《SEA GREEN MEETS GOLD (N.M. & P.J.)》Chapter 20: Homecoming
The raven haired beauty woke up on the couch with the original cuddled up next to her.
Percy did not leave her side once after Elena left the house.
The demigod looked down at her friend who was still sleeping.
She adjusted her position slightly, causing Rebekah to stir in her sleep. "It's too early." The original said sleepily as she hid her face in a pillow.
Percy smiled softly. "I know. But guess what?"
"What?" The blonde mumbled.
The demigod reminded her, "Homecoming is today." Percy knew Rebekah was excited for it. She hoped the original would still be able to enjoy the day even after receiving the painful news from Elena.
Rebekah removed her head from the pillow. "Then, what the bloody hell are we waiting for? We have to get ready."
The demigod chuckled. "It's a bit early to start getting ready, Bex."
The original got off the couch. "It is never too early to get ready."
Percy rolled her eyes.
Rebekah nagged her and playfully tugged her arm. "Come on, my date can't just lay on the couch all day."
"But it's what I'm good at. It's a talent."
The original smiled at her friend. "Come on, we'll get breakfast."
Percy was out of the couch in seconds. "Let's go." She said with a grin. Then, she turned to Rebekah. "Wait, you mean people food right?"
The blonde laughed. "Yes, Percy."
"Yay!" The demigod ran into the kitchen.
Percy rushed toward the fridge. She looked back at the original with a grin. "Do you wanna make pancakes?"
Rebekah was amused by her excitement. "Sure."
Later in the afternoon, Percy took a shower. After she finished, she put on casual clothes. She wasn't going to put her dress on until it was closer to the time of the dance.
The demigod wandered downstairs in search of Rebekah. "Hey, Bex?"
There was no response.
She pulled out her phone to text Rebekah. 'Hey, where are you?'
The original sent a response. 'I'm out. I probably won't be home soon. Get ready for the dance. You are after all, my date.'
Percy shook her head in amusement. She figured the original was simply buying more things for the dance.
The demigod realized she hadn't warned the hybrid yet.
Percy pulled out her phone and called Klaus.
He answered after a few rings. "Hello, love."
"Hey, Nik." She said softly.
"I'm already headed back to Mystic Falls." He informed her.
Percy's eyes widened, "You're coming back?"
"I thought your friends would have told you. Mikael is dead so I'm coming back."
The sea green eyed girl couldn't believe what he was saying. "He's dead?"
"The doppelgänger daggered him. They didn't tell you?" He didn't understand why the demigod wasn't told about the matter.
The raven haired beauty shook her head, "Listen, I haven't talked to any of them today, but I don't think what you heard is true."
"Stefan and Rebekah both confirmed it." He told her.
Percy bit her lip and her eyebrows furrowed as she thought about the possibilities.
The hybrid questioned, "You still there, love?"
The green eyed girl replied, "Yeah. I just- be careful. Okay?"
Klaus was silent for a moment. "I know that your friends are plotting against me. I'd be a fool to think otherwise. But, I'm still coming back to Mystic Falls."
"Yeah but...try not to die." Percy said softly.
The hybrid smiled slightly. "It sounds like you care about me."
"Well, believe it or not, not everyone wants you dead." The demigod began looking through her makeup collection.
Percy grinned as she picked up a bottle of foundation. "Oh, by the way, we discovered the weird cave with your family's names written in Runic."
Klaus sighed, "Of course you did. How did you find it?"
"Mason Lockwood's ghost led us to it. AKA my favorite werewolf."
The hybrid scoffed. "What makes him your favorite werewolf?"
"He's just a really cool guy." Percy responded simply.
"But you like him more any of the other werewolves you know." Klaus muttered, sounding a bit upset.
The demigod momentarily stopped applying makeup. In a teasing voice she spoke, "Are you jealous of a ghost?"
"You favorited a dead werewolf over me."
Percy snorted. "Technically, you're a dead werewolf too. Vampires are dead."
"Well, that makes me feel so much better." He replied sarcastically.
The raven haired beauty continued. "But you're not just a werewolf so you don't fall into that category anyways."
When the original stayed silent, Percy spoke again. "If it makes you feel any better, you're my favorite hybrid."
