《Kree, Shi'ar, and Skrulls, Oh My!》You Can Lead A Wolverine To Water
For at least the first day of the rest of the trip, the entirety of Noh's ship was more or less quiet as the whole group just tried to rest from the exhausting ordeal they'd been through — though the Young Avengers were certainly faster to bounce back, since they hadn't been captured or nearly killed or anything of the sort. They had taken over flying Noh's ship from experience so Jubilee could wrestle Noh into actually getting some rest and taking care of himself too, so it was fairly quiet everywhere but the bridge.
Kate and Kurt spent an absurd amount of time waking up after they had more or less collapsed together and slept for the better part of the entire day, but eventually, the promise of food and coffee got them down to the dining area, where Kurt suggested that Kate bring an extra cup down to Logan to get him up and moving as well.
So that was how Kate found herself down in the medical wing of Noh's ship, still very tired and only on her first cup of coffee herself — though definitely still awake enough to bring a bottle of water tucked in the crook of her arm in addition to the two cups of coffee she'd brought for herself and Logan to see if he'd rise to the bait.
She slid into the room and set the drinks down before she crossed over to where he was still sleeping. "Rise and shine, sleepyhead. I brought you something to drink, and then we'll go get some food in you," she told him as she gently prodded his arm. "C'mon, Sleeping Beauty. I'm not kissing you awake."
He cracked one eye open and half picked his head up before he held his hand out for whatever she'd brought to drink.
She slapped the water bottle into his open hand first with a little grin and decided not to tease him until after he'd finished it, which to her surprise he managed in one go before he tossed it across the room and held his hand out again.
She grinned and grabbed the coffee cup and then saluted him with her own. "Whatdya know. You can lead a wolverine to water and make him drink."
"Major blood loss, have to restore fluids, ya nutjob," he replied as he rolled half on his side and propped himself up so as not to burn himself. "Is this all you brought?"
"Well, you can have what's left of mine if you're desperate? But I thought I'd take you up for some food. There's omelets and pancakes and sausages and stuff for our very, very late breakfast."
"Clean shirt?" he asked, his eyes still closed as he nearly gulped the scalding hot coffee.
She watched him for a moment in surprise. She'd seen him healing from Sinister before, but this seemed pretty... extreme, if the other, older X-Men's reactions had been anything to go by. She'd have to get used to it, she supposed — but she didn't think she ever would. "Yeah, there's one over here — hold on." She looked in the drawer close by to find the tee shirt folded in there that Kurt had been sure to tell her about and tossed it his way.
By the time she'd done that, he'd finished his coffee and just quickly pulled it over his head before scrubbing his hands over his face. "Okay," he said quietly. "Take me there."
She pulled him to his feet and threaded her arm through his. "Attaboy, Wolverine. We'll get you back to your huggable, loveable self in no time."
"I am not huggable and loveable," he replied.
"You just go right ahead and live in denial," she teased him. "We all know the truth."
"If that was true—" He paused and just shook his head. "You know what, forget it. I'm too tired to argue right now."
She stopped and turned toward him to give him a nice, warm hug before she pressed her coffee into his hand. "Here. I'll get more when we get there."
He knew she took her coffee a lot sweeter than he did and he glanced down at it for just a moment before downing it anyhow. "Caffeine doesn't do a damn thing for me; you know that, right?"
"Well, you said you needed fluids," Kate said matter-of-factly.
"I do," he agreed. "And food. And sleep."
"We will get you all of those things. High protein breakfast is just thirty feet down this hall right here," she promised him. She grinned his way. "You dodged a bullet, you know. The bamfs wanted to come, but Kurt told them you might turn them into a hat if they did."
"Boots," he corrected. "Told 'em I'd turn them into boots."
She just laughed as she opened the door to the dining area. "They were very concerned about you. One of them kept popping in to double check that you were breathing. It's too cute for words."
He made a dismissive sound and looked a bit uncomfortable as he tried to blow it off. "They worry too much."
"You got demons worried, Logan." She raised an eyebrow at him.
"They don't want me takin' over Hell, that's all."
"Wrong direction, stupid."
"You're young. I've got it on pretty damn good authority that I'm right."
She rolled her eyes dramatically. "There is no better authority than me ever, and if you just accept that I'm always right, your life will be so much easier."
