
in the multimedia is jinyeon's face claim! btw, is the story getting boring?



jiho's eyes trailed on her adorable son as he cutely marched towards her, dragging jeongguk along through the dining area.

"yes, honey?" jiho responded, voice laced with warmth as she saw how happy her son is, as his eyes glimmered with excitement.

seeing yeon skipping happily, jiho found herself smiling as she set aside the conflicting thoughts about taehyung, the divorce and even the edgy topic about how to tell yeon the truth.

let me savor this moment before i stress myself once more.

"mama" jinyeon repeated again before letting jeongguk sit across of jiho and climbing up on her lap.

"yes, baby?" the woman had replied before pecking the little one's forehead, cheek and his cute lips. jiho's action made jinyeon giggle with delight.

"mamaaaa, stop-" jinyeon tried to whine but was cut off when his mother pecked his lips once more.

"my baby's just so adorable, mama can't help it. my baby is so cute and mama is so lucky to have yeonnie. why? don't you like mama's kisses anymore?" jiho started to tease the boy, head tilting to the side as her gaze was fixated on the adorable kid.

jinyeon's eyes widened as a gasp escaped his lips and shook his head vigurously in disapproval. "no! i love mama's kisses and hugs the most! they make me feel warm and happy! please, don't think that way mama!"

chuckling, jiho couldn't help but nuzzle her face on her baby's little neck once more, peppering the little one with another round of kisses.

jinyeon giggled hard, the warm sound filling the house. right at that moment, jiho completely forgot about jeongguk's presence. "mama! kyaaaah, mama, no! i've got something to tell you!"


"no, mama wanna cuddle my baby"

"noooo! mama-" jinyeon heaved, giggles continuously escaping on his lips as jiho continued to pepper the little one with kisses everywhere.

jeongguk melted at the sight, he couldn't help the way his heart felt so tight and breathing was getting difficult.

"mama! no! i have something to tell!"

jinyeon giggly screamed as finally, after speaking of those words, his mother stopped the tickle and kisses attack.

"yes, baby?"

jinyeon sighed as he huffed, his mood became even brighter "mama, tomorrow's the family day! would papa and mama come tomorrow?"

jiho's eyes widened, lips quivering and heart sunking deep with the news of her son, she immediately became aware of jeongguk's presence and the thought of going to the school's activity terrifies her the most.

"f-family day?"

jiho tried so hard to cover the way her voice broke. family day, huh? for the past two years since jinyeon started going to school, whenever family day was celebrated - all jiho could remember was the way her son's eyes glossed with sadness because of jeongguk always failing to come on the said event.


jiho used to think that it was okay - it was okay for jeongguk to miss the family day event for a couple of times as long as jeongguk loves them.

but that's the thing, he stopped loving and became so occupied with something no, someone.

heaving and swallowing her conflicting feelings, jiho tried to find the words to speak as he knew jeongguk would not come tomorrow. it has always been that way, he was always too busy - too busy taking care of something else, someone else.

"i think" jiho's eyes lifted on jeongguk and she couldn't help the way her insides tearing apart as their eyes met. i must say this to yeon before he expects something to his father, i don't want him to get sad all over again.


tearing her eyes away from the man, jiho tried to pull her best smile, cupping yeon's chubby cheeks as she spoke the words gently. "honey, papa must be busy tomorrow. I don't think he'd be able to come, he's always been busy lately with work"

jeongguk felt his heart constrict with the way jiho uttered the words.


"mama would come baby and that's a promise but, i know papa won't be able to cause work is important. papa is busy with someone - i mean, something else" jiho whispered the last sentence as she kissed yeon's forehead lovingly, missing the way jeongguk's face scrunched into guilt.

busy with someone else.

jiho tried to mask her feelings so hard as she didn't want to look weak infront of her son, she didn't want him to know how jinyeon's father was causing her so much pain. as much as jiho wanted to scream how jinyeon's father betrayed them, she kept her mouth shut to protect the innocent heart of her son.

papa can't come cause he's busy with someone else.

jeongguk knew what jiho was pertaining to and as much as it is making him feel terribly bad and guilty, he knew that it was his fault.

"but, mama-"

jeongguk realized how he has been missing the family day for almost two years - the exact years he had been committing infidelity and the thought made him feel conflicted.

"let's put you to bed, honey"

"no! papa must come, he would go tomorrow! papa has always been away and why? it's just one day, why can't papa go? papa would come, right?" jiho was just about to lift jinyeon in her arms but the little one suddenly bursted, glossy eyes trailing on jeongguk as he waited for his answer.

"right, papa?"

jeongguk swallowed, seeing the hopeful eyes of his son. all at once, torns started prickling his throat as his heart swelled.

"y-yes, baby. papa would make sure he'd go" jeongguk flashed a smile before he reached out to ruffle the kid's hair and jinyeon immediately smiled bright.


"i promise"

you're a fool jeongguk and a big fat ass liar.

tucking jinyeon on bed, jiho strode her way to the master's bedroom only to see jeongguk wide awake as he fiddled on his phone, texting his other woman.

he's busy with someone.

eyes immediately getting cloudy with prickling tears, she quietly slid on the bed trying to keep her shaky breaths soundless as possible. fixing the pillow that was supposed to be in between them, jiho laid down with her back facing jeongguk. the woman tried to contain the tears as she felt her heart heavy, he's already at home and yet how could he have the face to communicate with her even in this house? how - just how insensitive and unthoughtful can he get?


the woman flinched but made no attempt in moving.

"i-i promise i'd come tomo-" don't make me laugh, promise? all of your promises were now nothing but flowery words in the past.

cutting his words, jiho's tears escaped quietly as she spoke, voice filled with frailty. "please, just please don't hurt jinyeon"


"you've done more than enough to me, i don't want yeon to feel the same"

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