《Kakashi The Hunter》Part X Twenty-Two



The boys stood beside each other facing the obliterated wall. After we quickly caught up, Wing suggested we get back to work. I was meant to only step in if either boy was going to pass out.

Not unlike Chakra, Nen was also their life energy. They are so similar, that's the reason I'm able to sense it so easily. I guess Nen users can't sense my Chakra because they haven't been exposed to Nen since they were extremely young. Maybe someone will, someday.

Wing set a hand on either of their shoulders with a warning. They both tensed their shoulders and their stances.

Nen surged through Wings palms and into the boys. They were surrounded by a strong layer of their auras, absolutely pouring from all over. We watched with baited breath as they tried to control it.

Wing had suggested that they think of something calming in order to harness the power correctly. It took a good minute before Gons aura slowly shrank into a thinly veiled layer over his skin. Killua wasn't far behind, also calming his life energy as to not accidentally kill himself.

Wing watched from behind them, satisfied and amazed at the boys for controlling it so quickly. He glanced at me and I returned his gaze with a smirk. He pursed his lips and turned back to the two.

"Congratulations. Now you need to be able to keep your Nen in this state to bypass the barrier." Gons shoulders sagged and Killua sighed. I guess it wasn't easy to keep that up.

"Don't worry boys." They looked up at me, "After you get passed Hisoka, we can train with it, and you can gain a better understanding of how it works." The boys gained a bit of excitement. I like to think it's because they want to train with me. But it's probably because they just want to get better with their Nen.


They didn't have long to prepare, with less than ten minutes to spare, both boys raced out of the house and to the tower. I would go with them, but I'm not really fancying seeing Hisoka at the moment. He probably won't kill them.

Wing sighed and looked out the window. "Zushi, go meditate in your room." The boy stood straight. "YOSH!" he ran through the hall and down the stairs. Faintly there was a slamming door, then silence. He was way too much like Guy and Lee.

"Kakashi." Wing spoke, breaking the peaceful silence. "I want to know... why do you not have Nen?" I tensed, that's a hard question to lie my way out of buddy. "I just," he paused, "I just don't want you to put these children in danger. If there's anything your hiding," Wing turned from the window, a serious look in his eyes as he glared at me, "that will harm these kids, I want you to know; I will not stand for it."

I raised both hands hoping to placate the man, "Listen, Wing. You have nothing to worry about coming from me. I care about them too, I wouldn't do anything to put them in danger." I narrowed my eyes, "I'd do anything to keep them out of it."

He sighed, the glare falling away. He adjusted his glasses and looked back into the night through the window.

"And to answer your first question," he spun back to me, untucked shirt flapping at the motion, "I have something better."

He blinked rapidly but after a long moment he realized I wasn't going to elaborate. "Very well. I'm choosing to trust you on this Kakashi. Please don't betray that trust."

I smiled at him, using my eyes. "Never."


Not too long after, I left Wings house. The walk back wasn't nearly as hectic as when I sprinted there. Now I could take in the scenery, watch the people who stayed out late into the night. Surprisingly none of them were creeps.

When I got back to Heavens Arena, I didn't want to take any chances with meeting Hisoka. So, using my amazing Ninja skills, I scaled the side of the building back up to my window. It was empty, luckily. I figure the boys might've mentioned me, but I really hope at least Killua would have enough sense not to.

Quickly, I took a hot shower and changed into some clothes to sleep in. Nothing fancy, just some sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt. And my mask of course, I'm not willing to take any chances.

For a while I just laid there, staring at the ceiling. Part of me hoped someone would knock on the door. Maybe one of my students, maybe someone from home. But that wasn't going to happen. It's not like there's anyone left from home, I'm the last. Madara and Obito aside.

As sad as it might be, it's the truth and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

After a night of pitiful sleep and a lot of restlessness, the sun finally shone through the window. Silently, I got up and changed into my normal everyday clothes. No different than my sleep clothes, all black. Plus my headband. It was getting scratched up, but there wasn't anything to do about it.

I pulled out my book and began walking the hallways again. It lets me calm down as well as get a good feel for how many people were in the building. I sent pulses of thin Chakra throughout the entire floor. It would sense all the individual Auras, giving me a nice share of information. Then I would repeat and do it for the floors above and below me, respectively.

Usually a feat like this would alert everyone in the vicinity, but since no one has Chakra here, it's undetectable. I can get away with a lot more than I could have back in my world. Not that it makes this place any better, it just makes me even more untraceable.

Three familiar auras were on the floor above me, Gon, Killua, and Hisoka. They weren't close to each other, but it's good to know where they all are.

Maybe I wouldn't have to interact with the psychotic clown too much during my stay here. I mean, I hope not.

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