

"mama, can i go get my snacks on the other lane?" jinyeon had asked her mother as he noticed how busy jiho was in taking the meat that they needed for the week. the boy wanted to save her mother's energy even for just a little bit as he noticed the way how her eyes always looked so swollen.

I'll be an even good-er boy for you mama.

thinking inside his mind with a wrong grammar, jinyeon found himself in the lane full of delectable snacks that made his mouth water.

If only i can make mama buy them all, it would be so much fun and—wait! no! you need to be a good boy, yeon. you need to be a good boy so mama would look better! the six years old child thought dismissing the way her selfish self wanted to demand for all of the snacks lined up.

let's be a good boy, yeon.

eyes trailing on the countless of snacks, he didn't know what right pastry or snack he should buy so that both him and jiho would be delighted when they ate it.

mama likes sweet and i like them, too. maybe if i get one sweet snack, she'll be cheerful again.

striding on the candies, chocolates and cake section, yeon's eyes started to scan the pastries lined up on each racks and all at once his eyes lit up with excitement.

Innie minnie minny moe, help yeonnie choose the right foodie for mommy beauty. the boy chanted inside his head, not noticing the way he hummed as his small fingers pointed on the sweets that was in front of him.

what should yeonnie choose for beauty mommy? Quirking his eyebrows and thinking for a while, his eyes skimmed on the snacks for another round before he finally decided.

"mama likes candied apples and i like candied apples too!" his lips let out a conclusion before his eyes searched for his chosen sweet food.


"oh my holy unicorns—" frowning and eyes widening, he realized that his desired food was on the top shelf. pout deepening, yeon concluded that a six year old like himself wouldn't be able to reach it – the food was about seven feet high and yeon stood at only about three and a half feet.

"darn you big shelf! why are you up so high?"

eyeing the specific red and sweet package on the far-top shelf, yeon wasn't one to give up. what if? no, if i do that, mama would get mad and—but, mama — i want to make mama happy. sighing, the boy was just about to give up and let it go when he thought of such an absurd idea.

let's climb up!

yeah, let's do that! heaving a determined breath, jinyeon's small limbs started climbing on the racks. for mama, mama would be certainly happy once i get that snack so, so it'll be worth climbing for!

mama would be so happy and i'd be able to see the twinkle stars in her beautiful eyes. lips tugging into a smile and letting out a giggle, jinyeon imagined the way jiho would pat and pepper him with loving kisses once he gave her the snack.

i want mama to be happy again.

innocent mind. such such innocent mind jinyeon, if only you knew the reason behind jiho's half-lidded smiles. jinyeon thought that once he gave jiho those candied apples, her cheerful and glowing mother would return. for the past few days, jinyeon would always see his mother hiding as she cried—weeped on the master's bedroom as the woman clutched the cloth just above her chest. jinyeon once tried to approach his mother and comfort her but all he could ever do was let tears prick his innocent eyes too.

"mama, don't cry. is mama hurt? where does mama wounded? jinyeon would kiss the pain away, just please, please don't cry mama" he remembered saying that as his eyes glossed with pain, instead of having his mother to stop crying the complete opposite of it happened.


"mama, oh—mama, please don't cry. jinyeon doesn't know what to do" tear-stricken, eyes bloodshot and trembling physique, jinyeon melted at the sight of his mother being so fragile. it was the first time he had ever seen his mother broke into tears as he was always used to the cheerful smiles of jiho.

i want to see mama's bright smile again.

arms lifting and legs climbing up the steal frame of the shelves, jinyeon was already at the third upper row and he only has two more rows left until he was able to get the desired food. just a little more, a little more—no!

feet slipping on the steal frame of the second row, jinyeon lost his balance as his hands lost grip on the racks. the shelves wobbled as its content fell on the floor too. oh my, no! eyes closing in fright, jinyeon waited for the pain and impact he would feel the moment his skin touched the floor, the pain of being crushed with a gigantic shelf. he waited for the loud crashing sounds to echo in his ears —but, none of it ceased to happen.

"ya! you butterbutt, what do you think you're doing?! that was dangerous!"

eyes widening and breath caught up inside jinyeon's throat, he found himself in the arms of a platinum blonde man who's face was scrunched into worry. "i—" founding no words to speak because of shock and relief — relief because the man appeared and stopped the shelf from falling further, jinyeon could only feel his eyes prickle with tears as he felt sudden wave of relief ran on his small and fragile system.

"ya, oh–don—don't cry, everything's alright. you're not hurt and you didn't fell so don't cry" the man cooed as his deep and lulling voice hymned yeon to calmness. it was quite weird that yeon felt so safe in the man's arms even though his voice sounded so deep than the bermuda triangle.

"yeon is thankful" the little boy managed to speak once he was already calm and the man had him stood on his feet. the man in return smiled as yeon felt warm. "and taetae is glad,"

taetae? is that hyung's name? the little boy questioned before his eyes held wonder, "what were you trying to get, yeon? you didn't have to climb up that high, you could've asked for help. what you did was so dangerous"

jinyeon could only frown but his finger pointed to the food once more. "i wanted to get that for mama, i want to see her happy again that's why"

"this?" taetae pointed at the red packaging of the food and jinyeon could only nod slowly.

"then, here" picking the food with quite ease, taetae handed the delicacy on jinyeon's small hands.

"make sure to make your mama happy, yeon" the man graced little jinyeon with his box smile, the younger felt so delighted that he couldn't help but hug the man on the elder's knee. "thank you so much, taetae-hyung! yeon is grateful!"

crouching down, yeon saw the man kneel down as he met his eyes and the man patted his head "—just take care okay?"

"i will!" the little kid smiled brightly as he nodded before scurrying back to his beloved mother. from then on, yeon found himself a hyung he could always depend on, not knowing that the man who had saved him would be later a great existence in his life. fate, how mischievous of you

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