《Arranged (Todoroki x Reader x Various)》Forget-me-not


You sat at your oak-wood desk typing away on your laptop. Miruko had sent you some reports you needed to finish for her. You had interned with the bunny-hero during your first year and ended up becoming her sidekick when you graduated. Miruko definitely was an interesting boss to you. Her confidence and way of life always made you laugh. To be honest, you could have a boss much worst than her. The only complaint you truly had was she'd always push her paperwork for you to do.

Hence, why you are spending your late-morning finishing up these reports. You grabbed a banana next to you and quickly peel it back before taking a bite out of it. The sweetness filled your tongue as you remained focused on typing away and getting the work done as soon as possible. It was your off day after all.

You heard a gentle knock on the door. Todoroki usually didn't knock when he entered the bedroom. He'd usually just get what he needed and immediately leave. The only time you truly saw him in the bedroom was when he took quick naps.

"Come in," you called out. You heard the door creaked open revealing Natsuo. He was rubbing the back of his snow-white hair and closed his stormy orbs behind his pale eyelids. A blush emerged on his cheeks for some reason. You figured he must be embarrassed about something.

"I just wanted to make sure you were alright. We...kinda heard you last night," Natsuo confessed. You stopped typing and sighed. You could feel a headache wanting to emerge. You didn't like dragging his family into your relationship issues.

Natsuo remained awkwardly idle at the door. You had to admit that Natsuo had been your saving grace while you've stayed with Todoroki. He seemed to enjoy your presence and visa-versa. Whenever you were complaining about Todoroki, he'd always try to give some advice to help quell your feelings.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I didn't mean to be loud," you apologized. Natsuo shook his head and waved his hand in front of him.

"Don't worry about it. I'm actually proud of you. Hopefully, Shouto will start treating you better," Natsuo replied. You remained silent and looked back at your computer. Sensing he had made things tense, Natsuo sighed. You heard him sit on your bed.


"Sorry (Y/n)..." he muttered. You looked over and give him a small smile. He seemed clearly upset by what he said. Natuso was a bit dramatic. One thing you did really enjoy about him was he always spoke freely about his emotions, unlike your husband.

"Natsuo, you have nothing to apologize for. Cheer up," you replied, continuing to type away. You heard Natsuo chuckle and laid his full body on the bed. The only sound of the room was your keyboard's tapping and his fingers scrolling through his phone.

"We should do something today," Natuso announced. You quirk your eyebrow at his statement, as you submitted your paperwork for review. You stood up from your chair and stretched your body out—a whimper escaped your lips.

"Like what?" you asked. Suddenly, Fuyumi popped her head in. Her white hair, sprinkled with strands of red was pulled back in a ponytail. She was adoring an apron, most likely from cleaning the house. She did have a bit of a habit of peaking in your room to check on you.

"Well...we need some groceries. I was going to go out myself soon, but if you two go out, I can continue cleaning the house," she suggested. Natsuo rolled his eyes. He found things like that trivial and opted to eat out a lot.

"I meant somewhere fun, Yumi," he muttered. You laughed at his response. He could be such a child sometimes.

"Yeah, we can go ahead and do that Fuyumi. Could you write a list though, I don't want to forget anything," you replied. Fuyumi smiled and nodded her head.

"Yeah, I'll do that right now," she announced before running off. Natsuo idly stared at you, unamused that you were dragging him to the grocery store. You reached out and hit his arm.

"Come on, you wanted to go out after all," you stated. Natsuo frowned.

"Not like this though!"

The trip to the grocery store was fairly quick. The two of you simply walked there enjoying the city's atmosphere. Fuyumi didn't have an extensive list of groceries the two of you needed to pick up. You guessed it was for dinner for the next couple of days. One thing was for sure, you were thankful for Fuyumi's cooking. Cooking for five people was no easy task.


You were currently looking in the chicken aisle. Since it would be five of you eating together, you figured you were going to have to pick up more than one thing of chicken. Your eyes gazed over and grabbed two helpings of chicken that seemed to have the least fat on them. You guided your cart away from the aisle as Natuso continues to walk beside you bored.

"This is the life right here," he sarcastically exclaimed. You rolled your eyes at him.

"It's the least we can do for Fuyumi," you replied. He appeared even more annoyed with your response.

"Yeah, Endeavor's bootlicker..." he muttered under his breath. Similar to Todoroki, Natuso did not like his father at all. If he was in the same room as him, Natsuo would glare at him, curse at him, or walk out of the room altogether. He didn't care he was "changing" for his family. He resented his sister for being polite to their father. You hated it when he talked like this, but the two of you got in an argument about it before. It was just better if you stood out of it.

The tense atmosphere around you two kept both of you on edge. The two of you remained silent as you heard chattering around the establishment. Natsuo broke the silence by letting out a sigh. He put his arms behind his head.

"Hey, why don't you get some cold soba," Natsuo suggested. You tilted your head in confusion. Fuyumi didn't put that on the list. Suddenly it clicked. You remember seeing Todoroki eating it one day.

"For Shouto, right?" you bitterly asked. Natsuo looked down at you, pity was filled in his eyes.

"I noticed he ran out of it. I'm sure he'd be thankful you picked out his favorite food," Natsuo replied. You sighed and leaned your body forward.

"Yeah, yeah fine," you muttered. Natsuo smiled and began to walk off. You scoffed confused at his actions.

"I'm going to pick out some of my snacks," he called out before disappearing in an aisle. You laughed. That man was interesting, to say the least.

You pushed your cart throughout the store to try and find the cold soba. You should have probably have asked Natsuo before he ran off. You pulled out your phone to pull up Natsuo's contact before you bumped into someone.

You gasped looking at the figure. They had a black hoodie covering their head. The figure's head slightly moved. You still couldn't see their face.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going," you apologized. You quickly bowed in respect earning a chuckle from the figure.

"Don't worry about it, doll," he muttered before walking off. His voice was so deep and smooth. You hadn't seen anyone in the area appear like that before. Perhaps he was trying to keep a low profile. You turn to see what the man was looking at and smiled to find the cold soba.

"Thank you mysterious figure," you whispered out loud.

Natsuo finally met up with you. The two of you paid for the groceries and placed them in bags before walking off. Natsuo seemed to be in a better mood than before. You noticed he had placed a hand behind his back to hide something.

"I got you something," he announced. You chuckled. His presents tended to be very random.

"What is it," you asked. He pulled out a simple flower. It was a Forget-me-Not wrapped at the bottom with blue tensile. You smiled brightly and took the flowers in your hands.

"The florist said that it represents true love and being truthful to the person you love. Maybe having it can help you and my little brother out," he stated. His face held sympathy. You began tearing up. He put an arm around you and gently squeezed your shoulder.

"I promise it's going to get better. I'll make sure of it," Natsuo muttered. You knew he was determined to get Todoroki to treat you better. As much as you wanted to believe him, you knew better than hope for a future that wouldn't happen.

"Thank you, Natsuo..."

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