《Our Eternity : Emmett Cullen x Reader》First Day of School
Bella and I woke up for school on Monday and almost dreaded going. Being that it was nearing the end of January, it's the middle of the school year. Neither one of us loved attention and obviously being the new kids. That exactly what that title entails. Bella drove us to school. Forks High School, Home of the Spartans, The sign read as we pulled into the parking lot. She parked us right near a group of kids. I slouched in my seat.
"Can I change my mind? You go. Pretend to be the only Swan child and I'll just drive back home. Maybe I can convince Dad to let me homeschool myself." I chuckled quietly. Bella laughed along with me, pulling my shoulder up and pushing me out the door of the truck.
"Nice try. Now go." She chuckled. "We suffer together."
"Nice ride." A student sitting on the car across from ours snickered.
"NiCe RiDe." I mocked quietly to myself and grabbed Bella's arm pulling her along with me.
"Thanks." Bella said to the kid as we walked away.
"I don't think, he was being friendly." I giggled.
"At least I'm not queen of sarcasm. Gotta try to fit in, dear sister." Bella said as she stuck her tongue out.
We made our way inside the building and found the administration office. The lady at the desk gave us both our schedules and sent us on our way. We walked along the hallway trying to find our first class. A boy walked up beside us. He had long black hair and kind eyes.
"You guys must be Isabella and (Y/N) Swan, the new girls." He stuck out a hand which we both shook. "Hi, I'm Eric, the eyes and ears of this place. Uhm... Anything you need, tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on?" He shamelessly flirted with both of us. I rolled my eyes and Bella was clearly flustered.
"Uh... We're both kind of the suffer-in-silence type." Bella said nervously.
"Good headline for the feature." He piped up. "I'm on the paper, and you two babes are front page news."
"Whoa, uh. No. No we're not. Please don't." I begged.
"Chillax. No feature." He put a hand on my shoulder and smiled.
"Cool, thanks." Bella sighed in relief.
"So we have English first. We better get going." I gestured with my thumb and Bella nodded with a smile.
"Sure! I'll catch up with you two later." Eric smirked and ran off in the opposite direction.
We walked towards the classroom with our heads down. Bella suddenly moved away from me and I ran into what felt like a brick wall.
"Oof." I grunted and dropped my book and class schedule.
The wall I ran into quickly grabbed my waist before I fell to the floor. I looked up and was met with a pair of beautiful golden orbs.
I guess it wasn't a wall after all.
"Whoa, are you okay?" The deep voice asked.
He set me upright on my feet and let go of my waist. I almost immediately missed the contact. I looked him over and he had short dark hair, paler than pale skin and a smirk that could sweep any girl off their feet. I shook my head, taking myself out of staring.
"I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going." I quickly said bending down to grab my things. Only to find he already had them in his hand, and it was stretched out, returning them to me.
"It's no biggy. Really." He smiled.
"Oh, uh t-thanks.." I brushed some of my hair behind my ear and then I took back my things from him.
We both ended up walking into the same classroom and he took his seat. The only open one left was between him and Bella.
I took my seat as the teacher came in and he started the class. After a while the very handsome, dark haired boy, sitting next to me, leaned over in my direction slightly.
"Hey, so. I didn't catch your name. I hope it's as pretty as your face." He whispered giving me that smirk again which made butterflies swarm my stomach. No, no scratch that, fireworks exploded inside me.
"(Y/N) Swan. But obviously people just call me (Y/n)..." I whispered back trying not to look at him. Mentally face palming my awkward nature. I could see out the corner of my eye, my sister was glancing my way with a smirk. "What's your name then, mysterious stranger." I asked, raising an eyebrow, only slightly turning towards him.
"Emmett, Emmett Cullen."
"Nice to meet you. Now, I'd like to not get in trouble on my first day if you don't mind." I chuckled quietly. He did too and leaned back into his own seat.
The class went by really slow. The entire time I could feel a pair of eyes, glancing in my direction. I did my best to ignore it, but there was certainly something about that boy. The bell rang and he nearly ran out of the room. I let out a big sigh, it felt like I had been holding my breath the entire class. Bella nudged me with her elbow and gestured with her head to follow her out of the class room.
