[ beach you thought! this is unedited and it continues from the alternate finale :>]
he was born to perform and the stage shall be his throne to reign.
"ma, do you think pa's already there?" the mother listened to the nervousness in her son's voice as she eyed the cold sweat smearing the younger's flawless skin. jiho tried to alleviate the pressure seeping in the younger's veins with gentle hums and empowering words but to no avail. the woman couldn't help but knit her eyebrows in confusion, jeongguk where in the hell are you?
"what if he forgot about it? what if i failed at my performance?" the teen who has just turned 15 years old, held his mother's hands as if it was his lifeline as of the moment. the boy didn't care even if he looked like a big mama's boy—well, that i am. i am proud to say that i love being babied and cared by my mom, got a problem with a mama's boy? — *cough* anyway, it's clear to say that he's grown a bit shameless but still, a sickly sweet yeon who loves his mama with the size of jupiter.
"what if i tripped before i even started performing or what if i bit my tongue while—" the boy rambled as he chewed on his nails, starting to think of unnecessary thoughts and formulating any scenarios that could lead to his downfall but jiho, just had enough of it. "yeon! look at me and calm down"
cold cheeks cupped on her warm ones, jiho's met with beady-glossed eyes staring straight to her own brown orbs, "you're going to do well. you're my son, you've practiced so hard and whatever happens i'm still going to be the proudest mom out there and lastly, your papa wouldn't miss this for the whole world. i don't know where he is right now but, for sure he's on his way"
a budding smile making its way unto yeon's lips, the younger wrapped his mother in a tight embrace and jiho couldn't help but melt at the act. towering his mother, yeon's height has clearly surpassed jiho's and it gave him a better chance to nuzzle his head unto the crook of his mother's neck. "i love you mama. you're the best and i'm so lucky to have you"
melting. jiho felt an insurmountable happiness growing inside her at those words and the surge of memories way back eight years ago flashed in her eyes. eight years ago when everything seemed so down, crumbling, lifeless and dull. eight years ago where she had almost lost this— this nervous boy beside him, this euphoric feeling of having her family right beside her, this feeling of seeing jinyeon grow into a fine man and most of all . . . having him.
eight years ago, jiho was almost at the brink of losing hope, breaking and shattering. eight years later, everything and anything was somehow on its own place.
a smile painting the curves of jiho's lips and with nothing holding her back, a firm conviction played inside her thoughts. the woman couldn't help but bless her son with a million dollar worth smile as she gently stroked the brown locks of yeon when they pulled away from a tight embrace.
"now go rock that stage, yeon." she mutters, booping her son's nose against hers and didn't forget to kiss the younger cheeks, just before they hear yeon's name being uttered on the vicinity.
"requesting contestant number seven, jinyeon jeon please come up on stage" eyes widening as he held his breath, jiho could feel the goosebumps erupting on yeon's skin. yeon's grip unto his mother's hand tightened once more as his face visibly became pale. panicky and perplexed, the younger couldn't filter the words coming out of his mouth, "th—that's me. oh my holy shit! fucking holy—"
eyes widening, jiho couldn't believe what her ears were hearing. "young man—!" the mother was just about to scold her son for spouting a curse word (blaming it on yeon's uncles, specially namjoon and yoongi) but she was interrupted once the announcer spoke her son's name again and the teen devil had a chance to escape. "bye mumsh!"
"come back here you crybaby!"
laughter bubbling up in the tips of yeon's lips, he graced a cheeky smirk to his mother as he stood away a good two meters. a megawatt smile painting his youthful face and blowing a kiss to his mother.
"watch me burn the stage, ma" and there was yeon, marching to his rightful place on the stage.
pissed is an understatement.
of all times to be late, he just had to pick this day.