"Is that so, love?" He asked, back to his arrogant self.
The sea green eyed girl laughed. "Yes, that is so." She said mocking his British accent. "Pip pip cheerio."
She was impressed by her own impression. "Wow, I'd be a great British person."
"Sure, love." He spoke in a tone that showed he didn't agree with her words in the slightest.
"You do know, I only know two hybrids, right?" Percy reminded him.
Klaus smirked. "But I still beat Tyler."
"Yeah, Tyler annoys me." The demigod commented.
The original was amused by the statement. "And I don't?"
"Oh you definitely annoy me, but at least you have some redeeming qualities."
Klaus's smirk widened. "And what would those be?"
"Oops, gotta go. I have a homecoming dance to get ready for. Byeeeee." The sea green eyed girl dragged out the last word.
The hybrid tried to stop her. "Percy-"
The demigod started making sound effects with her mouth. "I think the line is breaking up. There's bad signal."
The raven haired beauty hung up the phone. Smiling to herself, she continued getting ready.
Percy sat on the couch wondering where Rebekah was. The demigod was fully ready for the dance and it was past the time they agreed to leave.
The sea green eyed girl pulled out her phone and tried calling the original again.
There was no answer.
Percy decided to leave a message. 'Hey, Bex. I'll meet you at the homecoming dance. Okay?'
The demigod hoped her friend was alright. But something seemed wrong.
The Scooby gang still hadn't reached out to her.
Although, Percy remembered that she did yell at Elena last night. So the group was probably upset with the demigod.
The green eyed girl shrugged her shoulders and left the house.
Arriving at the high school, Percy discovered the gym was flooded.
Caroline approached the demigod. "Hey, apparently Tyler is hosting the homecoming at his house instead, since the gym is flooded."
The demigod nodded. "Um, okay. That'll be an interesting dance."
The vampire sighed, "Yeah." She looked back at the school. "I can't believe we put all that effort in for nothing."
Percy sent her a small smile. "Sorry, Care."
The blonde held her chin up and fixed her posture. "We are still going to make memories and have a good time. Why should a stupid flood change that?"
The demigod grinned. "You're right. Let's go party."
The vampire looked excited again. "You look great, by the way."
"Thanks, Care. You look stunning."
Caroline grinned at the sea green eyed girl. "I'll see you at Tyler's."
"Kk." Percy walked back to her car to drive to the Lockwood's.
The demigod walked into Tyler's back yard. It was already full of people.
Percy texted Rebekah about the change of location for the dance.
Looking around, the raven haired beauty noticed that some of the people at the party looked older than high school students.
Maybe, they still brought chaperones?
But, that didn't seem like the case.
There was a band playing and the place was decorated for the dance.
How did he get all of this so fast? They just discovered that the gym flooded less than thirty minutes ago.
Unless, the gym flooding was not an accident.
Percy looked around and tried to find someone she knew.
She heard a familiar British accent speak into a microphone. The demigod's head turned to see the original standing on stage.
"Good evening, everyone!"
The crowd cheered and clapped.
What is going on?
The hybrid continued speaking. "I want to thank you all for being here with me to celebrate. It's been a long time coming."
She saw Klaus step off the stage.
Percy continued looking through the crowd to see if she could spot anyone she knew. She still hadn't heard from Rebekah.
A British accent spoke from beside her. "Hello, love."
The demigod turned to look at him. She was about to ask him about what was going on, but his appearance distracted her.
He looked really good in a suit.
"Hi." She said, unable to hold back a smile.
He sent her a dazzling smirk.
Percy looked around the crowd again before returning her gaze to him. "So, what's going on?"
The hybrid shrugged. "What makes you think something is going on, love?"
The demigod opened her mouth to reply, but Stefan approached them.
"Quite the homecoming," The Salvatore commented.
Klaus responded, "I've been planning my father's funeral for a thousand years. Granted, in no version of it were any of these people invited. But you get the idea."
"So now what?" Stefan questioned. "You just stop running?"
The hybrid smiled. "Now, I reunite my family."
Yay! I can see Elijah again!
"Your family. You mean, the people you cart around in caskets?" The vampire remarked.
"Judgy Stefano." Percy commented.
