《Mercy | Relief》Chapter thirty-five
I walk into the kitchen carrying the tub of iced tea, gripping the handle. I struggle to lift it onto the counter, but luckily Jared comes right behind me and takes it, lifting it onto the counter just in time.
I turn around and give him a grin. "Thanks, darling," I say in a sing-song voice and he kisses my forehead.
"No problem." He stares at all of the food on the counter, shaking his head. "When's everyone coming?" He asks, plopping a grape into his mouth.
The doorbell rings.
I turn to my husband and grin. "Right now."
We walk together over to the door and open it. Jeanie and Travis stand next to each other, a bag in both of their hands. I grin when I see their two happy faces, and I realize that it's been about a week since they got married again.
Nothing has made me happier.
Except for the fact that they got married again and I wasn't there.
We let them inside the house, and they set all their stuff on the counter. Hugs are given all around and when I hug Jeanie, I just shake my head at her.
"What?" She asks.
I give her a look. "How was the wedding?" I ask in a sly tone, raising a brow.
She smiles, "I'm sorry you couldn't come. We just wanted it to be small," she explains, but I still am not convinced.
"Who was your witness?"
Her face turns a shade of red. "Lucy," she answers in a small voice.
I do my best not to be hurt. "Good for her," is all I can say.
She smiles. "I'm sorry." She hangs her head.
I embrace her, shaking my head. "No, it's okay. If anyone needed to be there, it was Lucy." I pull away. "So how's it been? I know it's only been a week since I've seen you, but..."
Her grin could have lit up the galaxy. "It's been amazing. Travis started his job a few days ago, which has been good, and I've been back to work. It's been different, us being back together again, but it's been really nice." Her words warm my heart.
"Good," I answer as both of the boys come up next to us and I give Travis a giant hug.
He pulls back. "It's like you haven't seen us in a week or something," he jokes and I punch his arm. His reaction is perfect.
"Or something," I reply with a smirk.
He rubs his arm where I hit him.
The doorbell sounds again.
Since we haven't moved from right in front of the door, Jared reaches over and opens the door. Elias and Lucy stand there with a box of cookies in their hands. We welcome them inside.
Behind them appear Jeanie's mom and Lucy's mom. They both walk in together and they embrace everyone. It doesn't take long before we are in a huge circle talking to each other. I smile, looking over this group of people. I am glad that almost everyone made it.
Jared shares a look with me, and I look down.
He reaches over the person between us and grasps my hand. He tugs me over to him and I move subtly until I am right next to him. His arm snakes around my waist and he leans down.
"Are they coming?" He asks as the doorbell rings again.
I shrug as I watch the door open and in walks Travis' parents and family. I see Jared's mom and dad pull into the driveway and I wave to them. They wave back.
"Franny?" Jared questions.
I turn to look at him. "I don't know. Mom never said they were coming. Actually they never said anything at all. I just assumed that they weren't coming."
As I say the words, I feel the weight of them. I invited all the families of the group in front of me, except for Lucy's dad, and every one of them responded and said they were coming except for my family.
I suck in a breath. It's okay. This is my family now.
Mom and Dad haven't even talked to me since Jared and I got married. I didn't even want to tell them I am pregnant, but Jared insisted. So I told them, and I didn't even get a text message back.
They don't seem to care about me anymore ever since Jared and I got married.
Dad cares, but Mom won't let him talk to me. She's always been controlling like that.
"They'll come," he says with confidence, but I shake my head.
"No they won't."
He leans his head against mine. We don't move as I watch everyone else chatting and laughing. I want to feel as if I can participate, but knowing that my parents won't be here puts a downer on my evening.
"Who wants to eat?" I ask, turning everyone's attention on me. There are choruses of yes's and they all move toward the counter full of food. I look at the food and realize there are a lot more dishes than I noticed before, then I realize that both of the mother's are here.
Everyone gets into a line and begins to get their food.
"I'll be right back," I whisper to Jared before moving toward the door.
