《The March of the Black Queen (book III)》12.) A Misty Castle Waits for You
The minute I walked in the joint, I could tell it was a really big sleeze fest. The woman were scantily dressed in barely-there costumes. All the paying customers had dancers on their laps, while their hands gripped onto their bare skin. I want to leave so badly- I don't want to be seen here.
I've only come to see if Mary is full of it or not. I don't see Cherie anywhere, but then again it's pretty hard to tell one woman from another besides looking at their body shapes and hair color. They all have their faces covered with a piece of fabric, only letting their eyes shine through. I'm sure that looking into Cherie's eyes would be enough for me, but maybe not. Maybe it's been too long. No. Never mind what am I saying? Of course I'd identify her!
The music switches to a slower, less adrenaline filled tempo as the sword dancers filter off the stage. The gleaming silver poles are the only decoration left on stage, before a number of other girls come along and begin to dance around. I fidget in my seat, a bit uncomfortable when a woman approaches me. She doesn't talk, doesn't even ask my permission- she just begins to twirl around in front of me until she's on my lap, twisting her hips around on my crotch.
For all I know, Jimmy could be here tonight. He could already have been tipped off by Mary or whoever else about the fact that I am here or that I now know what really happened to Cherie. My wife knows that I'm here. She knows why I'm here. This is fine. At least, that's what I keep telling myself as the woman continues her teasingly seductive dance. She gets up and shakes her hips about, making the belt on her waist shimmy and jingle.
The next thing I know, I'm being suffocated by her large bust pressing against my face as she roughly grabs rugs my hair once before letting go with a twinkling giggle. I really hope that the temporary black hair dye of my disguise, won't rub off on her hands.
I'm not gonna lie- obviously that is a turn on. I'm a tit man- it's only natural. Either way, I take out my wallet and then shove a hefty portion of my cash in her cleavage and gesture with a tilt of my head for her to leave.
She does and I immediately down the rest of my drink. I don't need to be getting myself into any damn trouble tonight. I'm only here to see...
That motherfucker! Just by chance I witness a close glance of Jimmy pulling a woman roughly by the arm, as she was just straddling another man at a table closer to the stage. He tugs her away from the customer who seems to be yelling about the interruption of his paid lap dance.
I think that's her? Damnit! Why is her face covered! It's too dimly lit in here to see and the fucking lighting is a dark purple, making the shadows on faces even harder to distinguish!
I can't hear what is said, but I watch as Jimmy yells in the face of the sitting man and points his finger toward the door. My guess is telling him to leave. It has to be Cherie. Why else would jimmy be so angry?
I almost jump out of my seat when I watch him force the almost naked woman to follow him. The bowing way she walk tells me that his grip must be causing her a great deal of pain. They head up the side steps to the stage and behind the curtain. How can I get back there without being seen?
Now that I look around, I don't see any type of security or body guards in the place. I think that's rather odd for a strip club...
Anyway, I can't be sure that the woman was Cherie. I don't want to miss her, now knowing that Jimmy is here I have to be even more careful. Shit. I should have brought someone with me! John or Brian, or even Freddie.
No. Freddie would have caused a huge scene- well, I still have no idea how I'm going to tell Freddie.
A few more minutes pass by as I sit in my seat, my leg shaking nervously as my eyes repeatedly scan the room. I feel like I need some type of X-ray vision to see properly and make out the faces behind the masks. Fuck this. That was her!
I casually get out of my seat, pretending to stand closer to the stage to have a look at the dancers. I keep a big grin on my face, smiling up flirtingly at the woman that bends down to shake her ass in front of me. I don't tip this one- I've already made it to the stage steps. Quickly looking around, I run up the five steps and dash behind the curtain, hoping that I won't be stopped or seen.
Behind the stage are more woman, bare assed and dressing into their costumes. Don't they even have a place to get dressed!?
