《Kree, Shi'ar, and Skrulls, Oh My!》Overly Concerned Loved One
After a decent meal, the little group on Noh's ship was in much better spirits as Billy and Teddy tried to catch Kate up on what she had missed with their friends in the days she had been gone — particularly a viral video of her first interview with Jameson that had been autotuned to hilarious effect by someone with a screenhandle 'friendlyneighborhoodspidey'. The video had everyone in stitches, as JJ's shouting was even funnier when put to music, and the bamfs stole Kate's phone to watch it repeatedly even after Kate and Kurt had turned in to catch a nap on the way to the blackbird.
Logan had found a quiet corner to settle into and rest while Jubilee finally just gave him a very quick kiss on the cheek to rush over to basically climb on Noh's lap as soon as he came back from Hank's so she could listen to him tell her stories about his other journeys and battles against the Shi'ar across several dimensions.
Once they arrived at the blackbird, the group had a quick meeting to try and figure out who would go home in what craft. The Young Avengers were torn between the familiarity of traveling in Noh's ship again and the pure excitement of flying in the blackbird with so many of the original X-Men.
What eventually decided it was Noh's promise that his ship had a 'silent' mode that would let them sleep without interruptions short of an attack on the ship — and those that had been captured, along with Logan, decided to stay on the ship and get some decent sleep while the Young Avengers would head back with Scott and Hank.
But as they were boarding the blackbird and saying their goodbyes, the proximity alarms went off, signalling that they had unexpected company. Noh ran to the controls and let out a string of oaths that Jubilee was quickly coming to recognize before he just shook his head. "I'm sorry, my friends. This is going to be more trouble."
"How are you feeling, Logan?" Scott called out. "Did you have enough time to recover?"
Logan just nodded, though he visibly looked ready to sleep for a few days still. "Jubes, you get enough sugar?" he asked, and she enthusiastically nodded and popped a fresh piece of gum in her mouth. "Then we're about as good as we can hope for," Logan called out to Scott, though he looked up at Noh for a moment. "You okay?"
"I have passed through the judgement of your resident doctor, so I would hope so," Noh said with a small smirk.
"Yeah, but you know yourself better than he ever will," Logan pointed out.
Noh just laughed quietly to himself as he settled into the controls. "I am healing well — thank you for your concern. Now if we can simply shake this latest danger, I think I would like to stop on Earth for a pancake dinner when we are through."
"Hear that, Wolvie?" Jubilee said brightly. "Canada here we come!"
Logan just rolled his eyes at her and started to stretch.
"Cyclops, if you could give me some support in your craft," Noh suggested. "Perhaps we two could blast them out of the air."
"You sure you don't want to try talking with them first?" Kate asked as she looked over the readings over his shoulder. "That's a Kree ship."
"No, I am quite sure they will not want to talk with us," Noh said with a little frown. "That is an Accuser craft."
"They've been reasonable enough in passing," Scott said with a frown to match Noh's, though he was rushing toward the blackbird anyhow.
But before Scott could reach the connecting passage, a hit rocked the ship, and the passage exploded - along with the blackbird. The explosion tilted the entire ship sideways, and Noh had to struggle for control for a moment as they were thrown clear, though the ship caught much of the debris from the exploding blackbird in the process.
"Go, Noh!" Scott bellowed from the floor.
Noh pushed the engines as hard as he could in response, not even trying the maneuvers he had done with the Shi'ar to try and return fire as much as he was just trying to outrun the Accusers. "I did warn you," he called to the others as he did so.
"And I was trying to get there to help you fight!" Scott called to him in return, still a bit in shock at losing his plane.
"Good thing you're runnin' a little slow these days," Logan teased as he offered Scott a hand up.
"Never been so glad to be out of practice," Scott countered, shaking his head slowly.
As the Kree craft pursued them, Noh put some of his best moves into practice, the engines screaming as he just did his level best to avoid being shot down again. But for as impressive as his moves were, the Accusers' craft was faster, and Noh let out a string of swears again when a glancing blow knocked them far off course and into a spin.
Once the ship was righted, Noh flew them in a new direction, trying to shake their pursuers, but another hit took out the shields, and Noh glanced over his shoulder at the others, knowing they couldn't take another hit or they would end up like the blackbird. He brought the ship to a stop and turned to the group with a little frown.
"You should know — it's likely they're here for me, not you," he said quickly. "You do not need to endanger yourselves."
"Why in the world are they after you?" Hank half-demanded. "I thought you did what they wanted."
