《The Other Granger- COMPLETED》Chapter 1


Elaine Granger. How do I even describe her? She's tough, funny, thoughtful, brave....the list can go on forever. But we aren't here to describe the girl...we are here to listen to her story and how she became what she is today: a hero and a badass. Her story starts off on her last day of her junior year in high school. Here is where it all began...

Elaine's POV:

"Ten minutes left students!" I hear the proctor for my math exam say as I finish scribbling the answers down. It was my last test before summer holiday. I could hardly wait. I tucked my frizzy hair behind my ears and smiled to myself thinking about leaving school. It was, after all, my last summer holiday before turning 18 and being forced out of the orphanage. I was ready. I was so excited to finally get out of that place. My best friend, Jason, and I had big plans for ourselves.

When the proctor finally collected my test, I was free to go. Walking out of school on the last day before summer holiday was one of the best feelings in the world. The hot summer breeze blew through my hair as I walked down the path and towards the bus. As I got on the bus, I spotted Jason sitting in the back with his headphones on. His long black hair was tied in a bun and his leather jacket laid on the seat next to him. "Hey Elaine!" he yelled and waved me over. He moved his jacket for me and I sat next to him just as the bus pulled away. "Dude you gotta cut your hair," I said as I jokingly messed it up. He swatted my hand away and put his arm around me. To anyone looking at us, they might assume we are dating. Jason was, after all, very good looking, but we've always been better off as friends. He's been way more of a protective older brother for me than a love interest.

As the bus pulled away Jason gave me one of his earbuds and we listened to music. We shared a package of crisps and talked about our potential plans for the night.

Finally, about a half hour of being on the bus, we got off at our stop.

Wool's Orphanage. It was depressing. It was home. I hated it just like all the other kids. There were twenty-five of us living here. The only plus about the place was we each had our own room. Jason and I were the oldest kids in the orphanage, and often helped out Mrs. Burke (she ran the orphanage with her husband). Our rooms were placed next to each other when Jason moved in so I suppose that is why we grew so close.

Jason and I met here at Wool's Orphanage when we were 10. I have been living here since my mother sent me after I was just born. I wish I knew why she would do something like that to me, but she never left her name or contact information for Mrs. Burke to give me once I got older. Something like that used to bother me, but not so much anymore. I've grown and changed so much.

In fact, I feel like I've changed more than I even know. I make weird things happen. No one knows why, but I know there's something wrong with me. It is, after all, the reason I haven't been adopted yet, according to Mr. Burke. He's always been the worst thing about this place. He's verbally abusive to all of us. Jason and I have grown to ignore it, but it does affect the younger kids quite a bit.


As we made our way up the street towards Wool's Orphanage, Jason and I set plans for the night. We are planning to go to a new bar called Ronnie's. Everyone was going to be there. Though I didn't have any friends at school, Jason did. He was that popular cool guy with a dark past that every school seemed to have. Everyone knew about me because of him, though they never knew my name.

According to Jason's friend Ashley, the whole school will be at the bar tonight. Everyone including my crush since 5th grade: Bryan. He was going to be at Ronnie's tonight. That is the only reason why I agreed to go.

Around 8pm, Jason and I were ready to go to Ronnie's. I had on jeans and a tight neon shirt that made even my non-existent boobs look big. My hair was curled nicely and I had sunglasses sitting on my head to keep my hair out of my face. Jason had jeans and his classic leather jacket on. His hair was tied back and slicked down with gel. "Shall we," he said as he motioned me right out of the orphanage door and onto the street.

We caught the tube (subway for the Americans reading this) that went straight into the heart of downtown London. When we got off the tube, the streets were packed with party-goers. A 2 minute walk later, Jason and I arrived at Ronnie's. There was a huge line to get in, but Jason knew the bouncer and he let us into the bar straight away.

The place was filled with people. All of whom I recognized as classmates...not friends. "I'll get us drinks," I said as I danced my way through the crowd and to the bar. On my way to the bar I passed by Bryan and gave him a quick smile which I'm sure he didn't see since it was so dark and loud inside.

When I got to the bar I screamed my drink order to the bartender and he brought me my drinks. I got a long island iced tea for me, a beer for Jason, and two shots of tequila for us to start off the night. Now I have to say...I am usually not one to drink, but I needed all the courage I could get to speak to Bryan.

Halfway through the night, Jason pulled me over to Bryan. "Hey," I say to Bryan as loud as I could (the music, again, was making my ears hurt). "Who are you?" Bryan mouthed over the music. "Elaine...we've been going to school together since 5th grade," I said, feeling my face turn bright red. "Never seen you before," Bryan said and shrugged it off like it was nothing. But it wasn't nothing. I've never been more embarrassed as I watched him joke with his friends about how he's never met me before. I was, in fact, standing right there, and even over the music I could hear his comments about me. "Her glasses make her look so old I thought she was a teacher for crying out loud!" I heard him say. Jason heard it too and quickly took a step in front of me to defend me. Before he could, I stared really hard at Bryan's face. I imagined giant boils and pimples erupting all over his nicely tanned skin. Then, it happened. His skin turned bright red and boils sprung up out of no where. I was freaked out. Bryan and his friends all ran out of the bar and Jason and I followed right behind. I couldn't have done this...right? I mean maybe he used some kind of new face lotion that gave him an allergic reaction? Or maybe I am just so drunk I'm imagining it? The only thing is...I'm not that drunk.