I keep walking, following a crowd of a few woman that are not paying any attention to me. We walk through a number of different doors in short hallways and I see Jimmys face up ahead, as he comes out of a different room.
I make myself crouch shorter in stature and hide behind the girls as he passes by. Not even more than a few steps later, we walk into what I'm assuming is the dressing room. This has got to be where Jimmy just came out of.
The same woman that Jimmy had brought behind the stage is at the other end of the room and all I see is a swirl of her red, flowing skirt as she turns and goes into another room. So I do the only logical thing there is to do- I follow her.
Pushing the door open quickly, I turn to close it only to find out that this is a restroom- and the mystery woman is her.
"Cherie...," I cannot believe my eyes. Right before me is the woman we all thought to be dead for more than a years time. Her silhouette is not even recognizable; she's a mere skeletal version of her old self. Looking at her eyes closed in the reflection of the mirror ahead of us; her gaunt facial features are disguised with patterns of red, black and blue markings that splash across her skin. "Is it really you...,"
My voice is a trembling whisper that even I can barely hear. I watch her lips purse, her eyes shut tighter with the crease lines digging into the sides of her eyes before she turns around to face me. She opens her eyes and stares back at me with a lost, but terrified expression. She masks her features now with a wide, shining grin before opening her mouth. She speaks loudly as if trying to have others overhear with an uncharacteristic Spanish accent.
"I'm sorry, sir? You've got the wrong girl- I'm Maria. Can I help you find your friend?"
What?! She can't be serious!
"Cherie- I...I know it's y-,"
She rushes to me now, causing me a fright with the urgent look in her eyes as she covers my mouth by slapping her hand on top of my lips to close them shut.
"Don't call me that.," She hisses in my ear, her hand begins to shake and she releases me from her death grip.
Her eyes switch back and forth between mine, she looks at a loss of words or motions of what's next to come. "Go home, Rog- I..I can't talk here," She whispers as she slips around me heading for the door to leave the restroom. I quickly wrap my arms around her waist to hold her back with me. Even her hip bones protrude beneath my hands, I can feel the sharpness of her pointed bones where curves used to be.
"Then come with me- Ch...I've come to take you back. Come on- we can get out of here together. I won't let anything bad happen to you, please p-please c-come withme," I've never held her as tightly as I do now. I feel her trying to shake away from me, or maybe it's just the shock in her body as she trembles in my arms trying to keep herself together.
"H-he'll know. It's too dangerous. I can't go. I'm sorry- I have to get back to work..," Her thin, pointy fingers tear my hands off of her. As she rips her way free she swings the door open and runs off into the other room, back towards the winding hallways to the stage of the club.
Funny how love is found in the strangest of places. Funny how I never thought I'd feel these emotions again, but here I am- with my loverboy by my side as we sit in the carriage of the carousel with my children riding separate little animals of the same ride.
At anytime and anywhere that Jim looks into my eyes, I feel love radiating between us. Fresh and new and full of endless possibilities. He wraps his hand on top of my knee- I'm not even embarrassed in the slightest sense by his open affection anymore.
I relish the thought that he's unashamed to show his love for me out in the public. Though, no one can really see us holding hands from this angle, I'm sure they see the picture of two lovers sitting side by side.
"Thank you for letting me come along, Freddie. I'm having such a marvelous time with you and our little darlings," He smiles at me as I turn my head to look at him.
My own smile grows wider into a blushing beam. The fact that he just said that...I'm amazed by his tender sentiments. I'm finally feeling comfortable enough to imagine a new life with him by my side- spending day and night together, asking him to move into my home, watching and raising the children together as one big, happy, loving family. That's all I want.
"I couldn't imagine the day with out you. I'm glad you came with us and ...I-I really do think our darlings are excited about you being here, too," He squeezes my hand that's still laid in his, a sure sign that he's picked up on my approval.
