《Our Eternity : Emmett Cullen x Reader》A Few Weeks of Silence
We hopped into the truck and she drove us to a little beige diner that I'm all to familiar with. Carver Cafe. Dad's favorite place to eat. It's a miracle that man hasn't had a heart attack. Dad's police cruiser was already outside, so Bella and I hopped out to meet him. He greeted us at the door and led us inside to a table.
"Charlie." A waitress named Cora greeted him happily. She peered around him to see us and she gasped. "(Y/n), sweetie, how are you! I've missed seeing your beautiful face around here." She hugged me tightly and we both laughed.
"Hi, Cora. It's so good to see you again. I hope this old man over here hasn't been causing to much trouble for you. Showing up all the time like he does." I grinned and my Dad rolled his eyes.
"Of course, not. Perfect gentleman as always." She turned to see Bella. "Wow, look how much you've grown. It's so nice to see you again, Bella. Your Dad never stops talking about the two of you."
They awkwardly embraced in a hug. She walked us to a table and took our orders.
"So how was school?" Dad asked.
"Interesting." Both Bella and I say at the same time. We look at each other and laugh.
"Make any friends?"
"Yeah, a few actually." I take a sip of my water.
"I have a couple, people who seem cool." Bella said quietly.
"That's good. Good to hear." Dad nodded along.
The conversation kinda died off, because of all our awkward nature. Thank's for that Dad. Eventually our food came out and Cora brings it out to us.
"Gosh, I just can't get over how grown up you are." She breathed, looking between Bella and I. "And so gorgeous." Cora smiled brightly at us.
"Hey, (Y/n), Bella." A familiar voice said.
"Hi, Waylon." I said with a mouth full of my bacon burger. Dad elbowed me and gave me a disapproving look.
"You remember me?" He asked, directed at Bella. "I played Santa one year." He explained while he let out a small nervous laugh.
"Yeah, Waylon, she hasn't had a Christmas here since she was four." Dad reminded him.
"I bet I made an impression though, didn't I?" Waylon gave us a look and placed his hands on his hips.
"You always do." Dad smiled.
"Butt-crack Santa?" Cora smirked at him. I let out a snort, and Bella chuckled quietly.
"Hey, kids love those little bottles, though." He made a gesture with his two fingers symbolizing a small bottle.
"All right, let the girls eat their burgers, Waylon." Cora gently pushed him away from the table. "As soon as you're done, I will bring you your favorite. Berry Cobbler, remember? Your sister gets it every time shes here in the summer, and your dad still has it. Every Thursday." She said giving him a look.
"Thank you. That'd be great." Bella said giving Cora a grateful nod.
We all ate our dinner and headed back to the house.
"We can do our homework in my room, if you want?" Bella suggested.
We headed into her room and pulled out our things. We got started and after about an hour we were worn out and bored. Saved by the ringing of Bella's cell, she answered it and placed the call on speaker.
"Hi, Bella." I heard mom's voice through the phone. "Is your sister with you?"
"Yeah, Mom. We're both right here." Bella turned the phone.
"Hi, Mom." I said.
"Hi, sweetheart. How are you both doing?"
"Good, Mom. We are both doing good." Bella answered her.
"Good, I'm glad. So listen, if spring training goes well, we could be moving to Florida." She said and sounded really happy.
"That sounds amazing." I told her.
"Please insert a dollar twenty five for an additional 3 minutes." An automated voice sounded through the phone.
"Mom, where's your cell?" Bella asked her curiously.
"Okay, don't laugh. I didn't lose my power cord. It ran away." Bella and I both giggled. "Screaming. I literally repel technology now."
"I miss you." We said in unison.
"Oh, girls. I miss you both so much." She coo'd. "Tell me about your school. What are the kids like? Any cute guys?"
I glanced to Bella. Her happy face changed to a solemn looking one. We hadn't had the chance to really talk about it yet, but I knew she was thinking about her interaction with Edward.
"Well they're all very... Welcoming." I said cautiously.
"Uh, oh. Are they being nice to you two? Tell me all about it." Mom said, sensing somethings up.
"It doesn't even matter." Bella angrily tossed her pencil onto her papers.
"Oh, baby. Of course it does."
"We have homework to do. I'll talk to you later." Bella said.
"Okay. Look out for each other. I love you both." She said softly.
"We will. We love you too, Ma. Bye." I gently grabbed the phone from Bella and hung it up. "You okay?" I asked her quietly.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I plan on confronting him. I went to the office today to change classes and he was already there. Doing the exact same thing." She grumbled.
"What? Seriously. You two didn't even say a single word to each other. That's so rude. I can totally understand why you wanted to switch, but for him to do it? Ugh." I grunted getting angry at the situation. She put a soft hand on my arm.
"Like I said. I plan on confronting him. Don't worry about me, okay? I've got this." She explained softly. I nodded and hugged her.
So, like she said. She planned to confront him. We waited by the truck the next day and when two of the Cullen's vehicle showed. There was no Edward. I could see the draining effect this was having on my sister. I wanted to rip this guy a new one. All these great lengths he was going to, clearly in order to avoid her. I caught Emmett's eye and he winked at me again making me blush.
No damn it. I can't feel this way about someone, specially when his brother is being such a douchebag to my sister. I mentally face palmed myself.
I didn't ignore him per say, but I was certainly less talkative with him unlike our first day, which I knew he had noticed. For the next few days Bella became really down. Not quite depressed, but I could see how much the small interaction had effected her. Though she had really tried not to show it. She didn't want to join in with any of our new friends. Even when they tried to get her attention. So I made sure to stick close by her. She's my sister after all. It's only the right thing to do.
