《The Untold Truth (Kakashi's Little Brother) *COMPLETED*》Chapter 10: Small Reunion
I can't believe it's been two years that Satoshi defected from the village. I've also heard some rumors about him... they say he's a mad man now. He who draws blood from the living is what they say. My little brother... named the Blood Demon. How could someone like him be named something so vulgar? I won't believe such assumptions until I see him face to face. My brother couldn't be far gone.. can he?
"Kakashi-Sensei!" Naruto said, waving his hand in my face.
"Huh? Oh are you finished settling back in the village?" I asked.
"Of course I have sensei, it's been two days already." he said. "Anyways, grandma Tsunade wants us."
I nodded my head and followed Naruto to the Hokage building. Naruto knocked on the door and we were let inside we walked in and Sakura had been already there waiting for us.
"There you are.. I have a mission for Team 7." Lady Fifth said. "I chose you because I felt it was only necessary."
"What do you mean?" I asked confused.
"Kakashi... there has been sightings of your little brother near the outskirts of Konoha." she said.
My eyes widened a bit, but it wasn't too noticeable.
"Is that so? What is the current information?" I asked a bit too hurriedly.
"He appears to be looking for something or someone within the forest, along with his partner. I suggest you start heading north. That is where they were last seen." she explained. "Now, dismiss."
We made a slight bow and immediately ran towards the direction we were given.
"What do you think he's looking for sensei?" Sakura asked.
"I'm not sure... but whatever it is, it must be important." I answered.
"I hope we get a good fight out of him!" Naruto yelled happily. "We'll see who got stronger over the years!"
"Naruto! This isn't like how we were kids! This is serious!" Sakura said.
"Aw c'mon, you can't say you're not excited to see Satoshi too, right?" Naruto said with a smile.
"Well... I am happy, b-but he's on the enemy side remember?" she stuttered.
"Not until we finally bring him back to the village with us, along with Sasuke. I mean they still my comrades, even if people think otherwise." Naruto said.
"I suppose so... but just like Sasuke, he isn't easy to convince." she mumbled.
"Then we'll drag them back with us by force. I won't leave a comrade in the dark like that." he said.
Sakura smiled at that as we continued to make our way there.
'I really wish it was that easy Naruto...'
"So what exactly are we doing here Satoshi?" Maasaki asked.
"Waiting..." I replied.
"Waiting for what?"
"Not waiting for what... but waiting for whom." I said.
"Who are we waiting for?" he asked as he sprawled himself onto the grassy field.
"For my old team, of course."
"You ask a lot of questions, Maasaki." I said stoically.
"Well, I mean we just finish a mission, and we're supposed to report it in." he said.
"Yes, but we finished the mission very early. So we have time to spare... besides, seeing my old team will be ." I replied.
"Oookay, but, how would you even know they will send out team?" he questioned.
"Why wouldn't they?" I mocked. "It's an easy puzzle, Maasaki. A defected sibling, missing for two years without making his presence known to his former village? I think sending out a brother who longed to see the other is a simple answer."
"Whatever! ~" he said, yawning a bit. "This is your fight, not mine."
"Fine by me..."
There was a silent pause.
I sighed. "What is it this time, Maasaki."
"Why are you so grumpy all the time?" he asked still laying on his back.
I grew an irk mark on my head as I stared at him menacingly.
"Because you ask me ridiculous questions all the time." I replied.
"They're not ridiculous!" he defended. "I'm just curious!"
"A bit too curious for your own good if you ask me..." I mumbled to myself.
"Hey! I don't know what you just said, but whatever it is, I take offense to that!" he said as he immediately stood up pointing at me.
"You're such a child..."
"Well, someone has to! We both can't be party poopers now can we?" he huffed.
Maasaki anime fell, but complied anyway. He mumbled under his breath, picking the grass like an angry child after he was just finished being scolded by his parents.
Satoshi and Masaaki sat quietly in the grassy field. Kakashi and the others were getting closer to their location and Satoshi can feel it. He clenches his fists as he waited patiently for his older brother. Satoshi didn't really care for anything else but his brother right now, as much as he missed everyone... he just wants his brother, he him.
Masaaki studied Satoshi's face very thoroughly. He had always found his partner highly interesting. Someone who didn't care for anyone but himself sounded as if it was a white lie. He knows Satoshi is a good person seeing that with every kill he made, Masaaki watched his facial expressions. They always seemed... empty, yet, sad. Just like how he looked right now.
