《The Other Granger- COMPLETED》Chapter 25


Elaine's POV:

Throughout the next month at the Burrow, all of us helped prepare for Bill and Fluer's wedding. None of us were allowed to go anywhere beyond the protections surrounding the house, and all visitors were questioned when they arrived. This proved to be very tedious as the wedding drew closer and guests from all around the world were arriving. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were constantly running outside to question the new arrivals.

Before anyone knew it, the morning of Bill and Fluer's wedding had arrived. The house was in complete chaos as everyone rushed around to get ready. Mrs. Weasley, before we were allowed to get ready, made us help set up the tent outside.

"On my count...three, two, one," Mr. Weasley said as everyone setting up the tents raised their wands in unison. Once the tent was secured, George and I began placing the chairs for the ceremony. "What's the Minister of Magic doing here?" George asked, looking up from the ground as we secured the chairs. I looked up to and saw that the Minister was making his way towards me. "Miss Granger...I need a word with you," the Minister said, waving me towards him. I glanced at George, and then started walking towards the Minster, following him into the house. "Arthur could you get the other Miss Granger as well as your son, Ronald Weasley, and Harry Potter," the Minister said as he read off a list of names from a piece of paper. "Certainly," Mr. Weasley said, rushing off into the house to find them.

The Minister walked straight to the living room of the house and saw on the couch. I sat on the couch opposite him and we waited in awkward silence for my friends to arrive. After minutes of staring at the ceiling I broke the silence between the Minister and I. "Minister...to what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes saying, "I think we both know why I'm here Miss Granger." Not a second later, Harry, Ron, and Hermione strolled into the room and squeezed next to me on the couch I was already sitting on.

Once the four of us were crammed onto the tiny couch, the Minister took a sheet of paper out of his pocked with his wand and levitated the paper in the air. "Here it is set forth. The last will and testament of Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore. First, to Ronald Billius Weasley, I leave my deluminator. A device of my own making in the hope that when things seem most dark, it will show him the light," the Minister said, taking out a lighter-looking contraption and handing it to Ron. Ron rolled it in his hands and then clicked the deluminator, causing the lights in the rooms to go out. He clicked it again and the lights turned back on. "To Hermione Jean Granger, I leave my copy of the Tales of Beedle the Bard in hope that she find it entertaining and instructive," the Minister continued, handing Hermione her book. "To Elaine Samantha Granger, I leave my compass and hope it will point her in the right direction," the Minister said, taking out the compass. I recognized it right away. It was the compass Dumbledore always wore around his neck. The Minister handed it to me and I slipped it over my head and around my neck. "To Harry James Potter, I leave the snitch he caught in his first Quidditch match at Hogwarts as a reminder of the rewards of perseverance and skill," the Minister finished, handing Harry the snitch. Once Harry held the snitch in his hands, the Minister seemed almost disappointed...like he expected something to happen. "I don't know what you're up to, Mr. Potter, but you can't fight this war on your own. He's too strong," the Minister whispered to us. "Suppose it's a good thing he's got us then," I snapped. I was tired of this guy giving us an attitude. "Is that all then?" Harry asked the Minister. "Not quite. Dumbledore also left you the sword of Godric Gryfinndor. Unfortunately, the sword of Gryfinndor was not Dumbledore's to give away. As an important historical artifact it belongs to-," the Minister rambled on but Hermione cut him off. "To Harry. The sword belongs to Harry. It came to him when he needed it most in the Chamber of Secrets," Hermione said in her usual matter-of-fact tone. "The sword can present itself to any worthy Gryfinndor, Miss Granger, that does not make it that wizard's property. And in any event the current whereabouts of the sword are unknown," the Minister replied. "Sorry?" Hermione and I asked in unison. "It's missing," he answered back. With that, the Minister stood up, said a quick goodbye to us, and left the Burrow.


As we watched the Minister walk outside, Hermione, Harry, Ron and I all glanced at each other. "Anyone else think that was really strange?" Ron scoffed. "Very strange," Hermione agreed with a very worried look on her face. Before we could discuss more about what had just happened, Mrs. Weasley called us back outside to help finish setting up.

By 3pm, everything was done and it was time to get ready. The line for the shower was 11 people long by the time I got online. It took an hour and a half, but it was finally my turn to shower. When I finished, I did my hair, makeup, and changed into a long emerald green dress that reminded me of Draco. It reminded me of him so much that I decided to write to him. I took out a pen and piece of parchment and sat down to write:


I have to thank you for sending your previous letter...you saved my entire family. I hope you're doing okay...I really miss talking to you. I don't really have much to say that I can put in this letter so I suppose I'll end it here xo


I reread what I had wrote and debated on whether or not I should send it. I'm sure Draco would like to know if I'm okay or not, so I tied the letter to Ginny's owl (knowing she wouldn't mind if I borrowed it) and sent it off to Draco.