"hyung, hurry up! i heard yeon's name on the speakers! stop being such a slowpoke!" the younger of the two spoke, his patience wearing thin. "hyung!" the younger complained once more, as his feet marched faster than it used to but still making it a point to not disturb the sleeping angel on his arms.
of all days, of all days he'd chosen to be so utterly and completely foolish, why today? god, yeon would kill me! entering the vicinity and so desperate to find a familiar brown mop of long hair among the crowd in the gymnasium. why the hell am i even caught up in these situation? oh, right because of freaking park jimin aka jiho's older brother and my in law.
you see, the reason why jeongguk's about to burst into tiny cookys and throw a fit is because park jimin. park just had to chose this day to meet up with his girlfriend *cough* mina and forget his schedule with yeon's performance day. park was supposed to meet up with jeongguk at the jeon manor, to help the younger carry the banners so jeon could carry his children on his own but, jimin just had to run late in their supposed meeting, leaving jeongguk with two hyper-energetic twins and two banners bigger than him.
you could guess how jeongguk reacted when the older arrived almost thirty minutes late.
"i'm so sorry jeongguk!" was the first thing jimin sputtered the moment he stepped foot on the manor as a pouting and completely disappointed jeongguk came into the older's view.
park was welcomed with the three manchild of jeon household— the frowning father along with the twins who were trying their best to pull off a "maddened kids pout" as they imitate the pissed expression of their father (only to fail miserably as they looked cute with their puffed cheeks and crossed arms against their chests, honestly)
"you cho late uncle chimmy! yeon-hyungie be cho mad!" the hyper-one who's eyes flickered with mischief spoke, named lucas.
"uncle chimmy is full of red spots in his neck again. he must've met with mina-noona daz why he forgot, wucas" the other spoke, his head now resting on his father's strong shoulder, giving up on the pouty act but clearly oblivious of what he had just spoken, meant.
immediately turning red, jimin forgot his regret and out of impulse, reprimanded jeongguk. "yah! jeon jeongguk what have you been teaching the twins?!"
me? oh this fucker really! the younger thought. "you piece of shi—" even before the father could leash out, the energetic between the twins continued rambling as he nuzzled on his father. "jaehyunnie only said the truth uncle chimmy!" lucas butted before continuing, "uncle chimmy always look like a leopard after he met up wid mina-noona and i always wondered why. papa won't tell me, do you know jae?"
"jeon—" clearly flushed and embarrassed, jimin couldn't tame his feelings demanded an explanation with the way the twins spoke as if he wasn't there.
"wucas," jaehyun spoke a little bit nonchalant and what comes out of his tiny lips terribly shocked jimin. "mama said that uncle chimmy and mina-noona was playing what mama and papa would play when we're away"
a round of oohs came put of lucas' lips, "ohhh, the one that makes mama and papa's lips swollen? the one that mama said we could do when we grow up?"
eyes widening, jimin was as red as a strawberry as he couldn't control the conflicting feelings inside him. "jeon jeongguk—!" the older once again tried to explain himself to the twins but the father had enough.
"don't pull that good uncle acton me, hyung" putting emphasis on the last word, the father couldn't help the way his tongue poked the insides of his mouth —a habit he's formed when he's about to snap. "get that ass moving, you're so dead with ji and yeon."
hence, after that encounter, jeongguk made jimin carry the two banners along with the hyper one of the twins — lucas.
and now here they are.
"wait, jeongguk!" the older's voice echoed and based on it's tone, the younger could sense how far he still was and jeongguk couldn't help the scowl and grunt that came out of his mouth, visibly waking up the toddler sleeping on his arms. "papa? mama—" the younger uttered with difficulty as he looked around searching for something, "papa. mama, hyung, lucas where?"
melting at the dazed sight of the boy as the father saw how the younger searched for his family, jeongguk suddenly forgot all his frustrations as he shushed the baby to calmness, "jae, we're going to meet your mama and hyung soon and i'm going to get your twin from your uncle chimmy, okay? i'm sorry if i woke you up, love. you can sleep again, i'm going to wake you up when we're already with your hyung" jeongguk murmured softly, putting the baby to sleep again as he turned on his heel and faced the older who's currently in an uptight situation.