How we've come to be this close in only a little under a years time, is beyond me. But, like I've always said- the heart wants what it wants. And right now my heart's desire is a Jim. My Jim. He's perfect- why has it taken until now for me to see?
I suppose my heart still needed time to mend and heal- but, I've got him to thank for that. He's helped me cope, held me close, and listened to my heart aching cries, time and time again. It's perfectly clear now- he's been so patient and caring with me. He deserves reciprocation.
I'm not saying that's the only reason for my growing feelings of love, but it's a big chunk of it. I just love the secure feeling of him by my side. As we continue to slow down on the spinning carousel ride, I lay my head on top of his broad shoulder.
My eyes switch to look around at my little beans that are laughing and smiling with each other. Things are looking up- I can only hope my Charlie girl will warm up a bit more after today's bonding time.
I don't like him. He's got a real ugly heart. I know, because he makes faces at Papi when he thinks no one is looking. But Papi is so happy. I don't want to see him sad.
"Char, look! Tea cups!," Richie screams in my ear. His hand pulls me with him. I smile big! We love the tea cups with Papi!
"Come on, Papi! Tea cups! Please!," I push Jim's hand away from Papi's and grab his hand so he can come with us.
Richie hurries to grab Papi's other hand and we run to the tea cup ride! Jim is holding Lily outside the line. He smiles at us when we sit inside the cup. When Papi is putting the seatbelts, I stick my tongue at Jim. And smile big to wave at Lily!
"Ready, darlings? Not too fast this time okay?," Papi laughs his funny laugh. I love when he laughs with me and Richie. He always smiles big with us!
We spin round and round. All of us laughing loud! My hands slip off the wheel all the time! Papi's hands are big. He can make us spin so fast!
"O-okay...that's enough. Let's just enjoy the ride now..," Papi's face is so funny! He holds his head. I know the spins make him dizzy. They make me dizzy, too! But not sick dizzy like Papi.
"I wanna go faster! Char- help me!," Richie tries to spin by himself, but the wheel is too hard! I like to laugh at the funny faces he makes. He can't do it alone. Papi gives one last big big spin!
His hand is off the wheel now. I lean on him. He squeezes me tight. He's still laughing his funny laugh. He's so happy.
Next is the fairy wheel! The fairy wheel is so boring! But Jim said he likes it. Now we have to go on, too. I wait in line with Richie and Papi, Jim and Lily are behind us.
"Rich, stop being so nice to him. He's not nice!," I whisper in Richie's ear.
"He is nice!," Richie whispers back too loud!!
I shake my head at him. I cross my arms, too. He doesn't get it.
"I don't like him. Stop.," I stomp my foot on the ground. Papi isn't paying attention. He's busy talking to Jim.
"Fine. I can be bad, too. I won't even get in troubles, you see!," Richie finally get it. We like to play twinnie games. I always win.
"Okay. Prove it," I smile big. I cover my mouth. I forgot about my new funny tooth! It's too big!!
We are next to get in the ride. Me and Richie go first. He sits on one side. Me on the either. He leans over to me. "I'll be your bad boy," he blinks both eyes at me when Jim sits next to him. He always tries to be like Papi.
I sit with Papi and Lily on his lap. We go up really slow. We stop at the top. We can see all the rides up here! All the people look so small!
"What's this, Jimmy?," Richie digs in Jim's pocket. "Can I see?," He takes out something a small brown square- Jim's wallet! He shakes it open.
"Uh- no- I mean, wait, Richie. Be caref-,"
Richie pretends the wallet slips out of his fingers! It falls down- all the way down. Jim is mad. I giggle. So does Richie and Lily. Papi's not smiling.
I don't know what I'm meant to do now. I feel like a failure. I'm still sitting in the club, but I'm not really paying attention to my surroundings.
I try to sit and think of some type of explanation to tell Rosie. She's going to be pissed at me if I come home without Cherie. Especially since she's got her hopes built up so high! But the two of us didn't really know for sure if Mary was lying or not.