Noh just looked toward Hank for a moment with his lips pursed before he said, simply, "I did, and then I tried to fix that. They disagreed with my attempt to right my wrongs."
"It doesn't matter — you're with us, and we're not leaving you behind," Scott said, with the rest of the X-Men nodding in agreement. "We don't answer to the Accusers."
"Besides," America said, crossing her arms with a smirk. "Since when have you ever known us to back down from a good fight?"
The ship shuddered a bit to the side as the Accusers' craft latched on, and Noh nodded his thanks to the group of them before he broke into a small smile. "Kree are not so easy to kill as Shi'ar, my friends. This will be a bit more strenuous of a fight."
Logan and Scott smirked at each other. "Don't worry," Logan said. "We'll manage." He looked up at Scott for a moment. "Looks like we're goin' for as many different aliens as possible on this run."
"It's almost like you did this on purpose to see if I could still handle it," Scott said, the smirk stretching a bit wider.
"If I did that, we'd probably have Magneto and Sinister in the middle of it too," Logan teased. "Who needs the Danger Room when you got half the galaxy?"
"If you like, I can play the part of my grumpy grampa and threaten to take over the world," Tommy offered. "If you really want the full rogue's gallery."
"How about you just play 'hit the bad guys before I hit you'?" America said, shaking her head at Tommy when he darted out of the way of the slap upside the head she had aimed at him.
"I can do that too," Tommy agreed, zipping over to where the Accusers had latched on so that he would be right there to start the hitting.
The moment the Kree started to board Noh's ship, the Young Avengers and X-Men burst into action. Tommy made good on his promise and bounded right into the first Kree he saw, but he didn't look like he was ready to stop and instead just started to vibrate until he ran right through the connecting port and into the other ship, passing straight through everything in his path.
"That chico is going to get himself killed," America said through gritted teeth before she and Billy and Teddy tried to muscle their way through after him even as the Accusers were already starting to flood the corridor with Kree, while the X-Men kept their focus on the Accusers inside the ship itself.
"I'm going to sleep for a week when we're done here," Kate said tiredly as she pulled out her bow and grinned over at Kurt.
"If you are tiring, I can help you," Kurt replied with a little smile, and she punched him lightly in the shoulder.
"I can handle these losers. I'm more concerned about being too tired for other things later," she said, loud enough for Scott and Beast nearby to hear.
"Yes, that would be a shame," Kurt agreed.
"I thought Logan was joking about how constant you two are," Scott said with a little frown Kurt's way. He took just a moment to blast an Accuser back several paces before he just tipped his head the slightest bit as a small smirk started. "I didn't have you pegged for a younger girl."
"Oh, don't worry. I make sure to tease him regularly about the old days before they invented cars," Kate said with a wide smile. "I keep him in constant old man jokes."
"Kurt or Logan?" Scott countered with a smirk.
"Both. Clearly. Like I'd let either of them get off clean," Kate said as she shot an acid arrow through a Kree helmet.
Meanwhile, Logan and Jubilee were blowing bits of Kree off and slicing through them — hitting spots that were vital with every blow and cutting into organs that simply were not going to heal fast even with the proper rest and support.
They were only getting warmed up, though, and after the first two or three were crippled in front of them, they split up to dole out their damage — Jubilee blinding them more often than not and Logan just flat lopping off heads if they got too close.
Noh watched the display with a slight frown. "I don't recall telling you any of these methods of fighting my people," he said to Jubilee.
"You didn't have to, sweetheart," Jubilee replied. "Wolvie is a really thorough teacher."
Noh looked over at Logan for a moment with a long frown. "I would be more concerned if I was not grateful to have you on my side in this fight." He shook his head and just went back to fighting the Accusers, though now with half an eye on Jubilee.
"It's basic self-defense," Jubilee told him seriously as she landed a backward hook kick to one Kree's throat before blasting him backwards. "He wanted to make sure I was prepared for anything." She shot him a little grin and then went right to blowing bubbles as she shot plasmoids at her attackers.
Noh just shook his head at them both for a moment before they heard a chanting in the air beside them: "Backtotheship, backtotheship, backtotheship." Billy appeared just behind Noh, half-supporting a fairly bloodied Teddy and looking downright distressed. "Darnit! That was supposed to take all of us!"
"Who's left?" Scott called out just before he blasted an Accuser backward two lengths.
"My brother and America. I'm not so worried about her, but Tommy was in trouble."