"So, he seemed... nice." She laughed as we walked.
"Shut up. He was just being nice. I mean, hello? New girl." I rolled my eyes while gesturing to all of me.
"Sure." She rolled her eyes with a giggle. She glanced down at her paper and then groaned. "We have gym next."
"Awesome. Put the two, least coordinated people in a gymnasium together at the same time. What could possibly go wrong?" I said sarcastically.
We walked into the locker rooms and changed into grey school tee shirts, with black spandex shorts. We walked out and were informed by the teacher that we'd be playing volleyball for the duration of our class. Bella and I tried to convince the teacher it was a mistake to have us anywhere near sport's/any physical activity. But, unfortunately, she told us that participation was apart of our grade and that we surely couldn't be as bad as she thought. She was very wrong. I wasn't great, maybe not terrible. Bella on the other hand. Terribly uncoordinated. Put us together, and it's a chaotic mess.
A serve came from the opposite side and headed straight for Bella, even though she had tried to stay out of the way. She put up her hands and hit the ball hard, making it fly off towards the side of the gym and it hit the back of a basketball player's head. Bella and I both gasped and she ran over first.
"I'm sorry! I told them not to let me play." Bella said nervously.
The blonde haired boy turned around and his face went from confused to awe in a matter of seconds.
"No, no, no. That's... That's... don't." He stuttered before clearing his throat. "You're Isabella, right?"
"Just Bella."
"Sorry about her, we tried to convince them not to let her play." I said as I jogged over to see what was going on.
"(Y/n), right?" The boy asked.
"Yep." I nodded.
"Nice to meet both of you. I'm Mike Newton." He shook our hands.
Mike couldn't seem to keep his gaze off Bella. Which made me giggle internally. Another person, a girl with brown hair tied back into a ponytail came running over.
"She's got a great spike, huh?" She looked at Mike and then back between Bella and I. "I'm Jessica, by the way." We both nodded at her. "Hey, you're from Arizona, right?"
Geez, the people her seem to know an awful lot about us even though its our first day. I thought to myself.
"Aren't people from Arizona supposed to be, like, really tan?" Jess chuckled.
"Yeah... Maybe that's why they kicked us out." Bella replied quietly looking down to the floor.
"Speak for yourself." I mumbled so only she could here. She nudged me in the ribs.
Mike and Jess chuckled nervously at Bella's statement.
"You're good." Mike pointed at her.
"That's so funny." Jess was clearly fake laughing. I could see her continuing to glance back at Mike.
Ah, that's why. She's being bitchy because she likes him. I thought.
I chuckled and pulled Bella back over to the bleachers and we watched the rest of the girls continue to play until the bell rang and it was time for lunch. We grabbed our trays and Mike caught up with us. He offered for us, well mostly Bella to sit with him and his friends. He led us to a table that Eric, the boy from this morning was already sitting at. Mike pulled out a chair for Bella to sit down in. I quickly took a seat next to her seeing how visibly uncomfortable she was. She gave me a look silently thanking me.
"Hey, Mikey! You met my home girls, Bella and (Y/n)?" Eric said wrapping an arm around Bella's shoulder. Mike looked back at him with wide unimpressed eyes.
"Oh! Your home girls?" He said sarcastically.
They began to squabble between each other. Bella and I stuck right in the middle between them.
"My girls." A boy that was in our English class this morning ran between us quickly placing a kiss on each of our cheeks. He quickly grabbed Mike's chair and pulled it out from under him making him fall to the floor. "Sorry to mess up your game, Mike!" He laughed as he ran away.
Mike got up from the floor and quickly chased after him. Bella and I both glanced at each other and wiped the boy's kiss from our cheeks.
"Are we still in elementary school?" I asked with a nervous laugh.
"Right. It's like first grade all over again. You're the shiny new toys." Jess spoke while scooting herself into the seat beside me.
Another girl joined the table with a large fancy camera and took a picture of Bella and I.
"Smile." She clicked the camera. "Sorry. I needed a candid for the feature." She said sweetly.
