《Haurutsuki: Beautiful Snow》8. Two Villages, One Territory
Meanwhile, some ways off to the side, in the thick of the mist, Ryuu had just narrowly avoided a gigantic fireball after his wind jutsu had only amplified its intensity. Ryuu sighed in relief before chuckling to himself, “Man, that was a close call.” He grinned. Obito wiped his mouth and panted heavily, before chuckling himself, “This kid’s fast.” He thought aloud.
While Obito was panting and his clothes where worn for wear, Ryuu was still energetic and clean, bursting with a glee of childlike purity. “You know… If I didn’t use up all my chakra just then… I totally would be… winning right now.” Obito panted out. Ryuu chuckled as he rubbed his nose with the back of his finger, “Hehehe. Same here. All I can do now is use my swords.” He replied as he unsheathed both his blades. Obito smirked and drew out two kunais from his pouch, “Hn. Bring it on!” he grinned. “MIYUKI!” suddenly echoed through the area, and Ryuu immediately dropped his guard, “Katsu?” he questioned as he began looking around. Obito lowered his guard as well, ‘‘Hmm?’’ he wondered. Then suddenly, “AAH!” the two boys whipped their heads at the sound of a girl’s scream echoing through the fog. “Rin!” Obito panicked and abruptly dropped his kunais and began running towards where the scream came from. “Katsu! Miyuki!” Ryuu realized and sheathed his swords before dashing after Obito, hoping everything was alright.
It was after Rin had healed his side and moved on from his arm. The merchant did not want to be saved by Hidden Leaf girl, and had been silently cursing himself and the situation, still unable to move from the Paralysis Orb.
Rin had no way of knowing why he wasn’t unable to move, but knew it wasn’t as a result of his wounds and had something to do with the bright green orb and mysterious boy that followed it before disappearing. Assuming it would last a while, she continued to heal him without restraining him. It was as she was finishing off healing his badly twisted ankle that they heard the shout from the near forest, “MIYUKI!” Rin turned to face the trees where it came from and stared at it in wonder for a moment.
Little did she know that in that same moment, all of Katsu’s orb jutsus had come undone, from the ones he used to monitor and communicate with his siblings, to the one inside the merchant. The merchant immediately felt his body relax and caught on quickly. A smirk grew on his face. He used Rin’s momentary distraction to grab the kunai he had hidden under his sleeve. She then returned to finish healing his ankle. When she was satisfied she began to speak, “There. Now to just-” and that’s when the merchant abruptly sat up and attacked her!
‘It’s all over.’ Miyuki thought stunned and wide eyed as she stared at the gleaming kunai above the silver-haired boy. The mist was slowly fading, and her face was clear enough to see. Her hood completely off, revealing her big eyes, freckled face and slightly parted mouth. She laid underneath him, waiting to meet the end by his swift, descending kunai. But it never did. Kakashi sat on top of her, kunai in his hands above his head… Frozen. The look in his eyes changed. A moment ago, they were narrowed with the intent to kill, but now… Now they reflected her own hazel eyes. Shock dominating his usually blank, onyx stare.
The two stayed like that for a while, just staring into each other’s widened eyes. Miyuki was the first one to dare to break the silence, “You’re hesitating… Why?” she asked in nostalgia. Her words made him flinch, ‘Just kill her.’ He told himself, tightening his grip on his kunai above him. She felt her body tense as she heard him squeeze the handle of his blade and stared in greater fear at the boy sitting on her stomach. Just then they heard the echo of a girl’s scream, “Aah!” and they whipped their heads to the side, from where it had resonated. “Rin.” Kakashi realized, and without a second thought, leapt off Miyuki’s stomach and ran away into the mist.
She turned to her side and laid there, watching him leave. ‘What was that…’ she wondered. Then she remembered her brothers where in the same direction. She gasped and grunted as she got herself to her feet. And with that, she chased after the sound of the girl’s scream.
Obito and Ryuu arrived first. Obito gasped in distraught, “Rin!” he yelled in panic. The merchant had stabbed her side and was now holding her hostage with a kunai at her throat. Blood seeped through her clothes and dripped down the side of her leg, “Kaka… Shi” she drew out, quickly growing pale. He gasped again and began advancing towards her, “Stop! Or I’ll kill her!” the fake merchant warned. “Don’t listen to him, Obito!” Rin screamed out, before the merchant tightened the grip of the ropes restraining her hands behind her. She flinched in pain, and Obito instinctively began to advance. However, Ryuu pulled him back by the shoulder, “Don’t.” Ryuu whispered. Obito clenched his fists and teeth in frustration and the merchant gave off a light chuckle, drawing the kunai closer to the paling skin of her neck.
