《Our Eternity : Emmett Cullen x Reader》Bike Building
One cold January day we came home from school and Dad stopped us at our truck before we could go back inside the house.
"All right, that's it. You're going to Jacksonville, to live with your mother." He stated as he looked between us both.
"I'm not leaving Forks." Bella and I told him together.
"Bells... (Y/n/n)... They're not coming back." Dad said softly trying to get the point across.
"I know." She replied quietly and I nodded my head.
"It's just not normal, this behavior. You've both been moping around here for month's. (Y/n/n), you've been getting better, but quite frankly, this whole thing is scaring the hell out of me.. and your mother. Girl's, I don't want either of you to leave. I don't, but maybe just go to Jacksonville. Make some new friends." He tried to convince us.
"I have friends here." I furrowed my eyebrows at him.
"I like my old friends." Bella told him.
"Well, you never see them anymore." He pointed out.
"That's not true. I'm going to go see Jacob." I shrugged.
"I've actually got plans with Jessica, to uh, go shopping." Bella nodded.
"Okay, fine." Dad looked at me then turned to Bella. "But you, you hate shopping?" He raised an eyebrow at her.
"I... I need a girls night... away from the house." She glanced at me carefully. I could tell what she meant. It was nothing against me but being stuck in the house together all the time has been a bit... boring.
"All right. Girl's night." Dad nodded along with her. "Shopping. I like it. Go." Bella gave a weak smile and climbed into the truck.
"Will you drop me off first?" I asked her and she nodded.
Bella drove me to the Reservation and we pulled into Billy's driveway. I jumped out and she waved slightly, and pulled away.
I walked up to the door and took a deep breath and knocked. I could see through the window, Billy rolling himself over to the door and he opened it. He smiled warmly at me.
"(Y/n), it's good to see you. Come in, please."
I walked around him and made my way into the house.
"Dad, who was it?" Jacob's voice called from the living room. I shook my head with a small smile crossing my lips.
"Why don't you come see?" Billy yelled back. He patted my arm as he rolled by.
Jacob, came strolling into the kitchen. His eyes landed on me and the biggest smile ever came across his face. He hugged me tightly, giving me a twirling hug.
"Where have you been, Loca. I've missed you." He pressed his face into my (y/h/c) hair. "What are you doing here?"
"Well I came to see you. To ya, know... Visit." I said. Jake pulled away and his face just seemed so happy. I put on a fake smile and tried to do the same.
Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to see Jacob, but apart of me is still broken.
"Awesome. I like the surprise. So, what do you want to do?" He grinned.
"Well, what were you doing before I showed up?" I asked curiously.
"Playing video games? Want to have a go at it? Like old times?"
"Sure." I shrugged and we made our way to the living room couch.
We begin playing the game he had in, which was pretty fun. After about an hour we played battleship the board game. I began to laugh and seem to actually enjoy myself. Maybe this really was what I needed, Dad was right.
Jacob took me home that night. When I got back I joined Bella in her room to talk about our day.
"I saw Edward." She blurted.
"What? Like they came back?" I asked her out of curiosity. I heard the sheer happiness that came through my voice at the thought of maybe, just maybe seeing them again. Seeing HIM again. Neither of us had said their names aloud in month's.
"Oh, no, (Y/n). I'm sorry." She heard it too clearly as well. I looked down to the ground. "I, uh, saw him when I did something kind of stupid." She said sheepishly.
"Explain?" I looked up at her with a confused expression.
"Well, I thought I saw those guys... Remember the group in Port Angeles? I, uh, kinda walked towards them and I saw him. A ghost type version of him anyway. He was warning me not to go. I-I tried to listen, but then he disappeared. So, I tested the water's so to say and I climbed on the back of one of the biker's bike's. It gave me a total rush, (Y/n/n). I saw him again afterwards. He appears somehow, when I do something he wouldn't like." She smiled brightly for the first time in months. I didn't want to crush her spirit.
"Bells..." I put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm happy for you, I am... But that was really dangerous... Do you remember what happened that night, when we did see those guys? What would have happened if they didn't show up in time? Please don't do something like that again. I-I can't bare to lose you too. You're... you're all I have." I told her sadly. She gave me a big hug and mumbled an apology. Which I accepted.
"Uh, I actually have to tell you something else too..." She pushed her hair out of her face. "On the way home, I saw a set of bike's. I thought maybe we could fix them up. For you and me." Bella gave me a hopeful smile.