"jeongguk!" "papa!" a manly whine and a distressed voice echoing in his ears, jeongguk could clearly see how the baby in jimin's hold struggled to break-free.
"chimmy let go! me want papa and jae!" pushing jimin's face away from his own to let himself free, lucas was fidgety and annoyingly trying to break free in the grasp of his uncle. serves you right, the father's subconscious was smirking and doing high kicks as he enjoys the scene unfolding in his eyes.
"papa!" sighing for the umpteenth time of the day, jeongguk marched towards jimin and swiftly took lucas on the other's arms. "thank goodness! jeongguk, thank—" the older heaved a sigh but before he could finish what he was supposed to say, the father of the twins tucked lucas' head on his neck and made a mean gesture which left jimin with wide eyes and mouth hanging open.
still in a daze, jimin replayed the recent action that jeongguk made and before he could recover, the yoounger man was fast on his heels.
"i–" blinking furiously and laughter bubbling, the man didn't know if he should be amazed or plainly get angry.
carrying the twins in his arms, the father was still able to make the f—word in his both hands before swiftly imitating a knife cutting his head, indicating that they were not yet done.
i'm so dead. yes, park jimin, you cleary are. "jeongguk, wait for me!"
flashing lights and deafening crowd, despite the sea of people, jeongguk's radar to his wife was as high as jimin's falceto. taking note of his son's lit performance, he made sure to take note that he should congratulate yeon for his awesome number.
jiho, where — oh finally. relief coursing through his veins, the man strode in the sea of crowd jamming to his son's lit performance. jeongguk was exhilirated to his son's amazing number but finding his wife and surprising jiho for his arrival was his first priority.
inching his way to the love of his life (slowly but surely) even before he had the chance to surprise the woman for his arrival, jeongguk couldn't help but slip the nickname out. "ji" as if on a movie, the moment the two's eyes met, jeongguk felt the rush of blush creep along his cheeks and the only thing that mattered was jiho. "jeongguk"
"ji" the man had called again while his voice became a little excited, eyes never breaking the intense gaze. now noticing that the both of them were walking towards one another, the man's heart was hammering as he felt excitement coursing in his veins. they were apart for only a short moment but it feels so long, like a lovesick fool he just can't get enough of jiho.
smile gracing jeongguk's lips, "ji" the man couldn't help but feel like a nineteen year old boy who finally met his girlfriend for so long but out of nowhere, a complete 180 degrees of jiho's temperament seemed to paint on the woman's face. lips twitching with a smile faker than a plastic, jeongguk felt goosebumps on his skin with jiho's sudden blinding smile . . but poor jeongguk didn't even pay any attention to the signs.
oh, what love makes a man do.
"love—" the man reached out, wanting to give his wife a kiss but the woman delicately placed a finger on top of the father's lips as she leaned closer to his ear and oh, the words that left her beautiful lips were too vulgar for growing children. "love my ass, you motherfucker"
oh right, they were late.
gracefully pulling away and cupping the man's cheeks, jiho's soft lips spat another poisonous rant. "jeon jeongguk, you twat!" red flashing in her eyes, the mother couldn't help her lips from moving as her hands gave little punches on her husband's arm. "love, wait! wait! damn why can't you be this agressive when we're making out—"
"no! you dipshit—" "i'm sorry, sorry love!"
"you fuc—"
"you'll wake the twins!" those words seemed to ring a bell on the mother and her eyes immediately trailed on her husband's chest, seeing the sleeping twins in jeongguk's arms made jiho melt and all of the worry were replaced with immediate relief. finally, her other half was present and was standing right in front of her.
"it wasn't my fault, love" was jeongguk's defense, his voice still hushed as he whispered so softly, trying so hard to calm the tiger in her wife. ironically, even if the crowd was loud as hell, the twins were unfazed at all as they slept like a log so peacefully.
