Tapping a pen against his lips, Jeongguk had his hands tracing over the graffitied table, brushing the pad of his fingers over the scratched out words and drawings. He sat there, eyes locked onto the two individuals in front of him; Taehyung and Jimin.
Well, Jeongguk really took Hoseok's speculation seriously. He didn't think he would because at first he refused his idea but now he seemed more enthusiastic about it than Hoseok was.
It was a Friday morning, Jeongguk was in the middle of a lecture, investigating his two friends. Watching Jimin silently laugh at a joke Taehyung had just told, Jeongguk viciously scribbled down onto his notebook. He had it hidden under his normal notebook for notes so it didn't look weird.
For the past forty minutes of the lecture, Jeongguk was noting down any signs of his friends being drug dealers; like any detective would do. He analysed their behaviour patterns, paid attention to their actions and eavesdropped in their conversations as much as possible.
"-Why people are so obsessed with the idea of what comes first; cereal or milk? Food is food!" He heard Jimin complain to Taehyung, who was chuckling at his rant.
Taehyung placed his chin on his palm, writing down answers in his booklet. "You have a point but maybe others have preferences." Taehyung sighed, running his fingers through the back of his hair before trying to note down what the lecturer was saying.
"Well- tell them that their preferences are bullshit! It's cereal for crying out loud!" Jeongguk heard Jimin exclaim, then hearing the laughter coming from them after.
Jeongguk huffed, laying an arm on the table and then resting his head on it, facing the wall. From what Jeongguk had heard and seen from his friends, none of it was enough to arouse suspicion. Taehyung and Jimin seemed to be talking about normal things which frustrated Jeongguk.
Jeongguk rubbed his eyes before getting up, sighing to himself. He didn't want to give up just yet. It had only been a day, after all, so he continued- listening into their conversations and overall noting down anything that seemed slightly out of place.
"Hey," Jimin motioned a finger towards him. Taehyung leaned his ear towards Jimin, indicating for him to whisper it.
Jeongguk's eyes widened, he stayed alert. Maybe Jimin was finally about to say something alarming so Jeongguk made sure to listen closely, placing his notebook on top of his other one.
Jimin leaned into Taehyung's ear, lips barely touching the cusp of it. He cupped both hands around his mouth, not wanting to be heard. "So, my room at eight?" He whispered, words completely inaudible to Jeongguk.
Taehyung stayed still for a second but he then nodded hesitantly as he knew what Jimin meant, Jimin's lips curved into a smile for just a moment before he sat properly in his seat.
Jeongguk groaned loudly, slamming his fist sideways onto the table, he was so close to finding a shred of evidence but he couldn't even hear it! Both Taehyung and Jimin turned their heads towards his direction, Taehyung had a slightly concerned expression on his face.
"You alright, Jeon?" Taehyung asked with his eyebrow raised, Jeongguk slightly jumped. He turned to Taehyung.
"Huh? Me? Y-yeah, I'm fine." Jeongguk stammered, he looked at Jimin from behind Taehyung's shoulder. He gulped, playing with the sleeves of his plaid jacket.
"If you say so." Taehyung muttered, his eyes then travelled down to the notebook under Jeongguk's arm. "What's that?"
"What's what?"
"Your notebook." Taehyung pointed with his index finger. "What've you got written there?" Taehyung asked with interest.
Jeongguk glanced down to his book, he quickly closed it shut. "N-nothing."
But Taehyung didn't listen. Curious, he attempted to grab it from Jeongguk, fingers close to touching the pages. Jeongguk panicked, he smacked Taehyung's hand lightly before sliding his book away from his reach.
"No!" Jeongguk cried, clutching the book tightly to his chest.
Taehyung paused and blinked, eyebrows furrowed. "What's in there that got you to act like that?" Taehyung chuckled.
"He's writing a Twilight fanfiction!" Jimin piped from behind, resulting in a snicker from Taehyung.
Jeongguk had his mouth hung open in shock. "Um. What? Jimin! I haven't even watched or read Twilight, what the fuck."
