《Arranged (Todoroki x Reader x Various)》Ending 2: Renewed Spring


Natsuo felt uncomfortable in his white suit. He adjusted his black tie and black dress shirt, but the uneasiness never went away. His steel eyes looked over to see his little brother interacting with his friends. Todoroki seemed much happier as opposed to when he was at the altar with you beside him. Natsuo looked over to the bar, to see if you were having a drink. His eyes hardened as they fell onto his father.

"Are you still looking for her," Enji asked. Natsuo rolled his eyes and stomped away. He didn't feel like dealing with Endeavor today. Natsuo wandered the halls in boredom. It was too soon to leave, especially since he was a groomsman. The hallways of the banquet hall were empty. People were enjoying the festivities in the main hall. A person caught Natsuo's eyes. It was Yaoyorozu. Her dark eyes were filled with tears. Her gaze was downwards as if she was ashamed at something. He wondered where she was coming from.

He looked over and saw a doorway. On it held a name tag that said 'bride'. Natsuo let out a sigh looking at the nameplate. This is where you must've been. He could hear your muffled cries coming from the other side of the door. Natsuo wondered where your family was or even friends were. Did you not have anyone to confide in? Natsuo bit his lip and looked away for a moment.

The two of you weren't exactly close. He had met you through his brother when you'd come over to work on classroom assignments or whenever his brother was hurt. He knew your name and knew the situation you were in. Natsuo couldn't blame you for crying. He hated the way Endeavor forced this marriage as if everyone was a pawn to him. He hated the once-close relationship between you and his brother had vanished, him opting to stay with his highschool sweetheart.

With his shaky, hesitant hand, Natsuo knocked on the pristine white door. He heard the muffled cries cease. The door suddenly opened, revealing yourself. Your makeup was smudged at your eyes. Your eyeliner left residue where your tears have fallen. Your eyes looked so innocent but so broken. Natsuo froze. You were still in your wedding gown, hugging your features. Natsuo coughed awkwardly. He could feel his face flush.

"I...wanted to make sure you were okay," Natsuo declared. Your gaze wavered at his figure before looking down towards his chest. You sniffed and fluttered your eyes to try and get the rest of your tears to go away.


"Why do you care. Shouldn't you be with your family," you answered. Natsuo frowned, but a small laugh escaped his thin pink lips. His feelings regarding his family were complicated. He hated his father. He disliked his sister. He was jealous of his brother and he mourned for his other brother that was assumed to be dead.

"Well, I mean we are family now," Natsuo responded. He lifted the corners of his mouth and you gave a small smile back. You let him in and plopped on the white couch. Natsuo closed the door and sat beside you. Tears began to form and continue down your beautiful face.

He hated seeing you like this. He missed the smile he would manage to see whenever you looked at his little brother. His family really did mess you up...Natsuo went over to you and wrapped his arms around you. Your body and exposed skin felt much warmer than his. Natsuo rubbed your back as you continuously cried in his arms. He didn't want you to become like his mother. He refused to let his family break you.

"...You'll always have me in your corner. Alright?"

Natsuo stepped by your door to your hospital room. He was still upset and conflicted with his feelings. He didn't want to see you and Todoroki together. Todoroki didn't deserve you. Natsuo knew it was selfish for craving your affections, but he couldn't help himself. Whenever Todoroki abandoned you, Natsuo would spend time with you. At first, it felt like an obligation, but slowly Natsuo realized that wasn't the case. He was falling in love with you more and more. Even though he wasn't the greatest fan of hero society, he would brag to his friends that he knew you. His friends were trying to get him to attend group dates or blind dates, but he always refused. Natsuo knew he couldn't be with you, but yet he still craved it.

His eyes peered, hearing two voices arguing. One was distinctly his brother's deeper voice, the other must've been you. Natsuo wondered why the two of you were arguing. Wasn't it supposed to be happily ever after with the two of you?

He saw Todoroki pacing back and forth while you were sitting on your bed. Your eyebrows were furrowed, but you still looked so sad. Todoroki looked angry for some reason. Every now and then he would notice a single flame pop up by Todoroki's red hair.

