her palms as she stared at Luke's bulletproof skin, unable to find a single blemish or scar. She knew her body harboured many of those.

"I was apart of a messed up experiment. Came out with extra strength and skin that was unbreakable." Luke put it easy, and although he left a large deal of how he got from A to B, he knew once he felt more comfortable around Ana, they could get to know each other better. "You?"

Ana chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck. "I was born with them. Dad had the strength. Mom had the stamina. Didn't even know I had them until college, right after Danny left."

"So you two were together?" He motioned between the two of them with his index finger.

"For a time. He broke it off when he had to leave and focus on his training. Danny... he was one of the good ones, y'know? He has this huge heart and all he wants is for people to be happy and safe. It's what drew me to him. It's what I admire about him."

"That heart wants to recklessly face the Hand."

"Danny's a fighter. Like me. Like you, and Jess and Matt. He wouldn't want to run and hide, instead he would want to go down swinging." Ana explained, brushing her hair away from her face, then putting it in a low ponytail.

"Yeah, he's got a mean right hook. Threw me off when I was on the end of it." Luke winced slightly, remembering the unexpected pain he felt when the fist of iron crushed into his cheekbone.

"Really?" Ana chuckled out.

"Don't smile like that. I'll bet he can do the same to you." Luke retorted, rolling his eyes when Ana's grin only got bigger.

"Oh, you have no idea what I'm capable of. And I would never fight Danny." Ana shook her head. "Unless he's being stupid."

Ana turned her head when she heard a soft groan, realising that Danny was now awake. He hadn't seen Luke and herself yet, and tried to get out of the sophisticated knot that trapped his arms. By pulling at his wrists, the rope around is throat tightened, and he coughed, struggling to loosen the bonds.

Luke observed Ana closely as she made her way to Danny, eyes hard and guarded. Danny looked up at her, silently pleading for her help. She loosened the rope around his throat, having half a mind to remove the dangerous contraption. But she didn't. Luke would disapprove, and she didn't have time to argue with him.

Danny on the other hand, she wanted to yell at.

"Are you gonna tell me what stupid stunt you pulled while I was gone?"

Danny inhaled sharply, before dropping his head, unable to meet her gaze. "You wouldn't understand, Ana. The Hand needs me to unlock something. I'm the key to their endgame. Matt, Jess, and Luke, they wanted to hide me. Keep me away from the fight. But I don't want to run. I want-"

"To stand and fight, because it's who you are. It's what you do." Ana finished for him. "Yeah, I wouldn't understand. Except I do. You forget I've changed while you were gone too, Danny. I've fought in many wars, seen innocent people die. Luke's told me that you attacked the others because of what they wanted to do to keep you safe."

"Did Luke also tell you that the guy he kidnapped threatened the lives of our loved ones?" He questioned sharply.

"Threats to family and friends is a common thing among villains." Ana retorted. "Danny, you're stepping into their game. They want you to turn against the team because that way they can snatch you up when we least expect it. This way we know you're here, and you're out of their crosshairs."

"Then why am I tied up like the enemy?" Danny fired back.

"Look, Misty's keeping everyone safe down at the station." Luke told him, standing next to Ana.

"For now. I care about a lot more people than we can fit in a police station. And I know you both do, too." Ana and Luke looked at each other at Danny's words. "This city is at stake. We belong out there. Together, on the front lines." The Iron Fist stated.

"Look, I don't like to fight. But if I have to do it, I do it smart." Luke said.

"Locking me up is not smart." Danny scoffed.

"Neither is fighting three people that happen to be on your side." Luke countered.

"The moment I can refocus my chi, I'm getting out of this chair." Danny mumbled, looking straight ahead.

"Good luck." Ana sung.

"We'll be waiting." Luke nudged Ana with his elbow before sitting back down next to Stick, the blind old man who waddled his way to a fire pit on the other side of the room.

Ana pursed her lips, noticing the small amount of blood on Danny's temple. It had seeped through his blond curls, staining them red. She kneeled in front of him and opened her palms. She let him watch as a flash of light revealed a cloth and a cup of water. She lifted the beverage, and swayed it, as if asking him if he wanted to drink. He swallowed, and nodded, tipping his head forward while she gently poured the water into his mouth. He smiled small in thanks, and allowed her to clean the cut on his forehead, sighing heavily.

"I just want this to be over."

Ana glanced at him, lips parting slightly. "I know, Danny. We all do. But what's the point in fighting if you're just going to give up and hand yourself over to the enemy?"

"I'm afraid if something goes wrong, and it's all on me. I can't let anything go sideways." Danny admitted, face contorted with worry and fear.

"Hey, I'm here with you. I won't let anything bad happen, alright?" Ana made sure she carried his gaze and placed a hand on his shoulder.


Ana playfully punched his shoulder, chuckling as he glanced down with a smile. She went to stand, but the smoke that came from the other end of the room had invaded her senses, and she lost her balance. Ana knelt down on one knee and placed a hand to her forehead, breathing heavily all of a sudden when her vision became impaired. Luke who had tried to get away from Stick, faltered on his feet and dropped like a tree face down on the ground, hitting the floor with a thud.

Ana's words came out slurred. "What's going on?"

Outside the building on the streets below, Jessica faced Matt when he stopped walking abruptly. He had heard Ana's ragged breaths and knew something was wrong. He told Jess to hurry up and they both dashed towards the building. Ana turned onto her back, and her hair fanned out as she tilted her head to try and get a better look at who was standing near Danny. Stick's voice was difficult to understand, and Ana failed to force herself up. Whatever he had lit up, it coaxed her and whoever else that inhaled the smoke into a deep sleep. She was powerless to help Danny, and couldn't fight against her eyelids that drooped.


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Hey guys! Sorry for the wait but I promise I'll try to update more often. I've been writing snips of the Thor: Ragnarok phase of the book so once we finish with the Defenders, the updates will be a lot more frequent. I hope you liked this one and please tell me what you thought. There's gonna be roughly two chapters before Ana goes to Asgard!

Q- Would you rather have super strength or speed?

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