《Babysitting Criminals While Pregnant *Slow Updates*》Chapter 18
"How do you like your eggs?"
"How should I know?"
"Do you want regular, scrambled, or maybe an omelet?"
"I don't care, food is food."
"Okay, well then, I'll be sure to make yours extra with the sunny side up."
"Nevermind, " I blew a stray strand away from my forehead, my snarky comment wasted.
These guys were killing me! Not in the literal term, but I mean, I'm trying to make breakfast for all of us, and I'm trying to figure what they like and how I should make it, but apparently, it's gonna be harder than I anticipated. Cobra wasn't necessarily at the counter, so I focused my questioning entirely on Midnight.
I scrape the regular fried eggs from the skillet, plopping them on a plate near the pancakes, bacon, biscuits, hashbrowns, and the orange juice I forgot to put away.
I had planned to sleep in, but the morning sickness has controlled my sleeping habits and my senses and I ended up emptying my stomach early, early today. And of course, I guess I woke Midnight and Cobra up, too. I mean, Cobra was probably the first one to check on me, with his super dragon hearing, he probably knew why before Midnight awoke. It's one of the reasons the goth was grumpy in the first place. I ruined his "precious" sleep.
"Why are you making so much food? Do we have guests coming over?" Midnight munched on a biscuit. "Are they those guys who attacked us last night?"
I sigh exasperatingly. "No, they're not coming over. It just happened to be a fluke, nevertheless, " I said, flipping my golden omelet. "And it was Sting who attacked. Rogue won't attack unless we give him a reason to."
Midnight hummed tiredly.
I kind of feel bad for them. Cobra and Midnight, I mean. The Council couldn't have had more impeccable timing with creating their petition. The two men were suddenly pulled from prison and given to me like tickets or something. And I'm sure they're just loving the drama that's floating around me. I honestly know they probably didn't want a hormonal pregnant woman to watch after them either, but it appears that I was their final choice.
I wonder who was thought of besides me? Hm...
"Your omelet thingy is burning." Midnight casually broke my thoughts.
"Crap!" I hiss, scooping the browning omelet from the skillet and dumping it on an empty plate (which was mine).
I turn the stove off after putting the skillet on the back burner.
"So...what're we doing today?" Midnight asked, training his eyes on me.
"I don't know. What do you guys wanna do?" I wipe my hands on the hand towel draped on the oven's handle.
Cobra finally decides to make his appearance, wearing his usual red pants and a simple white tank top. His hair was ruffled and slightly messy, and from the towel that hung over his shoulder, I assumed he took a shower.
"Well, for one we still gotta get clothes." He said, taking the towel to his hair, ruffling it more with his hands.
"Yeah..." Normally shopping made me ecstatic and it faded when my mind fast-forwarded to when I would eventually need maternity clothes. I immediately shake my head furiously.
"You okay there, Blondie?" Cobra raised an eyebrow, looking at me weirdly with his eye."You're spacing out." He added chronically.
"Just small thoughts." I blew out, "Hungry? I made way too much, but I guess it's whatever." I make my plate, now feeling my belly crying out for food.
"Did you burn something?" I could hear Cobra sniffing the air.
Midnight laughs amusingly.
I bite down on my tongue to keep from saying anything rude.
"Hello, welcome to Clothes Matter~! How may we assist you today?"
The clothing store was enormous...and so was that lady's hair. It looked like a bloody cotton ball. The color made me grimace. She really couldn't pull it off, the color I mean. The only person that I knew of who pulled red hair off was Erza. I wonder how she's doing?
"We're just looking today, thanks, " I wave them down with the flick of my wrist.
"I wasn't talking to you, Bimbo..." the whisper slithered into my ears like cringe-worthy flute music.
"Excuse me?" I sent an agitated glare her way as the men parted to find clothes of their liking.
Squeaking with a taunt, "She heard me! Oh, how embarrassing to be caught. Continue right on, lady!" She held on hand over her mouth, probably hiding that fake frown while waving the other wildly in the air as she giggled.
Instead of picking a fight, I saunter into the aisles, peering at the various types of clothing hanging on the racks and folded on the shelves. Isn't that what they call "poor treatment from the employees"? I have half a mind to report it to their manager! But, I won't, with me being a gracious soul and all. I pause, seeing a cute blue-purple tye-dyed summer dress. I take the dress' hanger, pulling it from the rack, glancing at the size, inwardly happy that it was around my size. The dress was swirling with blue and purple (as mentioned a second ago), the waist had a stretchy band that blended with the dress fabric. It went to my shins, ending in ruffled hems. The straps were stretchy material, too.
Buying it popped into my mind. Happiness exploded into my body, unraveling like a coil, but it simmered down quickly as I remembered that I wasn't here for me.
"But...it's such a cute dress!" I whimpered, "Where's the price tag?" I look for the tag, the white card was small, but it had what I was looking for. A tiny smile tugged my lips upward. It was only a few jewels!
I mean, it'd be okay, right? Lahar delivered the money for the guys already, and they had the money to pay for their clothes, and this dress is really cheap!
"If you're not going to try it on, I'd suggest putting it back on the rack, Miss." That lady rudely called from the counter she worked at.