The Salvatore ignored the demigod's words.
Klaus replied, "None of that matters anymore. Mikael's gone. Bygones will be bygones."
A girl with a plastic crown walked by. The hybrid spoke, "Seems the homecoming queen still walks among the living, which leads me to believe Rebekah isn't here. Where is she?"
Percy narrowed her eyes at the Salvatore threateningly. "Did you do something to my date, Stefano?"
The vampire answered, "I have no idea. You're the one living with her."
"Yeah, but she hasn't been responding to my calls or texts."
After hearing the demigod's words, Klaus looked back at Stefan. "Oh, be honest now, Stefan. Where's my sister?"
"I said I have no idea."
Percy scoffed. She knew Rebekah wouldn't skip the dance. The original was so excited to go to the event.
Stefan asked Klaus, "Now, would you like me to take you to your father?"
"Well, it wouldn't be a party without the guest of honor, would it? Bring him to me."
The Salvatore looked away for a moment. "Alright. Perhaps there's something in it for me? My freedom from your compulsion."
"Oh, you want your freedom? Well, once he's dead and his weapon destroyed, you'll have your freedom. It'll be my pleasure to give it back to you."
The Salvatore walked away.
Percy turned back to the hybrid. "Wanna play beer pong, but replace the alcohol with water?"
Klaus was amused by the invitation. "Then, what's the point of the game?"
The demigod nudged his shoulder. "You'll get to see me beat you without having alcohol consumption as an excuse for when you lose." The raven haired beauty smiled playfully.
The hybrid stepped closer. "You think you can beat me?"
Percy raised an eyebrow. "You think I can't?"
The demigod smirked as Klaus missed for the second time.
The original took notice of her expression. "You're cheating." He accused her.
Percy laughed. "I'm not cheating. I guess, I'm just better at this than you." She teased him.
The demigod hadn't missed a single throw. Each of the balls she tossed landed in the cups perfectly.
The hybrid purses his lips. "You're definitely cheating, love."
"I'm not! How would I be cheating?" She asked him with an amused grin.
He shrugged. "You could be controlling the water."
The sea green eyed girl shook her head and crossed her arms. "You just can't accept defeat."
"That's because I'm not losing, love." He retorted.
Percy walked around the table to stand right in front of him. "Your failed attempts at getting the ball in the cup prove otherwise."
Klaus's jaw tightened. He glared at the cups on the table, as though they were at fault for his loss.
Percy laughed and pulled him in for a hug. "You're such a sore loser." She teased.
His arms wrapped around her waist. "You cheated."
The demigod laughed loudly. She pulled away a bit to look at his face. "I didn't cheat."
The hybrid tried to send her an evil look. Percy rolled her eyes. "I'm going to go the bathroom. Maybe you should try practicing while I'm gone."
Klaus scoffed. "I don't need practice."
The raven haired beauty laughed as she stepped away from him, in search of the bathroom.
It took her a while to find one, but she finally did and got to pee.
When she left the restroom, the green eyed girl tried to find her way back to the beer pong table.
The demigod got lost on her way and ended up outside.
She walked around the side of the house to find another door that would hopefully lead her back to the hybrid.
Percy sensed something right behind her and spun around. She caught a glimpse of some weird old guy. His hand quickly wrapped around her neck.
Percy brought her knee up, hitting him hard. She ripped his hand from her neck and broke his fingers in one sharp movement.
A strong force slammed her against the wall, causing her to feel a pounding ache in her head. "Ouch."
He tried to grab her. The demigod grabbed his arms instead and kicked him. He flew back several feet.
A second later he sped at her and Percy was knocked unconscious.
The demigod felt like her head was pounding. She could vaguely hear voices around her. Her arm was roughly tugged, causing her body to be dragged to the side.
Percy tried to move her arms, but found she was unable to. Cold metal cuffs were wrapped around her wrists.
The raven haired beauty opened her eyes a bit. Someone was holding her up so that she was in a standing position.
Her arms were tugged again, as two people grabbed her arms on both sides.
She raised her head to see Klaus standing in the doorway several feet away, looking concerned. His gaze was on her as someone began speaking beside her.
"Come out and face me, Niklaus. Or they die." The old guy from before spoke.