Jimin shrugged. "You never know."
Jeongguk rolled his eyes and brought his bag onto the table, zipping it open. He looked at Taehyung. "It's nothing." Jeongguk shook his head. "It's just- um. The notes for the lecture." He whispered, putting his book into his bag.
"Random notes for your fanfiction!" Jimin giggled, Jeongguk groaning in response.
"I'm not writing a fanfiction for fuck's sake!"
Taehyung let out a laugh. "I believe you, Jeon. No need to fret." He reassured, patting Jeongguk's shoulder.
Jeongguk threw his bag back down. "Thank you." He smiled.
"Well I don't." Jimin joked, eyes crinkled from how hard he was giggling. "Make Bella end up with Jacob please."
Jeongguk sighed in disbelief. "You make me want to jump off a cliff, Jimin."
"That's what friends are for."
Jeongguk let out a sound of frustration before laying his head down onto the table. He heard Taehyung and Jimin go back to their conversation but Jeongguk didn't bother listening in this time. He was too startled from nearly being caught that he didn't try.
Though, Jeongguk was still sat there wondering: what was Jimin whispering about? What if- what if it was about meeting up to discuss their business? Count up their total cash or even do the drugs themselves! The possibilities were endless.
Jeongguk made a mental note of Jimin whispering into Taehyung's ear in his head. It was suspicious for sure but Jeongguk thought he should talk about this with Hoseok first.
For the rest of the lecture, Jeongguk just paid attention to the teacher. Scribbling down his usual messy notes. The end of class came around soon for Jeongguk as he was so invested in his notes that he didn't keep track of the time.
Standing up from his seat, Jeongguk crouched down to get his bag. When he stood back up he noticed Jimin looking at him with a smile.
"So, wanna walk together to our next lecture?" Jimin grinned. Jeongguk smiled and nodded. "Yeah, sure."
They took off, walking out the door and outside. Jeongguk in front while Jimin was following behind. They didn't speak to each other, Jeongguk listening to the trees gushing in the wind whilst Jimin still had a goofy smile plastered on his face.
He stopped. Turning to Jeongguk, his smile growing even wider.
"So- when are you going to publish your fanfiction. I'd love to read it."
"Oh my god."
Jimin finally let out a series of laughs, hitting Jeongguk playfully whilst Jeongguk just scoffed. The two eventually made it to their next lecture, Jeongguk not bothering to investigate Jimin during their class.
He paid attention only to the teacher and Jimin's bad jokes, laughing each time because of how bad they were. Jimin too, was laughing, nearly toppling over with Jeongguk snapping at him to stay quiet for the lecture.
Jeongguk smiled to himself, happy that his mind wasn't constantly filled with the thoughts of Hoseok's speculation so he continued his class in peace.
He didn't want to risk being caught again anyway.
The sound of the door opening echoed through the shop, the scent of coffee hitting Jeongguk once again. Jeongguk walked in, his eyes meeting Hoseok's. He was sitting in one of the booths, reading an outdated magazine.
He was supposed to meet up with Hoseok to discuss anything they found on Jimin (and Taehyung) but he felt a bit disheartened since he hadn't found much yet.
"Hey! Jeonco-"
"Jeongguk!" He corrected, groaning.
"What's that you're reading?" Jeongguk asked after taking a seat opposite to Hoseok, placing his bag beside him.
"A Women's Health magazine." Hoseok deadpanned. "It sucks but look! Britney Spears is on the cover!" He cried, shoving the magazine in Jeongguk's face.
"Ugh. She's so iconic."
Hoseok nodded in agreement. "Isn't she?"
"But anyway!" Hoseok began, resting his elbows on the table. "Got anything on Jimin?" He asked, putting the magazine down.
Jeongguk shook his head sadly, twirling his finger along the wooden table. "No, I don't. Either he's really good at keeping secrets or I'm just bad at this."
Hoseok's shoulders dropped. "Damn it. S'only been a day though so we shouldn't give up now!" He chirped, grinning at Jeongguk.
