《Relief》Chapter Sixteen



Over the course of 5 months, I had lost everything, my wife, my kids, the leukaemia that cost me my football career was back and threatened to take away my wrestling career too, but I didn't care about any of that. I had Katelyn and Drew by my side and in my bed. It was weird that I had never even contemplated sleeping with another man, ever, until this morning. Not that there was anything sexual between Drew and I, hell no, we both wanted the same thing. Katelyn. I was shocked when Drew said that he would be okay with Katelyn having an affair with me, but at the same time I was ecstatic.


I remember the first time I met Katelyn, the night The Shield debuted. After the show, a load of us went out for beers and I saw her across the bar with Drew, Ziggler and Heath Slater.

'Who's the hottie?' I asked Mike Mizanin.

'That's Katelyn, she's Drew McIntyre's girlfriend.'

'What does she see in a dweeb like him?' I took a sip of my beer.

'Well, he has a big dick for one. I think they've been together for quite some time. They knew each other before he came to America.' I stood up.

'I'm gonna go introduce myself.' I left the table where my friends were and walked toward the bar.

'Joe, that's not a good idea,' Mike shouted after me. I 'accidentally' bumped Katelyn's shoulder as I passed her table, spilling her drink.

'Oh, I'm sorry. Let me buy you another drink.' She smiled at me and stood up, following me to the bar.

'Thanks. Y'know most guys would just carry on walking.'

'It's a good job that I'm not most guys. I'm Joe,' i held out my hand and shook hers. 'Whatcha drinking?'

'Nice to meet you Joe, I'm Katelyn, but call me Kate. Didn't you attack Ryback tonight? And a Jack and coke, thanks.'

'Yeah, me and my brothers, Seth and Dean. It was our official debut tonight.'


'Well, I think you did great.' The barman came over to us and I gestured for 2 pitchers of beer and JD and coke. I felt someone's presence behind me and saw a guy around my height stood in between Katelyn and myself.

'Is this man bothering you babe?' Drew asked Katelyn.

'No,' she smiled at him. 'Joe was just about to ask us to join him at his table.'

'We should be going soon. Heath wants to hit the road before this storm comes in.'

'Okay babe. I'll be with you in a few.' Drew left us and Katelyn quickly downed her drink. 'Thanks for the drink Joe. See ya around.' She kissed my cheek and went back to her douchebag of a boyfriend.

A little while later, I left everyone at the bar and walked back to the hotel that I was staying in. I saw Katelyn stood by the entrance of the hotel, shivering in the cold.

'What are you doing out here in the cold?' I handed her my jacket and she gratefully accepted. I looked at her closely. 'Have you been crying?'

'I'm fine. Drew was a bit of a dick when I got back, so I told him to go on ahead without me. I need to get back to Orlando anyway.'

'What happened? Did he hurt you? Do you have somewhere to stay tonight?' She shook her head and I grabbed her bags.We walked into the hotel and took the stairs up to my room. Once inside, I turned up the heating and made up the couch. 'You take the bed and I'll take the couch.' I watched as Katelyn took off my jacket, stripped out of her layers and dove under the duvet.

'Joe, can you stay with me tonight?'

'Of course.' I took off my boots, jeans and shirt, leaving my boxers on, and climbed into bed with her, pulling her to my chest and us both falling asleep to the sound of the rain outside.


Around 3am, I woke up to go to the bathroom, so I got out of bed and headed into the small bathroom. I sneaked a peek at Katelyn, fast asleep on her back, her chest rising and falling as she slept. Closing the bathroom door, I quickly peed and flushed the loo. Looking down, I noticed how hard my cock was. I wished I could go back into the bedroom and fuck her silly. It drove me insane because I could smell her perfume on my skin. How could just a scent get me hard? This woman was a vixen and I had only known her for a few hours, yet here she was in my bed and I was stuck in a tiny bathroom, masturbating because I can smell her on me.

The following morning, Katelyn was already awake, showered and dressed by the time I woke up. Stretching my arms above my head, I yawned and got out of bed.

'Thank you for letting me stay Joe. I have to get going, my flight to Orlando leaves in a few hours,' she said, zipping up her suitcase. I didn't want her to go. God damn it, I was infatuated with this woman. What would Galina say if she knew I had wanked over another woman? Was it classed as cheating?

'Give me 5 minutes and I'll drive you to the airport. We can grab a coffee when we get there.'


'Whatcha thinking?' Katelyn asked as she sat on my lap and nuzzled into my neck. I couldn't think straight. Even now, over 6 years later, I was enamoured with Katelyn Galloway.

'I was thinking about the night we met and how you spent the night with me,' I confessed. 'I wish I'd have begged you not to get on that plane. I honestly wish that things had been different.'

'Things are different now,' she replied, softly pressing her lips to mine. 'Joe, we needed to go through all that to see if we were meant to be together. I'm a huge believer in fate. You only have to look at me and Drew. I got offered a job here at the same time that he was coming back to the company. That was fate. Joe, I love you, don't overthink what's happening right now. Drew is okay with whatever this is between us.'

'I just feel like it will all come to an end and I'll be the one to get hurt. You will always have Drew and if this ends, I end up alone again.'

'Baby, listen to me. I do not want this to end. What we have is more than just sex, there is a connection between us that seems to be unbreakable. Galina knew this, that's why she left you. She couldn't compete when somebody had a hold of your heart and it wasn't her. Sure, it isn't an ideal situation, and a lot of people might think I'm being selfish for wanting two different men, but I can't help who I love.'

'You love me?' I choked out. 'Even after everything?'

'Joe, apart from Drew, you are the only man I have ever slept with. I always made a promise to myself that I would only ever have sex with somebody I love. It sounds crazy, I know, but sex has always been a sacred thing for me.' Katelyn repositioned herself and straddled my lap. I slapped her ass and she squealed with laughter.

'We should get ready for the show.'

'I don't see you fighting me off you. I wish we could just stay like this.' Katelyn leaned down and kissed me, neither of us letting the other go.

I was stood at gorilla, waiting for my signal to go out, when my cell phone buzzed in my pocket. Quickly checking it, I went pale. It was a video from an unknown number with a photo of Katelyn and I in the locker room, kissing, and a message that read 'Don't get too comfortable with her. Once a whore, always a whore.'

Who the hell had taken that? There had been nobody in the locker room with us.

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