《Relief》Chapter Eighteen
Over the next couple of weeks, my Twitter feed had blown up with tweets from fans angry at me because of the storyline. I couldn't help but laugh. That was until I started to get death threats. I threw my phone on the table in the diner by the beach, the same one where Drew and I had lunch the day we came to look at the house, having breakfast. We had become regular customers and knew most of the staff now.
'What's wrong babe?' Drew asked, his mouth full of scrambled eggs.
'You should read my Twitter mentions. Fans sending me death threats,' I took a sip of my iced latte. 'Do they not realise that shit like that is serious?'
'Sometimes the fans can be a bit stupid and think that it's all real.' Drew stretched his hand across the table and interlocked my fingers with his. 'Don't worry babe, things will die down.' As he said that, a girl walked behind me and tipped her frappacino over me. Drew and I stood up and I almost punched her, but Drew restrained me.
'What the hell do you think you're doing?' I shouted. The girl, who must've been in her early 20s, shrugged. She was wearing an Adam Cole short. Great, another disgruntled fan.
'Was an accident,' she smirked. 'Y'know, like when you tripped and fell onto Roman's cock?' One of the baristas, Jason, came over to us and asked if everything was okay. He handed me a towel to dry off the frappacino that was sliding down my dress.
'No, this girl threw her drink all over my wife,' Drew answered, me still in his arms. Jason turned back to the counter and called the manager, Sarah, over.
'Hey Drew, hey Katelyn. What's the problem here?' Sarah asked. I gauged the girl's reaction when she realised that the staff knew us here. Drew quickly relayed what had happened, with Jason confirming what Drew said. I didn't dare speak because we now had an audience, half of the cafe had turned to look at what was going on, a couple of girls stood with their cell phones out, obviously filming the exchange. 'Is this true?' Sarah asked me. I simply nodded. 'Okay, well, let's take you into the back and get you cleaned up. Girl, whatever your name is, you are barred from this cafe. Please leave now before I call the police.' The girl smirked and walked over to the girls who had their cell phones out.
'Hey Drew, just remember that younger pussy tastes better,' the girl said before disappearing with her friends.
After I had gotten cleaned up, as best I could, Drew and I declined the Sarah's offer of a free breakfast, we headed out and took a leisurely walke back to the house. The smell of the ocean always calmed me down. I flopped down on the promenade, looking out at the bay. Drew sat down next to me.
'Kate, don't let them get to you,' Drew said, rubbing my back.
'That's easy for you to say. I'm starting to think this whole thing with Joe is a bad idea.'
'Babe, despite what has been going off with the fans online, you've clearly been happier this past few weeks. Hell, we've even been arguing less and having more sex.' He nudged me with his shoulder. I looked up at him and saw his eyes dancing with passion. We both leaned in and kissed, Drew cupping my chin. At that moment, my cell phone decided to ring. I looked at my smartwatch to see who was calling. It was the big boss man, Hunter. Drew and I broke apart and I fished my phone out of my bag and answered the call.
'Hey Hunter,' I said cheerily. 'What's up?'
'Can you come to Orlando today? Stephanie and I would like you to join us in a meeting with a couple of potential musicians that we're looking at working with. We thought who better to give their expertise than our own resident rock chick.'
'Yeah sure. Um, I'll go home and get myself ready, then be on my way. Should be there by 1ish, is that okay?'
'That's perfect. We'll see you then.'
'Bye.' Hunter finished the call and I stood up, brushing sand off my ass. 'I gotta go to Orlando for a meeting this afternoon with Hunter and Steph.' Drew took my hand and we began walking the route home.
'You want me to come with?'
'No, you stay home and get the guys round for a game day or something. You will have to pick AJ up from preschool at 3 though. Cary has a shift at the record store until 5.'
'Well, get Joe to go with you then.' We crossed the road and walked onto our block.
'Babe, I'll be fine. If I get tired or feel a seizure coming on, I'll pull over and take a rest.' Drew sighed, completely exasperated with my stubbornness.
Three hours later, after more bickering with Drew, I finally pulled into the parking lot at the Performance Centre. It was going to be the first time I'd been back since my return and I was excited to see everyone again. I walked into the building, headed for the gym, when I was accosted by Austin.