"The feature dead, Angela. Don't bring it up again." Eric rudely said to the poor girl. She shyly looked down at the table. "Don't worry, I got your back baby." He said getting up and getting really close to my face.
I awkwardly moved away some and he left the table shortly after. I could hear Jess scoff from beside me.
"I guess we'll just run another editorial on teen drinking." Angela shrugged, clearly still upset.
"You know," Bella piped up. "You could always go for... eating disorders." She suggested, also having noticed the girl was distressed.
"Or Speedo padding on the swim team." I chimed in with a smile.
"Actually, those are great ideas." Angela brightened.
She seems nice, I think I'm going to like her. Jess on the other hand...
"Right? That's exactly what I thought." Jess agreed with the girl in an overly peppy voice. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.
I caught Bella's eyes and gave her a questioning look. She nodded towards the windows. I followed her gaze and saw exactly what she was looking at. A group of people were walking together outside, coming in.
"Who are they?" Bella blurted out, gaining back Angela and Jessica's attention. They both turned to see who she was referring to before turning back and smirking at us.
"The Cullen's." Angela smiled.
"They're Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids." Jess gave us a giddy smile. "They moved down here from Alaska, like, a few years ago." She whispered as the first set started to walk through the door.
"They kinda keep to themselves." Angela added quietly.
"Yeah, 'cause they're all together." Jess snickered quietly. "Like, together, together. The blonde girl, that's Rosalie, and the sandy blonde haired guy, Henry. They are a thing." She pointed out at the first couple. Bella watched as they walk by, I did to but in a less obvious way. "I'm not even sure that's legal."
"Jess, they're not actually related." Angela gently scolded her.
"Yeah, but they live together. It's weird." She brushed her off. "Okay, okay. The little dark haired girl's, Alice. She's really weird."
I caught Alice's glance and she gave me a sweet little smile which I gladly returned.
"She seems cool to me." I shrugged and glared at Jess. She rolled her eyes and ignored me.
"She's with Jasper, the blonde one who looks like he's in pain." Jess said. I scoffed at her comment. How could someone be so rude? "Dr.Cullen's like this foster dad/ matchmaker."
"Maybe he'll adopt me." Angela folded her hands and batted her eyes.
"Who's he?" Bella asked and we all looked to see the last two boys walk into the cafeteria. They were playfully shoving each other trying to get through the doorway.
"Well, the big dark haired one, that's Emmett. The other blonde is Edward." Jess said with a dreamy expression while talking about both boys. "Totally gorgeous..." Her expression quickly turned a tad sour. "But apparently nobody here is good enough for either of them."
Out of sight of the girls, and us, Edward smirked at Jessica's comment.
"Like I care, you know? So yeah." Jess finished, brushing it off.
Bella stared at Edward, and I caught Emmett's eye. He winked at me, making me blush. I turned back around and see Angela looking at me in awe. I silently pleaded with her not to mention it out loud. She understood and nodded. Jess noticed Bella still staring.
"Seriously, like, don't waste your time." She said a bit to bitterly for my liking.
Bella grabbed my hand under the table. I huffed and kept my mouth shut.
"I wasn't planning on it." She said plainly.
I watched her turn her head towards their table again. I couldn't help but follow her gaze and notice them all looking at us and whispering. I nudged Bella gently and she returned back to our conversation. Lunch finished and we made our way to our second to last class of the day. Science.
"Mr.Molina." Mike said to the teacher since he walked to class with us.
"Hey, Mike." Mr.Molina answered back politely. Mike pointed to us and then left to take his seat. "Oh, yes. The Swan twins." He nodded.
Bella walked in front a fan that was blowing in the classroom. I caught her gazing off towards the blonde boy, Edward, again. But as she walked in front of the fan he covered his mouth and turned his gaze away from her. I immediately frowned upon seeing it.
"Welcome to the class. Here's your stuff. Ms. Isabella you can take a seat next to Mr. Cullen. And Ms. (Y/n) you can sit next to Mr. Newton, okay? Okay, good." He ushered us off quickly.
"We can switch if you want." I pushed a piece of my lose hair behind my ear and whispered to my sister.
"No, it's fine. I can handle it." She whispered back. I nodded.
