《the greek hero (sonadow)》demon savear


Sonic was just finishing off the rest of the soilders that were attacking him and look at memphis who just got up from the floor he then shouted to him'I GOT TO GO MAYBE NEXT TIME YOU CAN A LEAST TRY BETTER THAN THAT' wih that sonic use his speed and was gone memphis was angry but yet intrigued about sonic at the same time he called for his lieutenant that was just arriving on the seen he was a jackal under a mask and had armor of gold instead of the normal silver one that the other soilders use 'my lord forgive me for not being here sooner he kneled in front of memphis 'that blue headgehog known as sonic i want him captured and alive next time i see him you better make sure that happens infinite understand' he nodded back 'yes my emporeor i will see to this matter myself.

Sonic manage to run to the same direction as the prisoner's went and notice they went really far from the town as soon as he catch up with them they look at sonic and knelled in front of him one male mobian spoke up he was an echina like knuckles but far older wearing the same as the rest of them instead of robes they were in colour clothing and painting or tattoos on there faces to sonic they seem to be a group from a tribe 'what happen to you guys and please there no need to kneel' the echina stand up 'we must kneel to are saviour after all if it was not for you we would of been tortured for and jewels of power before turning us into slave if not it would be death for us all even the children would not be spared'


'wait you say the jewels of power do you mean like emeralds but diffrent colours by the way what your name big guy' the echina was shock 'my name is knuckles i'm the leader of my tribe in a far away island we were taken from are home and was taken here how do you know the jewels of power were diffrent colours saivior' '(sigh) well knuckles i'm sonic and i think you might need to keep walking and i'll tell you evreything i know and in return i would realy like your help.

shadow was waking up from a terrible headace as his eyes ajusted he was in what appears to be a old fashion cell with tough metal bars and the room was full of just stone and concrette as he look on what he was laying it was a large stone in shape of somewhere to lay.

shadow look to his hand and notice that he was chained by the risk to the other 'where the fuck was i sent to' shadow turn to the sound of noise that was comming from a couple of gaurds 'let go prisoner the emporer need some entirtament right now and your the one to do it' shadow did not realy have a chance to protest as he was drag out of the cell and was take to the light at the end of the hallway one's he was there he was unchained and thrown to the floor full of sand 'uggrr'shadow was pissed as he got up not likeing the fact he is being treated like a ragdoll than anything eles while he was dusting himself off there was cheering all around him as there was many mobians around what look like a colosseum and he was the one they were watching 'EVERYONE SILENCE NOW AS THE EMPOROR IS ABOUT TO SPEAK TO THE NEW CHALLANGER' one's in sight shadow instantly recognized the emperor face 'why are you here memphis and what the hell do you want' memphis look back thinking about earlyer encounter of sonic and notice that something eles on shadow that sonic also had on him too 'you there what's your name and before you are killed i want to ask have you ever seen a blue headgehog name sonic' shadow only flinch at the name but did not say a word to memphis as he knew that it may do more harm than good if he told him.


memphis saw in his eyes that he knew sonic but would not say anything so he raised his hand and said 'if you he is a friend of your it won't be long until he find out your in my possession then come back and i will be ready this time until then show me what you can do in a battle' memphis hand went down and with that many soilders with wepons came in the colluimsium to battle with shadow and since there was so many and with no chaos emerald he had no choice but to battle for his life and escape.

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