《The Other Granger- COMPLETED》Chapter 2


Elaine's POV:

I was lost in thought for about an hour. I was so worried about Jason. He promised me he would call. Why didn't he call?

I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a knock at my bedroom door. "Come in," I say, thinking it was one of the younger kids wanting to hang out. I needed a distraction anyways.

But it wasn't a little kid at my door. I was brought to my feet when a familiar old man walked into my room. "Miss Elaine Granger? Is it alright if I come in?" the old man asked. "Who are you?" I asked, trying to make it seem like I was relaxed while I was really freaking out. Why is there an old man with a long-ass beard in my room?

"I am Albus Dumbledore. I am here to speak with you about your family," the man explained. "My family?" I asked as I motioned for him to take a seat at my desk while I sat on my bed. "Indeed...your family," he responds as he takes a seat. "What about them?" I ask, very suspicious. "Well, they want to meet you," he simply stated. "What?" I asked. I was in disbelief. How could this old guy possibly know my parents? It seemed as if he was reading my mind because he answered that exact question. "You are the daughter of Monica and Wendell Granger. When you were born, the hospital gave you to the wrong mother. Your real mother, who was expecting twins, was heartbroken when one of the children she was given had passed away due to a heart condition. The baby who was sick and passed away belonged to the woman who put you on the doorstep of this orphanage," Dumbledore explained casually. Meanwhile, I was freaking out. I had actual parents...and a twin! How could this be possible? "Wow," is all I could say. I couldn't think of anything else.

"Oh...Elaine...there is one more thing," Dumbledore starts. "You're a witch," he said simply. Now my mind is going a million miles a second. Why on earth did I let this crackhead into my room? Who even let him in the building in the first place? "Okay, sir, it's time to go," I say as I get up, ready to escort him out. Although I'm tiny, I could definitely fight this old man if need-be. "Elaine, listen to me. Isn't it all adding up now? I know you've been experiencing your magic. You see, I am the headmaster at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Your sister attends the school as well. You must learn to control your powers Elaine...they are only going to grow stronger," Dumbledore explains. "Oh yea...well...well..how-how do you kn-know all this?" I stuttered through every word, trying to catch my breath. This was a lot to take in. "Well, like I said, I am the Headmaster at Hogwarts. I know a witch when I see one," Dumbledore says with a smile. I finally was able to catch my breath a little. "I have already spoken to Mrs. Burke. If you would like to see your family, just grab my arm," he says. "What about all my stuff?" I ask, trying to buy enough time to actually think everything through. The old man pulled a stick out of his robes, waved it in the air, and all of my things packed themselves into one suitcase and disappeared. "Wait...where did my stuff go?" I asked, pointing to the spot my suitcase had just stood. "It is where your parents are right now. I told them I'd send your things before I bring you...so they can get ready. It's a big day," Dumbledore said with a smile.


I couldn't decide on what to do. My stuff did just pack itself and disappear right before my eyes, but perhaps I was going crazy. I was taking a long time to decide. So long, in fact, that the old man began to get annoyed. "Elaine...that is enough. I am deciding for you now. It is for your own safety and your own good. Take my arm," Dumbledore said as he held out his arm. With every fragment of my body telling me not to take this man's arm, I did it anyway. I grabbed it tightly as my feet left the ground and it felt like I was being sucked into a tube. I fell on the ground and realized I was in a large field with a crazy looking house standing in the middle of it. "Welcome to the Burrow. Your family is inside when you're ready," Dumbledore said to me. He gave me a slight push and I started walking towards the house.

When I was about halfway to the front door, I turned around and saw that the man had disappeared. 'Alright this is a really weird dream' I said to myself. I just hoped someone would pinch me awake already.

When I reached the door, I braced myself for whatever was going to be on the other side. If this was in fact a dream I was preparing for whatever crazy thing my mind imagined this time. Instead, I turned the door knob and I was immediately pulled into a hug by a girl my size. "Elaine!" the girl screeched in my ear. It took her a while before the other two people in the room could pry her off of me. "I'm sorry I'm sorry...I'm Hermione..your sister," the girl said. It was like I was looking into a mirror. The only difference between the two of us was that my hair was a shade or two lighter than hers. "Move Hermione I want to see my daughter," I heard a woman's voice say. She was shorter than I was, and she had a warm presence about her. "Mom?" I say. I broke down in tears. This was the moment I had been imagining my whole life. I knew at this point that I wasn't dreaming.