Scott gave Logan a hard look, and as soon as Logan realized it and looked up at him, he jammed his claws through the Accuser that was trying to push him back and just drew them down to the guy's waist before he kicked him backward, nodded once, before he took off running alongside Scott.
When they had pushed their way through the connecting passage between the two ships, they saw clearly what the problem was as Tommy was sitting on the ground and holding one badly bleeding leg that was clearly broken, and America was just standing over him and punching through anyone that got close to the two of them.
The two X-Men didn't bother asking any questions before they both just dove in, Scott blasting and Logan slashing and rending limbs until the Accusers were backed up enough for Scott to yell for Logan to get the kid out. America stepped up to fill the gap for Logan as he rushed back to pick up Tommy - when an Accuser managed to break past America's defenses and leveled both weapons at Logan and Tommy — clearly aiming for headshots.
"Look out!" Scott called out before he blasted the guy and then dove in to try and give the group of them better cover. He had just shot a sizeable hole in the Accuser who had been about to hit Logan and Tommy when another four came barrelling forward as well.
America ran to give him cover, but he shouted for her to get Logan and Tommy to the other ship as he started to blast through the incoming Kree — and to his credit, he was doing far better than last time, when it had been his first mission out. But the Accusers had each come from different directions, and it was simply impossible to watch all the angles. Scott's vision went suddenly bright white as he took a bad pistol whipping from behind and went sprawling, his head protesting every movement.
"Scott! Are you alright?" Logan called out.
"Mmfine," was the response from the floor.
"You're a shitty liar, Summers," Logan half growled before he turned to America. "Hey, super strong — get over here and haul him over."
America just nodded and half-flung Tommy over her shoulder so that she had one hand free still to punch people. "If you start seeing Kree bits floating in space it's because I had to kick 'em," she explained.
"Then kick 'em," Logan growled before he rushed back toward Scott, who had totally abandoned using his ability in favor of hand to hand combat. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Logan half barked, clearly exasperated. "Blast 'em, Cyke!"
"I would if I could!" Scott shouted back.
"Then run, damnit," Logan rumbled. "I'll finish up here."
"You need backup," Scott insisted.
"Then send someone over that can help!" Logan shouted.
"They're all busy!" Scott replied. "You'll just have to settle for me."
Logan didn't reply but to double down his efforts to kill every Kree that got too close — both to him and Scott. Scott had just turned his way to tell him that he could handle this when instead he broke off into "Look out!" when he saw the Accuser approaching behind Logan with a sword with the telltale sheen of carbonadium.
The Accuser lunged before Scott had fully gotten it out, and although Logan managed to dodge a bit to one side, the sword pierced him through the ribs. When the Accuser tried to twist the blade, however, it snapped off, trapped between two Adamantium ribs.
Almost immediately, the blood began to flow from the wounds that hadn't closed yet — and they simply weren't going to.
Logan reached for his comm and held down the button just long enough to rasp out 'Elf' before Scott stepped forward to fight the Kree that had been holding the sword, trying for an optic blast to destroy the offending Accuser and shouting out in frustration when he got nothing but a fizzle of reddish energy instead. As he simply had to start fighting the guy hand to hand, Kurt teleported into the battle and took one look at Logan before he simply put a hand on Logan's shoulder and teleported them both back out — returning a few moments later for Scott.
Noh in the meantime had Billy and Jubilee work together on a grenade to toss into the Accuser's craft once Scott and Logan were out of it, and it blew as soon as it hit the interior. And with Kate at the controls, they were off before the Accusers could gather themselves.
"Get Hank," Scott said to Kurt as soon as they were clear. "Get Hank — the sword was carbonadium." He had crouched down by Logan to half hold him up to get a better look at the injury. "Get Hank."
Kurt didn't hesitate to move — though instead of bringing Hank to Logan, he simply teleported all three of them to the medical wing before he also started to look Logan over. "What happened?" he asked Scott, who was looking more and more upset.
"The sword broke off between his ribs," Scott said shortly before he looked up when Hank arrived. "It's carbonadium. We have to get it out of him," he explained in a rush.
"I see," Henry said, trying not to say or do anything that might upset Scott further. "If you wouldn't mind, perhaps you could hand me some painkillers for him in the meantime. Normally they're worthless, but if they'll do him some good, I'd rather we did it while we can."
"Of course," Scott said quickly and ran to grab what Hank needed. "If it'll help, we can bring Noh here. He knows what equipment his ship is stocked with."