"Bella, you and I know nothing about mechanics. How exactly do you propose we fix them?" I asked.
"I thought about that... I was hoping maybe you'd convince Jake to help us..."
The next day after school, Bella and I drove down to La Push to Jake's. I figured maybe the best way was to surprise him. I knew he'd be willing to help, it was just a matter of convincing. We pulled into the driveway as Jacob was walking back toward's the house from the garage.
"(Y/n), two days in a row. Wow, you're making me feel pretty damn special." Jacob gave me a big twirling hug, I couldn't help but laugh with a smile. He put me down and saw Bella. "Oh, hey, Bella." He gave her a quick hug. "So, what exactly do I owe the pleasure of for this visit?"
"Uh, well. Jake. We kinda brought you something." I pointed over to the truck. We walked over and Bella began to take apart the tarp.
"It's a little crazy." Bella smiled and he gave her a confused look. I helped pull the tarp off to reveal the two motorcycles.
"Wow. Scrap metal. You shouldn't have." He joked, playfully pushing my shoulder and I grinned at him.
"I saved it from the junkyard." Bella piped up and Jake nodded with a raised eyebrow. "I think they'll probably cost more to fix than they're worth." She shrugged.
"But we thought that since I have a mechanic friend. Maybe he'd be willing to help us out." I gave him a pleading look. I knew how much this meant to my sister, and I couldn't help but wanting to give it a try to.
"Ah, me. The mechanic friend." He said a little down at the word 'friend.'
"That's right. The one, the only and the best." I buttered up his ego and I could see his smile grow.
"Since when are you into motorcycles?" He turned to look at Bella curiously.
"Since now." She said firmly. Jacob looked at the bikes and then looked between us. He almost looked like he's going to say no. "I get it if you think that this is really stupid and reckless." Bella pointed out. Hoping maybe he'll consider it even for a moment.
"Yeah, I mean it's completely stupid and reckless." He agreed with her. I walked up and put a soft hand on his arm just above his wrist.
"Please, Jake." I begged quietly.
He looked down at me. Our eyes met. His hand moved up to mine and he held it for a second. I could tell he was wracking that brain of his before he rolled his eyes and gave me a bright smile.
"When do we start?" He grinned. I watched as Bella's face lit up.
"Now." She nearly shouted before clearing her throat. "Now, please." She said nicer.
Jacob walked over and pulled off the tarp completely.
"Hey, wait those things are actually really heavy..." I started to explain, knowing it took me, Bella and the two guys we had bought them off of earlier just to get them into the truck. But I watched slightly in shock at the fact that Jacob, my best friend since we were in diapers. Just lifted a whole motorcycle out of the bed of our truck, without help.
"Jake, you're like, really buff. How did that happen?" I asked him with a laugh. "You're 16. I really don't get it."
"Age is just a number, baby. What are you like, 40 now?" He teased getting the other bike.
Bella stiffened a bit at the mention of age. I internally roll my eyes at the fact she hadn't gotten over the getting older part yet.
"Ha, ha. Very funny Jacob." I rolled my eyes at him. He gestured for me to grab the other bike.
We both grabbed one and rolled them down into the garage.
Over the next couple days Bella and I traveled to La Push after school. The three of us began to strip down the bikes completely taking them apart. After a while it started to become just Jake and I working on them. Specially after Bella smashed her fingers into ones of the gears. She even apologized for bleeding. I, of course knew why, and Jake just thought it was kinda funny.
On the first day that Bella didn't come with me. Jacob was showing me how to take apart the bike. But he stopped and looked at me with a different expression I had never really seen on him before.
"What? Do I have something on my face?" I asked since he was staring.
"No. It's just..." He sighed. "We've been best friends for a long time. You know you can talk to me about anything." I just nodded and looked at him confused.
"Yeah. What's really going on?"
"It's just that, I know you've been unhappy a lot lately. An, maybe it doesn't help anything. But I wanted to let you know that I'm always here. I won't ever let you down- I promise that you can always count on me to be here for you." He let out a small laugh after his serious face disappeared. "Wow, that sound's really corny. But you know that, right? That I would never, ever hurt you?"
