《Like Sunshine On Snow | p.jm ✔》십칠: always been mutual


"What's this? You bring me to a place that I had introduced to you first?" Jimin sounded more like he was stating instead of asking, with an adorable chuckle accompanying his soothing voice.

"Why? It's not like you discovered the place or something. I even saw two people leaving from here just now." Sera mumbled teasingly, her eyebrows raising in certitude with a pout articulating on her lips simultaneously.

There she got Jimin, leaving him stunned as if he already was not feeling like floating in the air due to being lightheaded. Of all the places, Sera took him to the very location that he had otherwise wished he would have brought her to. A shadow of obvious disappointment had assumed control over his previously elated features, causing the female to cast at him an unsure look. Surmising that it must be the same trouble recurring that Jimin had addressed in his live as well, she tried to change the topic so that he did not fret about him being unable to form words yet again. Therefore, she began to walk away while stretching her arms out just like how she had done the first time when she had come across this particular scenery.

"No matter how many times I end up coming here, I don't think the magic that this place has will ever lessen. It's an out-of-the-world experience in so many way—"

"That's exactly the way I feel when I'm with you, Sera." Sera was so lost in feeding into her brain the aesthetics that the view before her was providing, that when Jimin had spoken, his sudden interjection wound up catching her off-guard.

She swiftly turned around to face him, the beauty of the sky being left far behind in oblivion to cope with her actions in the process. With her eyebrows weaving into one and her lips slightly twitching, she considered it to be better if she did not hinder Jimin's speech by ushering in an untimely question. Their gazes met eventually, and surprisingly enough, both seemed like staring at each other's reflection. They were not differing in any sense— even their eyes conveyed the same emotions.


Jimin had not felt this connected with someone in a long time.

"I like being with you, Sera. I know that I've said this a number of times but your company... your company de-stresses me. I feel like I can be who I really am when I'm with you. You know, no pretensions, no fake smiles. Thank you for not treating me like a God, I had forgotten how was it to live normally like other people. You make me feel ordinary, yet so special. And it isn't only because I see you as a friend. All this while we met up, all our awkward encounters... it made me fall for you. I've fallen so deeply that I doubt if I'll ever be able to come out of it on my own." Jimin was trembling under the influx of unforeseen emotions, yet he stood firmly like a rock.

It appeared more like he was striving to keep everything under his control— and hence the posture in which he had hunched his shoulders and whitened his knuckles, with his head gradually succumbing to gravity too. Sera was reminded of how she would end up in the same manner, whenever she thought that she had sufficient influence over her feelings, when in reality the latter had always reigned over her.

It was one pitiful condition, Sera was well aware of it.

Pacing towards Jimin watchfully, she lifted his chin up to the extent that they could look into each other's eyes once again and murmured, "The feeling has always been mutual, Jimin," before slowly cupping his face and planting her lips on his, kissing him patiently.

Jimin was not too late to respond as he had pulled in Sera by the time she was about to undo her touch, kissing her back fervently. Streams of tears on the male's cheeks had started to dissipate into thin air as they continued to express their love for one another, miraculously making him forget about the hardship that he had been facing due to the same matter recently.


Detaching their lips, Jimin then rested his forehead against Sera's, beaming in a way that morphed his contentment with shyness. Sera had had her eyes closed too as she reciprocated his reaction, though it would be a lie if they did not admit to the placid silence turning too overbearing with time.

"I won't be able to make up for the damage that that boy had done to you, I know, but I'll try my best not to leave you anymore scars. I promise you that, in fact." Jimin's voice was now hoarse because of his attempt at containing his tears from a while ago, the reason why he was sounding comparatively feebler.

Sera did not know any longer how to consciously stay there, in the moment. Jimin's cluelessness had taken the form of never-ending pangs in her heart, of which she was aware that she would not be able to overpower for long. She was well-versed with the fact that it undoubtedly was her stupid teenage obsession that had resulted in her getting hurt by Jimin. He actually never had a part to play in her sufferings. But how was she supposed to convince her heart regarding that? After all, it was her little pumping organ which had taken all those bullets.

Definitely not speaking scientifically.

But whenever it is an emotional failure that we're made to confront, it is by default our heart that takes the fall. It is our heart that aches, and not our brain which apparently holds the stock of our feelings. It's our heart that races at a doubled speed first, and our head simply follows it by throbbing immensely.

Sera's pulse had once again shot up uncontrollably, and that was what had stirred her into recalling all those memories sequentially. If only her heart was not so sensitive, her chances of living a blank slate life would have been much more feasible.

"It's you, Jimin..." Sera's voice faltered when she finally opened her mouth to brief Jimin, but the latter's perplexed look somehow stopped her in her tracks, "That boy, it was you."

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