"Shouto I tried. We both did! But I can't do this anymore. I still care about you, yes, but I can't let go of what you did," you shouted. So that's what this was about. You were trying to break things off with his brother. Natsuo leaned in closer to try and hear more.


"Are you kidding me? I saved you. I told you I finally loved you, and you tell me this? I worked so hard and it still isn't good enough for you," Todoroki yelled back. Natsuo felt opposing feelings hearing the two of you argue. He felt happy that you were breaking ties with his family. You could be free to do whatever you wanted. You can go on in life and find someone to truly love you. He also felt sad. Natsuo knew that with the divorce, he couldn't see you all the time. All those moments he cherished, would remain memories. He didn't know if you'd even hang out with him, just because of his bloodline.

"That doesn't guarantee I loved you back. One time I did, yes! But we aren't good for each other," You admitted. Natsuo heard Todoroki scoff and laugh.

"All this effort wasted," he mumbled. Todoroki stormed out and saw Natsuo by the door. Todoroki's dual-colored eyes widened in shock before narrowing at his brother. He rolled his eyes and walked off to wherever. Natsuo scoffed himself from his brother's reaction. Things between them have been awkward since Natsuo compared his brother to his father.

Natsuo's ears perked up hearing the familiar sounds of your crying. He walked into the room and saw you were covering your face, allowing the tears to drop down into your hands. Natsuo flashed a sad smile and went over to you. He lifted your face out of your hands and wiped the salty tears off of your face. You were shocked to see Natsuo.

"Nat.." you trailed off. Natsuo quickly shushed you as another sob fell out of your lips.

"I told you everything was going to be okay. At least you get to be free. You get to be free to be yourself, to love yourself and be loved by someone who truly deserves to love you," Natsuo whispered. You nuzzled into his neck, he could feel your tears wet the exposed skin. His own tears started to fall down his face. He was glad you weren't seeing him like this though.

"...You'll be free. Free and happy. I just hope that I get to see you like that one day..."

That was the last time Natsuo saw you. Two years had passed since then. You had gone through the divorce and filed the paperwork within three months of your discharge from the hospital. You swiftly collected your things with the help of Miruko. Every now and again, Natsuo would see you on television. Your smiles seemed much more genuine than the previous ones he saw two years ago. He was happy for you, but another part of him still longed for you.

He had managed to enter his internship at the local hospital after passing medical school and finally got enough money to move out of his father's house. Annoyingly though, he was assigned to the hero's medical ward. He would actively help save and learn from trauma professionals that help save heroes. He assumed the only reason he was assigned to the ward was because of his last name.

With a heavy sigh, Natsuo played with his white coat. He grabbed the random chart beside the room he was assigned to. One of his coworkers insisted he has this case for some reason. Natsuo hesitantly agreed because he didn't feel like arguing with anyone today. His eyes skimmed through the charts. Apparently, the hero had been burned on their legs. How Natsuo hated fire. At least the burning didn't seem too bad. Some skin grafting and recovery should be okay.

"Hello...Miss?" Natsuo greeted, without looking at the patient. He heard the patient laugh.

"Miss (L/N)," the hero replied. The familiar voice made Natsuo lift his head up to see you. Time froze when he looked at you. You were smiling back. Your eyes shined in happiness. You had looked the same, yet you've matured within the last two years. Natsuo felt his heart skip a beat. He couldn't believe his heart still longed for you after all these years and amplified the moment you graced his eyes. Natsuo began to grin.

"If it isn't my favorite Todoroki," you joked. He laughed and sat down on the bed beside him. He placed his hand on your uninjured leg, still grinning from ear-to-ear. Your eyes felt such longing. It was clear that you had missed him.

"I believe it's Dr.Todoroki now," he replied. Seeing you wasn't a guarantee that the two of you would begin a relationship. He could already hear his brother cursing him out and the media going to town with the headlines. Regardless, he knew the two of you felt something for one another. He knew that you cared and visa versa. This had to be fate bringing the two of you together.

He wondered if you still loved Forget-me-Nots.

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