"n—not my fault my ass, you're almost half way yeon's performance and you almost missed it and—" rambling coming into a halt, jiho's lips were tight shut when the man suddenly pressed their lips together and not so subtly gave his wife a fleeting french kiss.
"i—it wasn't my fault" the man whispered shyly, a string of saliva stretching on their parted lips. the man had his head ducked right after their lip-lock. "f—for the record, i reall—"
"seriously, you two should get a room" breaking the good mood, a gruff yet teasing voice butted in their sweet sweet moment.
cheeks painting pink, the couple couldn't help but be embarrassed for being so public in their display of affection, now only noticing the presence of the other five persons jinyeon invited.
"h—hoseokieee!" jiho shushed, her cheeks tainted red as she covered her lips desperately and tried to get lucas in jeongguk's arms.
"really? you just had to freaking do a french kiss and act like highschool students inside a freaking highschool that's like, soo romantic." eyes rolling in sarcasm as his dimples became full on display, the lilac haired second one out of the five persons retorted.
"you two just can't control those damn hormones, like—" a deep tone ringing in the ears of the couple, jeongguk couldn't help the devious smirk painting his lips as he saw the blonde hair of the man and . . well he just had enough.
"oh. says the same guy who had his neck full of damn hickies too, taehyung" chuckling, jeongguk pulled his wife closer into his frame, his hand finding purchase on the thin waist and making jiho yelp. "what's wrong with being affectionate with my wife?" and as if proving his point like the devious manchild that he is, without any warning, the man stole a kiss on his wife's lips all while making a loud smack before it parted.
"what the fuck, jeongguk?" a stream of curse erupting on the circle of friends, jeongguk couldn't help the bunny smile appearing on his face, clearly pleased with himself not even noticing the cherry cheeks of his wife.
"what the heck was that?" a grumpy blue-haired voice murmured, his cranky self doing the cranky attitude as well. "that was a kiss yoongs"
eyebrows furrowing, yoongi couldn't help his pointy tongue flow with such sarcasm. "well, i clearly saw that. i know what a kiss is but what the heck was that kiss for?"
"yeah, yoongs was right that was clearly unnecessary" a feminine voice continued as now a clingy taehyung pulled the said woman closer to his side.
"man, do you still think i'd take jiho from you? i already have sooyungie" a confused taehyung murmured while pulling the hand of the woman beside him.
"true. we're even already engaged so there's no need to be scared, guk" waving her hand with the engagement ring, the woman named sooyoung boasted the approaching wending.
"i know that, i'm not scared" jeongguk murmured but instinctively pulled jiho closer to him as if still hesitant to believe what taehyung and sooyoung has been pointing out to him. jeongguk knew that it has been a long time ever since the incident but sometimes, he couldn't help but feel insecure with himself and the dark thoughts easily consumes him . . . especially when taehyung is around.
"what, seriously jeongguk?!" "it's been so long, you should just let it go" the couple's relatives and friends continues the teasing but the words that comes out of their lips seemed to fade out as jeongguk's screaming thoughts seems to occupy him.
we're already going strong, it's been eight years and they're right. jiho loves me, i love jiho and we're okay. we're okay, right? the good thoughts cluttered his mind for a glimpse but the deadliest ones couldn't help but erupt in his brain. you cheated, any moment she could easily slip from your finger again. you don't deserve her, you're not meant for her. you should've just let her be, you're not worth her time. you should've just went far away.
"i—i know that" jeongguk murmured to himself as if trying to make himself believe that, trying so hard to make it a point but failing miserably. the man knew that thinking negatively wouldn't get him anywhere and he tried to remember the promise on the day they decided to call off the divorce . . but it seemed so far-fetched as his eyes became clouded with a train of thoughts.
i don't deserve her.
"i—i know. ." an internal turmoil causing a lump to form in the depths of his heart, it was getting hard to breathe but . . but the moment he felt a gentle hand lacing against his own and the soothing warmth spreading against his skin, the relief instantly makes its way to his heart.
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