"Hey Elaine," my dad said and I threw my arms around his neck. I hugged them all again for like an hour. I didn't want to take this moment for granted. After our picture-perfect family reunion ended, my mom spoke.

"Here let's sit at the table," my mom said as she motioned for us to sit down at the giant table. She made us tea and we began to talk about everything under the sun.

It was my turn first. I talked all about my life as an orphan and having Jason by my side. I also talked about school and my plans that I had for the future.

Then it was my turn to ask the questions. I had so many of them. First and foremost was if the Burrow was our house. "No, sweetie, our home is currently being secured by wizards from the Ministry of Magic. Something Dumbledore didn't tell you is that there is a war in the wizarding world right now. Since Hermione is best friends with Harry Potter, we must have the house protected," my dad explained. I then learned that an evil wizard named Voldemort wants Hermione's best friend, Harry Potter, dead. The war is bound to happen, which is why Dumbledore made sure I came to the Burrow.


After hours and hours of talking with my family, I felt right at home.

"Elaine...there is one more thing. You can't come home with us. You and Hermione need to stay here where it's safe," my mom explained. Perfect. Just as I get parents, they leave me again. "Oh," I say as tears start to well up. "We'll write to you everyday. And we will visit when we can. We need you two to stay safe," my dad said. Him and my mom kissed Hermione and I goodbye and just like that, they were gone.

"You should've seen mom's face when Professor Dumbledore told her you were alive," Hermione said as we watched our parents climb into their car. "You should've seen mine when I heard they wanted to meet me," I said with a chuckle. I began to look around the house and realized it wasn't just an ordinary house. There was a pot cleaning itself in the sink, a scarf knitting itself, and crazy loud noises coming from upstairs. After a particularly loud bang from upstairs, Hermione noticed I was curious. "That's probably Mrs. Weasley. Her and her husband own this house. They live here with their seven kids," Hermione explained. "Wow...seven kids," I repeated. "She'll probably want to come down and say hello if you're ready. She's really excited to meet you. Just be careful, though, her hugs will crush you," Hermione said with a laugh. I laughed too, not really sure what she meant. "Mrs. Weasley!" Hermione yelled up the stairs. I took a peak up the staircase and saw it went up several floors.

Not a moment later, a plump, red-headed witch ran down the stairs and pulled me in for what Hermione warned me was a bone-crushing hug. "Elaine, dear...it is so exciting to meet you!" Mrs. Weasley said. "Oh dear...that orphanage did not feed you at all," she said as she commented on how skinny I am. "That'll be fixed in no time. I'll whip up a special dinner for you," she said and immediately got to work in the kitchen. "Ron! Harry!" Hermione called as Mrs. Weasley and I chatted about what to cook for dinner. "This is Elaine," Hermione said when a very tall red-headed boy and a short black-haired boy walked downstairs. They both gave me a hug and introduced themselves. "So you're the Harry I've been hearing about," I say as I notice the lightening-bolt shaped scar on his forehead. "Yea that's me," he said with a chuckle. "and you must be the Ron that doesn't stop eating I suppose," I say with a laugh. That joke immediately broke the ice and the three best friends opened their group to let me join. I was ecstatic.

When dinner was finally ready, I met the rest of the family. Fred and George: the classic class-clowns of the family. Fred and I instantly connected over our hatred of green beans. Then there was Ginny: smart and definitely a badass. I could tell she is not to be messed with. I also met Mr. Weasley who greeted me with a handshake. He seemed a bit cautious around me, though I don't know why.

Dinner was nothing short of excellent. I ate, laughed, and felt right at home. I didn't know I could fall in love with a family so quickly. They were charming, caring, hilarious, and just all-around good people. I loved them all!

When it was time for me to sleep, Mrs. Weasley showed me to the fourth floor of the house. I was to sleep in the same room as Ginny and Hermione. I honestly didn't think I would be able to sleep after all of the excitement that played out throughout the day, but I was exhausted. My life had been completely flipped around in a matter of a few hours.