He covered her hand on his arm with his and gave her as close to a smile as he was able. "Darlin', if that were true even a little — it'd ease my mind."
She just grinned and leaned over to kiss his scruffy cheek. "Good thing it's true," she told him with a genuine, warm smile before she tipped her head at the breakfast waiting for them. "Bon appetite, Wolverine."
As soon as Kate let go of Logan's arm, Jubilee stepped in and pulled him over to the spot next to her where she could talk his ear off and watch over him as she liked to do, and it was clear pretty quickly that he must have enjoyed it, because he didn't give her a hard time at all as she kept pouring him more coffee and making sure he was eating right when she wasn't leaned against his shoulder.
Kate sat down on the opposite side of the table next to Kurt as started to absently tickle the bamf that crawled up next to her to steal food from her plate when she wasn't looking just so that she would catch him and tickle him again. The other bamfs were very cautiously trying to approach Logan without getting close enough to risk being turned into boots, and Kate had to laugh as she slipped an arm around Kurt's middle once she was sitting beside him. "A whole water bottle," she whispered to him. "And if you'd told me he was this easy when he's like this, I could have brought, like, a gallon."
"And he would have drank every drop and looked at you as if you were holding out on him," Kurt said with a nod. "He's a bit dehydrated."
"You were holding out on me. Not telling me about the advantage to be taken here," she teased.
"He can also be a bit ... moody like this, though, so it's best not to try and take advantage in case you catch him wrong," Kurt advised.
"Also something I wish I'd known," Kate said with a smirk. "No worries — he's still a giant hug magnet this morning."
"Which is why I sent you instead of Jubilee. She would have just climbed into bed with him and snuggled."
"That doesn't sound like a bad idea," she said as she leaned against his side. "Snuggling. With a fuzzy Elf. I think I like the idea."
"You two totally need to go back to your room," Jubilee said as she refilled all of their coffee mugs.
"I still can't believe Logan wasn't exaggerating about you two," Scott said as he joined them at the table, tipping his head at Kate and Kurt. "I thought he was just teasing about how... joined at the hip you are."
Logan just snorted a little at that but kept what Kate was sure was a wicked zinger to himself. For once.
Kate just looked Logan's way for a moment before she let a wicked grin cross her features and scooted in closer to Kurt until she was practically in his lap as she asked Scott, "Are we making you uncomfortable?" in as innocent a tone as she could manage.
Scott just smirked a little wider. "You'll have to try a lot harder than that," Scott said.
Kate turned to Kurt. "Hear that? That sounded like a challenge," she all but purred at him before she stole a kiss.
"Still. Nowhere near a blip on the screen," Scott said shaking his head. "I had to watch Remy and Rogue for years, and there was that month or so that I had to keep an eye on Boom Boom when she was ... " He paused and looked Logan's way before he shook his head. "Acting like a total idiot."
Kate sighed and just adjusted herself so she was more properly in Kurt's lap. "Well then I expect no more complaints about us ever. Since we're not even a blip," she said in a very business-like tone.
"For the record," Scott said. "I wasn't complaining. I was just ... surprised. But you're good together."
"I tend to agree," Kurt said with a little smile as he wrapped his tail around Kate's waist and snuck another kiss.
Henry was next to join the little group, and he was sure to sit on Logan's side opposite Jubilee. When the furry blue doctor sat down, Logan moved his coffee out of the way and simply allowed Hank to take his wrist, which, apparently, was something that Hank tended to do — check his pulse after such a 'weekend'. Hank just nodded to himself before he relaxed.
"Better. More fluids," he said, and Logan just nodded and tipped up his mug again.
"See?" Kate said to Kurt. "He knew about the water jug possibilities too."
"He's the doctor," Kurt defended. "And besides, you can't give him only water, or he won't eat."
"Still. I had a perfect window and didn't even know it. You're going to have to make it up to me," she informed him as she tapped his chest.
"You'll have another window," Logan promised quietly.
"Are you really planning on getting that beat down again already?" Scott asked with a quirked eyebrow.
"Planning? No," Logan said. "Just ... seems to happen."
"More often than necessary," Scott added half under his breath, but naturally, Logan heard it and just half glared at him for it.
"Lay off, Cyke," Logan rumbled. "Not like it really makes that much of a difference."
