《Arranged (Todoroki x Reader x Various)》Not this Lifetime


Todoroki was extremely surprised at your outburst. He assumed you would understand. You had fallen asleep awhile ago. Your body laid still in the silk sheets. Todoroki knew you were attractive—he knew that in high school. Whenever he thought about holding you or kissing you, he felt uneasy. Those thoughts always brought him back to Momo.

He loved the way they kissed. It seemed like lightning shot throughout his whole body at that moment. He couldn't remember the last time he kissed her though, probably sometime in high school. Todoroki's mix-matched orbs still held onto your form.

He assumed love or feelings he had for Momo only came once, and his father ruined that for him. Todoroki tightly clenched his jaw. His father seemed to ruin a lot of aspects of his life if he was being honest. Todoroki's heart longed for high school when things were less complicated. He had you supporting him and helping him learn to interact more and he had Momo.

He got up from the bed as it squeaked from the sudden loss of weight on it. Todoroki walked to the living room. He noticed the wine glass on the coffee table. You must've been drunk in order to tell him something like that. Todoroki sat down on the plush couch and took his phone out hoping Momo would be up.

Todoroki held his phone tightly in his grasp. Guilt was rising from his chest. His eyes wandered off to a wedding photo displayed on the wall. He noticed how uninterested he looked as he held you. As pretty as you looked, he could tell you weren't happy even though you were smiling. You're (e/c) orbs held such sadness in them. It was like a juxtaposition from when he first met you. You seemed so happy then.

"Whatever..." Todoroki muttered to himself. She would get over it. He wouldn't lie that your confession made him slightly worried. Although he tried not to care, the thought of you seeing someone else as he was doing, made him feel uneasy. Todoroki really didn't want to go back into the bedroom. With a stretch, he settled into the couch further.


It looks like he was going to sleep on the couch again.

The afternoon arrived fairly quickly. Todoroki sat by the window of the spacious restaurant. The restaurant was exclusive and known throughout Japan for pro-heroes and celebrities. He wouldn't get any media attention or people bothering him for interviews or autographs.

"Hello Shouto," a familiar voice greeted. Todoroki turned his head to see Momo. Her hair was put up in her usual ponytail. She was wearing a simple white sundress adorned with a jean jacket. She sat down and placed her leather purse next to her. Todoroki's gazed softened as he gazed into her dark ones.

His stomach started to bubble with guilt. As much as he cared about Momo, he couldn't forget how you reacted last night. In all honesty, he should be with you right now, yet he's here, still sneaking around with his high school crush. They didn't do anything besides hug and talk. If the media caught word of their relationship, both of their careers would be ruined in the process.

Momo looked away from Todoroki. She seemed to be tense for some reason. Todoroki assumed she was tired from the paperwork she did last night.

Eventually, the waiter came, and the pair ordered something light. Todoroki noticed Momo was quieter than usual. She would usually discuss how her job is with Midnight, or about her family. Todoroki didn't like how this was turning out at all.

"Shouto..." Momo trailed off. She took a deep breath. It seemed as if she was trying to come up with words or an explanation for something she did. Her fingers danced across the top of her water, clearly deep in thought.

"I think we shouldn't see each other like this anymore," Momo confessed. Todoroki's eyebrows furrowed. How could she say that to him? He knew how much and how long she cared for him. He shyly looked up with a sad smile across her pale pink lips.


"Shouto, you have a wife who cares deeply for you, who isn't me," she uttered. He knew Momo was very insecure about seeing him once he got married. Momo seemed to be scarred by something you did at the wedding.

"Did she say anything to you," Todoroki demanded. Momo shook her head. She quickly batted her eyelids to try and stop tearing up.

"No. She's a much better person than I am. After all, I'm seeing a married man," Momo chuckled at herself. She gently wiped her eyes, trying to appear strong to him. If it wasn't you, what prompted this. Todoroki thought his relationship with Momo was strong.

"We aren't meant to be, Shouto. It's time that we both realize this. You need to move on—we need to move on," she whispered. Todoroki scoffed. He couldn't simply move on. He didn't love you like that, he loved Momo.

"That's impossible—" Momo's eyes snapped up to his. There was such determination on her face as if she was facing a villain before her.

"Well, you're going to have to try," she stated. Try. You had said something about trying last night; how he didn't try to love you. Todoroki stayed silent and glared at his own glass of water. He felt his temperature begin to heat up. He couldn't let his emotions get the better of him to avoid losing control of his quirk.

"This lifetime isn't for us like that. But, I want to thank you for the experience. You've really helped support me all of these years, Shouto," Momo explained. That's right. He did help support him. He helped her self-confidence in her abilities... just like you supported him thorough social means. She got up from her chair and placed some money on the table to pay for the food she ordered but never received. With tears and a sad smile, Momo looked at Todoroki.

"T-Take care of her, alright," she asked before leaving the building. Todoroki was left alone in the restaurant. His stomach was still filled with the guilt you gave him and his heart ached from the confession Momo gave him. Todoroki slumped into his seat in disbelief. His first love stepped aside for another. Todoroki tightly clenched his jaw and shut his eyes tight. Life again was taking away someone he cared about.

"Check!" Todoroki shouted.

Todoroki kept his hood up as he walked across the city. It was bustling as usual. Many cars were honking their horns at the traffic as copious amount of people walking the streets. He looked over and saw a grocery store. He figured he picked up some cold soba to try and cheer himself up.

As he walked towards the grocery store, he saw two familiar figures. The first one had short hair as white as snow, pale skin and smoky eyes—it was his brother, Natsuo. He was laughing with the other figure, a flower was in his hand. Todoroki looked at the other figure and realized it was you. You seemed so happy talking to Natsuo. Your eyes were closed and a smile was plastered on your face. The last time he had seen you truly happy was in high school.

Todoroki rolled his eyes, shoved his hands into his black hoodie's pocket, and walked off. He hoped he had some cold soba at home.

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