《ThE bAd BoY aNd ThE bAd GiRl》8. FATHER


When I saw Jasmine running out of the school looking like that.

It brought back so many old hurtful memories.

Once I saw her I knew immediately who did it.


No one can stoop this low except her. Again!

When I approached Jass, she was shivering and sobbing uncontrollably.

It broke me to see her like that.

I didn't even notice when Mia went to Sandra beating the crap out of her.

I know it's weird but it turned me on seeing her beating someone so harshly like that.

"D..Damon, do something she is going to kill her. You know Mia never leaves her target when they piss her off like that." I heard Jane whispering to Damon.

What does she mean by that?

It's not the first time?

Did she kill someone before?

So many questions kept racing in my head but it was not the time for them.

I had to stop her before she does something she will regret.

However, by the look on her something tells me that she won't regret it.

After I took her and we went to her house.

I noticed the dark look her eyes had. It scared me.

Mia never had those looks.

It hurts me to see her acts so violent like that.

She was very innocent in the past.

And I broke her.

We all did.

Making her change like that.

I felt proud of her for getting stronger like that but also hurt to see that all she had now is hatred and anger towards everything.

No happiness at all!

When I saw her heading to their garden, I went after her.

I saw her eyes closed with her body relaxing in the chilling wind, I felt like she was remembering the same memory that I remembered after seeing Jass like that.

Although I tried to apologize and talk to her to make her understand my actions, she just kept dodging me, brushing off my conversations.

Her answers were always cold and harsh stabbing my heart every time I heard her cold voice.

I made her like that.

That's all I could think about for the rest of the day.

When we arrived home I called Sandra.

"Jason you called to check up on me. I knew you had something for me after all."

"Cut the crap, Sandra. What you did today to Jass was a cross for the line that you will regret it badly and you know what I am capable of."

"J..jason d..don't please." She pauses for a little then continues."And after all that you still take this bitch's side? You know she hates you now after what you did to her best friend."


"Don't call her that again! And if you know what's better for you stay the hell away from her and Mia." I yell.

"Even Mia? After what she did to my pretty face? Can't you understand Jason she hates you and will never forgive you!!"

"Shut the hell up Sandra and don't bother to try and interact with me again because if you did, it will be your death day."

"It's as the past repeating itself right Jason? You still defend them."

And with that, I ended the call not able to hear her pathetic voice anymore.

But she was right the past was repeating itself.

After I discovered what Sandra did to Mia and watching the videos that she had uploaded I felt frustrated.

How could she humiliate her like that?

Showing her beautiful body to all the school.

Let alone hurting her face like that.

"Did you like it? Are you proud of me babe?" Sandra says beside me happily.

"Don't call me that!" I snap at her anger evident in my eyes and take her by the hand to the janitor's closet.

She comes closer to me locking her hands around my neck. " if it really turned you on and you had to do it now you could just tell me, you know." She says trying to sound sexy. But it failed she was disgusting and I hated her for what she did to Mia.

I did it for a reason and I never took it that far to release something like that for Mia.

I grab her hands harshly shoving them off me. "Don't you ever touch me again with your filthy hands."

"You are just a pathetic slut that seeks for attention." I say harshly as her eyes widen in surprise.

"What you did to Mia was so low even for you. She didn't deserve it and if you know what's good for you. You better stay away from Mia and Jasmine. And from me as well because if I see you doing anything like that again I won't hesitate to kill you."

"B..but you do the same to Mia. Yo--"

"No! It's not the same. And you don't get to discuss my actions."

And with that, I left her alone furiously.

I can't believe its happening again.

I can't believe I let that happen again.


"What do you want David?"

"Come to my house now!" He ordered then hung up the phone on me.

How the hell did he get my number?

And how did he know that I am back?

Should I go and meet him?

No. He has no right to order me anymore.


But what if I didn't come, then he will do the threat.. he will...

I have to go.

I got out of my bed immediately changing into some black ripped skinny jeans and a black tank top with a black leather jacket.

Yes, black is my favorite Now.

When I arrived at his house. Old memories started to haunt me and I kept frozen in front of the door for a while not able to ring the bell.

But I gathered my courage remembering that I am not the old Mia anymore.

He can't hurt me with his slut anymore.

I knocked and when the maid opened the door for me she led me to a room that my father yes he is my father But he never acted like it and his slut wife Saby, were sitting in it waiting for me.

I noticed that the house hasn't changed since I left.

"How did you know that I came back? And how the hell did you even get my number?" I ask coldly snapping their attention to me looking at them with disgust and anger.

"Don't speak to your father like that." Saby warns me looking up and down at me with her disgusting eyes.

I roll my eyes at her, ignoring her comment as if she doesn't exist.

"Answer me!" I order, looking at David.

I can never call him dad anymore.

He is nothing to me except a stranger after what he did.

"Your school contacted me for your fight today. You are registered with your old information there." He takes a sip from his wine then continues. "And for the number, I have my ways."

"Why did you call me?" I fold my arms under my chest.

"You changed a lot. I can see the difference." He says, visibly amused as I was here for his own entertainment.

"Cut the crap and tell me already."

"Mia! Y--" Saby was going to warn me, properly trying to take the role of a mother, but I already cut her off.

"If you know what's better for you. I advise you to shut your fucking mouth or you will have to deal with the new me and I assure you, you won't like it" I say furiously pointing my finger at her while her eyes are wide and her mouth open with fear appears in her eyes.

"Saby leave us alone." David orders.

"Yes, honey." She says then kissed him on the mouth.

I want to throw up.

He stands up facing me. His hand in the front pockets of his pants trying to intimidate me like before but it won't work anymore. "I don't care where you have been or what you have been doing for the past years. You know I don't give a shit about you."

I know it should hurt hearing your own father saying those words to you but it didn't.

If it was the old me she would burst into crying.

But I am not the old Mia.

"When the Williams knew that you are back they invited us for dinner. Only us and Jason's parents your old friend because you know how much they love your pathetic ass and you have to come!"

I missed the Williams as well.

Jason's mother and mine were best friends and Layla, Jason's mother was like my own mom after she died.

They were my family more than my own living dad.

They were my home.

"I won't go," I state firmly.

Yes, I miss them a lot and it will be hella good to see them again but I can't sit with Jason in the same room and I won't be able to tolerate his presence nor utter a single word to him like old days. I don't want his parents to know about what happened between us, it just doesn't feel right hearing about your son betrayed and humiliated his best friend that they adore and now she hates his guts.

"What did you say?" He asks lowly, yet coldly at the same time that could make anyone shit his pants by now.

"You heard me. I won't go. I am not the old fragile Mia anymore that she would get scared and obey you."

Yes, I repeat I missed the Williams but I don't want to be in the same room as Jason let alone sitting on the same table and nothing will make me change my mind.

"Yes, you indeed aren't the same old Mia and don't get afraid of me but you will come if you don't want me to burn your mother's room" He threatens.

M..my mother's room?

He didn't get rid of her drawings and pictures yet.

"Fine. I will come." I give in. I can't lose her again. That's all I have got.

"That's what I thought." He says smiling an evil smile." I will send you the details."

I loathe that manipulative man.

And with that, I got out of this damned place riding my motorcycle and left.

I have to do it for my mother's stuff. It's all that's remained from her.

And I can't take them because her room is full of her scent and if I took them I won't feel like she is still with me anymore.

I won't feel as if she is still alive.

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