"As Jubilee has told me multiple times in the last day or so — it does," Noh said quietly, looking at Jubilee as he said it and clearly trying to prove he was trying to listen to her. "At least to those that worry no matter the capacity to heal."
Jubilee grinned up at him and leaned away from Logan to kiss Noh on the cheek before she turned her attention back to the other X-Men. "Both of you can just zip it now," Jubilee said, looking between Logan and Scott. "That would be perfect."
A good amount of time passed before Logan frowned and turned to his left to watch Jubilee and Noh for a moment. "Why were the Kree chasing you again? You steal someone's little red wagon?"
"I stole a little more than a red wagon," Noh said with a raised eyebrow Logan's way before he took a deep breath and let it all out at once. "It was a part of the Phoenix Force, actually." He glanced toward Hank as he added, "My people had no business wielding it — or trying to."
"No one has any business wielding it," Scott said with a bit of heat. "And I don't care how advanced they think their race is." The gathered X-Men all nodded in agreement but remained silent, half watching Scott and Noh.
"I assure you — you don't need to worry about that with the Kree anymore," Noh tried to reassure him.
"I'm not worried," Scott defended with a bit of a glare — though it was hard to see through the ruby quartz that seemed to glow a bit brighter all at once. "It corrupts everything it infects."
Noh glanced at Scott for a moment before he just sighed and looked down at his hands. "Yes. Well. I do not know what happened to it after the Avengers took it back."
"No sense worrying about it. It'll come back," Logan said with a sigh. "It always comes back. Just gotta hope whoever ends up with it knows what they're doing and can handle it."
"We've had ... extensive experience with the Phoenix," Hank said to Noh, watching the Kree fighter's reaction carefully. "It decided to take up residence in one of our own, and eventually destroyed her." He gestured to Scott. "His first love."
Noh looked up in surprise at Scott and then shook his head. "I am truly sorry to hear it," he said honestly. "Even my short encounter with it was ... extremely unpleasant for all involved." He glanced toward Hank for a moment and then back down at his hands.
Scott nodded, took a deep breath and expanded on Hank's abbreviated explanation. "It was an on again off again problem for years that only had one answer. Repeatedly." He half glared Logan's way for a moment but dropped it quickly. "It's ... taken over several of us at least once. In one dimension or another."
"For that I'm sorry as well," Noh said with a serious frown. "To do things — and know it is not you doing them — no matter the situation, it is not an easy thing to get past."
At that, all of the X-Men gathered looked pointedly at Scott, hoping that the message was sinking in, but Scott of course missed it entirely and shortly excused himself.
Once Scott was gone, Kurt leaned partway across the table to tell Noh more. "The Phoenix was using several X-Men at once as hosts not too long ago, and during that short time, Scott killed Charles Xavier." Logan made a face and shook his head slow before he crossed his arms.
Noh looked between the X-Men with a deep frown. "I'm sorry to hear that. Professor Xavier was a driving force behind my decision to become a protector of Earth," he said quietly.
"He did that for a lot of people," Logan replied through gritted teeth.
"It's one of the few good memories I have of the Cube," Noh told him. "And so I choose to remember that. But perhaps that is my temporal training. 'Should haves' have no place." He smirked the slightest bit. "Or at least, that is the creed I try to live by."
"Right. So is that all? You took back a piece of the Phoenix and the Kree got their panties wadded?" Logan asked.
Noh looked around the table for a long moment before he just let it go. "Ah. Well. I neglected to mention that I was the one who captured the Phoenix force, with the Avengers, and then broke from them and took it to the Kree in the first place." He said it very quietly and kept glancing toward Hank. "Thankfully, the Kree did not have it long before the Avengers took it back to Earth."
"So what did they do to make you change your mind — the lie?" Logan shook his head. " I guess I don't understand why after all that, SHIELD was still after you. You gave SHIELD and the Avengers the damn Phoenix — which was a terrible idea, by the way. Remind me to fix that when we get back."
Noh still looked down at his hands. "I should... I should try to explain. The Supreme Intelligence asked me to get the Phoenix Force for use in defending Earth — and I believed it. And in my attempt to get it to Hala, I betrayed the Avengers and left them to fall into a sun." He looked up at Logan. "When I discovered that my people never intended to use it to help Earth, I did what I could to rectify my mistake. I defied the Supremor and took back the Phoenix force before the Avengers arrived... but I could hardly blame the Avengers or SHIELD or anyone else for not trusting me after such a betrayal."
