

Walking to trey's house, i avoided walking out front and decided to cut through the back just in case someone was driving through the neighborhood and saw me. I didn't want any problems. Especially not neighbors telling my mom what I'm doin. Before walking out front to trey's door, I put my hair in a ponytail and took a deep breath. Once I knocked on the door, trey opened it and had this confused look on his face. I didn't blame him. "Hey",he said. I chocked up and just waved. I seriously felt nervous. "Come in",he said. I stepped in and he closed the door behind me. "You wanna go upstairs or your good down here?",he asked me.

"Second one",I said. He went to the kitchen and I followed and took a seat at the table. He passed me a coke bottle while he had one hisself. I couldn't even drink it because my stomach was bubbling from my nerves. Trey leaned up against the counter facing me and just looked at me. I think he was trying to read me but couldn't. "So ..wasup?",he asked.

"I don't know. I don't even know why I'm here",I said truthfully. He cracked a smile and took a sip of his coke. "I miss you too khia",he said.

"I didn't say I miss you trey."

"You didn't have to. Did you forget we was friends for 4 years?"

"I'm missing something."

"Was it me?",he said walking towards me and looking into my eyes.

"How does your boyfriend feel about you coming here?",he asked out of spite. I don't even know how he knew.

"He doesn't know."

"You know what's funny?",he said smiling.

"You was more happy being my girl than now."


"Can you please stop singing that old song? You know i was never yours",I said rolling my eyes.

"I treated you like you was mine. You may not have gotten the title but you was happier because I kept you happy."

"Where's your girlfriend?",I asked inspecting the room.

"We broke up."

"On who's terms?"

"Mine",he said carelessly.

"Sorry you had to do that. Kinda late now."

"I don't think it is."

"Did your mom find out?"

"Yea she's taking it very tough. Hate to break her heart."

"What made you do it?"

"I don't want to be married to someone that my parents choose for me. It's my life and they won't have to live with that person, I will for the rest of my life."

"So why didn't you think of that before?"

"I value my mom's opinion a lot. I respect her 1000% and I trusted that she knows best for me",he said.

Now that he was single, I was gonna see what he was gonna do. Will he choose me? Or not. I like Santiago a lot but I love trey with everything that I have. He looked at me and I looked at him and planted a simple kiss on his lips. They still was juicy as I'd left them. He pulled me back to him and kissed me more but went for tongue. Gosh I love this man and maybe I was making a mistake by dating Santiago. I swear he makes me rethink every decision.


It felt so good to wake up next to my Queen Khia. I watched as she slept peacefully facing me. I know I just got out of a relationship but I wanted a relationship with Khia so bad knowing my parents won't allow it. Frowning at that thought I came back to reality and quietly got out the bed to make breakfast for Khia. I went to the bathroom to brush and wash up and went downstairs closing the door behind me. I didn't want her to wake up. Although I wasn't no Chef, I could still whip something up in the kitchen. My mom taught me how to cook just in case I end up being old and alone in the future which I'd doubt it. Reaching in the dishwasher for a bowl and underneath my cabinet for a skillet, I cracked about 4 egg lands best eggs and stir it up old fashioned way meaning with a spoon. Then I took out a tub of butter and smeared butter on the pan. It was a substitute instead of using oil. I added a couple seasonings in the bowl and continued stiring. Then I poured it in the pan and let the eggs cook. Meanwhile, I took out some English muffins and toasted them. After it all was done cooking, I fixed the plates up and put a little extra on hers only cause I know she loves strawberries. I poured her and I a glass of fresh orange juice.


"Smells like Waffle House in here",she appeared in the kitchen dressed in one of my Jersies.

"You know I don't ever disappoint when it comes to food",i said kissing her on the lips. She smiled and we both walked to the table to sit and eat. She bit into her egg muffin sandwich and I could tell she really liked it.

"Where'd you learn how to cook like that? I mean I know it's just eggs but goodness",she said.

I laughed and said,"my mom taught me a thing or two about cooking. How'd you sleep last night?"

"Oh my gosh I slept great. I haven't had a good deep sleep like that in a couple days."

"Ever since you started dating that kid right?"

"Uhm no. Why do you assume that?"

"No reason."

"I gotta figure out a way to tell him."

"Tell him what?"

"That I cheated on him with you."

"Oh you really like this dude huh. You gonna tell him the truth?"

"I'm not the type a girl to lie."

It got real quiet and I just kept thinking to myself how I was gonna make Khia mine again when she already involved with some kid who don't know how to be a man yet. The dudes career ain't set yet meanwhile I'm working at a huge law firm making money and got my own place. I can take care of Khia. What does he have that I don't have?

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