《Sakuras In Ice (A Bleach Fan fiction)》4: Snake Eyes and a Fox-like Grin


After hours of chasing and pleading, Yuki and her group finally got out of squad 2. Although before they left, Captain Soi Feng gave Yuki a gift, a cat collar with a bell. Yuki is over joyed when she received it that she immediately wore it and right now as they walk towards the squad 3 barracks, she can't stop skipping and making the bell ring.

"You sure are enjoying your bell, huh?" Renji asked as he eyed Yuki

"Of course I am! This is like the first time I received something you call a gift. It enlightens me!" Yuki said as she spun around and hit someone accidentally

"Whoa there. Careful, kitty." The voice said behind Yuki

She turned her head around and smiled at the person she bumped.

"Hi Captain Gin!" Yuki said with a wave

"Hello too, Yuki. I see you're doing your exploring." He said with his signature wolfish grin

"Not exploring, visiting and picking! I'm walking around to pick a squad!" Yuki said and scratched her ear

"Is that so. Well I hope you pick mine. Oh, Lieutenant Renji and Miss Rukia, are you her escorts?" Gin asked when he saw them

"Yes, Captain Ichimaru." They answered in unison

Gin spotted the collar on Yuki's neck and touched it.

"Oh, that is from Soi Feng onee-chan. She gave it to me as a gift." Yuki said happily

"Soi Feng onee-chan?" Gin asked

"That's what she want me to call her. She is a very nice lady. Huh?" Yuki said then her ears started twitching

"Yuki, is there something wrong?" Rukia asked as she placed her hands on her shoulder.

She heard her mumble a 'now' and next thing they new she pounced on a blonde haired boy who just turned to there corner. Both of them are on the ground and Yuki is straddling him while she looks at him. The blonde boy is all red in the face and shocked at what happened. Said blonde boy is the squad 3 lieutenant, Izuru Kira.


"H-h-hey! Who are y-y-you and why did you pounce on me!" Izuru said still shocked and blushing

Yuki just stared at him with her hetero chromatic eyes as if thinking intently. She swiped the hair covering Izuru's left eye and stared at it for a while. The group of three behind them seems amused because no one is stopping her. Even Gin is holding back his laughter.

Yuki then placed her face on Izuru's chest and sighed. Izuru went redder and is now shaking. He glanced at his captain for help but he only saw the three laughing at him.

"Izuru Kira is your name, right?" Yuki said in a muffled voice

"Y-y-y-yes." He answered in a high pitched voice.

"Oh, Renji-kun!" Yuki yelled and Renji picked her off Izuru.

Yuki then placed herself on Renji's back and dangled from his shoulders. Izuru still stayed on the ground sweating heavily and panting as if he ran a marathon non stop for 5 times. His captain approached him laughing and offered him a hand.

"Wabisuke is right. Izuru-kun can get flustered easily. Sorry about that, Izuru-kun. Wabisuke told me to tease you to prove his point." Yuki said apologetically

Izuru was puzzled at first then she got what she said.

"W-wabisuke? That's my zanpakuto. How did you know his name?" Izuru asked

Yuki pointed at her clip.

"Muracho told me. She is my zanpakuto. She also told me about Shinso." Yuki said then looked at Gin

"Captain, Shinso told me that you should be careful on the decisions you do. Be sure it's worthy of 'sacrifice'." Yuki added looking serious for the first time.

Gin was surprised that she knew of the upcoming.

'What a clever girl. Don't worry, it's very worthy. Anything for her is worthy.' Gin thought to himself


She approached Yuki and patted her head. She gave a small meow and licked Gin's fingers. He chuckled and pointed to Izuru.

"I guess you should apologize again to my lieutenant." He said

Yuki nodded and jumped off Renji. She walked towards Izuru who is still red from what happened.

"Izuru-kun. Sorry!" Yuki said then bowed

Izuru gave a huge sigh and ruffled Yuki's hair. Yuki looked up at him and saw him smiling.

"I guess it's okay. Just don't do it again. Even if there zanpakuto told you to do so." Izuru said then smiled

Yuki gave him a huge grin and walked back beside Rukia.

"Well, it was nice running to you here. But I am afraid Izuru and I need to go. We still have a lot of things to do." Gin said with a grin

"Wait! I want to see something." Yuki said and leaped on Gin's shoulders.

She whispered something to him and Gin nodded.

"Now?" He asked and Yuki nodded

"Okay, but only you should see it." Gin said then laughed

Yuki glanced at them then used her sleeves to cover her and Gin's face. The three were confused on what they were doing until Yuki squealed and giggled.

"They're pretty! Just like mine!" Yuki said then laughter was heard

Yuki then removed her sleeve and leaped down Gin's shoulder. She walked back beside Rukia and smiled at him.

"Thank you, Captain Gin." Yuki said

"You can call me Gin. Since it looks like we are gonna be best friends." Gin said then smiled

"Okay then Gin. See you around!" Yuki said then they left.

Rukia and Renji of course, greeted first before leaving. As Gin and Izuru watched them walk further and further away from them, Gin can't help but chuckle.

"Is there something wrong, Captain?" Izuru asked his captain

"No. But something just tells me, having Yuki around will change some things." Gin said then turned to walk towards their barracks

Izuru looked back to the direction the three disappeared to and smiled to himself.

"Yeah. I guess you're right." He mumbled to himself

"Izuru, let's go. Those paperwork won't finish themselves." Gin said as he walks

"Ah, yes. Coming." Izuru said then jogged to follow his captain.



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