Jeongguk smiled in agreement, his confidence growing. "Yeah! You're right, but- I think Jimin could be working with someone, in a drug dealing business!"
Hoseok opened his mouth in shock. "What, really? Who?" He asked, intrigued.
Jeongguk sighed before he spoke. "You know Taehyung? Kind of tall with really thick and wavy hair? Him?"
Hoseok cocked up a brow. "Who?"
Jeongguk pressed his palms against his face in frustration for about a moment before going back to explain. "Oh, you know! He usually wears that brown coat and has a deep-ass voice!"
Hoseok gasped in realisation. "Oh! I do know! The dude you thought was an asshole at the start!"
Jeongguk nodded, eyes big. "Yeah! Him!"
"That guy, yeah. Always thought his name was Taeyong or something though." Hoseok sighed.
"Oh, wow-" Jeongguk giggled. "You're really bad at names."
"S'pretty clear to me. I should know from the number of times you've told me but what were you saying? What about Taehyung?"
Jeongguk bit his lip, a hand playing with the strings of his ripped jeans. "Well- I think he's also dealing drugs alongside Jimin!" He spoke, voice rivalling with the sound of the coffee maker brewing.
Hoseok blinked, he ran his hands through his red hair. "No way!"
"Look at it this way for me- he's always late." Jeongguk began numbering reasons with his fingers, pointing one up. "-He's super mysterious." Jeongguk brought out another. "And! He seems like the sort of guy, you know?" He finished, counting three fingers.
"Woah, guess you're right." Hoseok let out, fiddling with the pages of the magazine.
"But wait! Hear this, during science I saw Jimin whisper something into Taehyung's ear! That's definitely suspicious." Jeongguk exclaimed, his hands flailing about as he explained.
"Wait, seriously? What did he say?"
Jeongguk frowned. "Well I wasn't able to catch it but it's a bit strange, don't you think?"
Hoseok put a hand to his chin. "I mean- it is pretty suspicious. Good job, Jeongguk. We got our first piece of evidence!" He applauded, giving Jeongguk a thumbs-up before putting his elbows back onto the table.
"Wow, you got my name right for once." Jeongguk spoke with big eyes, clearly impressed.
Hoseok brushed off the comment before sliding the magazine to the side. "Wait, have you heard of the party Jackson's throwing tonight?"
"Why's it Jackson who's always throwing parties." Jeongguk muttered under his breath.
"M'going." Hoseok started. "Are you?"
Jeongguk grumbled, ever since the night Namjoon cheated on him he could never go to parties, memories just flashed back. "I don't think so, Hoseok. Last time I went to a party I found out my ex-boyfriend was cheating on me."
Hoseok groaned. "C'mon! Don't be like that. This time you don't have a boyfriend to cheat on you. It'll be fun, please?" Hoseok asked, bottom lip jutting out as he attempted to give his puppy eyes.
"I really don't-"
"Drug dealers are pretty common at parties. That'll be a good opportunity to investigate Jimin and Taehyung." Hoseok smirked.
Jeongguk's doe eyes widened. "You're right, let's go."
Hoseok snickered, he looked at his phone for the time before slipping it back into his pocket. "The party starts at nine and it's around half past eight right now. M'thinking, should we go to Jimin's dorm and ask if he's going?"
"Okay." Jeongguk smiled, sliding off his seat whilst Hoseok grabbed his backpack.
Once both were ready to leave they headed out. Back to their dorms. Meanwhile, Jeongguk was anxious for the party. He didn't want anything to go wrong this time because of his last experience. He shakily sighed, his grip tightening on the strap of his bag as he and Hoseok were walking.
Hopefully this party wouldn't be too bad.
Jimin panted heavily, hands pressed onto Taehyung's broad chest as he bounced on his cock. His lips were bitten, his cheeks flushed and his peach hair brushed back, sweat trickling down his forehead.
Even after those couple of months, Jimin and Taehyung were still regularly hooking up. Taehyung could never muster up the courage to tell Jimin that he wanted to end everything so he continued having sex with him.
Should it even matter?
