《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》475-476


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What? She thought she wasn’t nice enough to that guy before, and she was going to be nicer to him now? Jun Linyuan was exasperated!

He threw a dirty look at Feng Wu and turned to leave.

“Hey, wait! Where are you going?” Feng Wu shouted after Jun Linyuan.

Despite how furious he was, Jun Linyuan actually stopped. He turned around with a grim look on his face, which was rather intimidating.

“Are you going to hit Feng Xun again?” Feng Wu rushed out and grabbed Jun Linyuan. “No! You can’t do that!”

She was speaking up for another man now?

Jun Linyuan thought he was going to lose his mind.

Brushing off Feng Wu’s hands, he said in a soft, creepy voice, “Don’t worry. I won’t hit him. I’m going to kill him!”

But Feng Xun was his childhood friend!

He wouldn’t do that, would he?

Surely he was only saying that to frighten her!

However, why was her heart still racing in fear?

Feng Wu couldn’t take the risk, for Jun Linyuan was nuts!

At that thought, Feng Wu grabbed Jun Linyuan’s arm and yelled, “Stop! You’re not going anywhere!”

Jun Linyuan smirked, threw her hands off, and was going to march off.

Feng Wu was exasperated.

Poor Feng Xun. He had been beaten up twice by Jun Linyuan already, and now a third time? She couldn’t let that happen —

Flustered, Feng Wu didn’t have time to think straight. Sprinting toward Jun Linyuan, she leapt onto Jun Linyuan’s back and wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. “No! I won’t let you!”

Just then —

“Your Royal Highness —”

Lou Yun’s voice came from outside.

The door was open and she saw what was going on as soon as she came in.

Lou Yun was astonished and she stood dazed on the spot!

She could hear a rumbling sound in her head, as if she had just been struck by a thunderbolt. Her head went blank.


His Royal Highness… His Royal Highness…

Feng Wu… Feng Wu…

A bitter taste filled her mouth and she was almost in tears.

“Get lost!” With a wave of his hand, Lou Yun disappeared from sight, as if she had been blown away by a hurricane.

Speechless, Feng Wu watched as Lou Yun fell from the building.

Jun Linyuan was so violent!

To him, people weren’t categorized into men and women, but into the strong and the weak.

Clack —

The door to Beyond World closed.

The entire tenth floor was an open space with no extra walls. One could see the entire room at one glance.

Jun Linyuan could feel the soft body pressing against his back and he went tense. Even someone as wise and powerful as him was a little nervous.

He turned around and glared at Feng Wu. “Get down!”

Frightened by Jun Linyuan’s violent act, Feng Wu cringed and did as told. She stood still next to him.

Lou Yun, who had been pushed out the door, fell all the way down from Beyond World!

Crash —

She landed on the ground with a crushing sound.

As the head of World Tower, Lou Yun was very well-known!

Not many people had met her before, but the sound was so loud that a lot of customers came out to have a look.

Hence, someone soon recognized her.

“Gosh — isn’t that Master Lou Yun, the head of World Tower?”

“Lou Yun was pushed off the building? Oh my god! Who did it?”

“Is World Tower under attack?!”

To enter the lowest floor of World Tower, one had to be a seventh-ranked official or an owner of a medium-sized business at the very least. That was to say, only more influential personages had access to the higher floors.

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All the customers, from seventh-ranked officials to lords, were astonished.

World Tower was seized by panic.


However, with Feng around, it didn’t last long enough to cause any actual damage.

The old man stepped out and announced in a level voice, “His Royal Highness is in the middle of something. Please go back to your rooms and don’t linger.”

Among the onlookers were viscounts and earls. Lord Wuan was one of them.

All the others egged Lord Wuan on to probe into the situation.

Lord Wuan went up to Feng and lowered his voice. “Mr Feng, what did Boss Lou do? That was kind of harsh.”

Feng vented his sarcasm inwardly. What do you think? She picked the wrong side. His Royal Highness will never forgive her for trying to cut Miss Wu’s arm off.

Of course, Feng kept all that to himself. Otherwise, his proud, sensitive young master would kill anyone that heard about it.

Feng cleared his throat. “Lord Wuan, His Royal Highness doesn’t like to be questioned.”

Reminded of Jun Linyuan’s grim face, Lord Wuan flinched. “Of course, of course. I’m sure His Royal Highness has his own reasons.”

Dejected, Lord Wuan returned to his room in a hurry.

“What did you hear? What did Master Lou do?” Lord Wuan was entertaining some guests today on the eighth floor, and among them were several viscounts and earls.

Lord Wuan rubbed his chin. “His Royal Highness doesn’t like it when other people stick their noses into his business. Gentlemen, let’s just enjoy the meal.”

Actually, Lord Wuan only said that because he wasn’t able to get any information.

“I think His Royal Highness is in a foul mood,” said the Earl of Yangling in a mysterious tone.

“Why do you say that?” The others were surprised.

“I was told that a girl offended His Royal Highness on the fifth floor and that was why His Royal Highness lashed out at Master Lou Yun.”

“Who could have been bold enough to do that?” Lord Wuan cried out in surprise.

Lou Yun herself was treated with great respect, to say nothing of the crown prince.

These lords showed more reverence for the crown prince than for the emperor.

“What do you know about the Feng clan?”

“You mean the one that used to be among the nine major clans, but has since fallen beyond recognition?”

“Yes, that one. They had this Feng Wu girl back then, remember? She was once His Royal Highness’s fiancee. The Feng clan thought that with that genius daughter, they could rise to the top and get back into the nine major clans. But that girl lost her talent and became a nobody.”

“I heard about that. Isn’t that girl dead?”

“She’s not. I was told that she came back from Northern Border City, and she’s the one who pissed off His Royal Highness on the fifth floor.”

“I see. His Royal Highness must have found her repulsive, and the head of World Tower was blamed for letting her in.”

“Poor Master Lou Yun. She’s innocent in this.”

“We should remind the youngsters after we go back. Tell them to stay away from this Feng Wu, or they could be the next ones incriminated.”

“That’s so true…”

Without knowing it, Lord Wuan had led his friends in a very wrong direction.

And after those lords got back home, they led their offspring even further down that wrong path — we’ll talk about that later.

Lou Yun’s mind went blank after she was pushed off the top floor.

It was not until her body hit the ground and she spat out a mouthful of blood…

Only then was she able to think straight again.

It hurt…

She wasn’t dreaming! It had really happened!

She had really seen Feng Wu straddling His Royal Highness’s back, and he had pushed Luo Yun off the building in exasperation…

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