Satoshi was leaned up against a tree as he watched the grass sway with the wind. He would notice that Satoshi's eyes would falter from time to time as if he were thinking of something. But what exactly was he thinking about?
'Why are you so mysterious..?' Maasaki thought to himself. 'And what exactly do you think about?'
"They're here..." Satoshi said, breaking Maasaki out of his train of thoughts.
"Finally! ~" Maasaki said as he stretched.
'3....' Satoshi thought as he counted down.
'2...' Satoshi got up.
"Satoshi-kun..." a familiar female voice spoke.
Satoshi stayed silent as his back was still faced towards Team 7 while the silent breeze brushed passes his cloak.
"Oi! We're talking to you Satoshi!" Naruto shouted.
"I'm very aware of that Naruto..." Satoshi said as he turned around. "My, my... you guys sure have grown.."
"Hah! Yup! I'm not the shortest one now!" Naruto boasted proudly.
"Really? I think you should recheck those eyes of yours..." Satoshi said bluntly.
Naruto slumped over as he squinted his eyes at Satoshi. He then walked over to him and stood up. He leveled with his hand between the two of them. He then grew shocked that Satoshi was still taller than him. Well, just by two inches...
"WHAT?! NO!" he shouted dramatically.
"Naruto!" Sakura said as she dragged him back towards them.
"This is your team, Satoshi?" Maasaki asked in disbelief. "He just walked up to you like you were buddies."
"That's Naruto for you... he's always been the class idiot." Satoshi replied.
"Silence." Satoshi said. "Your voice, it me.."
"Satoshi..." Kakashi mumbled with a sad look.
Satoshi heard his brother and turned his gaze onto him. He stared at him making Kakashi feel uneasy.
"Oi, Satoshi... that old man over there looks a bit like you. Maybe only the facial features though..." Masaaki said.
"He's my older brother..."
"Whaa! No way! I never knew you had a brother!" Maasaki said shocked. "This must be quite a reunion!"
"You don't need to know about my life Maasaki. Unlike you, I don't sprinkle my life information like glitter. Besides, if you were listening, I explained my theory of why they'd send team." Satoshi snapped.
"Geez.. such a mood killer." Maasaki mumbled to himself.
"What was that... Ito?"
"Hn, I thought so.." Satoshi said. "Anyway, this was a nice reunion and all, but we have to take our leave now."
Kakashi threw a kunai near his brother's feet as a warning. Satoshi eyed the kunai next to him and looked over to his brother.
"You aren't leaving Satoshi!" Kakashi said. "You are on Konoha territory as a wanted man for defecting! You be turned in."
"Is that so?" Satoshi said, taking a step. "I won't be coming back to that village, brother."
'Even if I wanted to... I can't..' Satoshi thought sadly.
"Naruto, Sakura!" Kakashi shouted.
"Hai!" they said in unison.
Naruto created a Rasengan and began running towards Satoshi as Sakura used her chakra control to punch the ground. Satoshi covers his eyes and wait for the right moment to activate his eyes. With one more step from Naruto, his eyes activated and Satoshi jumped up from Sakura's attack to get closer to Naruto.
He grabs Naruto's hand that held the Rasengan and placed it close to his own stomach. Satoshi landed on his feet gracefully with his back facing against his old team. He deactivates his eyes as everything fell into place. Sakura's attack missed as Naruto bounced back with his own Rasengan hitting against his own stomach.
Maasaki clapped. "Good one, Satoshi! This is why you're my favorite member!"
"More like I'm the only member who can tolerate you."
"Eh.." Maasaki deadpanned and shut his mouth.
"Naruto, are you alright?" Sakura asked.
"Ow.. yeah, it just hurts a lot." he groaned.
Satoshi turned around as his brother looked at him curiously.
"You have mother's kekkeigenkai huh?" Kakashi asked, expecting the truth.
"I don't know brother, you tell me."
Satoshi activated his eyes once more to get close to his brother to only then deactivate it. Kakashi's eyes widened as a strong right hook connected with his face. Kakashi hit against a tree and groggily stood back up.
"That's it alright..." Kakashi said, cracking his back.
"Satoshi please stop!" Sakura cried.
"Sakura.. all you ever do is try to talk things out. When has things out worked? Can't you see that I'm far beyond that point?" Satoshi said irritated.
"Don't... speak.. to Sakura like that!" Naruto said in pain.
"Well, she needs to face reality. Not everything in your dream will come true." Satoshi said.
"Satoshi..." Kakashi said softly. "Just come home.."