'AUSTIN JENKINS BAYBAY,' I yelled, giving him a hug. 'How the hell are ya?' I broke away and we both walked toward the practice rings.
'I'm good. Britt and I broke up.'
'Oh dude, that sucks.'
'Not really, she didn't like the idea of me buying your house here in Orlando, so she broke up with me.'
'Yeah, that's exactly why we called her Britt the bitch. Hey girl,' Bobby said as we stood by the ring where Kyle and Roddy were having a practice match. 'What do we owe this great pleasure?'
'I've come for a meeting with Hunter.'
'Drew not with you?'
'No, he's at home with Adam and Jinder. Think Xavier is coming around later. You guys are welcome to come around for a games night, if you fancy it.'
'Sounds good to me. I'm not flying home until Thursday, so it'll be good to have a catch up.' I smiled at Bobby, who grinned back. I looked around the gym, feeling a sense of familiarity and wished that I spent more time here. Stephanie walked through the double doors and waved at me. I was shocked to see who was with her.
'Maxx Jones, what the hell are you doing here?' I walked over to my best friend in the whole world and was pulled into a bonecrushing hug. We broke apart and followed Stephanie to one of the meeting rooms.
'I've been asked to come down and have a meeting with Hunter and Stephanie. I didn't say anything because I kinda wanted to surprise you.'
'Hi Katelyn,' Hunter said as Maxx and I sat down at the table. I placed my bag on the table and poured myself a glass of water. Hunter waited until we were all seated to begin. 'Let's get down to business. Steph and I have been talking and we want the two of you to help with bringing in bands to promote the pay per views. Kate, you've already got Set It Off to provide you with your new entrance theme, so we were kind of hoping you could convince them to work with us a little more.'
'If I know those guys, they won't take any convincing. Max and Cody are big fans anyway.' Stephanie nodded.
'We also want you to help our writing team come up with new storylines. The amount of traffic we've been getting on social media because of your storyline with Roman has been phenomenal, your promo from last Monday is the most viewed video we've ever had on YouTube.'
'Katelyn, I know you had your heart set on being an in-ring competitor, but we would love for you to become head of the storyline team.'
'We've already spoken to my father about this and he is all for it. You have a real knack for storytelling, that much has been evident since your debut 2 years ago, and we want to utilise your skills.' Stephanie pushed a stack of papers across the table to me. 'This is a new contract, the same as the one you signed only a few weeks ago, but with two changes. You will no longer be able to be a competitor and we raise your salary by 20%.'
'Wow, that is a very generous offer,' I said, shocked. 'Do you mind if I take this home and read it through? I will also need to talk to Drew about everything. '
'That's fine,' Stephanie smiled. 'We would expect nothing less.'
'Is that all?' I asked the two of them.
'We do have one small favour. This is the main reason we wanted to see you face to face. We have noticed a lot of negative comments online about this storyline with Roman. How are you handling it?' Hunter asked, sounding concerned.
'It's nothing.' I took a sip of my water, hoping I had convinced them that I was okay.
'Katelyn, we read social media. We have both seen some of the threats aimed towards you. Now, both Steph and I know what it's like to feel genuinely hated, but this is new territory for you. We will be issuing a press release tomorrow morning with regards to the threats you have been getting and we will be looking at contacting the police to investigate if need be.' Hunter reached out a squeezed my hand. 'You've been through an awful lot in these past 2 years and I know you are stronger than most, but this sort of thing can have a disastrous effect on a person's mental health. You have my number if you ever need anybody to talk to, as a friend. Not as your boss.
'Thanks Hunter. I really appreciate it.'
'Now, can I steal my best friend for a lunch date?' Maxx asked.
'Of course. Thank you both for coming. I know it wasn't easy for you to cancel your classes Maxx, but we are truly grateful, ' Stephanie said. We all stood up, I grabbed my bag, shook Hunter and Stephanie's hands and Maxx and I left the meeting room.
Katelyn had called several hours ago to say that she was on her way home and that she had a surprise for me. It was now 10pm, I had put AJ to bed, Jinder and Adam had both gone home and I was waiting up for Katelyn to come home, a fire dying in the grate. Bruce was lay on the sofa next to me, snoring. I picked up the magazine that was on the coffee table in front of me, flipped through a couple of pages and tossed it back on the table. Grabbing my phone, I dialled Katelyn's number and put the phone to my ear. It rang several times, then went to voicemail. Where was she? And why wasn't she answering her phone? I dialled Joe's number instead.
