《iron souls | gajeel redfox x reader [OLD]》.:14:.


You were waiting for Gajeel at the door. You wore a white, long-sleeved shirt that left one of your shoulders exposed, and short ripped jeans. Your hair was down.

"Gajeel, hurry up!" You yelled.

"Jeez (Y/n)! Can't a man piss?" He yelled from the bathroom.

"I didn't need to know that!" You rolled your eyes.

After a little waiting, you and Gajeel headed towards the guild. At the end of the trail, you saw Panthelily waiting for you a Gajeel.

"Hey Lily." you picked him up and held him close to your chest.

"Good morning (y/n), Gajeel." Lily said in his mannered voice. You walked a bit and then entered the guild hall.

"Heyyyy girl." Cana waved at you. You put Lily down and headed towards her.

"Cana!" You jumped onto the table where she was chugging a barrel of booze.

"Long time no see, cousin." Cana winked.

"How did we even come to the conclusion that we were cousins." you shook your head.

"Gildarts said you looked a lot like his brother and I guess we kinda look alike. So he came to the conclusion that you were his niece." Cana explained. "Even before he realized I was his daughter."

"Yes yes, I know the story." You rolled your eyes.

"GOOD MORNING FAIRY TAIL!" Natsu bursted through the guild doors.

"Aye!" Happy chirped.

"Typical," you sighed.

"Hey everyone! Who wants to play truth or dare?" Erza yelled.

"Oh hell no!" You shouted.

"C'mon just a little?" Erza pouted.

"Well I guess it wouldn't hurt..." Lucy agreed to the idea.

"Oh no, Lucy, it's hell!" Levy was concerned about her health after she played.

"Haha! Remember when Erza made (Y/n) kiss Natsu!" Happy laughed.

"Shut it, cat!" you and Natsu shouted at Happy.

"You what?" Gajeel yelled. You were really hoping he didn't hear that.

"I mean maybe it'll be fun..." Wendy shyly joined the conversation.

"I doubt it, kid." Laxus said.

"I forbid you from joining in such nonsense!" Carla scoffed.

"Come on now, Carla. Wendy can make her own decisions." Erza said.


"Maybe I can play to make it fair for Wendy." Romeo chimed.

"Can I play?" Mira overheard.

Suddenly, even Erza didn't want to play. Everyone sighed and deadpanned.

"As long as you don't play matchmaker," Lisanna sweatdropped.

"Then it's settled. I shall go first!" Erza had a sparkle in her eye. The players sat in a circle in the ground like they did when they were little.

You, Erza, Natsu, Lucy, Levy, Gajeel, Wendy, Romeo, Gray, Juvia, Lisanna, Cana, an Mirajane.

"Okay! Lucy! Truth or dare?" Erza said in a mischievous voice.

"Truth..." Lucy was obviously scared to death.

"Ok, have you and Loke ever kissed?" Erza went straight to embarrassing people. Lucy had a huge blush on her face. Erza seemed to really be pressuring her.

"Ok, yea. Once only though!" Lucy said really quickly. A bunch of the girls laughed but Natsu threatened to kill Loke.

"Ok Lucy, your turn." Erza said.

Lucy looked at you, then Gajeel, then Levy.

"Levy! Truth or dare?" Lucy sounded like she was up to something.

"Dare!" Levy piped.

"Ok, kiss Gajeel." Lucy smirked. Gajeel had a light blush on his face. Levy was a tomato. A tick mark appeared on your forehead. Levy softly kisses Gajeel. Wendy was peeking through her hands.

"See. I told you this game isn't for you, child." Carla crossed her arms.

"Lucy..." You were quite pissed. Lucy was giggling.

"You wanna go there?" You snapped.

"Go where? You can't do anything." she laughed.

"Oh really?" You shouted. Natsu was sitting beside you. You looked at Natsu and smirked. Natsu was oblivious, as always.

"Watch me." you told Lucy. You grabbed Natsu's shirt and pulled him towards you. You gave him a rough kiss. Natsu was in shock.

"Oooohh bitch fight!" Cana shouted.

"I can't do anything huh? You want more?" You smirked. Natsu was still frozen in shock. You pulled him closer to you again and gave him a longer kiss. Gajeel's eyes were bigger than tennis balls. You pulled away from Natsu and threw him away from you.