Just then, running footsteps in the snow were heard and the others watched as two growing silhouettes appeared from the mist behind the two boys. Kakashi arrived, with Miyuki trailing not far behind.
Kakashi stopped and stood a little to the side of Obito and spotted what had caused the stand still. Miyuki stopped and stood a little behind them, in between the space between Obito and Kakashi. The merchant tensed as her revealed eyes met his, “D-don’t come any closer!” he squeaked. Miyuki narrowed her eyes, ‘Katsu, analysis… Katsu?’ she wondered. Katsu was still hidden in the forest not far behind them on a branch, his face in his hands as he sobbed thinking his big sister was gone. Miyuki frowned, ‘The link’s been broken. It must be how the merchant managed to turn the tables on us.’ She concluded. “Why are you all just standing here looking at her!? Rin needs our help!” Obito shouted as he looked between the other three. ‘Our?’ Miyuki wondered curiously as she looked at him.
“Are you stupid, Obito? He has a kunai at her throat.” Kakashi said nonchalantly. “So, you just going to keep it that way? Jerk head open your eyes! She’s hurt!” Obito barked beside him.
Kakashi looked at the glaring merchant, and then at the weak Rin. Her eyes had been fixed on him from the moment he arrived, “Kakashi…” she mustered. The merchant removed his hand from her binds, and grabbed the front of her, across the shoulders, while keeping the kunai at her neck. She exclaimed in panic, “Quiet you! Now listen up, you brats! I’m going to get out of here. And she is my hostage until I do. So, back the hell off or she gets it. Got it?”
While the others stood there nervously, Obito completely ignored his demands, “Don’t worry Rin. I’ll save you!” he assured her, subconsciously taking a step forward. “Obito. Don’t-!” Kakashi warned, rushing in front of him to stop him from charging in. It triggered the merchant, and in a panic, he released shuriken from his sleeves, and aimed it directly at the pair. Kakashi dove in front of Obito to shield him from the on-coming kunai. “Kakashi!” Rin exclaimed in panic. Ryuu raised his hands and clutched to his blades, ‘Darn it. Not enough time to-’ he didn’t even have time to finish his thoughts of unsheathing his blade to stop them. Ryuu turned beside him to see the shuriken had made contact first. Sounds of thuds in the snow and clashing metal erupted. Obito fell on his back, and Kakashi fell on top of him, protecting him. “Oomph! Kakashi!” Obito exclaimed after falling, worrying about Kakashi’s back being stabbed. Kakashi however, was untouched, spotting all the shuriken around them on the ground. He turned his head back to see why and he’s eyes widened.
Before him and Obito, stood a panting Miyuki. She had charged in, throwing senbon at the oncoming shuriken, and was now exhausted from the abrupt rush forward.
Kakashi frowned, “Why’d you do that?” he asked suspiciously, still on the ground and on Obito. She panted out, still staring at the merchant, as she replied, “Now we’re even.” Before Kakashi could process her response, the merchant growled out in frustration, “Grr… DIE!” he declared, about to slice at Rin’s neck.
But he never did. Instead, he halted, wide eyed, and then fell to the ground. Dead.
Everyone’s shocked staring turned from the limb corpse to the man holding Rin in his arms, “Minato-Sensei!?” Obito and Kakashi said in unison. “Looks like I made it just in time.” Minato said, cutting Rin’s bonds loose after helping her steady to her feet. She immediately clutched to her side, and then began passing out, falling to her side. “Rin!” Obito called out before running towards her. Minato caught her and set her down gently, “Or maybe…” he trailed off worriedly. She was losing a lot of blood and the cold wasn’t helping. Kakashi glared suspiciously as he walked passed Miyuki, and she returned the gesture and watched as he went up to the rest of his team.
As she watched them, Katsu appeared from behind, leaping in, “Miyuki, thank goodness! I thought we lost you.” He said walking up to them. He received a punch to the arm from her, “Then you keep going and watch your brother’s back! Honestly, I thought Ryuu was the sensitive one. Now a girl’s about to die from blood loss.” She scolded. Katsu clutched to his aching arm, “Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. I’m sorry!” Katsu said through his pain.
Ryuu had walked up to them, “Miyuki, can’t you do something?” he asked in earnest. “Do something?” she asked curiously.
