《Tendou's Ship (Ushijima Wakatoshi x Male!Reader)》Flowers


"(Name) what was Wakatoshi coming out of your room at 1 am for?" Satori gently chuckled as you were both walking towards the gym after school had ended. You and Satori had stayed after class to help run an errand for your teacher, much to Satori's displeasure. You did drag him along after all.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I saw him coming out of your room at 1," Satori shrugged, "Did you use prot-"

You clamped your hand against his mouth to stop him from speaking when a smirk formed on his face.

"Nothing happened," You retorted with a small scoff, running a hand through your h/c hair.

"Sureee," He taunted.

You ignored his comments, as you continued towards the gym. Wakatoshi was probably already in the changeroom as you began to walk towards the coach.

"(L.Name) I need you to look over these for the training camp," The coach handed you a large sheet of paper, and your eyes widened at the sight, hesitantly grabbing it from his hands as you began skimming through all the pages.

"I'll have it done before we go to camp."

"Good," He ushered, relaxing into his seat as a gentle sigh escaped his lip. You immediately got to work, your eyes scanning each word on the paper and quickly signing it, setting it to the side. You didn't bother to get distracted. You needed these done before camp and it was only a few days away. Thankfully, your coach didn't bother to interrupt you, as he saw your focused form. These were way too many papers to have done before camp. Looks like you wouldn't be getting much sleep tonight.


"Did you see it (Name)? I totally almost blocked wonder boy over here," Satori laughed, as you tightly clenched onto the folder of papers in your hand.

"I didn't," You frowned, "Coach wants me to have all of these papers done and organized before the training camp."


"That sucks," Satori sympathized, Wakatoshi nodding in agreeance as red eyes met yours.

"I'm barely going to get any sleep," You sighed, your h/c hair gently blowing in the cold night.

After a walk to the dorms, you quickly left the two boys, rushing towards your room and almost immediately settling down and getting to work. You plugged your headphones into your phone, playing f/s (favorite song) before continuing to write at an intense speed.

You were interrupted by the abrupt sound of your door knocking. With a small sigh, you opened the door, and you were met with Wakatoshi's towering form, clutching onto a bouquet of purple flowers that were neatly placed together. Your brow raised as you took in the sight before you.

"Satori told me you-"

"That's not the line Wakatoshi!" Satori jumped up in a childish matter before your e/c eyes began to glare daggers at him. He awkwardly chuckled, before he slowly turned on his heel, sprinting down the hallway.

A sigh escaped your lips before you turned around to look at Wakatoshi. He was still holding the flowers out, and you slowly took them from him, his warm fingertips gently grazing against yours.

"Thanks Wakatoshi," It was a mumble, before you slowly pressed your face against the flowers, the sweet scent prominent as a relaxed smile formed on your face.

He nodded in response before turning around, leaving you standing there as you looked down at the flowers, a small blush forming on your face before you returned to your room, shutting the door behind you. You placed the bouquet in a small vase that rested in the corner of your room with a small content smile. As you recalled the moment, a bright blush crept onto your face before you forced yourself back to work.


You were awoken by the loud ringing of your alarm, and you let out a weary groan, your eyes darting towards your calendar that read 'Training camp!' Running a hand though your h/c hair, you dragged yourself towards the bathroom, quickly changing and washing your face with cold water. It was still dark as you quickly grabbed your bag, dragging it across the floor as you walked out of your dorm room. You encountered Semi on the way to the lounge room, where everyone agreed to meet, but you were both too tired to start a conversation. The echoing of a loud voice rang through your ears as you arrived at the lounge, Satori as energetic as ever with Wakatoshi resting his head on his hand.


"Good morning (Name) and Semisemi," Satori greeted happily, "Aren't you guys excited?"

"Ehh," You managed to say, taking a seat next to Wakatoshi as you laid into the couch, sinking into it's warmth.

"Come on guys, get excited!" Satori cheered.

"Yay," Semi uttered, the enthusiasm leaking from his voice.

After a few minutes passed, the whole team was there and you all immediately boarded the bus. The seats were cushiony, and each seat held 2 people. As you walked towards the back of the bus, Satori practically pushed you into one of the seats, as you almost tripped over Wakatoshi's foot, you mumbled a small apology. Too tired to bicker with Satori, you sat next to Wakatoshi. Luckily you got the window seat, and the seat was small, so contact was constant as you sat next to the captain. You leaned back into the seat, your breathing steadying as the coach finally boarded the bus.

"(L.Name) and Ushijima, I need you both to start planning room arrangements. 2 people per room. No misbehavior and I want you all on your best game."

With a small grumble, you reached for your bag, pulling out a small notebook to write on as you turned to face Wakatoshi.

"Okay, so if it's 2 people per room," You began, "How about we ask the team?"

Wakatoshi nodded in agreeance as you popped your head over the seat. "Can you guys pick your rooms?"

"Semisemi go with me~" Satori declared in response.

You quickly jotted everyone's room down as more and more people requested their rooms. You could see Satori giggling with a small, mischievous grin in the background but you tried to ignore him. You immediately noticed why he was giggling as your eyes landed on the final names.

"And finally..," You gulped, Satori's eyes widening to the size of saucers, "That leaves me and Wakatoshi."

"That settles it I guess," Ohira smiled. Satori nodded with a bright grin, as you sat back down in your seat, a small yawn escaping your lips as you sunk into the seat.

"What time did you go to bed?" Wakatoshi asked.

"Late," You replied with a small shrug, "I almost didn't get all these papers done."

"Oh. You should get some rest," Wakatoshi said with a small nod. You smiled in response, before your eyes shut close, letting sleep take over.

"Oh he's so going to kill me," Satori giggled, practically running to your sleeping form when he noticed the coach had also fallen asleep. He brought his marker closer to your face, and was about to press it against your soft skin before a small mewl escaped your lips, as you uncomfortably shifted, leaning into Wakatoshi who didn't react.

"You're going to wake him up," Wakatoshi informed.

"Come on, it'll be funny," Satori snickered. He once again moved the marker closer to your face, but you retracted, angrily turning your head to the side so your face was stuffed against Wakatoshi's blank black shirt.

"This is so much better than drawing on his face," Satori mumbled to himself, taking his phone out and snapping a quick picture.

He knew you were going to kill him but it was totally worth it.

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