I open the front door, closing it behind me. I cross my arms, moving down the porch. I breathe in the fresh air, closing my eyes. Right now would be about the time I would hit the punching bag with everything I had in me, but I don't want to hurt the little one.
That'll be good for me. I have to do something else if I get angry than hitting the punching bag since I can't keep doing that while pregnant.
I am just about to head back inside to rejoin the party when I hear a beep.
I turn around, startled. I am even more startled when I see my whole family piling out of our minivan, running toward me. I embrace my siblings, pulling them close. I kiss each of their heads and stand when Mom and Dad walk toward me.
My eye's meet Mom's, and I try for a smile.
She steps toward me. "I'm sorry we're late."
I shake my head, "It's okay," I say, hugging her. She wraps her arms around me, pulling me close. We pull away, and I hug my Dad now, embracing him tightly.
"I missed you," he whispers into my hair.
I squeeze him tighter.
"I missed you too," I reply.
We all walk inside together. Jared meets my eyes first, and he grins. He walks toward us, standing next to me. He shakes my Dad's hand, and Dad looks happy to see him. I know he was more excited when we got married than Mom was.
Mom turns to Jared, a cold look on her face.
I swallow, watching the two of them.
Dad steps back, walking over to the rest of the group. No doubt he knows what might happen between Mom and my husband.
Jared takes a step toward my Mom. "Nice to see you," he greets, putting a hand forward. She stares down at it for a while, doing nothing. I share a look with Jared and he begins to look defeated.
She hated him when I introduced the two of them. She believed he wasn't right for me, that I would never be happy with him, and that I should break off our engagement.
Little did she know that she had never been more wrong. Jared is perfect for me in every way, and she just never took the time to get to know him. She never wanted him over for dinner so I spent most of our nights with Jared's parents.
I got to know them very well.
Poor Jared never got a chance to speak with my parents.
It's always been a divide in our marriage.
Mom steps forward and wraps her arms around him. I can't hear what she's whispering to him, but she is speaking to him and my heart shouts for joy.
When they pull away, I can't stop my grin.
Mom turns to me. "I like him."
Then she walks away.
Jared and I hug. I pull away first, watching my parents speak with everyone else at the party, also getting their food. I see all my siblings at the table, speaking with Travis' siblings. Travis and Jeanie are speaking with Lucy's mom, while Lucy and Elias are by themselves.
I am very happy for them. It was only a few days ago when Lucy told me she got engaged.
"She told me she was sorry," Jared's voice pulls my attention back to him.
I grin, "Yeah?"
He nods. "Yeah. I told her it was fine, but she insisted on staying here for the next few days to get to know me better."
I chuckle. "That should be interesting."
He pulls me close. "Yeah, but at least they aren't mad at you anymore, and actually want to get to know me. I can't remember the last time I had been so nervous as when I saw your parents walk in the door."
I shrug. "Since when do you care what people think about you?" I joke.
He looks down. "Whenever it's been about you, Franny, I care." His expression is very serious, and his tone holds a certain weight.
I hold him tight.
"If nobody else ever cares," I start, "I do. We didn't need to have my Mother's consent or like of you for our marriage to work. You know that, right?" I ask.
He nods. "I know. But now that doesn't matter."
I smile. "You're right," I whisper, still not sure.
Jared's eyes meet mine. "Remember when you told me that being related to your mother left bruises? That just being near her seemed to hurt you?"
I nod, not sure where this is going.
"Bruises aren't scars, Franny. They don't stay there," he says, turning me toward the sight of all of our family's and everyone else's family's present.
I look up, waiting for Jared to finish.
He grins contentedly. "They heal."
I watch as Franny speaks with her mom and Jared. I smile. I know that ever since their marriage, Franny's mom wanted nothing to do with them, so this must be a happy moment.
Lucy's mom, Mary, approaches us. She takes Travis' hand and mine in hers and smiles sadly. "Lucy told me a little while ago what she did, and I know that you two have made up with her and everyone, but I just feel as if I should apologize. I'm not exactly sure why, but I think it has something to do with me being very happy when Lucy got together with Travis after you two divorced." She looks down, almost disgusted at her words.
