《Kakashi The Hunter》Part X Four


Kakashi pov.

I woke up to the sound of pounding footsteps. Thank you, Hatake genes, for the enhanced hearing. I sigh. I'm not going to get any sleep if I don't figure out what that is. I walk through the hallways, towards the noise, until I reach an open door. Killua and Gon are running around Netero trying to get a ball. Killua stops and looks towards me. Gon noticed and stops too, causing Netero to stop as well.

"Oh, hey Kakashi. What's up?" I eye smile. "I couldn't sleep. Your footsteps woke me up. What are you doing anyway?" Netero smiled towards me. "Sorry about that, they were just trying to get the ball from me. Then they would become hunters on the spot." Gon nodded. "Then I could find my dad!" I smiled again. "Well good luck with that."

I was about to walk away when Gon called out to me again. "Wait! Kakashi, why don't you help us?" "Ask the old man, it's his call." "I don't see why not. Though he will have to try on his own first." I sigh once again and take my Jounin vest off as well as my black long-sleeved shirt. Leaving me in the shirt connected to my mask and the arm sleeve things I wear. my Anbu tattoo was on display, but I decided to keep my headband on. I wouldn't be needing my Sharingan.

Once I was ready the old man signaled for me to start. I made a Ram hand sign and shunshined behind him. Before I could reach the ball Netero spun around and punched towards my face. Before the hit could connect, I pushed off into a back handspring and tried to kick him under his chin. The Chairman managed to block the kick but he wasn't expecting to have another kick aimed towards his side.

The kick pushed him back a bit but didn't do any real damage. I'm holding back here, I don't want to kill him. " Good try." "Who said my turn was over?" A shadow clone I had made previously silently jumped from the ceiling behind him. Before it could grab the ball, Netero moved his arm forwards, right into the path of my arm. He panicked and threw the ball to his other hand. My shadow clone poofed into a white smoke screen, and I signaled Gon and Killua to take my place.


Gon aimed a kick towards Neteros face, who dodged. But Gon used his boot to get a little more length. While he was distracted Killua jumped for the ball, but Netero dropped the ball and balanced it with his foot. Killua got back up while Gon ran towards Netero, headbutting him in the stomach. Gon winced but ran in to do it again. Netero threw the ball high into the air as he jumped over Gon. He ran into a wall.

Before Netero could reach the ball in mid-air, Killua pushed it away. The old man grabbed Killua's foot before he could go after it and pulled him down. Then Netero himself went after the ball, but before he could reach, Gon's other shoe hit it away. Both Killua and Gon dove for the ball, but Netero used all the force in his leg and reached it first. Causing both the boys to hit a wall.

Killua huffed as Gon groaned. "It's useless. We're not going to get the ball. He didn't even use his left hand or right leg. Only when Kakashi tried." Netero smiled. "Oh, so you noticed? I thought I was hiding it well." Killua shook his head and gathered up his stuff. "Whatever, let's go Kakashi, Gon." Gon shook his head violently. "No! I might not be able to get the ball, but my new goal is to get him to use his other arm!" Killua nodded. "Good luck with that."

I decided to go with Killua. Maybe I can go back to sleep. "I picked my clothes up but didn't put them back on. I followed Killua down the hall. "Why didn't you keep going? You were super close you know." He shrugged. "If I kept going, I would've killed the guy." "Same. If I had actually tried." The rest of the wall was in comfortable silence. that is until two applicants started to try and intimidate Killua. Keyword, try.

In two seconds flat they were both on the floor, dead. I applaud you Killua. We kept silent until I reached the room I was sleeping in before. "Well, have a nice night. I'm going to sleep." Killua sent me a wave and continued on his way. Once I closed the door behind me, I saw Leorio and Kurapika cuddling in their sleep. Awww, they'd make a good couple.


Leorios' briefcase was open beside the bed. Organized to perfection filled with medical equipment and some snacks. In the pouch on the top, I could see my Small Orange Book along with another mature magazine. Eh, he can have it. I have another anyway. Who knows maybe he'll take up writing as a future hobby. Then he could make a sequel.

I sat in the same spot I was earlier but used my vest as a pillow this time. Sweet dreams to me.

When I awoke for the second time today, it was to a silently panicking Leorio and a sleeping Kurapika on his chest. He was blushing. Ah, young love. I chuckled to myself as I got up. The bathroom connected to the room was open, so I leisurely took a quick shower and put my clothes back on. My hair is too wet to put my headband on, so I just put it on my arm for now.

When I came back into the room, Kurapika was awake and seemingly oblivious to what had happened. They both looked up when I came back into the room. Leorio had a finger to his lips, so I nodded. I'll be quiet about it for now. My left eye was closed for obvious reasons.

"What time are we going to land?" Kurapika asked. "Thirty minutes." I groaned. "It's too early for this." We sat around for most of the time, doing nothing. I put my headband back on, my hair found its natural place, defying gravity. Now that my hair is covering my eye, Leorio and Kurapika could see the long scar that covered it. Before I pulled it down, Leorio asked a question.

"What happened to your eye?" Eh, it's not like Obitos here to stop me from telling him. "When I was 13 my team and I went on a mission. An enemy managed to cut my eye rendering it blind. My teammate was crushed by a boulder but before he died he told me to take his eye. My female teammate did the surgery right beside his dying body. But apparently, he wasn't dead and ended up killing a whole bunch of people in a rage."

Leorio was confused. " How did she do the surgery so fast? And why do you cover it? Are you still blind?" "One, medical work was her specialty. Two, it takes up my energy. And no, I'm not blind. I'll show it to you if you wanna see." They both nodded. I opened my eye. It was the normal three tomoe Sharingan. "This is it normally, but when I use it, it looks like this." I activated my MS.

"It's called the Sharingan. Unique to the Uchiha clan. It can copy moves and such, it also gives some unique abilities depending on the person. But, most of the Uchiha clan was killed off years ago. The only remaining members for a while were my student, his older brother, and the teammate I told you about before. But they're dead now. I think."

Kurapika was seemingly in deep thought. "Just like my clan. The Kurta. They were massacred by a group a few years ago. I'm the last remaining Kurta. We have eyes similar to that of the Sharingan, was it? The Scarlet Eyes, one of the seven most beautiful colors in the world. My goal you already know. I'm going to take my revenge on the Phantom Troupe." As he was talking his eyes burned a beautiful red. Now I see why they were killed off. They really are beautiful. But I'm not Danzo, I'm not going to take his eyes.

Suddenly there was an announcement. "We will be landing in the next five minutes. Please report to the door that you entered. Thank you."

We left the room, closer than we were before. Once the blimp landed, the third phase finally began.


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