《Unknown》Twenty Three: Heartbreak Girl


3 Weeks Later:

"Are you sure you can manage?" Mum passed me my bag as I lifted it onto my shoulder, realizing only then how much food she must've put in the thing.

"I'm fine honestly, it's only a few hours on the road I can manage." I said with a smile, truth be told I feel more stable, a week ago I got my images suppressed and they haven't occurred since. Today is the day I'm going back home, well to my own place to see Jess and Jim and collect them to go to London in order for Plan Z to progress further.

As I reach my car I place my bags in the boot and let out a sigh, my independence has finally been granted once again, allowing me to be free and make my own wise choices. It's not that being with family was a bad thing, but it was certainly difficult to reason with, especially since there was more family than we all knew.


A loud scream caused me to rush up out of bed and I looked around me, I wasn't hurt, I wasn't bleeding or aware I was , I was completely fine. I pinched myself, I'm awake, I'm safe. Slowly I crept out of bed, phone in hand to act as my torch, I made my way to the door where Joe stood, as wide eyed as me. "Who screamed?" I asked frightful of our surroundings, one which I usually felt protected in.

"I'm not sure, but it came from downstairs." He lead first with me quick on his tail, not wanting him to be left defenseless.

"Wait!" I whispered loudly to him as he went down one stair, he paused whilst I ran back to my room, grabbing the frying pan from underneath my bed and returning. "All good." I said motioning to the weapon in my hand, a confused look on Joe's face was evident. "What? If someone ever broke in at least I can defend myself, or knock them out. These things are pretty sturdy." I smiled proudly, having thought of the idea back home with Jess when a debate arised around whether a knife of a frying pan would make a more suited weapon.

He simply rolled his eyes as we continued to make our way downstairs, unaware of what we would actually do if there was an intruder, would they have a gun, kill us, steal everything? I held the frying pan tightly against my chest as we reached the end of the stairs and turned to the living room. Joe paused to face me, "I suggest we just barge in there, weapons in hand, got it?" I nodded vigorously since my words were failing me.

As he turned the handle on the door I held the frying pan high and he barged in yelling but then it came to a sudden halt as I entered, seeing Zoe stood there with her arms folded against her chest and the last person I expected to surrounded by cushions and blankets. "Peter? What the hell are you doing here?" I asked, my tone came across ruder than I had planned, the door opened once again and in walked mum with mugs of tea and as soon as she saw us her face fell.

"I guess you're all up then, well done Zoe." She let out a sigh as she placed three mugs of tea onto the table, passing one to Peter who gratefully excepted. She motioned for us to take a seat but Zoe and Joe were refusing, confused by the events that were taking place.


"Mum, why is there a stranger on our sofa?" Zoe pointed to Peter who sat up right in silence sipping his tea, waiting for someone else to speak.

"Because he isn't a stranger Zoe! Not to me anyway." I groaned, fed up of secrets. They all turned to face me after my statement and confusion became more evident on my siblings faces. "Zoe, Joe, meet my brother, Peter."

End of flashback.

We ended up sitting and discussing everything that night, it took a long time for the news to sink in properly to Zoe and Joe, especially Joe who thought the whole thing was a prank until I got the case out with all my files in. It was very tense and awkward for a while as mum didn't contribute to the conversation until she was questioned by Zoe, eventually it was accepted and understood. That I was a Mitchell- Sugg, not just a Sugg.

Now we can talk about things, it is still difficult for my siblings to understand that there is another person I can call a relative, a blood relative that is but we are getting there slowly but surely. At least now since I'm feeling more assured of myself we can get this plan into action. As I wave to my mum and climb into my car I grip the steering wheel and let out a loud sigh.

Independence, something I have truly missed having. For so long I've been solely dependent and reliant on other people, others to check my medication ensure I got up and did things rather than sleep all day. That I ate food and didn't dwell if I had a bad image occur. How I bothered to get out of the house and meet Peter at Riloh's and have little family meetings about anything.