I place my hand on her shoulder. "It's okay, Mary. You were excited for Lucy, for her to find love, and I would have expected nothing less from a caring mom. It's okay."
She lifts her head. "Thank you."
Travis gives her a hug and I do the same.
She walks away.
I turn to Travis, and he grins at me.
"She was always such a sweet woman. I loved going to her house because she always made the best food for dinner. Not gonna lie, besides Lucy, that was my favorite part." I chuckle at my words.
Travis' hand grasps mine, entwining our fingers. "I spent a few dinner's at their house in high school. I stopped after I found out about her dad, but I do remember the meals being really good," he comments.
Almost immediately, I look for Lucy. I see her standing with Elias.
I grin. I know that her dad is still free and her mom is still very open about letting him back into her life, but I am glad that he isn't here. Fran knew better than to even think of inviting him.
I am also glad the two of them made up.
Lucy comes to stand next to me while Travis and goes to get our food.
"Hey," I say, hugging her. She hugs me back.
We pull away, and she grins.
I frown.
"What?" I ask.
She bites her lip. "I haven't shown you yet, but-" She immediately holds up her left hand, and there stands a beautiful diamond ring. I let my jaw open as I take her hand to examine the ring closely. It's small, but gorgeous.
I glance at her. "How do you feel?" I ask her.
Her smile says it all. "Happy," she answers.
I clutch her hand in mine. "Good. You deserve some happiness, and I'm pretty sure he's standing right over there," I tease, nodding to Elias who is now speaking with Lucy's mom.
She follows my gaze, and I watch her expression, which is full of joy.
I nod to myself.
Never, in a million years after my divorce did I ever think Lucy and I would be friends again. We also spoke of how we would be friends forever before I left for boarding school, and how we would have husbands who would be best of friends and we would live close to each other, but I never imagined it would actually happen.
Especially since Lucy stopped talking to me after I got married.
Lucy turns to me. "I would like you and Travis to come over to my house for dinner sometime. I'll invite Elias, so you guys can get to know him," she suggests.
I nod. "We'll be there. Just give me a date and time."
She smiles. "Okay." She moves away from me, no doubt to go tell Elias.
Travis comes back, holding my plate of food in hand. I look at all the choices and don't see one piece of food I do not like. I glance at Travis who is currently scarfing down his food. He knows me so well.
He turns to me. "I got what you like, right?" He asks, looking worried.
I laugh, nodding. "Don't worry. You still got it."
His eyes twinkle. "Did you see Franny and Jared talking with Franny's mom?" He asks, mouth full of food.
I nod. "I did."
"They look happy," he comments.
I look at Franny. Her show is so evident. When she told me that her mom might not come, my heart went out for her. I know how difficult it was for her when Jared popped the question and her mom went berserk.
But now they seem to be made up.
Travis and I take our seats with Travis' family. I speak with all his siblings, and I realize how big they have gotten. I haven't seen them since we got divorced, so it's been a while. They are all so old now.
I watch as Travis speaks with his parents, and I know that they were upset when he left. I can tell that they are ecstatic to see him, especially his siblings. They all missed him very much.
So did I.
I stroke his arm, running my fingers down until I reach his hand, which I entwine with mine. He squeezes it back as he continues to speak with him mom.
It seems weird, being here now. Two weeks ago I almost gave up on the thought of being with Travis, or even happy. As I stare at everyone here, everyone I have met and who I love in a certain way, is standing here in this room. If this isn't happiness, then I don't know what is. And Travis wasn't the only person who brought my happiness.
My mom does. Franny and Jared have always brought me happiness, and even now, Lucy is another one of those sources.
Ever since my Dad left, I thought that it was better to break myself off from those who may love me, who may leave me, who may hurt me. I thought that was only with romantic relationships, but I know that's not true.
I was hurt when Lucy left.
Everything I have in my life that will stay in my life is what will bring my happiness. If people leave, it's okay. If they never find a way back to you, it's okay.