“Yeah, save her with your water powers!” he pleaded. “But they attacked us. They’re part of the Hidden Leaf. An enemy shinobi nation. Not to mention we’re at war with them.” Katsu explained, rubbing his paining arm. She stared at the ground and thought it over when Ryuu put his hand on her arm, “Please?” he asked quietly. She sighed through her nose in defeat, and began walking forward, her brothers trailing behind her.
They approached the group to see Obito clutching to Rin’s weak hand while Minato cleaned the wound. Kakashi stood on the side with folded arms watching them expectantly before raising his head at hearing the footsteps of the three siblings. “Minato-Sensei.” Kakashi said. Minato raised his head up at him, and Kakashi gestured for him to look behind him. When he met with Miyuki’s eyes, she shied away, feeling vulnerable without her hood to hide behind. “If it’s a fight you three are looking for-” Minato was cut off by Ryuu beside her, “Please... We just want to help. My sister can heal her.” He explained with earnest. Minato and Kakashi narrowed their eyes suspiciously, before Obito spoke up, “What are you waiting for…” he asked. Everyone looked to him to see him fighting against his tears as he watched Rin’s drifting eyes. “She’s dying, isn’t she? If they can save her… Why are you just staring at them, Minato-Sensei!?” he shouted to him.
Minato was taken aback by his outburst, but quickly regained his composure and nodded to Obito. He then turned over his shoulder to face the trio, “If you can really save her, I must insist that you do. However, if this is a roos…” Minato warned. “It’s not. We promise. We just want to help.” Ryuu assured him. “We have no intention of tricking you.” Katsu stated. “I’ll… try my best to save her.” Miyuki said timidly.
Minato looked to Kakashi and Obito, then looked down at Rin and shut his eyes, “Alright. Quickly, come help us save Rin.” He said, turning back to them. “Right!” the three said in unison instinctively and hurried to them. Kakashi clutched to his katana as he watched Miyuki kneel beside his Sensei. Katsu noticed and clutched to his dagger as a warning. “Please, don’t. We’re not here to fight.” Ryuu said, raising his hands in front of his brother. “Kakashi, stop being such a jerk already and let her save Rin.” Obito frowned, looking behind him to Kakashi.
“Can you remove your hand from the wound please.” Miyuki asked Minato quietly. “That’s enough you two. This girl needs to concentrate if she’s going to perform Medical Ninjutsu.” Minato reprimanded, looking at the two across Rin. Miyuki bit her lip nervously from the sudden tension. The two boys reluctantly stopped glaring at each other and turned to watch Minato as he removed the cloth from the bleeding wound. The revealed wound was much cleaner, thanks to his efforts, but the blood hadn’t stopped escaping the deep stabbing. Miyuki sucked in a breath as she examined the wound nervously. “You can do it, Miyuki!” Ryuu assured her from where he stood beside Katsu a little to the side of her. “Just breathe.” Katsu reminded her. She took in a deep breath, “Right. Okay then...” she nodded, and then lowered her head, looking at the wound more seriously.
Everyone watched in anticipation as she lifted her head from the wound and took out a small apparatus from her leg pouch. “Water?” Minato wondered aloud. Miyuki uncapped the small pyramid vessel, “I’m no Medical Ninja, but I can try and close the wound with this.” Miyuki replied, putting the water onto her hand.
Obito watched in awe as the water encased her hand, and then glowed a dim baby blue. She lowered her hand onto the wound and began the procedure. “What is that?” Obito asked in wonder, still holding her hand. “Our sister has water powers!” Ryuu said enthusiastically. “Water powers?” Minato asked as he stared at the glowing water slowly floating into Rin’s wound. Katsu nodded, “She has the unique ability to infuse her chakra into water, enhancing its healing properties. She’s mainly able to absorb water and turn it into chakra. But she can also feed people chakra through water like some sort of healing ninjutsu. It’s only been used to save someone on the brink of death once.” Katsu explained. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, Katsu.” Miyuki grunted out as she continued to manipulate and feed Rin’s tissue cells with healing water, seeping into the core of her wound. Sweat gathered on her forehead and her body began to tremble as she continued, no sign of improvement visible yet.