I flash her a snarky smile, draping the dress over my arm. I wasn't going to try it on, I was just going to buy it, for the hell of it. I really do hope she wasn't giving me trouble because of Cobra and Midnight being here and wanted to seem "cool". I mean, I suppose both of them are attractive...in their own ways. Cobra had that "bad boy" vibe going on, mostly from the way he glares at people. Midnight...well, he's that feminine type of guy, lean and skinny, and he had a pretty face, too.
I stroll toward the men's section to find my charges. After minutes of searching, I finally see maroon bristles. Cobra was shuffling through the clothes rack with a picky manner.
"Not your style?" I ask, approaching him.
He clicked his tongue with annoyance, "Damn store has nothin' I like."
I giggle, "There are other stores, ya know."
"Man!" Midnight groaned out, suddenly appearing with a large black, knitted sweater and rip-styled jeans that clung loosely to his legs. "This shitty store has nothing else!"
"Out of all colors, " Cobra and I turn to Midnight, "You choose black?"
Sassily placing his hands on his hips with a curved frown, Midnight huffs out, "Well, what's that 'pose mean?" He glares disapprovingly at me.
I snort out a laugh, "N-nothing!" I smack a hand over my mouth to keep from insulting the man with my laughter.
"You realize I could do away with you right here, right?" Midnight glared at me.
With this, I sober myself, "No doubt about it. You guys are every bit a criminal as I am a woman. You've killed men, women, and puppies alike, but I know you wouldn't kill a pregnant lady who has a mean kick!"
"...Right." Midnight stiffened as he turned back around, most likely going back to the dressing rooms.
I stare at after his retreating figure, "Is he gay?"
"Why are you asking me?" Cobra growled.
"I don't even know why I'm asking."
"Then don't ask."
I glare at Cobra as he resumes his search for clothes. He did have a point, though. Even though he and Midnight have a history, and knowing about Cobra's chill, but deadly laid back self, he probably couldn't care less about Midnight and his personal life. But Midnight sudden sassiness and posture just then nearly convinced me...
"Just to get a grip on your likes and whatnot, " I go to another rack, tossing the dress I had on my arm, over on my shoulder, "What piques your interest?"
Cobra didn't answer right off the bat, "Anything but this shit." He flicked a knitted turtleneck with distaste.
My eyes flicker at the colors, "So, you're into dark colors?"
"They reflect on my soul."
"I'm sure they do, " I chuckle light-heartedly.
"Okay, I've decided I'm getting this!" Midnight marched back into the clothing area, clad in his old clothes.
Ignoring Midnight, Cobra groaned out, "I regret even bringing up the fact about needing clothes!" And with that, the man spun right around and stalked towards the exit.
"Hey, we haven't we even been here that long!" I sputter out loudly.
"Yeah? It's long enough for me!"
I smack my hand on my forehead, groaning loudly, "He's such a--" I bite my tongue to prevent from saying anything that'd cross the line with him. "At least wait! C'mon, Midnight, let's pay for our--" My eyes spring to the gothic man, who appeared at the cash register, paying for his items.
I'm going to seriously punch these guys' lights out! They're supposed to listen to me! At least they know to stick around and not high tail it.
I walk up to the register, taking the dress and placing it on the counter.
The afro lady squints at me, "What's this?" She points at the dress.
"A dress. I'm purchasing it." I state firmly.
"Right, " She grimaces, "You know, this isn't for adults." She says.
"What?" I raise my eyebrows, "It's not, " I shake my head. "It's in my size. I have the money to pay for it. Just let me do so and I can get out of your hair."
She silently mimicks me and scans the tag, "That'd be two hundred jewels." She reaches out for the money I am currently digging into my wallet for.
"Here--" She snatches it from my fingers, the papery bills slicing open my middle finger. "Ow!" I hiss out, feeling the painful stings.
Red seeped through the small cut, "Seriously?" I glare at the woman acting as if she hadn't done anything wrong. "What is your problem?" I grab a tissue from the tissue dispenser to wrap my finger with.
It hurt, but my annoyance and anger were greater than the stinging. Never in my life have I been treated poorly in a clothing store!
"I haven't any problems...your the problem here." She glares at me with burning hate, which surprised me because I didn't know this woman and she didn't know me.
"Sorry to burst your radioactive egomaniac bubble, " I blew a strand of hair from my eyes, watching as she stuffed the dress in a shop bag.
"Take your purchase and get out."
I roll my eyes, grabbing the bag and walking to the exit. What a rude lady! As much as she sparked my anger, she wasn't worth it. There are plenty of assholes in the world and I'm not gonna break if some snobbish woman sneers my way.
I exit the store, looking around. Cobra and Midnight were faithful puppies. They were sitting side by side, on each side of the bench. Both of them had identical postures with their arms folded over their chests and twin glares.
"Are you guys ready?" I approach them.
"Finally!" Midnight rose to his feet, his purchased items in hand (in the bag, of course). "Do all women take as long as you?"
I gape at him, "You know what? Screw you! The register lady was giving me a hard time!" I glare at the goth.
"And that's my problem?"
Before I could even retort even a little bit, a loud squeal filled the strip mall. What the hell? Did someone get proposed to? Or did someone let their kid lose in the fountains, candy store, or toy store?
"Tch! Annoying!" Cobra grunted as he stood, hand stuffed in his pockets.
I assume he's grouchy because the squeals were much louder to him me than me. I'm glad I don't have his powerful hearing.
Sounds like a pain.
"Eh? Lucy-san? Is that you?"
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