《Like Sunshine On Snow | p.jm ✔》십오: curiosity killed the cat


Before Sera, laid a road of stars that seemed beyond any human's reach, and yet so achievable. It was the line of distinction between the earthly and the heavenly bodies that Sera and those stars sought to respect even when both of them were so unrealistically close to each other. Shutting her eyelids rather softly as she absorbed the serenity of the almost-meadow like location which Jimin had brought her to, questions regarding the same began to bounce against the walls of her head once again.

Why in the world did Jimin want to drive her here?

Stretching her arms in either directions as she heaved a deep breath, Sera fluttered her eyes open before turning to face Jimin who was standing behind her— and watching her.

His arms were folded, and a smile had been stuck on his lips for what appeared like aeons. He was staring down at Sera indeed very fondly, which was truthfully an exceptional event occurring right there. Sera felt a slight tremor running down her spine as she locked her gaze with Jimin's, for his did not seem like breaking anytime soon.

Just what had gotten into this son-of-an-angel heartthrob?

Sera forced a fake cough, which surprisingly made Jimin flinch on his own spot. The woman had just started to thank Gods for saving her from the second-hand embarrassment that Jimin was causing her, that the latter too finally happened to realize what he had been doing all this while. He scratched the back of his head nervously whilst lowering his line of vision, but was quick to lift up his head back too. After all, he did not do anything wrong. Now, did he?

"Are you okay? You look a bit out of it today..." Sera trailed off due to her precariousness about a wrong question being asked by her out of nowhere.


She certainly did not want to be called a killjoy.

"I know I told you that I was fine, but it's been hours that I have something on the tip of my tongue and yet I'm unable to word it out for... you." Jimin decided to speak up the troubles that he was facing in his head, though hesitantly. He for sure left Sera puzzled in return though, who was now gawking at him rather very curiously.

"Me? What is it for me?" Sera's spirits suddenly perked up, and Jimin was no longer sure if he would be able to hold himself back anymore.

However when it comes to relationships, one should never work under the influence of the heat of the moment.

It doesn't even take a spark to burn bridges anyway.

"Y—You... are my friend, a good friend. I hope our friendship lasts well enough for us to cherish the good memories only." Jimin had hid his hands behind the back, and was constantly fidgeting with his fingers. Only he knew how random of an excuse it was that he had conjured up in a blink of an eye.

"Oh? Is that all?" Curiosity had killed the cat, it had done its job.

Sera's face had fallen drastically as soon as Jimin completed, with her being oblivious of it. It was quite noticeable for Jimin, though. He was now mirroring that look of disappointment too, with his eyebrows arching as he frowned.

Jimin wished he could answer back something worthwhile to Sera. He would open his mouth, but then close it right after, repeating the process for almost a dozen times only in vain.

Sera sincerely awaited his response, but who was she kidding? She had figured it out the moment Jimin ended up dropping silent when she had asked him her unanswered query. It was probably out of his concern for her as his friend, he possibly did not want to make her feel hurt. It was the most reasonable option that she could conceive right then.


"I—I think I need to go now... Gaeul just texted me. She needs my help... is what she has written in the text." Sera stuttered as she recreated the sort of lie that Jimin had fancied a while ago— totally irrelevant. Pursing her lips as she tried to flash a smile but eventually failed at doing so, Sera waved her hand at Jimin, beckoning him a goodbye.

"But how will you—"

"You don't need to worry about me!" Was all Jimin could manage to gather from the now-retreating figure which was apparently Sera.


Talk about deprecating all the choices and decisions that she had made her entire life? Sera ought to be deemed the ace of it.

With her elbows resting on her knees as she rubbed her palms against her face exhaustingly, overthinking was the only thing that Sera had been doing ever since she came back to her flat last night. The excuse of helping Gaeul was just a facade to escape the damage that must have resulted once her emotional wall had been broken down yet again. It was turning tiresome for her to continue keeping up with all that pretense.

Should she have just reverted to shutting down on people when the threat was still not so overwhelming? Was that kind of life really out of necessity, or was it something that Sera had opted for willingly?

Her long drawn breaths were the only source of sound in her isolated apartment until her phone chimed— even a mere ringing sounding like catastrophic in that awfully dead silence. Instinctively, she went on to check what was the news that she had received when she came across one very upsetting name.


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