The demigod saw Elena was being held next to her.
Percy realized the man must have been Mikael. She tried moving around but the arms holding her only latched on tighter. Each movement she made felt sluggish. Her body felt tired.
"Try me, bitch." The demigod still had her sassiness.
Klaus kept his face void of emotion. But, Percy could still sense he was scared. The fear in his eyes was clear as day.
Mikael fake smiled at the demigod. "Wow, she's just as disappointing as you are, Niklaus."
Percy's face turned scarily calm. She wasn't offended about what he said about her. She didn't give a single fudge what people thought or said about her. But a rage filled her because of the words being directed at the hybrid.
Klaus, however, was trying to figure out a way to get her away from Mikael. The hybrid had spent years of his life being the one to receive the brunt of his step father's abuse. And the idea of that person being so close to Percy made flames of anger seep into his veins.
He tried to use his words to call Mikael out on his bluff, or at least prolong the inevitable. "You're not going to do it. If you kill them, you lose the one thing you perceive to be my weakness. And what will you do then? You've run out of tricks." The hybrid stated. He gestured to them. "So, go on. Do your worst."
He truly didn't think Mikael would actually kill them. It was just another scheme that he plotted against the hybrid to deceive him.
"Go ahead. Kill them." Klaus said.
Elena pleaded. "No, Klaus. He'll do it."
Mikael added, "If she dies, this lot will be the last of your abominations."
Klaus seethed. "I don't need the doppelgänger. I just need to be rid of you."
Mikael gestured to the demigod. "What about her? She seems to be the one person who doesn't see you for who you truly are. A disgrace."
Percy felt anger course through her. "You're the disgrace, bitchface."
The hybrid found her gaze again. The raven haired beauty shook her head, as if assuring him not to leave the house.
"I said, do it." Klaus said.
"Come out and face me, you little coward. And I won't have to."
Klaus was furious. "If you kill them, you lose your leverage. So go ahead. Go on. Kill the doppelgänger."
Mikael responded, "To what end, Niklaus? So you can live forever with no one at your side?"
The sea green eyed girl tried moving from her restraints again. They weren't made of celestial bronze.
The vampire continued, "Nobody cares about you anymore, boy!"
The ground started rumbling as the demigod was growing beyond frustrated.
"Who do you have other than those whose loyalty you've forced? No one."
An explosion of rage filled the demigod, filling her with power. In one movement of her wrists, the cuffs broke off.
Her gaze turned to Mikael. "He has me." She tried to break from the grip of the two hybrids holding her. Breaking one of their arms, in one swift action, she also snapped their necks.
Suddenly, her own neck was being squeezed and she was lifted into the air. Mikael continued choking her and looked back at the hybrid.
Showers, sinks, and toilets exploded throughout the house.
"Your impulse, Niklaus. It has and will forever be the one thing that keeps you from truly being great."
He stabbed the demigod in the stomach, causing the hybrid to rush forward. Before Klaus could make it to Percy, he was thrown backwards into the house by someone on the inside.
Percy gripped Mikael's hand and twisted his arm the opposite direction. His grip slackened slightly, allowing her to break free.
She kicked him hard, causing him to fly back again. He pulled the knife out of her when she did.
Blood poured out of her stomach quickly.
Percy heard the hybrid yell out in agony.
The doppelgänger threw two wolfsbane grenades in the air.
Mikael muttered, "Katherine."
The sea green eyed girl ran into the house to see Damon on top of Klaus. She caught a glimpse of the stake in the hybrid's chest.
The only thing in Percy's mind was protecting the hybrid.
Damon unwillingly removed the dagger and threw it to the side. Percy controlled his actions with blood bending. She barely had to focus on him. It came easy to her.
"What the hell?" The Salvatore looked down in shock.
Percy's eyes glowed a dark green and a shadow crossed over her face. She looked satanic.
A scary smile appeared on her face as the vampire was forced to get off of the hybrid. His actions were robotic, as they weren't done with his own will.
Stefan tackled his brother to the ground. Percy let go of her hold on Damon and picked up the stake off the ground.
Blood continued pouring out of her stomach.
She looked down to see her dress was completely ruined. Blood dripped onto the floor.
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