《The Other Granger- COMPLETED》Chapter 26


Elaine's POV:

Once we were all changed, the four of us found ourselves in an empty coffee shop. We sat in a booth, heads close together as we began discussing our next move. "What about everyone at the wedding? Do you think we should go back?" Harry asked. "They're after you mate. You'd be putting everyone in danger by going back," Ron said. "Ron's right Harry," Hermione said. The waitress of the coffee shop had walked up to us, and took our order of four cappuccinos. "So where do we go from here? Leaky Cauldron?" I asked after the waitress was far enough away. "It's too dangerous. If Voldemort really had taken the Ministry then none of the old places are safe. Everyone from the wedding would've gone underground...into hiding," Hermione responded. After she said this, two construction workers walked into the shop. I eyed them cautiously and thought I recognized one of them as they stepped up to the cash register. "My rucksack with all of my things I've left it at the Burrow," Harry suddenly said. Hermione and I looked at each other, holding up our bags. "You're joking," Harry said with a proud smile on his face. "We've had all the essentials packed for days...just in case," I said quickly, still eyeing the construction workers. I elbowed Harry as soon as I saw them both pull wands from their pockets. "DOWN!" Harry screamed. Ron and Hermione immediately ducked under the table as Harry and I dove across the cafe to hide behind some chairs. The two men, who we quickly realized were Death Eaters, were firing spells at us, completely destroying the cafe. Pulling out my wand, I quickly stood and took out the giant blonde death eater, blasting him back into the wall. Ron, from the opposite side of the room, had stood up as well, taking out the second death eater in the process.


The four of us slowly stood up and looked at each other. "Get the lights and lock the door," Harry ordered once he saw we were all okay. With a flick of my wand, all the shades automatically shut and sealed the door shut. Ron, using his deluminator, turned off all the lights with a single click. "We should wipe their memories...otherwise they'll know we were here," I suggested, making my way towards the unconscious death eaters. Hermione wiped both of their memories and we all watched as their eyes' became cloudy and almost innocent-like. "We have to go...now," I said, noting that the waitress was still in the kitchen. Harry grabbed my hand and the four of us apparated to a quiet street with townhouses. Harry pulled out his wand and pointed it at the nearest two houses and they split apart to reveal a third house numbered 15. "Get in," Harry said, swinging the door open for us. "What is this place?" I asked as we moved down a long, dark corridor. "My godfather's house...he left it to me when he died," Harry explained, leading the four of us into the kitchen. "We can stay here until we know our next move," Harry said, placing his wand on the kitchen table.

The house, which I later found out was 15 Grimmhauld Place (once used as headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix), looked as if it hadn't been cleaned in years. Hermione and I immediately started cleaning as much as we could while Ron wrote a letter to his mother and Harry disappeared in the house. "Is Harry okay?" I asked Hermione since he had been gone for over two hours. "I think this is the first time he's been in the house since Sirius died," Hermione explained.


The next day, Hermione and I spent reading through the book Dumbledore had given her. Halfway through the story, we heard Ron calling us from upstairs. "Ron? Is everything okay?" Hermione asked as we both stood up to find him. We met Harry on the staircase as well as we ran up to find Ron. "Look! At the door!" Ron said happily as we reached Ron. "Regulus Arcturus Black," I read aloud. "RAB!" The one who stole the horcrux!" Ron exclaimed. He slowly opened the door to reveal a small bedroom that was a complete mess. Almost everything was flipped over, broken and out of place.

Harry stormed out of the room and down to the kitchen as the three of us followed him. "KREACHER!" Harry screamed, opening the cupboard to reveal an old house elf. The house elf crawled out, revealing his ragged robes to us. "Tell us about this locket. There's another one just like this one right?" Harry demanded as he held the fake horcrux in front of Kreacher's face. "Kreacher doesn't know where the other locket is," he replied slowly. "Yes but have you seen it?" I asked. "MUDBLOOD," Kreacher screamed at me, causing Ron to raise a pan over his head, about to strike. "Ron!" I yelled, holding his arm back. "Answer her, Kreacher," Harry snapped. "Yes," he replied nastily. "Did somebody take the locket?" Harry asked. "He came...in the night. The night of the Weasley wedding. He took many things, including that locket," Kreacher responded slowly. "Who was it Kreacher? Who took the locket?" Ron asked. "Mundungus. Mundungus Fleacher," he replied. "Find him," Harry ordered and just like that, Kreacher disappeared.

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