Jason pulled me as far away as possible from Bryan, his friends, and the crowd outside of the bar. He walked swiftly and didn't speak until he was sure no one from the bar was near us. "Did you do that?" he asked simply. "What? How could I have-" I started but was cut off. "Did you? Yes or no?" he asked. "I think so...but I don't see any logical explanation as to how I could have done that," I say, trying to sound reasonable. Jason has dealt with all of my weird "coincidences" before, but I know they're just starting to freak him out more and more. "How about we go to another pub? I'm sure there's one near here," I say as I look in all directions. "Fine. I'll let you change the subject for now, but we will talk about this tomorrow," Jason says with his arms folded. "Okay fine," I say with a smile, knowing he's probably gonna be too hung over tomorrow to talk.

About five minutes after our conversation, Jason and I found a pub that was also packed. It was filled with university students and people much older than us. Jason bought the drinks this time and we started pounding back shots like it was nothing. By 3am, I was ready to get food and leave for Wool's. Jason felt the same way. He led me out of the bar and right into a 24 hour convenience store next to the pub. He picked out a package of crisps and I got a candy bar. When we went up to the register to pay, I knew I was about to puke up my guts.

I quickly ran out of the store and got sick on the sidewalk. Suddenly, I felt someone's hand on my back. "Hermione, are you alright?" an old man asked. I looked up and saw he was in sweeping navy blue robes and his beard was the longest I've ever seen. "Who?" I asked, trying to hold back more sick. "Who are you? What's your name?" the man asked urgently. "Sorry, sir, I'm Elaine Granger," I responded and threw up on the poor man's shoe. Before I could pick my head up and apologize, the man was gone. Perhaps I was just imagining him, but I definitely spoke to someone.

As I waited for Jason to come out of the convenience store, I sank down to the sidewalk and put my head in my hands. Finally, Jason came out. "Man you threw-up a lot," he said as he helped me up off the sidewalk. "Yea thanks," I mumbled. Jason put his arm around my waist as I stumbled and tripped all the way back to Wool's.

The next morning, I found myself on Jason's bed with a pounding headache. I turned over and saw Jason was curled up on the floor clutching a garbage bin. "Jay," I say quietly as I poked his face. "SHH," he replied. I decided it was best not to wake him so I quietly stepped over him and went into my own room. I brewed some tea, took Tylenol for the headache and before I knew it, I was fast asleep for like three more hours.

Once I woke up, I showered and changed into clean comfy clothes. Jason was also awake. He and I helped Mrs. Burke make burgers for all the kids for dinner. Once we ate, most of us watched a movie in the main part of the orphanage we called the den. It was the only room in the house that had a TV.

Halfway through the movie, there was a knock on the door. "Elaine...would you mind answering the door," Mrs. Burke asked as she tended to the younger kids. "Sure," I said as I walked towards the front door. There was a couple standing on the other side. They both had long straight blonde hair and looked rather mean. "Hello...how can I help you?" I say, being as polite as I can be. "Could you please get Mrs. Burke for us?" the woman asked. "Of course," I say and called for Mrs. Burke. She came rushing out to greet the couple and invited them inside for tea. "Elaine...go," she says once she realizes I'm still standing there. I stood out in the hallway and listened. "We are adopting Jason...the boy who lives here," the man simply stated. "Yes. I'll tell him right away," Mrs. Burke stated. It was almost as if she was under a trance. Her voice seemed distant...like she didn't know what she was saying. She didn't ask the couple any questions or have them fill out any paperwork...she simply agreed to let Jason go.

I quietly rushed back into the den where Jason was and was about to warn him when Mrs. Burke walked in. "Jason you've been adopted," she said plainly. Usually she makes it a big deal and celebrates the adoption with us, but this time she just told him to pack his things. "How could I have been adopted? I haven't met with anyone in months!" Jason exclaimed. He was worried and everyone could tell just by the look on his face. "Come with me," Jason says as he leads me upstairs to his room. "How could this be happening!" he said angrily as he punched his wall. "Hey! Listen Jay...this is your chance...you could finally have a family," I say as I grab his hand before he could punch the wall again. "You're all the family I want," he says and wraps his arms around me.

For the rest of the night I helped Jason pack up his things. It was going to be so difficult to say goodbye.

The following morning was probably the saddest I have ever been. Throughout my life, my friends at the orphanage have come and gone, but Jason was my best friend for seven years. He was my only family I really had.

Around 11am, Jason's new parents came to collect him and his things. I walked him out to the car. "I love you," Jason said with tears in his eyes. "I love you too," I replied as I pulled him in for one last hug. I gave him an encouraging smile and watched him and his family drive away.

I was officially alone. After I saw the car make a turn, I ran right up to my room and cried for hours. I knew I would see him again, but not having him in room right next to mine was going to be such a huge change.

The next day arrived, and I've never felt so alone. Jason hasn't called or tried to contact me at all. I'm getting worried.

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