《Babysitting Criminals While Pregnant *Slow Updates*》Chapter 5


"Lahar, " A man with a distinctive scar decorating his face spoke out. He wore a strict expression laced with concern. "I think the Council is mistaken. We mustn't do this."

"As you said many times before, but, " Lahar sidestepped and looked at his companion, and the two other men behind him. "It's already done. Their guardian is chosen and this will go as planned."

"I just don't understand why they couldn't just send for her beforehand! It doesn't feel right just dropping these criminals on her this way!" Dorinbolt protested, gesturing his hands wide.

"We can hear you." The Gothic cuffed man rang out with absolute annoyance.

The maroon-haired man stayed silent, as he knew what the guards were going to say.


I didn't realize how pathetic my life could get until now. I felt like I was clinging onto a thin string of sanity, screaming for someone, anyone, to help. Loke let me cry it out, I ruined his shirt, though. He couldn't care less. All he wanted was for me to be okay.

He currently left Virgo in charge of me while he spoke with the other Zodiacs and spirits I'm contracted to.

"Brother said to make sure you are eating, Princess." Virgo placed a plate of white rice, garlic spread on baked chicken with a side of boiled baby carrots sprinkled with pepper. "You should eat up, Princess." She handed me the plate with a fork.

"Thank you, Virgo." I began to scoop some of the rice into my mouth.

"How are you feeling, Princess?" Virgo stared at me.

"Honestly, I feel like digging myself a hole and rotting inside," I mumble through my food. "I'm just tired, but I don't want to rest."


Virgo stared at me, her eyes burning holes into my soul. I couldn't tell what the monotonous spirit was thinking. I never could.

"Shall I prepare divine punishment, Princess?" When she finally spoke after a long, unending minute, her voice was cold to hear. Her tone was absolutely harsh and ready to kill. Is she capable of doing so, though?

I stare at my plate, gripping the fork. My lips tightened into a thin line. "No. Loke got him pretty well earlier." I manage to say clearly.

"Not well enough, it seems." Virgo showed emotion through her eyes. For the first time, Virgo seemed nearly as dangerous as Satan Soul Mira.

I didn't dare say anything. Not that I was I scared of her, it's just she was a beacon of power not to be trifled with. I know from experience something like that should never be interrupted and what not.

"Very well, Princess. I shall not harm him. Yet. And when I do, all the spirits you are contracted to, will also take revenge. No one who harms you will live to see the next ray of sunlight the minute you give us permission." Virgo bowed before vanishing in golden light.

I sigh. Of course. But before I could do anything, there was a knock on the front door. I mean, the only door to exit my apartment. Obviously. I moan tiredly. Who could it be? I hope whoever it was, wasn't bringing trouble along with them. I've had enough trouble today. I'm mentally and physically drained. I should've taken that calming bath when I had the chance! I place the plate of food onto the cushion next to me and get to my feet, huffing.

Not even two seconds later, the knocks began again. Much more firm and quicker than the last few.


"I'm coming!" I mumble. I don't know why I couldn't just call to them. I know they couldn't hear me as I moved around my furniture. I honestly didn't want to hurry to the unexpected guests. I'm hoping they have the wrong address.

The knocks came again, much harsher and harder, this time. Oh my god! I quicken my pace. My hands fly to the door locks and unlock the door.

I throw the door open. "WOULD YOU KNOCK IT OFF!!" I shout in complete annoyance. People were just so persistent.

The familiar faces of Lahar and Dorinbolt are the first things I see. I squeak out a tiny gasp, my face heating up with embarrassment. "A-ah! Lahar! Dorinbolt!" Shit! "U-um...good evening..." I chuckle nervously. "Wh-what're you doing here?"

"Good evening, Miss Heartfilia. Sorry to barge in on your night, but we have an urgent matter to discuss with you." Lahar briefed his apology, transitioning to the real why he came, which actually caught my interest.

"U-um..." The only thing that came to mind was, well, nothing. I couldn't conjure up anything that I may have done wrong. Is it because my rent was a little late this month?! "Is something wrong? I swear I got my rent money this month! Please don't evict me!" I plead, clapping my hands together as if I were trying to pray.

Lahar chuckled. "Don't worry, Miss Heartfilia, the matter isn't of the sorts. You could say it's a more personal request from the Magic Council."

I lower my hands to my stomach, raising an eyebrow.

What could the Magic Council's request possibly be--? My breath hitched and I think my heart stopped with cold blood. I didn't think my eyes could as wide as they are now.

"May we, " Dorinbolt began slowly, "Come in?"

I didn't answer him as my focus was entirely on the two men behind them.

Cobra and Midnight.

Members of the Oracion Seis. Or is it ex-members?

Lahar cleared his throat. "Miss Heartfilia, is everything alright?" He stepped forward.

"You might wanna catch her." Cobra suddenly said.

My head began to spin intensely like I was caught in one of Wendy's dragon roars. Black dots clouded my vision. My body grew numb suddenly.

"What?" Lahar barked at the maroon-haired man.

"Lucy!" Dorinbolt shouted as my knees buckled from where I stood.

My vision was cut off and darkness engulfed me.

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