《Sakuras In Ice (A Bleach Fan fiction)》9: Sake and A Pink Kimono


After the visit at squad 7, the group is on the road again towards the remaining squads. They are walking quietly but they suddenly heard an ear piercing scream from one of the buildings.

" Seems to be a girl

Yuki just giggled at the voice while Renji just scratched the back of his head and Rukia sighed.

"There goes Nanao again. Screaming and all." Renji commented

"With the captain she has, who wouldn't?" Rukia added

"Why? Is the captain awful?" Yuki asked tilting her head up to meet their gazes

"I think it's better to see for yourself." Renji said and they entered the squad 8 barracks

When they entered the barracks and to the captain's office, what welcomed them is a sight many seated officials of Seiretei loathes to see....... You got it.


Laying everywhere in the office are huge stacks of paperwork. It seems like your in a paper factory rather than an office.

"Nanao-chan, can I take a brake? I'm tired!" A voice was heard behind one of the piles

"If you keep taking a break every five minutes, we won't finish anything on time." A slightly irritated voice is also heard

Yuki can't help but giggle and it seems it captured the attention of the two voices.

"Oh, it seems we have guests." A figure then appeared from the stacks of paper

Yuki looked at the person who stood. Straw hat, brown hair, tall, has a pink kimono drapped on his shoulders, a beard man and he seems to be bored all the time.

"Sorry if we disturbed you, Captain Kyoraku." Rukia said then bowed

"Oh, it's okay. I needed the break anyway." He said and squatted down on Yuki's level

"So, you are the new kid at Yama-jii's place. I'm Shunsui Kyoraku, but I guess you already knew that." Shunsui said then scratched her ears


Yuki can't help but giggle and purr at her ears being scratched.

"I'm Yuki. Nice to meet you!" Yuki said she felt herself getting lifted

She whipped her head around to find Nanao carrying her.

"Captain, stop making Yuki as a distraction. You still have a lot of work to do!" She said as she carried Yuki in her arms

"Nanao-chan, can't you see we have guests? At least we should entertain them, especially this cute little kitty." Shunsui said whinning

Well her captain has a point. They do have guests that needs to be entertained and she could use the break. She gave a huge sigh before setting Yuki down.

"Fine. We can take a break. I'll just prepare snacks." Nanao said and left the room asking Rukia and Renji to tag along

With Yuki and Shunsui left, Yuki can't help but question a few things around her.

"Why do you wear a straw hat?"

"I use it to cover my face when sleeping and to protect me from the sun."

"Why do you wear a kimono?"

"It's not actually worn. It's drapped and I just like it there."

"Why are there so many papers in your office?"

"I don't know."

"Why do you reek of something I don't know?"

"What do you mean?"

"You smell of liquor. But I don't know what."

"Ah, you mean the sake?"

This caught our Yuki's interest.

"What's sake?" She asked

"Well, my dear. Why don't I just show you instead of explaining?" Shunsui said then grabbed something from behind one of the stacks

Yuki saw a white bottle and she knew sake was a drink. She took the bottle from Shunsui and sniffed it.

"What does it taste?" Yuki asked and her ears perked up


"I am not a wimp!" She suddenly blurted out

Shunsui was caught off guard and frantically looked around.

"Who you talking too?"

"Oh, sorry to startle you. Katen Kyokotsu is teasing me. She said only wimps never know sake." Yuki said pouting

Yuki's ability didn't surprise Shunsui anymore, instead, he was amazed.

"Really, so what would you do?" He asked

Yuki popped the cork and said with pride.

"I'm gonna prove her wrong!" And chugged the sake down

In the place where Nanao and the others are, they are busy making snacks and having small talk.

"Wow, from the sound of that, Yuki does seem like a special girl. I wonder what her other abilities are?" Nanao said as she pours tea in individual cups

"I bet we will see it soon. But for now, all that matters most is for her to pick a squad." Rukia said as she place biscuits with animal shapes on a plate

"I wonder what she'll pick? I hope she picks us." Renji said holding the tea kettle

"Haha. Well she will decide that on her own." Nanao said and her head perked up a little

"Nanao? What's wrong?" Rukia asked

Nanao made a shushing action to them and strained her ears to listen to the commotion in the other room.


Then the sound of bottles clincking was heard. Nanao's grip on a cup bacame so hard that she broke it. Renji and Rukia dropped what they are holding and proceeded to cover there ears.

"" Nanao screamed and dashed back to the office

Rukia and Renji followed suit to see a half drunk Yuki and Captain Kyoraku growing a bump on his head with a seathing Nanao in front of him. The both of them sweatdropped and hurriedly went to Yuki's side.

"Ahihihi *hic*..... Sheeee, Katen *hic* Kyotshu *hic*. I ain't no *hic* wimp!" Yuki exclaimed and passed out

Renji caught her and sighed. Rukia, on the other hand, keeps trying to pry Nanao away from her captain who is also passed out from the slaps he received. Nanao only calmed down when she saw her captain isn't mpving anymore.

All of a sudden, Yuki jerked upward in a sitting position so fast it startled Renji. This also caught Nanao and Rukia's attention. Yuki yawned and scratched her ears. She looked around and found the three of them staring at her.

"What?" She asked tilting her head

They face planted on the floor and Renji was the first to recover.

"Aren't you drunk just a while ago?" He said

"Huh? Oh, cats get sober easily." Yuki said and laughed

They all sweat dropped and sighed. Yuki glanced at the beaten up Shunsui and grimaced.

"Shinken Hakkyōken was right. Nanao nee-chan really is a beast." Yuki mumbled

"Did you say something, dear?" Nanao asked while adjusting her glasses

"Nothing. Just pitying on Captain Kyoraku here." Yuki said and pointed at him

Nanao sighed and Rukia patted her back.

"Well, he'll be up in a while." Nanao said and glanced down

An awkward silence covered them until Rukia started to talk.

"We should go. Yuki still has a number of squads to visit." She said

"Okay. Thank you anyway, Yuki. And welcome to Seretei. Sorry you had to see this." Nanao said and ruffled Yuki's hair when she went beside her

"It's okay. Actually it was an eye opener." Yuki replied

"An eye opener?" Renji asked

"Yeah. Reminds me to never get on Nanao nee-chan's bad side." Yuki said with a smile

The three shinigamis was frozen for a while before they started laughing. Yuki tilted her head, clueless, but laughed along nonetheless.


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