I knew exactly what he was getting at. It was a slight jab at him... Him who hurt me.. Jacob saw me at my absolute worst that night. He was there. He held me while I cried. He's always been there. Just the fact that he was trying to reassure me that he wasn't going anywhere, began to thaw my frozen heart. I smiled at him and scooted closer to him, hugging him tightly. I took him slightly by surprise but he quickly wrapped me up in his big, long and strong arms.
I spent the weekend at the Black's house, like I used to when I was a kid. I stayed in one of the empty bedrooms, that used to be one of his sister's. Bella was invited to hang out with Angela and she accepted. I was really happy for her, she really deserved it. I have Jacob that I can depend on and she needed someone too.
"So, you know." Bella started. "We are going to have to figure out when to work in some homework or something. I don't want Billy to think we are bad influences on you or something."
"Please." He scoffed and grinned at me. "He already knows this one is a terrible influence. But he still let's her come around." Jacob laughed loudly. I tossed an empty coke can at his head.
"I am not! Just because you follow along with most of my idea's doesn't make me the bad influence. It just makes you vulnerable to persuasion. Maybe you shouldn't be so easily swayed." I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Right. Remember that time when you were 11. I was 10. We went on that rope swing we found in the woods. You had dared me to jump off the rock into the water. Of course that rope had to of been like 50 years old. So when I jumped on it it snapped and I fell to the ground, breaking my arm."
"You didn't have to do it!" I laughed. "What about you Mr.Perfect? How about that Christmas we were at the Clearwater's and you set off a firecracker in the silver pot, scaring Leah. I was blamed for it even though it was you. I got grounded for like a week because of that!" We both began laughing hysterically at the memory.
"It sounds like you guys are both bad influences on each other." Bella giggled. "Maybe you shouldn't be spending so much time together." She joked. Jake and I laughed some more.
"Yo, Jake. You in there?" A voice called from the garage door. Bella tried to hide the bike's since Billy wasn't supposed to know what we were working on.
"No, it's ok, it's just my boy's." Jake told her.
"Hey, Jake." Embry said entering the room with another boy named Quil.
"Hey, guys. This is (Y/n), and her sister, Bella." Jacob introduced us. "(Y/n), Bella. This is Quil and Embry."
"Right." Bella nodded remembering them from the beach.
"I'm Quil Ateara." Quil smirked at Bella in a flirty way. Bella smiled back politely.
"Swan." Embry greeted me crossing his arm's.
"Call." I copied his movement's.
We both stood our ground for a minute. I could see Bella looking between us confused. Both Embry and I lost our ability to keep a straight face. We busted out laughing and greeted each other with a big hug.
"It's good to see you again." I laughed and pulled away from our hug.
"Good to see the prettiest girl in Washington has come back around." He chuckled.
"I certainly am glad to be here."
I could see Jacob roll his eyes at our interaction.
One summer I had been brought to Billy's while Dad had to work. That was when I met Embry, since he was over hanging out too. He had a huge crush on me. It completely annoyed Jacob for whatever reason. Eventually, Embry got over it as we became close friends. But the jokes remained solely because they always annoyed Jacob. Which we both thought to be hilarious.
"So I see, the bike building stories true." Quil remarked.
"Oh, yeah, yeah. I taught him everything he knows." I joked sarcastically. Jacob shoved my arm playfully.
"What about the part where you're his girlfriend, now?" Embry teased. My eyes widened, Bella looked between me and Jake in shock, Jacob's face went pale.
"We're friends, Embry. You know that." I cleared my throat awkwardly.
"Ooo, ooo. Burn!" Quil said smirking. He and Embry high fived.
"Actually, remember I said she's a girl and a friend." Jake attempted to clear up the situation up.
"Embry, do you remember him making that distinction?" Quil teasingly asked him.
"Nope." Embry smirked.
"So, do you guy's have girlfriends?" Bella asked curiously, trying to sway the conversation.
Which I internally screamed and thanked her for. Jacob let out a big laugh.
"Yeah, right. Quil's actually taking his cousin to prom." Jacob got back at him. We each laughed, expect for Quil.
"Yeah, that's still a riot." Quil said sarcastically. "You want funny, Black? I'll give you funny." Both boy's begin play fighting with each other. Embry and I moved to the other side of the room beside Bella.
"I got 5 bucks on Quil." Embry bet us.
"You're on." Bella and I say together watching the boys amused.
Of course Jacob won, so Bella and I both pocketed five bucks.
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