Maybe I can just tell her that Mary was lying. Maybe she'll believe me. But....then I'd be the liar!
I can see Cherie out of the corner of my eye. I'm pretending not to notice her just as much as she is pretending she doesn't see me. I think she may be a bit embarrassed- but mostly, she's scared. She's too petrified of that fucking prick Jimmy to even hurry along and run away from him! What kind of sense does that make!?
We make eye contact here and there. Both glancing over at the other. I feel so uncomfortable watching her get groped and felt up on while she dances in such a provocative way.
She comes over to me now, seating herself on my lap- making me jump up a bit in my seat. "Pretend your enjoying it!," She hisses in my ear as her legs spread and she straddles my lap.
She moves her body on me and I feel like I'm getting a damn lap dance from my bloody sister! I gulp hard when she starts to lean back, using my shoulders to hold herself. She arches her back into a belly dance. What the fuck is she doing!?
She starts to talk at a rapid pace, keeping her voice low, but clear enough for me to hear. "I've decided to go with you.," She gets off my lap and turns around, circling her hips in front of my face. "But you have to play along- he could be watching- DONT LOOK!,"
Her fingers grip onto the sides of my face, my chin in the palm of her hand as she pretends to playfully rub her nose against mine. She back away a bit, placing her foot right at the middle of my legs, her toe dangerously close to the seam of my jeans.
"I'm going to go backstage-," She lifts her leg to my shoulder, still dancing along to the rhythm. "There's a back doorway- wait for me there," She ours her legs back down, only to shove her breast nearly touching my face! "Give me a tip- hurry, the plan starts now!," She smacks the back of my neck into her bosom as she giggles. I hurry up and empty the rest of what's in my wallet and stuff it inside her bra. God this feels awful!
Once she leaves, I peer around a bit. Tryin not to seem obvious about being on the lookout for something- or someone. I grab my coat off the back of the chair- chug the rest of my drink and walk out of that hell hole!
As I walk into the parking lot, I keep looking around for signs of a back doorway. When I spot it, I hurriedly take my keys out of my car and walk faster to get to it. I don't know if I should pull around to the door or just sit and wait.
I open my car door and sit inside, the warmth of the leather seats bring me a tiny bit of comfort as my heart is racing with adrenaline. Just as I turn the key, I almost have a sheer cardiac at the surprise behind me!
"Lets go, Rog! Step on it!," Cherie pops her head up from the back seat, making me scream in the high pitch rasp I usually save for the studio.
She giggles as I work in autopilot and speed out of the parking lot. She makes her way to the front seat, still dressed in her costume. I hand her my jacket to cover up- plus, it's getting pretty chilly outside.
"How'd you know this was my car?," I say breathlessly. My heart pumps like I've just run a marathon.
"Let's see...the machine of a dream sitting amongst all these hooptys...wasn't too hard, Roggie," She gives a half smile when I look at her in disbelief.
I can't believe I'm talking to her right now. I can't believe we're talking like we've been seeing each other everyday.
Once we've gotten far enough away from the place, I pull to the side for just a moment.
"Rog- What are you doing? We have to hide! We have to keep-,"
I take off my seatbelt, lean over the center car console and squeeze her as tightly as my arms strength allows, into a long hug. She hugs me back almost instantly. She begins to cry in my arms, but I'll admit I'm doing the same. We cry together and hug on tighter in our reunion embrace. God- we've all missed her so much!
I helped get Lily inside the house while Freddie carried both twins over his shoulders. Those two brats caused way too much trouble today! I can't believe we couldn't find my wallet after the little shit threw it over the edge of the Ferris wheel! We spent about an hour looking for it, before the two started to cry from Freddie scolding them on their bad behavior.
If they were my kids, they would've got a good whooping to their hides- that's for sure! Maybe Freddie will let me take over as disciplinarian. He definitely needs the fucking help. Big, soft idiot!
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