"Try me, bitch." you crossed your arms. Practically the whole guild saw that, and everyone was laughing super hard.


Well, everyone but Gajeel, Lucy, you, Levy and Natsu. But everyone knew that you'd end up doing that. After all, you were considered the clown of Fairy Tail...and the most savage.

"That happened," Romeo muttered.

"Levy, you go." Juvia said.

"Okay, Cana, truth or dare?" Levy said

"Yea huh?" Cana was drinking a bottle of liquor.

"I dare you and (Y/n) to have a chugging contest."

"Oh, yes." you were excited because Cana always lost against you in chugging contests. "Get ready to get fucking demolished."

"Oh, you're on." Cana winked. "Mira go get the booze!"

Soon you and Cana both had a barrel of booze in front of you. Natsu had a stopwatch ready to start.

"And...start!" Natsu shouted. You and Cana drank the alcohol at abnormal rates. After a bit, you ended up victorious, throwing the barrel on the ground.

"Done!" You shouted. Cana stopped drinking.

"Aww. c'mon." she slurred.

"(Y/n) wins at 67.04 seconds!" Natsu announced. Everyone gasped. Practically a Fairy Tail record for barrelled booze chugging contests. They happened more frequently than you think.

"Onto the next person. Cana!" Erza exclaimed.

"Okayyyy. I want Gajeel to sing a song for (y/n) on the spot." Cana was clearly very drunk. "Right here, right now." she slurred.

"Uh oh." you face palmed.

Gajeel started to snap his fingers "sho bee do ba, sha la la. (Y/n).......uhh....sho bee do ba." he couldn't think of any good lyrics.

"Seems you have a lot to say for her, Gajeel." Gray snickered

"Seems like you had better words to say for Levy during the Tartaros attacks." you glared at him.

He gave a cheeky smile and rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"Anyway, it's your turn Gajeel." you sighed.

"Okay," he had a smirk on his face. He stared right at Natsu.

"Pay back time bud. truth, or dare?" Gajeel wrapped his arm around Natsu's shoulders. Natsu looked a little uneasy.

"Dare!" Natsu puffed his chest and started to pull the tough guy act.

"Ok salmander. I want you to wear Lucy's bunny suit. For the rest of the day." Gajeel smirked.

"Lucy's?!" He shouted.

"Mine?!" Lucy yelled.

"No underwear, either." Gajeel smirked.

After a minute, Natsu showed up wearing Lucy's bunny leotard and fishnets.

"Here comes the drag queen, Natsu!" you laughed. Natsu had a pissed expression on his face. The chest area was fairly big for Natsu

"Try loosing some weight Lucy." Natsu whined. You could fully see Natsu's chest...and unfortunately parts of something else.

"I can't do anything about my boobs, Natsu!" Lucy scolded.

"Erza since your the one who got me into this mess, Truth or Dare?" Natsu said.

"Dare, as usual." Erza said, coolly.

"I dare you to spend a whole week without eating any kind of dessert. Including cake." Natsu said.

"No no no no." Erza started to shrivel up. She was upset now.

"Ok fine! Wendy truth or Dare" Erza asked.

"Umm, whatever you want I guess." Wendy was obviously scared.

"Ok then we'll do both. Confess to the crush of you have one, then kiss his cheek." Erza told Wendy. Wendy started to blush. She kissed Romeo's cheek but didn't say anything after. Romeo's cheeks were lightly dusted with pink. Wendy looked like she was about to explode.


After a while if immense daring, everyone decided to head home. After all, it was nearly midnight. A lot had happened that night. Like now, Lucy and Natsu are going on their first date next week. And Juvia had to give Gray a dorm tour. Gray almost fainted since there were a lot of 'Gray's' in Juvia's dorm. Oh, and Wendy and Romeo figured out they liked each-other. Lisanna had to tell Bixslow that she liked him as a joke but it turns out that Bixslow actually liked Lisanna.

This all happened without Mira's matchmaking.

Makarov and Laxus also joined. Now Laxus and Mira have to date for 5 months. It was a night of memories and bright futures for all of Fairy Tail.

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