"You were how old again, when the Kree lied to you and tried to use you and your alliances for their own interests?" Logan asked.
"Old enough to make my own decisions," Noh said almost defensively.
"Clearly you weren't," Logan countered. "If the Avengers left you behind to deal with them without knowing what the story was, they screwed you over just as bad as the Kree did. You should have gone with Charlie. We'd have kept a lot of this crap from happening. The bad stuff. And the Phoenix is kind of our problem to fix."
"And I'm certain there is a universe somewhere where I was released from the Cube into your custody instead, but again, this is not up for speculation," Noh insisted with a bit of heat.
"No, but that doesn't mean it has to stand like this either," Logan replied. "SHIELD is off your back now. That's one thing fixed anyhow."
"And I appreciate your help in that matter," Noh said sincerely. "But I highly doubt you can help me with the Kree after I openly defied the Supreme Intelligence. I am more than happy to take the responsibility for that. It's the one thing I'm proud of from that time in my life."
"Who's in charge there?" Kurt asked, breaking in with a small frown. "You'd be surprised what we can do when we put our minds to it."
Noh chuckled to himself. "I doubt you can change Ronan the Accuser's mind," he said simply. "Really, I am happy to take responsibility for my mistake — and for the consequences of trying to right it."
"No, but he's got a face even a mother could stab," Logan said dryly, and Kate snorted loudly at that.
"That just sounds like it's stupid all over the place," Jubilee said with her arms crossed. "Happy. Stupid."
"There are consequences for my actions, Jubilee — I'd rather be happy to face them than take a coward's defense," Noh insisted.
"How is it a coward's defense if you're doing the right thing?" she demanded.
"It was only after I nearly killed my friends and allies — knowingly betrayed them to their demise — that I even began to turn on the Kree. If I pay a price for that, it's because I deserve to. I wouldn't rewrite consequences, or there would be no point in my choosing otherwise." He tried to smile at her. "Surely you learn even on Earth that every action has an equal and opposite reaction, yes?"
"Doesn't mean you have to be happy about it," Kate said with an eyebrow quirked as she came to Jubilee's aid.
"Then perhaps 'happy' is the wrong word?" Noh looked between them for a moment. "I should say I am... perhaps the best term is proud?"
"That's not the right one either," Jubilee said flatly.
"Then I'm sorry," Noh said. "But I am proud to be called traitor against those who threatened Earth with my aid."
"It's an honor thing," Logan offered. "I get it. But to accept whatever punishment they hand down when they're wrong ... sounds like you need to listen to Cap a little bit."
"How so?" Noh asked with a frown.
"When they're wrong — they're wrong. Even if they think they're right, and even if all of them think they're right. That still doesn't make them right. You're not nearly stubborn enough on your own behalf."
"I defied the Supremor — I think that qualifies as stubborn," Noh said a little sullenly.
"Who was wrong."
"And I told him so."
"So why in the hell would you even consider listening to what he thinks is reasonable punishment for going against him?" Logan asked with a deep frown. "When you know he's so wrong."
"I defied the Supremor and spent months on the run from my own people, stealing their technology and razing the troops that came after me. Reasons aside, I broke the law and became a traitor to the Kree."
"After they betrayed you," Jubilee pointed out.
"That's not..." Noh pinched the bridge of his nose. "It's not possible for an individual to be betrayed by the whole. Lied to, manipulated, yes."
"Used, thrown away ..." Jubilee continued.
"We're supposed to be used in service to the Empire," Noh tried to explain.
