《Babysitting Criminals While Pregnant *Slow Updates*》Chapter 19
The white-haired woman bounced towards me with a pretty smile gracing her lips. She didn't have her usual white and fur-hemmed cape on, which lead me to assume she was on some sort of take-off-from-work-day.
"It's so good to see you, Lucy-san!" Yukino immediately embraced me tightly, hands giving me brief pats on my shoulder blades before releasing me. "How have you been?"
I chuckle lightly, "I'm trying to be my best right now." I say, "I should be asking you the same." I smile at her.
"I have been doing splendidly. We were just going to the beach since it's such a nice day so far." Yukino glanced behind me, frowning in confusion. "Who're they?"
"New friends!" I smile a little too big. "They're...new to Fairy Tail...and uh, we're currently...on a...." Come on! Think! "A mission!" I really don't like lying, especially to someone as honest and sincere as Yukino.
With an eyebrow raised, Yukino's eye flicker back to me. I can tell she doesn't believe my already failing lie. I never was a good lair...I get it from my mom, honestly. Curse my good nature!
I sigh heavily, "Sorry, Yukino, it's complicated, but everything is okay."
"I know, I have faith in you, Lucy-san." She always did.
Midnight groaned rather loudly and rudely, "Can we go now? This place is too cheerful for me."
A grunt of agreement rumbled from Cobra. These guys were completely impatient. I couldn't be with my friends...er, well...because I'm stuck taking care of them. Couldn't they at least let me have a few minutes to talk to Yukino? A few minutes would be a small haven from their attitudes.
"You guys so insensitive!" I bark, glaring at them from over my shoulder.
I knew they could care less, and they really could care less about my social life. We're supposed to be working together, if not as friends, then as companions. I only have a year to straighten them out, and it's like they're not even trying! I mean, they did try to protect me from Sting's mad power blast after thinking I was...damn it. Bad Lucy! Don't think so much--!
"Yukino! What did we say about running off into large crowds--hey! It's the Fairy!"
Before any of us could react, we were approached by...drumroll, please...I'm sure anyone could've guessed it. Sting and Rogue, oh, and their Exceeds.
I find myself stiffening at the looks they both give me. I'll be honest, I didn't like it, nor did it feel natural to be observed like a painting. I felt like I was being undressed by their eyes. I shift myself toward Cobra and Midnight.
Let's just leave and get out of here, I think to myself. "I'll see you sometime, Yukino," I say my goodbyes and hurry to leave with the men.
"Wait, Lucy-san!" Curse my good nature, I paused right on the spot! "You don't have to go, right? We have so much to catch up on! Would you come to the beach with us?"
I twist around and look at my fellow Celestial Mage, gobsmacked at her demanded-sounding offer.
"What? No!" Midnight grunted, "C'mon, Blondie!"
The family-friendly chatter of the beach filled my ears. The sun shone done on countless people as they ran across the scorching white sand. It was hot out here, so hot, I could see the heat fumes bouncing off the sea.
"I'm so glad you decided to tag along, Lucy-san!" Yukino giggled happily.
The white-haired girl wore a navy blue and white strapless bikini top with matching bottoms. Yukino sat with us under the comfort of the food bar's shade. She sipped on a light margarita, which struck me odd because I honestly never knew she drank. I had been fiddling with my small strawberry-kiwi flavored slushie, just watching it melt down some.
"Uh, I did too!" I strangle out, glancing to my other side, Cobra and Midnight were not happy to be here. They emitted a dark, gloomy, and murderous aura.
I quickly took notice that others were staring weirdly at them, either weirdly or with fear. Even the poor bartender...
"Sorry I dragged you out here with us." Yukino apologized, drumming her thumbs on her glass. "I wouldn't have asked if I knew you were down in the dumps."
"You're fine, Yukino! We actually needed to get out, other than the excuse of needing more clothes, that is." I dismiss the apology with the wave of my hand.
"They don't look like they're enjoying themselves much, " Yukino looked around me, peering at Cobra and Midnight.
"They'll get over it, " I chuckle, "Have you gotten in the water yet?"
"No, but I'm sure Sting-kun and Rogue-kun have." She giggled, twisting the barstool around to look out at the water. "Want to swim, Lucy-san?"
Swimming. Right, because that's what people do at beaches. "Uh, I didn't exactly plan on being here, so I don't have my bathing suit with me right now." If I'm being honest, I was struck with a sudden fear that if I wore any type of swimsuit, that I would be showing and...and...--
"There's a small shop over there if you want to go find one!" Yukino thrust her arm out toward a small shack.
"Stay, you two," I say to the men still emitting that ominous cloud of gloom.
Although it was tiny, it was people coming in and out of it. The roof was colorfully painted and the windows were decorated with little stickers of random aquatic animals. Small palm trees on either side of the entrance, I couldn't tell if they were real or fake due to the abnormal shining qualities they possessed.