"I can read Kree perfectly fine, Mr. Summers," Hank said as he quickly drew up a measure of something and gave Logan a quick shot - which only seemed to make the little feral's eyes roll in his head and get him more relaxed than before. "But if it makes you feel better, by all means."
"Kurt — can you get Noh in here?" Scott said, turning to Kurt.
"Of course," Kurt said with a little frown and a second glance Logan's way before he teleported up to the bridge where he was sure he'd find Noh. He blinked a few times as he watched Kate fly before he turned to Noh. "Do you have a moment to spare? Scott is a bit overly concerned over his loved one."
Kate snorted very loudly from the pilot's chair, and Noh shot her a quizzical look before he turned to Kurt. "I can help, if you need it, of course."
"Hopefully, it will only take a moment," Kurt said before he offered Noh a hand and teleported them right next to Hank.
Noh took one look at the scene and just hurried to help. "What is it you need — and I will supply you with it."
"A scanner," Hank said. "The blade was of a slightly radioactive material that doesn't complement Logan's system. It is brittle, and I need to be sure that when I remove the blade — there are no shards left behind."
Noh nodded and crossed the room to pull down a few holographic screens that looked like an inventory before he seemed to toss something across the way — and a screen skidded to a stop over Logan. "This will give you the readouts," he explained as he then came over to pull down a scanner for Hank to use. "I've configured it for English for your convenience." As he said it, a couple bamfs teleported in to investigate all the excitement and curiously peered at the screens, chattering among themselves in worried tones.
"Thank you," Hank said as he adjusted his glasses and started looking it over quickly. "That will certainly speed things along"
He took his time, though Scott looked more and more impatient with each passing second until Hank looked over his glasses at Scott to stop fidgeting. When he instead stepped back and started pacing, Hank glanced at Kurt and then went back to work until—
"Oh dear," he said quietly, getting Scott to stop in his tracks. "Noh-Varr, how steady are your hands? I fear that our dear friends Mr. Summers and Mr. Wagner might be a bit too close to this situation."
"I have been trained in multiple field medicines," Noh offered. "What can I do to help?"
Hank tipped his head toward the screen. "As you can see, in addition to the blade, there are several shards that should be removed first. We won't need a surgical suite if we can get all of it out. He'll simply heal on his own before we could remove the retractors." He paused and tried to lower his voice after a heavy sigh. "However, if we don't get it all before we remove the blade, I don't believe your ship is fast enough to get us to familiar surgical territory. The same can be said if the tip of the sword is no longer attached."
Noh looked over the readings for a good, long time as he considered his answer. "I believe the two of us can manage this," he said slowly. "If anything, my scanners will pick up the smaller pieces more easily than most you would find on Earth."
"What happens if the tip of the sword isn't attached?" Scott asked, and Kurt kind of glared at him a bit as he crossed his arms, his tail switching irritably behind him.
"Then we'll have to go to Plan B," Hank said with an irritated shake of his head.
- In Serial24 Chapters
Kingdom of Tyr (Original)
This fiction has been concluded as of the end of Book 1, the portion of the story posted here. There will be a complete rewrite as a separate fiction in the future to make the system more consistent and add more to the world while expanding on the events within this fiction. This rewrite will begin eventually, posted as a separate story. Colt, twelve, is walking home from school when he's approached by another boy dressed oddly, who asks him - theoretically - about living in another world. After asking some information about the theoretical other world, Colt says he'd probably prefer to live there, to get away from the problems he has on Earth. Once Colt confirms that, he finds himself in an abandoned city, the other boy revealing himself to be a god, who then offers to train Colt until he can stand on his own and live by himself. After a couple of months, the god sends Colt off for greater training, to learn to use both Aura and Mana, with his only instructions being to return every now and then to visit, and to make friends and have lots of fun. This story follows Colt, a boy named Tyler he meets in the new city, and their journey to growing stronger, having fun, and striving to beat each other. Note: this story is not intended to be professional-quality, and it does draw inspiration from many sources. That said, it is its own story, in its own world. It has never been and never will be edited. It will also have multiple PoV's, starting somewhere after Chapter 8.
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An utopia endangered. People from various timelines are called upon to save the land called Eden from peril. Their job, to vanquish the mysterious Chimeras and restore the land communication infrastructure. But unrelated threats soon emerged, old enemies rise again to the call. In a world where the victor has rewritten all of history, the 'heroes' must find their own path or perish [Update every three days] *This is a work in progress and contain mild violence
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