“That’s not possible.” Kakashi frowned skeptically. But before anyone could retort, Minato interrupted, “Look, it’s working! The wound is closing…” Miyuki’s trembling grew, and she couldn’t help but grunt out her efforts as she continued. The bleeding had stopped, and the deep hole in Rin’s abdomen lessened and began to close before her eyes. However, instead of simply stitching together, ice spikes crept out of it. The boys and their Sensei gasped. “Don’t worry. It’s normal.” Ryuu assured them. “The water she infuses with chakra eventually turns to ice if she uses it too long. But it acts like a bandage and stops the bleeding until she can heal naturally.” The wound was only a centimetre from being healed completely when the ice took over. Miyuki exclaimed in frustration and gave in to her body’s demand to rest. The rest of the water on her hand fell with a gentle splash on Rin’s frosty wound, and Miyuki rested her hands on her knees, panting heavily.
“Did it work?” Obito asked, staring at the still open wound with ice coming out of it. Just then a moan escaped Rin’s open mouth, and her once dull eyes fluttered to their lively brown, “What… What happened to me?” Rin asked curiously. Obito and Ryuu sighed in relief while Minato and Kakashi turned their attention to the panting Miyuki in disbelief. Minato put a hand on her shoulder, “Thank you.” He smiled gratefully. She looked up at him, still panting, “You’re… welcome. I’m sorry I couldn’t do better, but it-” he stopped her by chuckling lightly, “You don’t have to explain. You’ve done more than enough. Just look at her.” He smiled with closed eyes and tilted his head up in Rin’s direction.
Miyuki looked down to see she had sprung up to a sitting position, blinking in surprise and confusion as Obito hugged and cried into her shoulder, avoiding her stomach area as he did. Ryuu bent over and patted her back, “Well done, big sis.” Miyuki smiled and nodded. “We should get going. The supplies are gone. We’ll have to help the civilians brace themselves for winter another way.” Katsu interrupted. His two siblings nodded and Ryuu helped Miyuki to her feet. “Then this whole task was a failure.” Minato thought aloud. “Hmm?” the trio turned to look at him as he got up. “You weren’t sent by the Mizukage to gather intel on our village from that wagon, were you?” he asked the trio. “The Mizukage?” Miyuki asked in puzzlement. “Not in the slightest.” Katsu said plainly.
“Obito mentioned something earlier. We had no idea what he was taking about. We just came to stop those guys from stealing more winter supplies from the villagers.” Ryuu shrugged innocently. ‘This isn’t at all what I expected from the Blood Mist Village… These three are-’ Miyuki cut off Minato’s thoughts, “Obito?” she asked Ryuu.
Obito sprung up from Rin, “That’s right! My name is Obito Uchiha, future Hokage of the Hidden Leaf!” he declared. Katsu and Miyuki sweat dropped, ‘Oh no. Another energetic Ryuu.’ Katsu thought. “Good luck with that.” Miyuki said sarcastically. However, Obito didn’t catch it, and grinned smugly while rubbing his finger under his nose, “Hehe. Oh, and thanks for saving Rin.” He said gleefully. “Yes, thank you very much. Though it is a bit strange to see ice popping out of me.” Rin admitted with a nervous smile. “No problem. You better bandage it up and get warm before it gets infected. And you’ve lost a lot of blood, so your iron levels are low. I don’t think you should use excessive chakra or move around a lot for a while.” Miyuki advised. “Then she’s useless for the rest of this mission.” Kakashi said bluntly. “What!?” Obito shrieked.
The others were taken aback as well. Ryuu frowned, ‘He’s even colder than Katsu was a few years back...’ Rin then struggled to get up, using Obito to climb to her feet. “Thank you for the advice, but I’m fine.” She told Miyuki. Her inability to stand on her own told everyone otherwise. “You need a warm bed and rest.” Katsu stated, pointing up at the sky. Everyone looked up. It was beginning to snow.
“What will we do Minato-Sensei?” Obito asked, slightly worried as Rin began to pant. Minato frowned slightly, ‘Now what? She’s in no condition to hide in the trees and live off food pills. And we can’t just send her home alone either. The village is days away. Not to mention… We all a little worse for wear after all this.’ Minato concluded, looking at his team’s worn ninja attires. Ryuu gasped as an idea reached his mind, “They can stay at Lee’s Place!” he exclaimed in excitement.
His siblings’ eyes widened, and they both whipped their head to look at him, “Sorry, what?” Katsu asked flatly. “Are you insane?” Miyuki stressed. “Why not? We just saved them. They know they can trust us. Plus, they owe us now, so they won’t hurt us.” Ryuu explained. “You’re too naïve, little brother.’’ Katsu said, shaking his head. “He’s right. We don’t trust you.” Kakashi added bluntly.
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Echoes of the Tribulation: An Historical Apocalypse LitRPG Series.
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