《Kakashi The Hunter》Part X Two


Kakashi pov.

I waited around with the rest of the contestants and watched happily as the man got stopped right before he made it. Oh how I love disappointed people. Anyways as Satotz was about to explain the next part and what to do, when another man ran up and claimed to be the proctor. I of course had a brilliant idea and threw three shuriken into his chest. "A real proctor would have been able to dodge that. Please continue Mr. Satotz.

The purple haired man gave me a warning look, to which I replied with an eye smile, I was a Hokage that won't scare me. I stood beside Killua and Leorio, who was kinda side eyeing me, and listened to Satotz explain. "In the second half of the first phase you must follow me through Swindlers Swamp. And beware there will be many attempts to trick you and kill you as you follow me if you lose sight of me, you will most likely be killed, and if you manage to make it through anyway then I congratulate you in advance. Good luck, and follow me."

Here we go with the running again. I sigh as I weave Amy way around puddles, and deadly looking plants. Soon the fog gets extremely thick, and I'm unable to see a few feet in front of me. Deja vu to the fullest. I continue running In The way I feel the most people. Now that I think of it, I don't sense any chakra radiating off these guys. Either it's a trick on my Mind, Genjutsu, or I really am far, far away from Madara and Obito. It may even be a completely different world. I mean I did kill myself, I can't possibly be alive because I felt the Kunai pierce my heart. Speaking of that, I forgot my shuriken.

Damn, I've got a limited supply of those. I frown. Can I still summon? Eh, I'll try it later. As I continue to run I feel real evil intent waves crash over me. Whoever that is, has some pretty strong KI. I don't want to follow it, but I'm very tempted. Eh, what's the worst that can happen? I completely mask my chakra, silence my footsteps, and slow my breathing. I race onto the tree limbs and follow the KI. When I reach the source, there's a... clown?


It's a man dressed as a clown. How wonderful. I hide behind the tree trunk but peek my head through a crack. The clown guy held a single card between his fingers, but he was surrounded by guys in suits. They all ran in to attack but in one arm swing and twist, they all fell to the ground dead. The seemingly boss of the now dead group, backed away quickly, trying to save his own life. It's none of my business so I'm not gonna help the guy who probably provoked the clown in the first place.

The clown smirked sadisticly and slid the card through his neck. The guy died at the hands of this killer clown. My ears twitched. Leorio and Kurapika, who's name I'd learned earlier, were headed this way. Seeing as my Hatake blood gave me a good sense of hearing and smell, I could hear Kurapika give the orders to run. Of course they both do. But Leorio came back. With a stick. What good is that going to do you man?

I'm just going to wait until he actually needs me. After all, I don't know what he's capable of he could be as strong as Sakura for all I know. He ran at the clown, but missed, and got hit in the face. It was at this time when Gon his him in the face, With a Fishing Pole? Nice choice kid. It was effective. The first time. But unfortunately Gon lost the element of surprise.

Leorio jumped onto his feet. "No! Your fight is with me Hisoka!!" Is that the clowns name? Well I can't be very judgemental, I'm named 'Scarecrow' after all. With one more punch to the face, Leorio is down for the count. But I'm still going to wait it out. Gon couldn't get a hit in with his Fishing Pole so he panicked and started stinging it everywhere. When Gon thought he had hit Hisoka, he would just turn to dust. Finally, not a good finally though, the random swinging stopped. But Gon was held by the neck. Hisoka seemed to be enjoying hurting Gon, but just when I was about to interfere, Hisoka dropped Gon and brought out a device.


He said a few words, then picked Leorio up. "Wait! Where are you going with my friend!?" Hisoka smirked "Don't worry~ I'm not going to kill your friend. He's passed my test. So have you~ Gon..." With one last smirk and a lustful look, Hisoka disappeared into the most with Leorio strung over his shoulder. Gon tried getting off the ground but faltered a little bit. I sighed and jumped next to him. He startledly looked up at me.

"I'm going to carry you the rest of the way, okay?" He slowly nodded but allowed me to gently sling him over my back. The same way I had done Naruto many times in the past. "They're that way." He pointed towards where I was about to head. "And how do you know that?" "Leorio has a very distinct cologne." I'm fairly surprised. "You can track him by scent?" He nodded. I sighed.

"If you need you can sleep, I'll wake you up when the next phase starts." Gon sleepily nods and falls quickly into a deep sleep. By the time we reach there almost all the applicants are here. Well, the ones who survived anyway. I chuckle at my thoughts. I think Inoichi needs to check my head again, oh wait... He can't.

I quickly locate Killua,Kurapika, and Leorio who are all leaning against a tree. I gently place Gon next to Killua and sit in front of the four. With my favorite novel of course. Leorio, who's barely conscious, reaches for the book in my hands. "Your not old enough." He scoffs. "I'm 19. What can possibly be in that book that I need to be older to read?" I shrug "Fine then, just don't show those three." I let him take the book, but when he starts from the beginning he instantly closes it. "I'm going to keep this in here for now, I'll read it in private later."

I sigh. "Whatever. Just don't loose it or sell it. There are only two copies of it in the world, and if you read it once you'll never be able to stop. I myself know every word by heart, seeing as I've had it since I was sixteen."

I eye smile as I bring out my scroll. Once I open it with my blood, extra precautions, I pull out the second copy of the same Orange Book. Kurapika is giving me and Leorio dirty looks. Seems he knows what's in the book. But Killua had stopped listening a while ago, choosing to run his fingers through Gons' hair.

"Alright applicants, I will now be guiding you to your second phase examiners. Right through these bushes." We all stand up, and Killua wakes Gon. Once through the bushes I am met with a beautiful sight.


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