"Welcome to the Beach House!" A pretty yellowish blonde-haired woman greeted as we entered. "Please to meet you fellow beachers! We're on a fifty percent off on all items today! That includes merchandise, sandals, clogs, accessories, hats, and swimsuits!"
"Thank you, Miss." Yukino nodded with a smile before taking my wrist and pulling me toward the back.
I glance at shelves full of bobbleheads and dodads and fake flower necklaces. The racks were a cliche too. Floral shirts you'd see potbellied fathers on the vacation brochures in a beautiful and foreign land, they even came with the fanny packs.
"Here we are! The swimming stuff!" Yukino giggled happily.
Most of the swimsuits were bikinis and swim trunks, even speedos.
"Ooh! look at this one!" Yukino a pulled a hanger out. It was a string-tie-able bikini top and bottom. The color is all was a watermelon design. "It's cute, and it's fifty-percent off!" She smiled.
I give her a ghosty smile, "Um, Yukino, we don't have to...I could always get a one-piece."
Her smile faded, "Oh, no it's quite okay!" She placed the hanger back on the circle rack and began flipping through the various styles of bathing suits with a rebounded smile gracing her pretty face.
"Sorry, Yukino, it's I...I'm feeling a little insecure these days." It's not a lie, necessarily. I felt like I was showing through my completely innocent short-sleeved T-shirt.
"Your body is beautiful, Lucy-san! No need to feel insecure." Yukino smiled at me, suddenly giving me a boost of confidence.
Suddenly, worrying about the baby showing vanished. It wouldn't show until...ehhh, I don't know four, five months? I have a little while.
"Here's one!"
The hanger had a two-piece bikini, but it wasn't a string-tied. It was blue with yellow star designs.
"Are you going to try it on?"
"Um, sure."
I take the hanger from her and head toward the dressing rooms.
~A few minutes later~
I look at myself in the full body mirror. I had always thought of myself as pretty and curvy, but now that I'm pregnant, how much would change? I drum my fingers against my belly before sliding them just below my belly button.
Well, I know this much, no matter what the baby is, what it looks like, it will be beautiful. They'd get their looks from me and they'd better be happy they have a hot mom! Ba-dump. My heart did a somersault. I guess it hasn't clicked completely.
"Lucy-san? Are you okay? Does it not fit?" Yukino asked from the other side of the curtain.
I don't answer her right away, as I am appreciating how my top makes my boobs look nice. At this point, I'm happy I was born with my mother's looks.
"I think I'm going to get this one, Yukino," I say back. I pull the tag from the bottoms, opening the curtains up, "Could you take this to the lady and pay for it? I'll repay you later."
"It's okay, and you look great!"
I'm glad someone thinks so.
Just as Yukino goes to walk away, the ground shook, followed by a big, no, giant explosion. I may be over-exaggerating, but it was pretty tremendous. I try to keep my balance, but unfortunately, my luck wasn't with me. The aftermath wasn't so much as clean. Clothes and other stuff were rustled around and even fell to the floor.
"Wha--?!" I yelp out, nearly stumbling into a glass shelf with millions of dodads and nicknacks. "What the hell!?"
"Lucy-san!" Yukino hurried over to me, long-forgotten of paying the cashier lady. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, you?" I straighten my posture, looking at her as she confirms her wellbeing with a nod. I rush back into the dressing room, grabbing my bag, shuffling through it, I take my key pouch. "Where's your keys?"
Yukino seemingly pulled her small collection from thin air.
And with that, we rushed outside, keys ready just in case of immediate danger.
What we saw wasn't what I expecting.
"What the hell! Cobra! Sting!"
The two men were fighting, their magic tossed around as people ran screaming. The beach was their battleground and they didn't seem to stop just because of civilians. I couldn't see Midnight or Rogue, or the Exceeds.
"Idiots!" I grumble, taking out two of my keys.
"Open Gate of the Lion! Leo! Open Gate of the Maiden! Virgo!"
Ding dong! The spirits appeared before me. They face me with emotionless expressions.
"Open Gate of the Scale! Libra!" Yukino summoned before anyone could say anything.
The spirit appeared just next to Virgo, in which the fellow Zodiacs gave each other glances.
"Sorry, but no time to give instructions! Loke, Virgo, please separate them!" I thrust my arm ou at the giant dust cloud. Arms, feet, and sometimes someone's head popped out, just for a short second.
"And when they do, Libra, use your gravitational pull to keep them grounded," Yukino added.
"As you wish."
Loke and Virgo vanished. I watch as Cobra and Sting flew in opposite directions of the dust cloud. Virgo and Loke were on guard, obviously due to the fact interrupting two, very powerful dragon slayers' quarrel.