Satoshi's heart panged. 'Home...'
"Yeah..." Naruto said, trying to sit up. "We can be a... team again. Then, we'd be... one step closer.. to become a whole team again."
"We could also try to convince Lady Tsunade to go a bit easy on you Satoshi-kun." Sakura said with a small smile.
Satoshi looked at the three of them and turned around.
"I have no home..." Satoshi said walking away. "You're wasting your time with me.. these eyes no longer see the light but the darkness. My eyes... are closed."
Maasaki watched Satoshi walk away from his old team. He then looked at the so called enemies. They watched Satoshi with a sad expression on their face. However, Naruto, the one he thought of as an idiot forced himself to get up.
"Hey!" Naruto hollered. "I'm not done with you!"
"Naruto..." Sakura mumbled.
"Didn't you say you wanted to bring peace within the five great nations when we were younger?!" He shouted. "How exactly will bring peace!"
Satoshi stopped in his tracked as he turned his head slightly to the side.
"Dreams change Naruto... like that dream would ever be accomplished anyway. This world is filled with hatred. Yet we shinobi of the villages want to believe on that string of hope." Satoshi turned to face Naruto. "Tell me Naruto, what is it that you truly know about the Akatsuki?"
"I understand that what they're doing is wrong!" he replied.
"But what about the members? Surely they are different than how they are as a whole."
Naruto and the others stayed silent allowing Satoshi to continue.
"There are many back stories to us all that those do not know.. yet we are the faces for those to fear. However, we are mere pawns waiting for our fates to be played for us."
"I don't understand." Sakura asked. "You're all pawns?"
"... all pawns, Sakura." Satoshi said as if it should be already known. "We play for those above us and work as tools. We serve with our lives as they control us with strings. They are our kings while we are their slaves. ... don't matter."
"What is this nonsense?! Did they just brainwash you or something?" Naruto screamed.
"No... I've just embraced reality. Even if we die for those we serve, Naruto. Their plans will carry on even when we finally rest in the soil." Satoshi said.
"I'd rather die for the side of good than being in the dark!" Naruto shouted.
"Darkness is everywhere Naruto... it lays when you are sad... and it especially lays in those who are.. ."
"You're just talking nonsense!" Naruto said.
"Nonsense? Or are you just refusing to believe it? These are things we must learn to accept as shinobi's..."
"If I remembered correctly... we were never comrades Naruto, nor were we friends. I was just another student who was always one step ahead of you. So stop pretending that we had some kind of friendship." Satoshi growled.
"I did consider you as my comrade, and as a friend! I just never wanted to admit it! You and Sasuke... you were the only ones who would take notice of me. Also, it gave me inspiration to try my hardest to at least defeat one of you. That's one of the reasons why I want to bring you home! A lot of the villagers and shinobi's may dislike both you and Sasuke... but there's people willing to do their best to bring you guys back, and we could be like how we used to be." Naruto explained.
"Well then stop." Satoshi replied.
"What?" Naruto asked in disbelief.
"You all believe in dreams that may never happen. It is best to leave that dream behind."
"Come Maasaki, we must take our leave now."
"No you won-"
Kakashi was about to run towards the two Akatsuki members with his arm stretched out, only to see Satoshi look slightly at him and immediately left in a flash with his partner.
"What do we do now sensei?" Sakura asked.
"I don't know..." Kakashi said quietly.
While Kakashi tended to his team, there was a certain blue haired male who was still asking questions to himself. He wondered what he had witnessed.
'Why does he hate them so much? Did they do something that made him leave? No... they seemed way too caring.'
"Pay attention... I won't warn you when there is danger." Satoshi said.
"Oh.. okay."
Satoshi looked at Maasaki with his eyes as they continued to walk.
"What's wrong with you?" Satoshi asked.
"Well.. I want to know.... why, why do you dislike them so much? They seem like nice people." Maasaki said.
"I told you... I don't care for them. They hold no meaning to me." Satoshi answered.
'He's lying.. I saw the way his eyes brightened a bit at the sight of his brother. He misses his home.. his friends... he's just like, me."
"Sure thing, Satoshi. So, what are you gonna do when we get back to the hideout?" Maasaki said trying to lighten the mood.
"Get away from you as far as possible." Satoshi mumbled.
"That's mean!" Maasaki said as he anime cried.
As the two members travel back to the hideout, Satoshi had a faint smile on his face which Maasaki caught a glimpse of.
'Ha! So he does have feelings! But.. I'm a bit worried about him.... just a bit.'
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