《The Truth Untold | BTS | Vampire AU》➼ 3



I struggled to catch my breath as I continued to run as fast as my feet could take towards my apartment.

Hope rose in me when the apartment came to sight. I spot Yoongi near the entrance, panicked as he looked around.


When his head snapped towards my direction, he let out a breath of relief. I pulled him along with me inside his house locking the door.

"Where were you all this while?" I ask panting.

"I was showering. When I came back, you weren't here."

"I almost died you know?" My voice cracked a bit as I narrated everything.

"Don't worry, we are going to the priest tomorrow."

"And who was that hoodie man you were talking about?" He asked.

"I don't know. He warns me everytime I'm in danger."

A few minutes passed as I sat there staring into space recalling everything I had gone through. I somehow felt worse things are about to come.

The voice in my head continued to repeat the words, 'This is just the beginning.'


The very next day, I took a bus to the temple which Yoongi gave the address to and got myself an amulet similar to the one he wears.

On reaching home, I decided to say a quick thanks to Yoongi.

"Hey thanks again for letting me stay in your apartment last night. I got myself a protection," I exclaim as if this was gonna save me from all my life problems.

"That's fine, call me if you need anything. And don't take that thing off," He said eyeing the amulet that hung around my neck.

"See you."


A few days passed.

I couldn't admit that my life had gotten all better. But at least, I got used to everything happening around me.


Closing more doors and windows than opening them has become one among the everyday things I do.

To be honest, the amulet was not helpful at all.

Lately I had been feeling lonely so I put up an advertisement online requesting for a roommate.

I soon got a response from a girl around my age that night itself. She's expected to be moving in today so I sat on the couch looking through a photo album of mine.

Staring at this one picture I came across, my mind wandered to when we clicked that picture. It was a picture of me and a boy who I remember as my neighbour taken a few years ago.

We totally lost contact when we moved to Busan so I've no idea about them now.

She's here!

I hopped in excitement to welcome my roommate. She moved in her stuff and we shared a little talk.

Her name's 22 y/o and she's a senior in the same college that I'm supposed to attend.

Also did I mention that she's the most gorgeous girl I've ever met? The definition of beauty itself.



This what what I felt as I walked around the unfamiliar corridors of my new college.

"Hey! Are you new here?" A boy behind me asked flashing me the brighest smile. I must've looked like some kid lost in a supermarket for him to recognize me as a freshman.

"Yes, you too?"

"Yep, looks like we both have the same class," He said looking at the timetable in my hand.

"I'm Y/n," I stuck my hand out for a handshake.

"Jung Hoseok."

One word this guy reminded of:


He's talkative and cheerful giving off the good vibes.


Hoseok and I had different classes after lunch. Once I enter my class I find a group of boys who screamed trouble so I tried to avoid even an eye contact with any of them.


Lunch break wasn't over yet, I'm just a bit early. They turned their heads towards me flashing smirks and stares. I continued to ignore them taking a seat far away from them.

Oh please, I know I'm pretty.

After a minute or so, my phone was snatched away from my hand. I looked up to see that it was one of the boys.

"Give it back," I grit my teeth as I tried to snatch my phone away from him.

"Calm down babe," He said with the ugliest smirk I've ever seen.

"Aish! Give it back," I tried reaching for my phone which he held high in his hands making it impossible for me to reach since he was tall.

Anger consumed me resulting in doing something which I knew I'd regret. My palm harshly made contact with his cheek, snapping his head to the side.

I slapped him.

All of them were taken off guard by my act. He was still holding my phone tightly in his hand.

"Feisty one," A remark came from one of them.

Without saying a word, he furiously walked back to his seat with my phone in hand. Students slowly began filling the classroom so without saying a word, he furiously walked back to his seat with my phone.

A few minutes passed after the the teacher began lecturing when someone threw a crumped ball of paper on my back when I tried to pay attention.

I knew who it was.

Opening up the crumbled piece of paper, I found a note written.

'Meet me at the library after college if you want your phone back'

Once that period got over, I waited for my only friend leaning against the lockers. My brows perked up when I spot him walking towards me.

"Hey can you--" I was about to ask him to accompany me after college.

"I'll have to leave early today. Don't wait for me," He said as I sighed nodding.

I strolled to my next class finding a place comfortable to sit. I found myself getting lost staring out the window as I didn't notice someone approaching my desk.

"Newcomer?" I heard a soft voice next to me.

Turning my head towards the source, my eyes land on a naive looking boy standing next to my table.


"Nice to meet you," He smiled sweetly.

"You too," I smiled.

His innocent sweet face turned into a cold dark one in an instant.

"Get up," He commanded.

The heck?

"Excuse me?"

"That's my place."

I complied and sat in a table across him. He sat down and started taking out his books. I wasn't the type to give away like that but since I wanted to avoid bad impressions on my first day, I decided to oblige.

"Is there something on my face?" He turned to me with an annoyed look.

I shook my head quickly turning away. Who tf is he?

The corridors were packed with students after the last bell. I stood in front of my locker packing books as my roommate Jisoo walked to me.

"You seem upset," She said expecting an explanation.

I informed her about my phone being taken away and she insisted on accompanying me to the library.

Heading upstairs, Jisoo asked me to stay outside and I oblidged.

After about 3 minutes, she walked out with my phone in her hand as I stared at her wide-eyed.

I did not hear a single noise from inside.

"He won't bother you anymore."


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