- In Serial7 Chapters
The Villain's Double Life
“The Villain’s Double Life as the Hero’s Mentor," “Demon Nobles Want to Live Too: A Hero-Raising Simulator for the Transmigrated Villain," “Just Because I’m a Villain Doesn’t Mean I Want the World to End!” Cyrus Calvide was the second son of an aristocratic lord; haughty, vain and power-hungry. One day, when his ancestral inheritance manifested, he discovered he was able to steal other’s powers and abilities using demonic magic. Taking this as a sign that he was destined to rule over others and become the new king of this land, he poisoned his father, killed his elder brother, and embarked on the path to greatness, taking advantage of a demonic invasion to consolidate power and harvest the abilities of others in a cruel and bloody fashion. Until he was summarily defeated by the Hero as a mid-game boss battle and executed for his crimes, of course. When a dedicated fan of the RPG “Next to Eden” awakened in the body of the cruelest future Count, four years before the beginning of the game, he pledged to live humbly. He would let his brother lead and support the Hero from the shadows to ensure the demon invasion would be defeated and he could enjoy life in peace. Rather, he would have, if he hadn’t gotten the Hero’s mentor killed in a freak monster attack before the Hero’s training could even begin. How was he supposed to live a life of peace and luxury if the Hero couldn’t stop the end of the world!? Donning a mask, Cyrus took up mentoring the Hero himself; how hard could it possibly be? . . . Four years later, the kind jack-of-all-trades hero Leon had become a twisted powerhouse: alienating his party members, clearing enemy encounters in a single magical blast, and coldly ignoring the affections of the girl whose love would have allowed him to clear the final boss. He seemed to have plastered himself to his Master’s side, instead. Cyrus bit back his despair while the hero reached out to grasp his hand. “Please stop ignoring the saint, Leon; you can't beat the Demon King by grinding stats! You need the power of love, remember?” “Don’t worry, Master,” Leon smiled as he traced the lines of Cyrus’s palm gently, almost reverently. “I have all the love I need.” VDL is two parts plot and worldbuilding, one part slow-build gay romance, starring a man far too proud to admit he's in over his head and the hero who loves him. Should be updating weekly.
8 54 - In Serial32 Chapters
Mixing Blood
Seven Children play a game with each other for power and truth. We follow our main character Seth with the most to hide uncover their past and selves in the process. Everyone has a piece of the story, but to reveal all, will leave only one alive.
8 152 - In Serial14 Chapters
Road Trip! [Kagehina]
The Karasuno team have decided to take a long road trip across Japan for the summer! Watch and read as hilarity ensues, and Hinata and Kageyama progress through various difficult (and awkward) situations.(Art on the cover is by "room106, Tsugu" from the Doujinshi: Jigsaw Puzzle and Yet Another Dream)(Cover made by Karasuuno on Wattpadd, Helenora on Tumblr)
8 187 - In Serial15 Chapters
Helpless (Lin-Manuel Miranda x Reader)
You meet Lin in Mexico, while he was on a trip there. You immediately click, and you quickly develop a crush. But with his girlfriend, Vanessa, you hold back on telling him how you feel. *Note: I have nothing against Vanessa. She's amazing, but I have a HUGE crush on Lin, so I decided to write this.*
8 83 - In Serial58 Chapters
Jurassic Park: Altered LOST World: Origins /Rexy And Crusher's Love Story
This story is based on my original story I did when I first started on Wattpad, and Crusher's arch nemesis, instead of a Spinosaurus, I made it a T-Rex, naming it Black Tooth. With some alterations to be made in the alternative version. Crusher x Rexy, as the character pairing, like the original version. Events in the original version of the story is the same, just with different and slight changes.Crusher will be the main character of the story like the previous version.Will include some Speckles the Tarbosaurus characters.References for ideas:https://m.fanfiction.net/s/8901591/1/Speckles-the-Tarbosaurus-A-New-Journeyhttps://m.fanfiction.net/s/11407923/1/Stick-Together-and-Runhttps://my.w.tt/IxVO7jAOxVAnd as well: Jurassic World x Male OChttps://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.wattpad.com/story/162129914-jurassic-world-x-male-oc&ved=2ahUKEwiN5-ikubHhAhUFQK0KHaN1D44QFjAAegQIAxAB&usg=AOvVaw1UQAA0mjocAD5Wq5mNBFCh
8 169 - In Serial9 Chapters
I Fall Apart(MattsWorld Tom x reader)
Everthing was differect,now that Tom's gone.I can't stay forever,I have my own army to lead.But I can't let fall deeper down the hole.Not after losing Tom.I'll have to wait a while longer,my two loyal solider's Paul and Patyrk will lead the army till I come back-Oh how rude of me,I didn't tell you my name.I'm (Y/n) Lepon,the red army leader.After Tom left to lead his army,the blue army the guys wouldn't trust anyone new,that's why I have to keep the trust cause I actually care for them.Matt,Edd and Tord are my closest friends,I wasn't able to let my army come in the way of our friendship,not how Tom's did.(This story is taken from MY quotev account)
8 200