Those times in particular were favoured by me, having someone to talk to about anything to do with the Mitchell's and learn more about my brother himself. Now I sit here, ready to cause the most destruction I never thought could be possible for me to cause, turning on the engine and set off back home to pick my fellow schemers.

As I drove along various outcomes played in my mind, seeing different expressions and hearing the distinct yells from my family as I revealed the truth. The screams became louder and I came to a sudden halt, I looked around my settings seeing I wasn't there. The screams weren't here, Zoe wasn't on the floor next to me as a crying mess, Joe wasn't punching Alfie and Caspar wasn't holding me back. I was alone in my car on the motorway.

Letting out a shaky breath I heard the various blares of horns that brought me back completely, I started the car again and continued driving. Now solely focusing on the road in front of me, careful to not let any distractions in anymore. After a while of sitting in silence I decided some music couldn't be the biggest distraction, ignoring the logical part of me that knows having music too loud can distract other senses and lead to accidents but the rest of me just turned the volume up. Once the volume was loud enough I could hear the lyrics clearly and smiled to myself hearing Blank Space play and reminiscing on seeing him for the first time, the guy who has been lurking in my mind for a while now. Dan, no matter how strange our meeting was it certainly made a lasting impression on me due to how quirky he appeared. But the memory is plagued by Caspar, being my bystander and Zoe being there didn't allow me a proper chance to meet this Dan, I hope I can get a better opportunity but if not we will always share Blank Space.


As my journey goes on and various songs play, being ruined by my horrific singing I saw the sights around me becoming more clear, there was more scenery as opposed to rows of endless cars reflecting each other. Instead I saw wildlife, more green than grey and less heavily polluted air. The simplest amount of graffiti and artwork made me smile, knowing I was close to being back in comfort, my home here hasn't been affected by my own behaviour from the past. Instead this is a place where I was able to be reborn, allow myself to blossom outside of a sea of pills and waves of doctors, have friends outside of a hospital and watch TV shows and go to work like any other person.

It's not that home isn't a good place to be, like they say, home is where the heart is. It's where I grew up but it is also the place where I crashed down and had to put myself back together again, which was why I left as soon as I finished my A levels, went to university and moved away. I love my family and I love my home but I craved independence, away from somewhere where people viewed me as being fragile, instead they viewed me as a stranger.

Before I knew it I was pulling up to the car park, reversing into my usual spot and turning the engine off, removing the keys and sitting in silence. I glanced to my mirror to see how scared I looked, although subconsciously I knew I had no reason to be afraid, everything was slotting into place now yet the fear of the unknown shook me inside. Letting out a few shallow breaths I opened my door, grabbed my bags and headed to the door that lead to the block of apartments, managing through the doors I made my way up the stairs to the third floor before reaching the all too familiar door. The chipped white paint job on the wooden door, with 'Three A' in silver attached to the door below the peep hole, I grabbed a hold of my keys and heard the click before opening it and happily embracing the smell of lavender in the hallway.

"Hello? You decent in there?" I called through the hallway and upstairs to where Jess presumably was. Walking up the stairs I glanced through the railings to see everything in its place, the pale blue sofas positioned in front of the television in the left of the open space with various photos especially framed due to sentimental value surrounding the walls along with the shelves covered in books and films we collected over the past few years. To the right was the immaculate kitchen, all in pastel blue and purple with a lit candle indicating she was home. As I got to the top of the stairs I placed my bags onto the table and crossed the floor to the next set of stairs, going up them to where our rooms were located, passing the main bathroom I continued up glancing to more photos and fairy lights as I went, brushing the odd photo of my family or Jess' as I went.

"I'll be a minute!" The all to familiar expression sounded from the right hand side and I let out a chuckle, typical Jess. She always had a habit of being late to anything, even her own graduation last year. I walked past her room and to mine opening the door and sighed in relief, seeing everything still how it was when I left it, the bed perfectly made and the prominent smell of lavender which Jess learnt to love.