'Hey Joe,' I said when he picked up. 'Have you heard from Katelyn since 5ish?'
'No,' came his reply. 'I spoke to her briefly around 4 o'clock. She asked if I was busy tonight, haven't heard from her since. Why?'
'She called me and said she was on her way home, but that was about 5pm. It doesn't take 5 hours to get from Orlando.'
'I don't know dude.' My phone beeped, I looked at it quickly and saw a call waiting.
'Joe, I'll call you back. I've got another call coming in.'
'Okay bud.' I ended the call and answered the incoming one.
'Maxx, dude, what's up?'
'Drew, you need to get to Tampa General Hospital as soon as possible.'
'What? Why? Where the hell are you?'
'I can't really explain right now. Katelyn's had an accident. She had a seizure and crashed the car. I'm okay, but Kate is in a pretty bad way. Get here soon.'
'I'll be there as soon as I can.' I ended the call, got up off the couch and ran upstairs into AJ's room. I called Joe back. 'Joe, I need you to come round now. Kate is at Tampa General.'
'Okay. Give me a sec. I'll throw on some clothes and be straight round.'
45 minutes later, a grumpy toddler in tow, Joe and I were stood in reception at the emergency room at Tampa General. The receptionist called us forward.
'Injury or illness?' she asked.
'Neither. My wife has been brought in. Katelyn Galloway,' I said.
'Drew? Joe?' I turned my head to see Maxx walking towards us.
'What happened?' Joe asked him.
'Let's go get a coffee and I'll fill you in.' Joe picked AJ up and the 3 of us made our way to the cafeteria. I slumped in the first chair I came to, Joe sat opposite me cradling AJ while Maxx got us coffee. When he came back, Maxx handed us both a takeout cup and told us what happened. 'We had been for a meeting with Hunter and Stephanie, they reached out to me last week about becoming a music consultant for the company help bring bands in. I didn't tell Kate because I thought it would be nice to surprise. Anyway, we had the meeting, been for a late lunch and we were heading back to your house. I was the surprise that Katelyn told you about,' he said, nodding to me. 'There was no warning, Kate just had a seizure behind the wheel and crashed into the central wall on the highway. I tried to keep us from going into the wall, but I couldn't. Drew, I'm so sorry.' Maxx began to cry.
'Where is she now?' I asked him.
'They've taken her up to intensive care. Once she is settled, we can see her.' I stood up and punched the side of the vending machine that was behind our table.
'I told her to get Joe to go with her. Why did she have to be so stubborn?'
'Excuse me sir, you cannot go hitting hospital property,' a cafeteria worker called from the till. I shot her a stern look and stormed out of the canteen in search of my wife.
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ᴹᵃⁱⁿ ᵐᵃˡᵉ ˡᵉᵃᵈ ⁻ ᴷⁱᵐ ᵀᵃᵉʰʸᵘⁿᵍ ᴹᵃⁱⁿ ᶠᵉᵐᵃˡᵉ ˡᵉᵃᵈ ⁻ ᴸᵉᵉ ʸ/ᴺ----If we are handling a company.. we will surely know about contract...A contract is a binding agreement between two partiesA contract is signed to make a deal!But what if the deal itself is a marriage?Everything can come from contract even love!-------Dad:At last but not the least..this is Kim Taehyung...my secretary.Y/N:So u r his secretary?---Taehyung: Ms.Y/n...I am sorry for talking to u like that in~Y/N:Did I ask u sorry?---Y/N :Umm...yes..do u need anything???...: Yes.....I want to tell u something.Y/N:I am listening....:I love u.Y/N:What?---... : Don't u dare to come closer to her.Jae:Why?.......: For ur kind information...I am her soon to be husband.Jae:Wh-what?Excited???😉😉😉Then read this story and find the rest😅😅😅What are u waiting for???Started : 01-08-2021Ended:14-02-2022 🚫───── ❝ Note ❞ ─────🚫This is a Fanfiction written by meThis has nothing to do with real lifeIt's my own imaginary storyDo not copy this workThe pics which I have used doesn't belong to meCredit goes to its owner ✥﹤┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈﹥✥Cover credits to @-shadowsnblood-
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