We both took our seats. I could see that Mike was a bit disappointed that he didn't get to sit with my sister. I didn't let it phase me though.
"All right, guys, today we are gonna be observing the behavior of planaria, aka flatworms." Mr. Molina said at the beginning of class.
Mike and I began to work together. It was a bit awkward at first, but eventually we started to have fun, laughing and helping each other with the science lesson. I couldn't help but keep my eye on my sister throughout class though. Edward stared at her with a glint in his eye. Almost like a vicious need was angled towards her. Bella seemed anxious and slightly uncomfortable, but clearly not backing down.
The bell rang and Edward nearly flew out the room.
"Hey," I jogged over to her. "Are you okay?"
"Me. Oh, I'm just great." She mumbled angrily, packing her books into her bag. "Did you see the way that he treated me the whole class?"
"I did. I'm sorry Bells." I said sympathetically.
"Well I'm going to go try and get switched. I can't be forced to sit next to that... that jerk." She scoffed.
"Oh, Bella. Don't do that... Maybe you and I can just switch seats." I suggested. She just shook her head in response.
"Do I smell?" She asked me suddenly.
"What?" I tilted my head and looked at her as we walked towards our lockers.
"Do I smell? Smell me and tell me."
"Uh, okay..." I looked at her like she had ten heads, but quickly smelled near her. "No. You smell like your shampoo. Berries and vanilla." I shrugged.
"I'll catch up with you later, okay?" She didn't even give me time to answer before rushing off.
I walked to my next and final class of the day, History. I walked in and took a empty seat, tapping my pencil against the desk, waiting for the class to start.
"Hi." The girl I had come to know as Alice bounded towards me with a bright smile. Jasper following close behind her.
"Hi. Sorry, i'm not in your seat am I?" I asked beginning to move my stuff. Her hand landed on the edge of my papers.
"No, you're fine. I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Alice and this is Jasper." She spoke happily as I nodded at them.
"Oh, uh, hi. I'm (Y/N) Swan."
"Nice to finally meet you." Jasper said slowly, while slightly smiling and nodding to me. He has a very nice southern drawl in his voice.
"We are going to be great friends." Alice chirped enthusiastically.
I raised my eyebrow at her statement, but shrugged it away internally. She whispered something to Jasper before they each take a seat next to me, but not before leaving an empty seat.
She's quirky. I like her very much. I thought, as happiness rose in me strangely, but comfortingly. I looked up from my notebook to see none other than Emmett walking our way. He smiled brightly at the sight of me and took the empty seat.
"Well, would you look at that. Looks like we've got another class together." His laugh was melodious as it filled the air near me.
"I suppose so." I laughed softly back.
We all talk quietly amongst ourselves throughout the class. I did notice that I was getting a lot of stares and glances from the other kids with raised eyebrows. I did ignore them, of course.
"By the way. Thanks for sticking up for me at lunch." Alice whispered my way with a smile and a wink.
"Huh? How'd you... It's no worries. I'm used to being a bit of an outcast, so I don't really like bullies." I shrugged and smiled back at her.
How did she know about that? I thought to myself.
The bell rang and I quickly collected my things once again. Just as I was about to walk away from my desk, I felt Emmett's presence beside me, and he was awfully close.
"We should hang out sometime..." Emmett said next to me, while rubbing the back of his neck nervously. I looked up at him and couldn't help the rush of blood flow to my cheeks.
"Uh, yeah. That would be cool." I told him trying to be as casual as possible about it.
"Yeah? I mean, yeah. Alright, cool." He smiled brightly at me.
"Okay then." I nodded and let out a small chuckle.
We walk out of the class together. It was a comfortable silence, while just walking and being with him. There's just something about him. I could feel it. He waved goodbye to me in the parking lot and headed over to a large grey Jeep, where the rest of his siblings resided. Alice waved at me from across the parking lot and I waved happily back at her.
"(Y/n), earth to (Y/n)." Bella waved a hand in front of my face.
"Huh?" I looked up at her. "Oh, sorry. I didn't even hear you calling me."
"I said your name like 5 times." She laughed. "Come on, we have to meet Charlie for dinner at the diner."
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