

Cleaning around the house, I was nervous for the the dinner my mom was having for Santiago. This was the first time she's actually done something like this so I already kinda knew she liked him but of course Santiago was a nervous wreck. My mom placed a plate of fresh rice with pinto beans and fried plantains on the table along with a plate of fried grio (pork). I was so satisfied of the smell of the food. This is the reason why I was proud to be Haitian Because the food was amazing and I hope Santiago thought so too. Just then the doorbell rang and I automatically got butterflies in my stomach. I opened the door and greeted Santiago with a warm hug. I checked him out too while I looked back at his outfit. He wore a nice, crisp, blue dress shirt with a pair of black slacks and nice shoes. He really showed out for my mom unlike Trey who wore jeans and a t-shirt when we was together. Santiago's eyes were vibrant white and his freckles showed perfectly through the sun rays that beamed on him.

"Hey you ready?",I asked him while letting him enter the house.

"Yeah. I know I'll win her over",he said smiling at me. The thing I appreciated the most in him was that he was super confident in himself which drew attention to me. I had to admit, I kinda was falling for a tiago. It wasn't his looks, or nice body, or the way he walks and dress that impressed me; it was the way he carried himself which such confidence and the pride he had in making me his.

"Just like you did me right?",I said.

"Most definitely",he said planting a kiss on my cheek. I held his hand and brought him in the dining room. My mom came from the kitchen and put a bowl of salad on the table.


"Hey Santiago nice of you to join us",she said pulling him into a hug.

"Thank you so much for inviting me",he said smiling.

"I hope we didn't interrupt any of your plans",I said.

"No never that."

"Please have a seat",my mother said and we all sat at the small table.

"So my daughter tells me your Dominican."

"Yes hopefully that won't be a problem ms."

"Kim. You can call me Ms. Kim",she said.

"Okay",he said with a smile.

"No that won't be a problem. We don't discriminate when it comes to young love. So what do you do? I know my daughter works as a dental assistant."

"I work as a social worker but that's not my long term goal."

"Okay So what exactly is your long term goal?"

"Well I'm at crossroads between business and criminal justice. I haven't decided."

"Why business and Why criminal justice?"

"Criminal justice because I have a cousin who is in juvenile detention and he don't know how to act. A lot of these young guys out here don't, i'd love to whip them into shape and let them know it's a cruel world out here in these streets. Also with that degree, I can do a variety amount of things if I want. Business because I love making deals and hopefully become a ceo of my own company some day",he explained.

"Seems to me that you have more of a purpose in criminal justice than you do business",my mom said. I nodded in agreement.

"I kinda told him the same thing. The drive for criminal justice is there plus he's almost done with the program so why would he change majors now",i said.

"Yeah that makes sense. I could graduate with two degrees just in case I decide to go the other route. It's whatever God decides for me."


"You mentioned God. Your Christian?",my mom asked.

"Yes ma'am",he said biting into a piece of grio.

"How active are you at church?"

"Very active."

"Hmm. I've been trying to get my daughter here to go to church with me and it's like pulling teeth."

"Mom seriously?",I said kinda embarrassed and laughing.

"I had the liberty of taking her to my church this past Sunday."

"Oh really? How'd you do that?",my mom asked looking at me.

"God must've touched her heart because it was definitely like pulling teeth. After a lot of convincing, she agreed to go",Santiago said eating a plantain.

"Okay don't make me sound like a demon",I said causing everyone to laugh.

"Thank you for taking her. I don't really go every Sunday but whenever I do have the chance, I make the effort to go."

"No problem."

"So you said your very active at church. How so ?",my mom asked.

"He's like a youth leader, goes to bible study, day and night service, teaches when he's given the chance",I said.

"Okay i asked Santiago",my mom said smiling at me.

"I'm not a youth leader persay. I was offered but that's not a responsibility I'm willing to take yet",he honestly said.

"Well I could see why they offered you. You do have leadership type qualities which is important for every man to have especially when he has a family",my mom said.

"Thank you Ms. Kim."

We all finish eating our food and my mom gave us the kitchen to ourselves. Santiago took it upon himself to clean the dishes while I straighten up the table and put the remaining food in plastic containers for Santiago to take home. Courtesy of my mom.

"So you think I won her over?",he said hugging me from behind while I fix the plates.

"Think is a understatement",I said.

"Oh yea?"

"Yea",i said turning to him.

"You really would make a great leader",i told him.

"I don't think I'm ready for all that",he said with a half smile.

"Why you keep running from your calling?"

"It's just a lot of responsibility."

"God won't ever give you something you can't handle."

"Where'd you get that from?",he said surprised.

"It's something my grandma would always tell me. She was like you."

"Like me how?"

"She was a church folk. Church goer",I said. He chuckled at me and said, "when you gonna be a 'church goer'?"

"Uhm i don't know. This is all new to me."

"I know baby. Thank you for trying",he said caressing the side of my face.

I leaned in for a kiss and he gave me one. I couldn't help but think this dinner was a success and everything was falling into place.

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