A worker ran through the hallways of an old factory. Three shadows followed closely behind. The man desperately tried to make it out, shoes clacking along the metal catwalk grates. He thought he'd made his escape, but not before turning around and being faced with the three unknown strangers. They attacked and took the man's life...
Our truck pulled into the driveway as Bella and I walked outside of the house. Bella death gripped my arm, as she descended off the last step to steady herself, given the icy nature of the weather today. As she took another step forward about to release herself from my jacket. She slipped and fell to the ground, taking me down with her.
"Ugh." We both groaned.
"You guy's all right?" Dad ran over to us, after climbing out of our truck. He helped me and then Bella off of the ground.
"Yep." I scowled, brushing off my pant's. That was going to hurt later.
"Ice doesn't really help the uncoordinated." Bella scowled.
"Yeah. That's why I had some new tires put onto the truck. Old ones were getting pretty bald." He kicked one of the front tires with his boot. "Well, I'll probably be late for dinner. I gotta head down to Mason county. Security guard at the Grisham Mill got killed by some animal." Dad said while walking to his car.
"An animal?" Bella looked at him curiously.
"You're not in Phoenix anymore Bells." He gave her a soft smile. "Anyway I figured I'd lend a hand."
"Be careful." I told him.
"Always am." He grinned and began to climb into his car.
"Thanks for the tires." Bella blurted out.
"Yeah." He said and sat down and closing the door to the car, driving away.
Bella and I climbed into the truck and I drove us to school today.
"Can you believe we've been here for almost an entire month now? It's already almost March." I tried to peak our conversation as we went down the road.
"Yeah, pretty crazy." She stared out the window and let out a sigh. "I know what you've been doing."
"Me? Doing what?" I asked, not taking my eyes off the road.
"Avoiding conversations with Emmett. You're doing it because of me." She sighed.
"I'm not avoiding him, Bells."
"You are, (Y/n/n). You need to stop. I'm fine. He seems to be a really nice guy. Just because his brother isn't, doesn't mean you can't be friends with him." Bella pointed out and I let out a sigh.
"Bella, I just want you to be happy. I didn't want to hurt you by being friends with him." I glanced over towards her.
"I promise, you won't. Don't think I haven't noticed how miserable it is for you to try and avoid him." She giggled. "You like him."
"Alright, fine. So maybe I have a tiny crush." I pinched my finger's together and rolled my eyes.
"Promise me that you'll talk to him today." She said sternly.
"I promise." I gave her attitude back, making us both laugh.
We pulled up to the school and I noticed a familiar Volvo out front. I nudged Bella as we walked by and she noticed it too.
"I'll only talk to Emmett, if you talk to Edward." I said with a smirk. She nodded her head softly.
It's only been like 2 whole weeks of no show for him. I internally rolled my eyes.
We made our way towards our English class.
"Hey, girls!" Eric shouted, catching up to us.
"Hi, Eric." I smiled at the boy. We had gotten close over the course of the past few weeks.
"I hope you had a good weekend." He said and Bella and I both nod. Bella walked slightly ahead of us. "Listen so I need some advise. Or so you could say. Prom committee is like a girl thing, right? They need a guy to help chose the music, so I need your playlist. Hey, listen, I was wondering, did you have a date to..."
"Hey, (Y/n). Can I talk to you for a minute?" Emmett said interrupting just as Eric and I stood outside the doorway to English.
"Oh... I've got to get to class anyways. I'll catch up with you about it later?" Eric asked quietly while glaring at Emmett.
"Sure." I nodded and gave him a reassuring smile. When Eric left, I took a refreshing inward and outward breath. Oh, god Eric wants to ask me to prom... He's sweet but I just don't see him like that. "Hi, Emmett. What's up?" I asked taking myself out of my thoughts.
"I just wanted to see how you were doing." He said sounding a bit nervous. Which is strange for him.
"I'm doing just fine." I shrugged. A mischievous smile came along his face.
"Appears as though I interrupted something. Hopefully that wasn't important." He grinned, shrugging slightly.
"Oh did you?" I grinned back at him. "Actually I think you saved me. How many times does that make it now? Twice I believe?"
"It appears as though you're right. Now you owe me twice as much." He said in a cocky tone.
"I owe you? Oh no. You should have just let me fall that first day then. We simply can't have you saving me all the time. Can we?" I let out a small laugh and I could see his face light up.
"I kinda like being your knight in shining armor though. Keeps me on my toes." He leaned forward slightly and bounced a bit on his feet. I shoved his shoulder a bit, in a playful way, but I hardly make him budge. Jesus, this guys seriously like a brick wall. "But now if I could only figure out why you've been ignoring me, I might be able to save you more often." Emmett suddenly leaned an arm on the wall behind me. Making me realize he had me backed up and just how close we were. I stood pinned in my spot.
"Oh, that." I chuckled nervously avoiding eye contact. "I'm actually really sorry about that. I really didn't mean to. Or want to for that matter. It's just..."
"My brother." He cut me off and I snapped my head up to look him in the eyes.
"Yeah..." I eye'd him suspiciously. "He was being kind of a dick to my sister on our first day. It really messed with her. I didn't want to hurt her anymore than she already was."
"Nah, I get it. It's fine. But I don't think they'll have as much of an issue after today. He was just going through some stuff. No excuse though. He does plan on apologizing to her today. So I hope that we can be friends still if that's cool with you. Maybe you can finally take me up on that date." Emmett winked and I shook my head with a small smile.
"He better. She deserves one." I walked away and into the classroom as the bell rang. We took our usual seats next to each other. I leaned over towards him. "By the way, I didn't realize us hanging out, made it a date." I whispered to him from my seat.
"It could be fun." He wiggled his eyebrows, making me snicker quietly.
"I'll think about it." I playfully teased him. Emmett laughed and shook his head.
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