《the greek hero (sonadow)》together we can do this


shadow open his eye the next morning and saw the mess he done last night with sonic and then turn to see that sonic had his head on his shoulder sleeping peacefully.

he thought to leave sonic asleep but then thought against it as memphis and infinite were probably on the hunt to capture them and then shake sonic up gently

'sonic it time to wake now'

'mmhh no i want to sleep more 5 more minutes'

'we can't sonic it time to wake up memphis could be on his way to capture you again so come on get up'

sonic open his eyes and he was face to face with him he only then started to remember what happened last night and what he was like with shadow and what they did causing him to blush as well as backing away from him.

'shadow about last night'

'yea about that don't worry to much you were drugged so you were bound to be like that but then again i didn't mind'

sonic jaws drop at that last part of what he said but then thought that he saw shadow was also enjoying himself just as much as he did.

'ah well thank you for saving me and you know help me last night hehe'

'it fine you don't have to thank me you done that last night'

sonic was now blushing madly and shadow was entertained at the sight of he so called rival was being shy and trying to back away from him till sonic yelp from the pain he felt from his wound and backside.

shadow stood up and pick up sonic telling him he will clean him up in the river and untie him before they leave to go to angel island but sonic responses was just a nod making shadow amused at the how sonic was being and took him to the river and started to clean him but found that sonic shoulder seem's to be a little swollen.

'i'm going to untie you now as it seem's that your shoulder is swollen a little'

'ar that well can you do me a favor and put that arm back in the socket for me while you are at it'


'when did this happen and who did it'

'that would be infinite and it was when i was insulting him before he forced me to see that asshole'

shadow has already untie sonic and was getting ready to put his arm back in

'hm i never thought i would hear those sort of words from you by the way this might hurt a little so just relax'

'well there's no harm in swearing a few time's especially * argh when it comes to the people you don't like thanks'

'am i one of them'

sonic turned around and face shadow with usually smile

'you shads never you may have been my rival but i wouldn't class you as an enemy more like a partner'

sonic just realized what he just said and shadow just smirked while sonic blushed yet again trying to reframe what he meant by partner till shadow grab his chin and gave him a kiss making sonic stop at his tracks and melt into his lips.

shadow seem's to be comfortable this the way with sonic now and to him not only did it feel right but it's also something that he wants to continue even when they got home it made him feel like he had something again something positive and happy.

Shadow ended the kiss but was still holding on to sonic chin looking straight into his emerald colour eye's of his

'if i ask you to be my romantic partner would you want that sonic'

sonic was blushing but he had to even emitted himself he was never like any female that way but after being with shadow last night and know now for certain that he feels more for a male in his sexually to.

shadow was still looking at sonic and was about to take his hand off his chin but sonic moved his face closer to him and kissed him again but this time with passion and then stop

'if you willing to put up with me i guess i can date you'

they both smiled and hugged each other before getting out of the river and using the chaos emerald that knuckles let shadow borrow and chaos controlled to angle island.


They were back at angle island and was shocked to see that memphis an army and infinite was already there with all of the tribe members as hostage's.

some of the solder's was getting closer with there weapon's in there hand's at sonic and shadow had no choice but to put there hands up as they felt spears pocking the back of there neck's and memphis coming towards them.

'well now i thought that infinite and me were the only one's that can use the jewels of power but i guess not...but your here just in time i was about to slay all of the echidna's but i guess i found something even better to kill isn't that right shadow the hedgehog'

memphis was now smirking while both look at him with hatred and murderess intent memphis then look at sonic and told the a couple of solder's to bring him closer to him but shadow was not going to let that happen and started to fight back at the solder's behind him and the one's near sonic only to be pin to the floor by infinite who suddenly appeared behind him coursing shadow to drop the emerald as he went down and rolled next to sonic who was also fight off the guards but stop when he saw to shadow on his knees with infinite pointing a small blade against his neck.

'if you value you his life sonic you will pick up that emerald and walk in front of me'

as memphis said that infinite convince sonic to do what he was told by digging the blade shadow neck a little till a little bit of blood was showing

'alright i will'

'no sonic don't ARGH'

'it all right shadow i'll be ok'

sonic pick up the emerald and walk towards him while memphis just smirked more as he got closer untill he stoped in front of him

'now let's make a deal sonic about these prisoners i have here'

memphis was pointing behind him were all the echidna's were as sonic looked he saw that a little girl was walking up to the group with a blade in her hand with some blue chao's with some sharp stones in there possesstions and luckily memphis and the guard were in unaware of them giving sonic an idea.

'ok you got my attention memphis what's the deal'

'simple you kill your friend/lover boy there then come back with me to my home and be a good boy and be mine'


'or i kill everyone here and take you and the jewels by force which one do you want to pick'

by that time the girl was behind knuckles and was cutting the rope's but sonic had to give her more time and look back at shadow and then memphis

'why do you want me to kill him i have never killed anyone'

'look sonic everyone has to make sacrifices and for you it rather him or them'

memphis pulled out a knife hand handed it out to sonic free hand and was about to take the emerald but sonic stop him'

'wait i'm not the type to use this.... if you want me to kill i would rather kill him with the emerald'

' haha pray tell how would you kill someone with the emerald by smashing his head with it HAHAH'

all the solider's where laughing with memphis making sonic think that even memphis don't know what power the emerald are truly capable of giving sonic the avantage

'i can and i'll will show you how'

memphis then finished laughing at sonic and said to show him sonic then took a deep breathe and imaged at spear and said the words


memphis saw a spear's of energy come out of sonic hand and hit infinite in the shoulder's causing him to fall back and letting go of shadow


sonic threw the emerald to shadow and shadow grab it using the chaos spear on the solder's around them while sonic was tackled by memphis on to the ground and was trying to subdue sonic with the blade in his hand but sonic fought back regardless then knuckle and a couple of others who was free started to get the other untied and get them to make a run for it while knuckle fought.

now sonic and shadow had the upper hand as the tribe was freed out of there rope's and was making a run for it but now they had to deal with memphis and infinite and an army.

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