《Katniss and Peeta; Time of Their Lives》CHAPTER 10



Negative. I'm negative. Thank the lords. I am NOT having a child.

"Peeta! Come here!"

He races to me.

"What? Is something wrong?"

"The opposite of wrong! Peeta, the test came out negative!"

He pulls me into a hug and I lift my chin to touch his shoulder. There goes something off my chest.

"Let's celebrate. This deserves celebration."

"I agree."

He runs over to the radio and turns it on lightly. The music fills my ears. They don't make music anymore, people stopped around the year 2100. The best songs came out from the early 2000s. They still play those songs on the radio. Mostly all the songs I will recognize.

"I walked out to the garden to see, we keep quiet 'cause we'd be dead if they knew, so close your eyes. Stay in this town for a little while ...."

I hum to the tune, knowing every lyric to this song. Then I slowly begin to sing because what happened after I did sing before, was bad. It is a whisper kind of sing.

"I got tired of waiting, wondering if you were ever coming around! My faith in you was fading when I met you on the outskirts of town and I said 'Romeo save i've been feeling so alone I keep waiting for you but you never come is this in my head, I don't know what to think, he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said;"

I begin to cry silent tears. They curve down the outline of my cheek. This song reminds me of when Peeta was hijacked. I could never get him to love me again. I couldn't live without him loving me. Everything was terrible. That is why I cry; wishing the next part in the song was real for me.


"Marry me Juilet you never have to be alone, I love you and that's all I really know! I talked to your dad go pick out a white dress, it's a love story baby just say yes."

Peeta notices my tears rolling down and comes over to me. He wipes his thumb across the tears and I give a reassuring smile. He smiles back and gazes into my eyes. I bet my eyes look like glass from the shine of the tears. I still stare into his eyes. We stay like that for a while until I can't stare anymore. I turn away and sit on the bed. He turns down the radio and lays down on the opposite side of the bed.

"Katniss, wanna play a game?"

"Any game but the Hunger Games."

"I agree. Okay so since we are officially together for REAL, let's learn a bit more about each other. I don't know ANYTHING about your love life."

I stop and think. I don't know anything about Peeta's love life either. Why not give the game a shot?

"Sure, I'll play. You ask me a question first."

"Who was your first kiss with?"

"You, Peeta. I've only ever kissed 2 guys."

"That makes me feel special! I get the honors of your first kiss!" He grins ear to ear as he speaks.

"What about you? Who was your first kiss?"

"Uhmm .... it was my old best friend Delly. When we were younger, her and her little sister would dress in princess costumes and pretend to fight over me." He laughs and then continues.

"I would just sit there laughing at them! Finally, Delly got so frustrated she just came over and kissed me. I was so shocked at first, but I guess that's how most first kisses go. Unexpected. I was only around 7 of course, so it wasn't a real kiss."


I laugh. I can only imagine them at 7.

"Don't be too jealous, Katniss!"

I punch him playfully on his shoulder. Suddenly, I came up with the best comeback that I know will make him blush!

"One more question about that experience ...."


I smile and say; "Did you and Delly use tongues?"

I giggle as he turns his head to face me. I lick my lips with my tounge, exaggerating my tounge movements. I stick out my tounge and touch my nose with it. He defiantly blushes and tries to hide it.

"Kat, I was 7!"

"Just thought I'd ask."

"Okay fine, my turn to ask you a question."

"Alright, go. I don't have any good experiences anyways."

"I know the other guy you are talking about is Gale that you kissed with SOOO .... How did he taste?"

He winks at me and smirks as I turn beet red remembering what was going on in my brain as we kissed. I was thinking about what he tasted like at that time.

"Why should I tell you?"

"Because I'll tell you what Delly tasted like!"

"You first then."

"No! I asked the question! You first!"

"Fine ...."

I mumble; "Oranges."

He laughs and whispers in my ear.

"You really think I was going to tell you what Delly tasted like? I thought you knew me better!"

"No! You tricked me!"

"Yes, I did trick you. There is nothing you are going to do about it!"

"I know your weaknesses .... I will find out!"




"One more question, Peeta. What do I taste like?"

"I don't know! Maybe you can refresh my memory."

I lean over and kiss him quickly with passion. He licks his lips and has the look in his eye that he is thinking.

"The best person in the whole world. You feel like satin and an angel. You taste like perfectness. You taste like Katniss. What do I taste like?"

"Like Peeta!"

I rest my head on his chest. He is the one if I like it or not. As of right now; I love it.

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