After pinning my hair back from my face, I was all ready for the wedding. I met Hermione downstairs who pulled me aside immediately. "Elaine are your essentials all packed? I've got a funny feeling about tonight," she whispered. "Yes I won't let this bag leave my side," I said as I showed her the small beaded bag tied around my wrist.

Once it was 5:30, it was time to head down to the lawn for the ceremony. Hermione, Harry and I sat in the fourth row from the front. The ceremony was nothing short of beautiful. Fluer wore a dress that had a peacock beaded on while Bill had on a deep blue tux. All of the Weasley boys (except Percy) were groomsmen, as well as Ginny (who was one of Fluer's bridesmaid) looked stunning.

Once the ceremony was over, the chairs we sat on flew into the air and joined together with tables, clearing the way for a dance floor. Only a few minutes into the reception, the party was in full swing. The tent was filled from wall to wall with dancing Weasleys and Delacours.

Hermione, Ron, Harry, and I sat at a table close to the dance floor and watched as everyone enjoyed themselves. I've never seen Mrs. Weasley so relaxed and happy. That was when an unfamiliar voice came up from behind us. "Hermione may I have this dance?" a man said. I turned around and saw how handsome he was, and how he made Hermione blush. "Of course, Viktor," Hermione said, taking his hand and walking out onto the dance floor. "Who is that, Ron?" I asked, watching my sister and Viktor begin to slow dance. "Viktor Krum...famous Quidditch player and a real prat if you ask me," Ron said looking down at his plate. "You know there is such a thing as cutting in," I whispered and Ron's face lit up. "Wish me luck," he said, standing up from the table and leaving Harry and I alone. "That man...he wrote Dumbledore's obituary," Harry said more to himself than to me. "Go talk to him then," I suggested. Harry listened, leaving me alone at the table.


Taking a sip of my drink, I decided to get up and walk outside the tent for some fresh air. It was getting rather crowded and hot inside the tent.

Pushing my way through the crowd, I finally made my way out of the tent. Taking a deep breath of the cool summer air, I spotted a redhead walking out of the tent just minutes after I did. It was Fred...only, he wasn't alone. He was accompanied by a girl that I recognized to be Fluer's cousin. She was beautiful...much taller and skinnier than I was...and her hair was like pure satin. "What's up, Granger?" Fred said, placing his arm and pulling in the girl closer to him as she giggled. "Just wanted some fresh air," I replied, trying to not let the fact that another girl was clinging onto him bother me. I could smell the alcohol coming from Fred, and he was swaying on the spot. "Cool...catch you later," Fred said, passing me and leading the girl he was with straight into the empty house. That was when George walked out of the tent. "My brother's a prat sometimes," George said, wiping away the single tear that had fallen down my cheek. "Come on...let's dance," George said, leading me back inside for a night of dancing and laughter.

George made my night so much better...only for it to fall apart. As we danced the night away, a gigantic blast of blue light shot through the tent and landed in the middle of the dance floor. George and I held each other in anticipation as the patronus spoke. "Ministry of Magic has fallen. Minister of Magic is dead. They're coming...they're coming," Kingsley's voice echoed throughout the tent. "Holy shit!" George and I said in unison. "Stay safe!" he screamed at me as he ran the other direction. I knew he was going to go find Ginny and the rest of his family, while I needed to find Harry, Ron and Hermione.

As Death Eaters appeared left and right, I scrambled through the crowd and finally found them. I grabbed Harry's hand and Hermione apparated us to the center of a busy London street; far from the wedding. "AH!" Hermione screamed, throwing her arms out in front of all of us, causing us to fall backwards on the sidewalk. A giant tour bus had almost hit us. "That would've been really sad if that bus killed me before Voldemort could," I said as the four of us stood and began walking down the street.

As we continued to walk, Hermione and I started getting cat-called. "Come on gorgeous, don't let these guys take you home...come home with us," one guy said to me as we walked past them. "We've got to change 'Mione," I said, holding up my handbag. "Over here," Hermione said, pulling the four of us down an empty and dark alleyway. Hermione ripped open her bag and pulled out clothes for all of us to change into. I quickly slipped out of my dress and into jeans and a sweater while Harry and Ron stood watch. Then, it was their turn to change while Hermione and I stood watch.

This was it. We were officially on the run.

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