《The Other Granger- COMPLETED》Chapter 6


Author's Note: Hello everyone! I just wanted to say I intend to update more frequently now my state is in a lockdown situation. Although I do have schoolwork still to do, what better way to be stuck in the house then to write this book? I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy!!

Elaine's POV:

After a quick ten minute tour of the Gryffindor common room, Hermione showed me to our dorm that we were sharing with Lavender and Pavarti. They were nice girls from what I could tell so far, but Hermione mentioned they could be annoying.

When I walked into our dorm, I saw all of my things were already unpacked and folded neatly into the drawers for me. I quickly found pajamas and slid into them. I got ready for bed seeing as all the girls were already half asleep. "I've set my alarm for 9am so we can get our class schedules at the Great Hall before everyone else does," Hermione said with a yawn. I nodded and quickly pulled my frizzy hair into a bun. When I finally laid down in my comfortable bed, I fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow.

I woke up to Hermione scrambling to get ready. "We overslept!" she exclaimed as if it was the worst thing to happen ever. "The Great Hall will surely be packed now," she said as she threw on her shoes. "Wait for me in the common room I'll be down in five," I said as I sat up in bed. I quickly brushed my teeth and hair as I threw on sweatpants and a t-shirt. Since it was Sunday morning, there was no reason to wear our school uniform. Once I was ready I made my way down to the common room where Harry, Hermione and Ron were waiting for me.


"Finally...let's go," Hermione said as she led the way out of the common room and towards the Great Hall. "Is she always like this?" I asked Harry. As much as I loved Hermione, I couldn't stand someone bossing me around. Besides teachers in school, no one has ever really been bossy towards me. I've always been my own boss and that's how I liked it. "Well being on time is one of her things," Harry whispered with a smile.

We finally reached the Great Hall and it was indeed packed. Students swarmed their Head of House to get their schedule. Professor McGonagall was the Gryffindor Head of House so we waited on her very long line for about a half hour. It was finally our turn to get our schedules. "Miss Elaine Granger!" Professor McGonagall called my name. "Thanks Professor," I said as I grabbed the parchment and stepped aside so my friends could collect theirs.

As I looked at my schedule, the first thing I noticed was I had Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts with Draco. My stomach did a tiny leap as I realized Potions was our first class Monday morning.

As the day went on and we all compared schedules, I decided I finally wanted a tour of the castle. Just as I was about to ask Harry, Ron and Hermione to give me a tour, they all went up to their dorms to do one thing or another. Hermione muttered something about organizing her books in the order she has class while Harry mentioned polishing his broomstick and Ron offered to help.

Left to my own devices, I left the common room to give myself a tour of the castle. I started down by the Great Hall and planned to find my way back to the Great Hall in two hours for dinner.


On my way throughout the castle I saw many familiar faces such as Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood. Down a hallway I heard Fred and George playing a game of exploding snaps with their friends.

As I walked on and on I really had to use the bathroom. I finally found one but was stopped when I heard a man's voice in the girl's bathroom. "You've met her then?" a woman's voice spoke from the other side of the door. "I have yea," the man's voice said. "And?" the woman asked. "Well she's different...I'm not sure how," he replied. There was a moment of silence between the two voices and I stepped into the bathroom. "Hello?" I asked as I opened the door to the bathroom and stepped inside. It was Draco...and a ghost. This wasn't my first time seeing a ghost since they're usually in the Great Hall...but this was my first time seeing one up close. The woman was rather young looking. She must have been a student at Hogwarts. "Elaine?" Draco said with a smile. "What are you doing in the girl's bathroom?" I asked suspiciously. "Oh this is Myrtle...she's my...friend," Draco hesitated. "Oh...hi Myrtle," I say with a wave. She didn't smile back. Instead she pretended to get sick and threw herself into the nearest toilet. "Come with me," Draco said as he nearly got splashed by toilet water. "What? I need to pee?" I said as he put his arm around me and gently led me out of the bathroom. "I'll show you to another bathroom," he said with a smile. "Why can't I-" I tried protesting. "She's not very friendly," Draco replied and chuckled.

The sun shining through the windows into the castle halls made his blonde hair shimmer. He flashed me a smile as he led me down a set of stairs.

Once he finally showed me to the nearest bathroom, I expected him to have left once I got out, but he was there waiting for me. "So what brings you to this part of the castle Granger?" he asked as we began walking the halls. "My friends didn't want to give me a tour," I said, looking down at the ground. "How come?" he asked. "Not sure, really...they had other things to do I suppose," I said, noticing some other students we passed giving us weird looks. "Well anytime you need someone to hangout with I'm around...I've been trying to avoid my ex-girlfriend anyways...this is the perfect way to do that," Draco said playing punching my shoulder. I was about to respond when someone behind us started to yell. "OI!" the voice yelled. Draco and I turned around only to see Fred charging up towards us. "Fuck," Draco muttered loud enough for me to hear. My thoughts exactly.

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