I smile to myself.
All of these people are staying.
I feel tears flood to my eyes.
I am so very glad that I learned not to push everyone away.
Or else I may not have had this.
This family, this life, this love. I may have just been surrounded with grief, anger, and hatred. They would have flooded my life without mercy, and destroyed everything that I loved.
A tear slips down my face.
I am glad though that grief came without mercy.
I may not have ever gone to find Travis.
I see Mom wandering around the room as if she is avoiding me. I want to go and speak with her, but it may end like the last time we spoke, and I don't know if I can take more of that.
I finger the ring on my hand, and I smile.
Elias took me ring shopping a few days ago, and we picked out the perfect one. It came yesterday after being sized and he went down on one knee when it came. He came over to my house, went down on one knee, and asked me to marry him again.
This time he had a ring in his hand.
I chuckle to myself.
It was cute. He was cute.
Elias stands next to me and leans close to me. "Did you speak with your mom yet?" He whispers the question and I shake my head.
He straightens. "She's avoiding you," he comments, and I nod in agreement.
I hold onto his arm. "If she comes over to me, it means that she wants to speak with me and to resolve things. If she's avoiding me, she's avoiding the conversation she knows I want to have with her again."
His hand grasps mine. "All you have to do is talk to her. I told you she forgave you."
I work my mouth. Elias mentioned something after he proposed about Mom already forgiving me, but that didn't make sense at all. If she had forgiven me, why didn't she say anything when I spoke to her? It would have made more sense if she had just told me instead of letting me walk out of the door.
We decide to get some food and as we are waiting in line, I watch my Mom as she walks around the room, talking to everyone except for me. Her gaze meets mine for a split second before going back to the other person.
Elias squeezes my hand.
That gives me strength.
I go through the buffet and grab all the food I want, and just before I follow Elias back to a table to eat, I feel someone grab my arm. I turn around.
She smiles at me, letting go of her hold on my arm. I turn fully to her, angling my body. We stand at the end of the line. I grip my plate of food, staring down at it.
"Congratulations," she whispers, and I meet her gaze.
I stare down at my ring and smile.
Her smile fades into a more serious expression. "I'm so sorry Lucy. I shouldn't have let you walk out of that door without me telling you that... I forgive you. I told Jude after he said that he had a hard time forgiving you that we shouldn't get that privilege. It wasn't us you hurt. It was Jeanie and Travis, and they're the ones who forgave you."
I take her hand in mine.
She chuckles. "I'm very sorry, Lucy. I know how I made you feel when I let you leave, and a mother should never let their child feel like that ever."
I hug her. I wrap my one arm around her, pulling her close, blinking fast so that I don't cry. She embraces me back so tightly I believe I might be out of breath when we finish.
We pull away. I am the first to let go.
"You'll have to tell me all about how Jude proposed," she mutters, and I nod in agreement.
"I will."
She lets me walk away.
I find Elias at a table, a seat saved next to him. I scoot in my chair next to him closer, and he puts his hand on my thigh. He takes a bite of his food as he turns to me.
I smile. "We're okay."
He grins.
Mom comes and sits next to us with a plate full of her own food.
She smiles at us, grabbing Elias' hand. "Elias Jude Castle, I am so glad you have come into our lives, and made it a little better than before. I am so glad that you proposed to Lucy. You are already a son to me." Her eyes fill with tears at the end of her speech.
Elias chuckles. "Thank you. That means a lot." His tone is very sincere, and I know exactly why. He lost his mom and stepmom when he was young, so to have another mother must mean the world to him.
I lean my head on Elias' shoulder.
"When's the wedding?" Mom asks, leaning in.
I let out a laugh. "We haven't talked about wedding details at all, Mom. Elias just got me a ring yesterday," I admit, and she just shrugs.
"Do you at least have a date?" She asks.
I share a glance with Elias.
"Nope," I say. "We might do it a little later so that we can figure a bunch of stuff out." I look at Elias, and he knows exactly what I mean.
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