Once I reached my bed I collapsed onto it, missing the pure comfort it held. I stood up after hearing the creaking of the floorboard outside my room I saw Jess stood there in her comfortable attire, with her light brown hair tied into a long pony tail, her bright blue- green eyes sparkling and she had a bright smile aimed at me. I jumped off of my bed and ran towards her, embracing her in a tight hug as she let out a laugh. "Bloody hell I've missed you so much." She spoke into my hair and I felt at peace, I had my best friend back, well one of them that is.

Releasing Jess from the hug I raised an eyebrow, "So, where's Jim today?" I smirked to her and she instantly blushed, trying not to break eye contact with me as I knew when she was lying, she would blush deeply and try to maintain eye contact as if her life depended on it, next would come the stumbling for words. "I'm just kidding with you," I started and she let out a nervous laugh. "I already know he's here." I spoke quickly and moved past her to her room, racing her there and as I opened the door I saw Jim sat with a box of tissues crying. "What is this?" I spoke slowly as Jim saw me, he blew his nose before coming towards me, embracing me in a hug.

"We were watching The Fault In Our Stars, which Jim was mocking about 2 hours ago. Not so funny is it now, huh Jim?" Jess mocked him as he wiped his nose.

"It's good to have you back Ali. Things haven't been the same, everyone at work has missed you, especially Maddie." My heart felt heavy, I have missed Maddie dearly, my favourite cat at the zoo. Although she is feared by many I see her as an old friend through the layers of glass. "In all honesty, how do you feel?" Jim spoke with care, I looked between both of them who tried to look supportive underneath their worried expressions.

"I'm not sure." Is all I managed to get out with certainty. "We have no other option now, we have to do this. I spoke to Zoe and it's in 5 days, so we have to go, it's in my honour and I need to fix this. I don't want other people to end up getting as hurt as I did. Those who caused this need to have a taste of their own medicine, and I know this isn't in my nature, and that's what scares me. How part of me is willing to cause so much destruction willingly." My hands began to shake and I excused myself momentarily as I walked downstairs to where my bag was, finding the right tablets and getting myself a drink to wash them down with.

"We get it Ali," Jess began, as I turned I saw them sat at the counter by the kitchen, looking to the array of pill bottles that was before them, trying not to stare. "it's scaring you, but like you said, if it ends the amount of harm then pen-ultimately, it must be a good thing. We have to think about the outcome here, after all of this will there be a good result?" She questioned and I thought carefully, nodding slowly but surely.

"Damn you Jess, with your philosophy." I smiled and packed my things back up before taking them upstairs to my room. "Can we order Chinese? I'm starving and we need to have a last minute discussion before we leave!" I called down and heard agreements then closed my door, opening up my wardrobe to find the specific things I needed.

Thank goodness for online deliveries, whilst I was back at mums I found three outfits online for the next week, all with a specific purpose. The first one is to make me me, the next one is more seductive, the last one is lethal and is to make me seem a threat which currently I am. Jess took each dress and put it in my wardrobe for me with matching shoes she has since heels are not usually my style. I placed each dress down on my bed and began to unpack my old bag and a new one for the next week. Once I had packed everything I took my bag downstairs, placing it on the counter, Jim tried to open it but I slapped his hand away. "No way, you aren't getting a sneak peak, I need your reaction to be genuine if I am to get any idea of how he will react to seeing me." I smirked to Jess who had a malicious look in her eyes.

"Foods on it's way, so lets clear this up shall we?" She began and we sat on the sofas, Jim grabbed his laptop and hooked it up to the television. "So, phase one is already in motion, is that right Ali?" Jess asked as Jim pulled up various elements of the plan up for us to see and I nodded in response. "Jim, you understand phase two don't you? And phase three is solely up to you Ali." I gulped, knowing how important my input was for the last part of the plan.

"All I have to do is convince him how much I love him, make him fall for me, then show how real heartbreak can be." I recited what we planned months ago, both of them nodding.

"And we'll be there, monitoring you and getting his confession about the plan, if he thinks you love him enough he will tell you everything. Then you will be his heartbreak girl." Jim pulled out the ear pieces he had gotten a while ago and I nodded.

"He won't know what's hit him."

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