《The Other Granger- COMPLETED》Chapter 7


Elaine's POV:

Fred charged right up to us and was nose-to-nose with Draco. "What do you think you're doing?" Fred asked angrily. "Talking to Granger," Draco said calmly. I knew he was trying to keep his cool since I was right there. "Did you just put your hands on her?" Fred screamed. I looked down and saw Fred's hands were in a fist. His knuckles were quickly turning white. "Fred he just tapped my arm," I explained, placing myself in between the two boys. "Is there going to be an issue Malfoy?" Fred spat over my head towards Draco. "Not unless you start one," Draco said. "I'll see you," he whispered to me and with that, Draco turned on his heel and walked down an empty corridor. "Are you going to tell me what that was about?" Fred demanded. "Nope," I said with a fake smile and started to walk down the staircase that was right in front of us. "Hey!" he said grabbing my hand, trying to catch up with me since I was going down the stairs rather fast. "You know I'm just trying to protect you right? He's bad news," Fred said. "I think I can determine that for myself," I said, finally stopping so Fred could catch up with me. I folded my arms and looked up at him.

No matter how short in height I was compared to others, I always made up for it with my attitude. Jason always told me that.

"Alright...you're right. It won't take you long to see who he is...I'm surprised you haven't yet," Fred said. "He's actually being really nice to me," I said, smiling to myself.

Fred and I met up with our friends to have dinner. "Are you guys all ready for classes?" Hermione asked as we piled food onto our plates. "Too bad we have to start off the week with the Slytherins in double potions tomorrow," Harry muttered. If I'm being honest, I was nervous for class. Professor McGonagall put me in all sixth year classes because Hermione told her I was ready...but I didn't feel very ready. Sure I learned a lot over the summer, but I also missed out on five years of magic.


The next morning, Hermione had me awake an hour and a half before class. I showered, put on makeup, and changed into my school robes. As Harry, Hermione, Ron and I walked to breakfast, my nerves began to grow. I had this huge reputation to withhold and what if I wasn't any good? What if I failed my classes?

I barely ate any breakfast. "It'll be alright Elaine," Ron said as he pat my shoulder. "Don't look so green," he added with a smile. I knew I probably did look green. My stomach was queasy and filled with butterflies. I giggled, trying to remember to breathe. "Ready to go?" Harry asked us as he checked his watch. With shaky legs, I stood up from the table and grabbed my bag. Walking down towards the dungeons where Potions class was held, I felt more and more confident.

I took my seat next to Ron and Hermione sat with Harry in front of us. By 9am, the class was filled with sixth year Gryffindor and Slytherin students. Right after our professor, Professor Slughorn, walked in, Draco did as well. He glanced in my direction and took a seat near his friend (Ron later told me his name was Goyle). "Attention class. My name is Professor Slughorn. Today I thought we'd have a fun group activity. I'll split you all into groups of two and you will create the potion on page 12 of your books. The first to successfully complete the potion by the end of class will win a vile of liquid luck. Can anyone tell me what liquid luck is," Slughorn asked. In no time, Hermione's hand shot up in the air and she explained that by drinking liquid luck, all of your endeavors will go the way you want them to. When Hermione explained this, I saw Draco's head perk up. Harry's did the same.

Slughorn then split us up into groups. Hermione was paired with a girl named Pansy. Harry was with Ron. And I was with Goyle. "Good luck...he's dumber than dirt," Ron whispered as I scooped up my things and walked over the Goyle. "Hi I'm El-" I started but he cut me off. "Didn't ask you did I?" Goyle said. "You may begin," Slughorn said from the front of the room. "Look it's my first day...I have no idea what I'm doing," I said, trying to get him to help out. I knew he wasn't going to do any of the work, but he could've at least told me where to get all the ingredients. Luckily, Harry walked behind me and grabbed my hand. He led me right to the supply closet and handed me everything I needed. "Just call me if he gives you a hard time," Harry said as he helped me carry all of the ingredients back to my station. "Thanks Harry," I said and immediately got to work on my potion.


Difficult was an understatement. And no...I don't mean the potion. I mean Goyle. After being told several times to help me by Professor Slughorn, Goyle finally had stood up from his stool and started to help. Ron was right. He was dumber than dirt. And on top of that, he was giving me a hard time. More than once he spilled boiling liquid on my hand. I reached my limit with him when he called me a Mudblood (horrible term to call someone who is Muggle-born). Goyle had said the word so loud that Draco and Harry were over to our table within one second. "Go back to your table Potter this doesn't concern you," Draco said. "How does it any way concern you Malfoy?" Harry asked. I looked right at Draco when Harry said this and he looked straight back at me. Obviously Harry saw this and took a step in front of me. "You leave her alone!" Harry snapped. Draco backed away a tiny bit when he saw Harry's wand slide out of his sleeve. Goyle did the same as Harry and I knew something was about to happen. I just didn't know who was going to cast the first spell. Goyle and Harry took one look at each other and raised their wands. I impulsively stepped in between the two boys a moment too late. They had already sent hexes towards each other and both hit me square in the chest. Harry sent the jelly legs hex which obviously makes your legs act like jelly; and Goyle sent a hex I did not recognize in the slightest. I hit the ground hard as the spells took full affect. Goyle's hex was very advanced despite his obvious stupidity. I looked down at my arms and saw my skin was turning blue. Blue bubbles appeared all over my body that burned painfully when they were touched. I also saw that my hair had turned blue...lovely. Just lovely. "What is going on here!" Professor Slughorn screamed when he saw me on the floor. Hermione and Ron rushed over to us as well. "Mr. Malfoy take her to the hospital wing immediately," Slughorn ordered. "Sir, please let me take her," Ron offered, bending down to help me. "No. Mr. Malfoy will do it...and I'll see you two in detention," he replied, pointing out Goyle and Harry. With that, Draco gently picked me up and carried me out of the classroom. My skin sizzled and burned with every step. "I'm gonna kill Goyle," Draco said as he looked at my face while he walked. Luckily the hospital wing was not far and the witch, Madame Pompfrey was able to help me right away.

Draco gently placed me on a hospital bed and pushed the hair from my face. "It'll be alright," he said as I whimpered in pain. "Will she be okay?" Draco asked Madame Pompfrey as she instantly reversed the jelly legs hex. "She'll be fine. She will probably be released late tonight," she explained. "Late tonight? I have class!" I said, sounding very much like my sister. "Well would you rather your skin melt off? Because that can happen if you don't reverse this jinx properly," she snapped. I knew she was right and obviously Draco did too. "Now you go back to class," Madame Pompfrey said pushing Draco out of the door. "I'll come back after lunch," he said right before the door closed behind him. I smiled to myself knowing he would do just that.

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