I woke up the next morning expecting to be in my bed back at the orphanage. I guess I really wasn't dreaming. I slowly sat up and saw that Hermione and Ginny were already awake and downstairs. I quickly got changed into shorts and a tank top and got myself ready for the day.

When I went downstairs for breakfast, Mrs. Weasley had a whole spread of food prepared. Everyone had been downstairs already. "Elaine! Great news! Dumbledore gave us permission to teach you some magic before school starts," Ron said as I took a seat next to him at the table. "We can start as soon as you get a wand," Harry said. As I piled my plate with food, Mrs. Weasley explained that the twins Fred and George were going to take me to Diagon Alley to buy all of my belongings for school. We were set to leave at noon.

When noon rolled around I was all ready to go. "Alright so this is Floo Powder. You take a handful, throw it at your feet and say the place you need to go. Fred will go first so you can watch," George said. I watched as Fred grabbed a handful of ash, say the words 'Diagon Alley', and disappear in bright green flames. "Simple enough," I said, trying my best to sound brave. I grabbed a handful of ash with shaky hands and stepped into the fireplace. "Diagon Alley," I said and was thrown off my feet. I shut my eyes as tight as possible and when I opened them, I was on the floor of a shop. "Got one more coming through," Fred said to the shop owner as he grabbed my hands and helped me to my feet. "See? Wasn't so bad was it?" Fred asked. He took his sleeve and wiped the soot from my face. "Thanks," I said with a smile. Not a second later, George slid onto the floor of the shop. "Ready to go?" George asked as he jumped up from the floor and brushed the ash from his shirt.

I stepped out onto Diagon Alley and gasped. It was magical. From wands to cloaks to broomsticks, they had it all at Diagon Alley. It was packed with shoppers. "Any idea of where you want to go first?" Fred asked me as he took my hand and led me through the crowd. "Hermione told me that the robe shop can take a while so why don't we start there," I suggest. "Good idea," George said and led me directly into the store.

"Yes, how can I help you?" the worker asked when we walked into the store. "She needs robes. She doesn't have a house yet, though," Fred explained. "Aha I see...you're a late bloomer huh? Well, come closer dear I need to measure you," the witch said. She had pencils sticking out of her hair and measuring tapes around her neck. "We are gonna go wait outside. George hates the smell of this store...he's such a prat," Fred whispered in my ear as I got measured. The store did smell a little funny. It made me giggle. I watched them walk outside and wait for me just outside the door.

The witch who worked at the shop made me try on so many robes. She wanted to make sure everything was perfect. "What's the matter Granger? Gained too much weight from last year?" a guy's voice said from next to me. "Excuse me?" I asked and turned around to face the boy. He was much taller than me and very good looking. He looked straight into my eyes and gave me the nastiest look. "I don't even know who you are!" I exclaimed. "Wait a second...you're not Granger," the boy said. His expression turned into a smile. "As a matter of fact...I am. I'm the other Granger...I take it you know my sister," I say with a nasty look on my face. "Hermione has a twin? Surely you're joking!" the boy said. "Uh does it look like I'm joking?" I asked. "I'm Draco Malfoy by the way. And I should apologize...I didn't mean to insult you. Your sister and I have had an ongoing feud since our first year at Hogwarts," Draco explained. "I see," I said as I eyed the boy cautiously. "So, 'Other Granger,' what's your name?" Draco asked. "Elaine...my name's Elaine," I said, trying to hide the fact that I was blushing. This boy was so handsome how could Hermione be enemies with him?

As Draco and I began to talk about Hogwarts, I saw Fred and George glare in the window of the shop. I didn't even hear the door open before Fred had planted himself between Draco and I. "You better leave her alone Malfoy," Fred said. I saw his fists were clenched and George was next to me with his wand out. "Relax Weasley we were just talking," Draco said. He was finished getting his new robes before I was. "See you at school," he said to me with a wink. I felt myself blush all over again.

Once Draco had left the store, Fred and George helped me pay for my robes and steered me out of the shop. "Did he hurt you at all?" George asked once we got to a spot on the street that wasn't crowded. "No no we were just talking...what's the problem? He seems really nice," I say as I spotted Draco in the crowd of people. He was with someone. Fred and George started to lecture me on Draco Malfoy and how dangerous he is, but I didn't hear them. I was looking at the people Draco was with. It was the couple that took Jason.

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