Sting spit out blood onto the sand just before charging at Cobra, his magic spiraling in his palms. Unlike the blonde, Cobra was calm, preparing himself for the right moment to attack. Both men, suddenly jumping into the air, only meters away from each other.
"Libra now!"
"Got it!"
The familiar magic circle was fairly large over the men. I could visibly see the gravitational pulls in ripples of the light. I hear it. The ground caves and cracks as they were forced to plant themselves on their feet. They struggled to keep up to their stances.
"You can stop now, Libra," Yukino said, the spirit nodding, allowing her gravity magic to reverse.
The white-haired woman marched up to the broken ground, right up between the two dragon slayers, with her hands on her hips. "What on earth are you doing, Sting?!"
I hurry to the woman, seeing Cobra recompose himself from Libra's attack. He looked like he was gonna collapse in the aftermath of his stomach catching back up with him.
"Wha-! Lucy/Princess!" Loke and Virgo quickly followed after me.
"You're okay! I've got you--" I let out a gasp as Cobra smacks away my arms.
"Don't touch me!" He shouted, glaring at me with his one eye.
"Hey now!" Loke growled, shielding me behind him.
"You need to calm down! We can talk this out!" I try to reason, but it seems my words don't seem to reach him at all.
"We wouldn't be here if it weren't for that kid in your stomach!" Cobra spat causing my blood to run cold. "I wouldn't have been accused of shit and wouldn't have wasted my magic on some jackass who thinks he's hotshot!"
I didn't why he was so pissed off for, it was just some misunderstanding....wasn't it? He was just overreacting, I mean, we haven't been in Crocus very long and...and maybe he's just agitated by the sudden change of scenery? We have a lot to learn about one another, but is he seriously blaming it on my unborn baby? He has one little fight with Sting and that automatically makes my baby at fault?
"Cobra, I...you need to grasp yourself before you do something I might have to finish." I step around Loke carefully. "We should talk it out and--"
"And what? Pretend we're friends? We ain't friends! Yer bud decides to irk me for no reason and I'm gettin' blamed? Fuck that, if it's gonna be that way, then send me back to prison." Cobra growled coldly.
"What are you talking about?!" I say loudly, "Explain to me why you're so pissed! Communicate, dammit!" I curl my hands into fists and shake them at my sides to emphasize my frustration and confusion.
"I know you're pregnant, Lucy." Sting suddenly said, earning a collective gasp throughout the small group.
"Yeah?" I dryly chuckle, spinning toward the dragon slayer, "If you're gonna turn it that way, it's not yours, by the way." I spit my acidic sarcasm at him.
Sting didn't say anything, as if he never expected to get this far or something. I feel like I'm not even surprised that he knew, he was a dragon slayer, with special senses. He probably smelled my pregnancy in our first encounter.
"I heard his thoughts. His doubts about us, Emo and I, " I turn back to Cobra, "He thought one of us did it. And before any of you start bitching, he attacked first, I was gonna end it."
"You can't be fighting, Cobra! If the Council found out, they'd--"
"They'd what, Blondie? Send Social Services to take us away? Yeah, yeah, I got it. Lay fucking low." The maroon-haired man was harsh and unnerved. He was angry that Sting attacked him and he was taking it out on everyone, well, verbally, it seems.
"Cobra..." I hiss warningly, but he was far from done, apparently, and he continued.
"And if you hadn't gotten yourself raped, we wouldn't even be in this crap town!"
My eyes widen, and it happened again. That horrible, horrible blood-chilling feeling crept into my gut, the fear, the rejection, the pain. Bile rose into my throat and hot, humiliation tears brimmed my eyes. Every nerve and brain cell I had lost it. My knees locked, un-abling me to run away from this public discovery, my hands slapping over my mouth in an attempt to prevent me from puking everywhere. I'm going to be sick...
"Fucking bastard!" Loke shouted, lunged for Cobra, fists glowing brightly with his Regulus magic, but the man countered it with his own fist glowing with violet and purple and red.
"Lucy-san?" Yukino's voice was soft and sorrowful. Full of pity.
I grunt out, forcing myself to move, to run away. My muscles pumped tiredly, but I refuse to allow myself to be seen as this.
"Lucy!" Loke yelled after me.
I didn't know if he was chasing after me, but I didn't care.
I had to get away.
Vote, comment, and subscribe--THIS ISN'T YOUTUBE. FUCK. Sorry. Not that I have followers on YouTube, which I don't. Outside of Wattpad, I'm a Plain Jane. I don't do much fun *cries inside* But, anyway. Do the first two for sure! I'd like it much! But only if you want, and you're probably skipping over this bold and black font thinking I'll update again, well, thing is, I never updated like I was supposed to anyway. School is starting back up again, August 15th.
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