《Arranged (Todoroki x Reader x Various)》"Love"


You fluttered your eyes open and saw white. Your head was pounding like a drum. Beeping from machine scoured every few seconds, tracking your heartbeat. There were even wires attached to you. Your eyes drift to a familiar figure by the window.

Todoroki was looking out across the window. A breeze from the air conditioning made his half-and-half hair sway. His steel-grey eye peered over to you before widening. He turned his body and came closer to you. His face was oddly filled with worry. You weren't use to him expressing so much emotion.

"(Y/n), are you okay? Do you know who I am," he asked. You sunk into your bed further and tried to not make a sarcastic remark towards him. He seemed genuinely concerned. You couldn't blame him though. You were kidnapped by the League of Villains, of course, that came with a risk of you being brainwashed. Your eyes stilled glared at your husband. You hated that he was worried about you. You hated that he was concerned.

You hated thinking about him so much when you were captured.

Todoroki sensed your discomfort and leaned back. He sat down on a chair still beside you.

"What's wrong," he asked. You began to tear up. All the emotions bottle inside of you came out. You felt angry at Shigaraki and Toga for capturing you and putting your safety at risk. You felt confused about Dabi and how he treated you. You felt disappointed because you were craving the very man who broke your heart down there. Todoroki hesitantly put a hand over yours. You sniffed and wiped your tears on your free hand.

"...Everything. Everything's wrong, Shouto," you whispered. He didn't respond and placed a tighter grip on your hand. His reassurance was making you feel worst.


"I'm just mad that I missed you. I'm upset that I still wanted to see you, even though our relationship has been better," you admitted. This wasn't all you were feeling, but you truly didn't want to open up to Shouto about it just yet. For now, it would be better to focus on the two of you. A sigh escaped Todoroki's lips.

"I was really worried about you. Toga attacked me in your form and started saying such horrible but deserving things to me. I couldn't even move until she changed back," Todoroki admitted. He sighed once more and wiped his eyes, he was tearing up from recollecting his memory.

"I-I love you. I don't want to lose you," Todoroki whispered. Your heart thumped at his confession. The man who you'd loved and hated finally admitted he loved you. Most people would jump for joy, but you were still mixed about the entire thing.

"...I care about you, Shouto," you replied. You put on a fake smile and held his hand close. For now, you can continue to try and love him. You couldn't deny the way your heart clenched and swoon whenever he was around. At the same time, you feared that you'd be hurt yet again.

The two of you heard a knock at the door. You looked over to see Natsuo and Fuyumi smiling awkwardly at two of you. Fuyumi's pale face was flushed, while Natsuo seemed slightly irritated.

"Are we interrupting something," Natsuo jokes. He smiled, but it wasn't like his usual ones. Regardless you smiled at your siblings-in-law as they entered. Natsuo placed a white teddy bear next to a vase of Forget-me-Nots. The flowers must've come from him then. Fuyumi handed you a card. You quirked your eyebrow as she gently smiled.


"Open it!" she stated. You ripped part of the letter open to see a get well card. It was signed by several of your closer hero friends: Keigo, Izuku, even Endeavor signed it. You smiled and gave Fuyumi a hug from your hospital bed.

"Thank you for giving me this! You too Natsuo," you replied. She smiled back as Natsuo kept his eyes on the flower.

"It's no problem. You should see the letters they delivered from your agency. Your fans have been really worried about you," Fuyumi replied. You hoped things with the League would calm down. You assumed the raid happened to retrieve you. Shigaraki would have to regroup and gain resources again. Hopefully, the brainwashings would cease-fire.

"Hey, Sho, did you give (Y/n) these flowers," Natsuo asked. Fuyumi narrowed her eyebrows at her white-haired brother, clearly confused about why he was asking that. Todoroki looked back to his brother, confused as well.

"No. I thought they were brought by you. I saw you give (Y/n) Forget-me-Nots before," he replied. Natsuo pursed his lips and sighed. Natsuo shrugged and sat back down.

"Eh, maybe a fan dropped them off," he suggested.

Dabi walked into the hospital. His black hoodie shielded his burned face that was currently being broadcast throughout the news stations. In his hand was a single Forget-me-Not. He had managed to drop off a bouquet to you before his brothers visited.

Dabi oped the door, revealing a woman in a hospital bed. She looked up. Her snow-white hair draped over her shoulders. Her stormy eyes widen and began to fill with tears. She put her arms out for him.

Dabi went over. He could fill his eyes tearing up, but he refused to let them fall. He refused to look weak to her.

"Touya...I missed you so much," Rei cried.

Natsuo walked over to the candy machine. He could feel anger pumping through his chest. He hit the vending machine. It didn't make a dent, but a loud noise echoed throughout the hospital.

He turned his back on the machine and sat down in front of it. Natsuo was tightly biting his lip, he could taste some blood coming from it.

He should be happy that you were patching things up with Todoroki. He should be happy his family was coming together.

So, why did it hurt so much?

"Natsuo," he heard his sister call out to him. He wiped his eyes and got up, putting on another fake smile.

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming!"

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