"Fuck-" Taehyung gasped, fingers grasping the bedsheets underneath, head tipping back as he felt himself soak in pleasure. "J-just like that." He muttered, pushing his knees up with his jeans and boxers pulled down to mid-thigh.
Taehyung could feel the fur from Jimin's fluffy pillow graze against his face, almost tickling it. They were fucking on Jimin's bed, Jimin making sure to lock the door so he and Taehyung wouldn't get caught. As opposed to Hoseok.
Jimin's lips tugged upwards into a smirk, sliding himself up and down. "You- you like that?" Jimin teased, completely nude as his voice pitched up high when he felt Taehyung's cock slam against his prostate.
Taehyung could only moan in response, eyes closing shut when he felt Jimin clench his walls around his cock. "W-weren't we supposed to get ready for Jackson's party?" He gritted out, trying not to get too lost in the feeling.
Jimin continued to fuck himself on Taehyung's cock, he let out a cry. "We h-have time, Taehyung- Fuck! Oh god-" Jimin trailed, feeling as though he was in paradise from how good Taehyung's cock felt.
"J-Just finish quickly." Taehyung groaned, watching in awe at how his cock disappeared each time Jimin sank down.
"Shit- okay." Jimin muttered. Rolling his hips, Jimin let out a loud whine when he felt his small bundle of nerves being brushed past again, one of his hands finding its way into Taehyung's hair. "I- just fuck!" Jimin cried, harshly tightening his grip on Taehyung's dark locks.
Taehyung slightly winced at the pain, letting out a pained whimper which went unnoticed by Jimin. Taehyung let his hands grip Jimin's waist, nails digging into the skin.
Jimin gasped out at that, clenching his fingers around Taehyung's hair more tightly. He bounced even harder if possible, his body shaking each time he dropped down onto Taehyung's cock.
"T-Taehyung! Fuck- that's good." Jimin babbled out, craning his head back as he let out the lewdest of sounds, precum squirting out of his cock with each movement.
Biting his lip, Taehyung slammed his hips upwards. Jimin cried and let go of Taehyung's hair, falling onto his bare chest because of how much his thighs were aching. Taehyung sighed in relief.
"J-Jesus, my thighs hurt. Think you can take it from here?" Jimin breathed out, still grinding himself onto Taehyung's cock.
Taehyung nodded and continued to thrust upwards, groaning at the feeling whilst Jimin had his arms wrapped around his figure, moaning into his ear.
Jimin writhed and squeaked, placing his arms around Taehyung's neck instead of his chest. "H-holy shit."
Taehyung grunted before flipping himself and Jimin over, his cock still in the boy. He placed one leg on his shoulder and left the other spread out. Taehyung then began sliding his cock in and out, watching how Jimin trying his hardest to bite back his moans, eventually crying out when he felt Taehyung slam against his prostate once again.
Jimin had his hair sprawled out on the bed as he felt close to his climax. "C-close." Jimin moaned, hand reaching down to stroke his own cock to get himself closer as he felt heat pooling in his stomach.
Taehyung nestled his head in the crook of Jimin's neck, hair brushing against his cheek as he nodded. Jimin gripped his shoulders, feeling Taehyung's thrusts get sloppier as he felt his own climax approaching.
White spurts of cum shot out of Jimin's cock and onto his stomach, eliciting a whine from him. Taehyung held Jimin's thigh up as he was too tired to keep it up, he eventually finished and came inside the condom, a small groan leaving his lips.
Taehyung swallowed thickly before pulling out, chucking the soiled condom in the bin. He pulled his jeans up and buckled the belt then went into the bathroom, swiftly grabbing a towel, dampening it and coming back into the room.
Sitting back on the bed, Taehyung began wiping the remaining cum from Jimin's stomach, Jimin's breath hitched. "You don't have to do that." He sighed, grabbing Taehyung's wrist and getting the towel from him.
"I'm only trying to be nice." Taehyung chuckled, letting Jimin clean himself up. Jimin propped up himself, laying on his elbows before getting up and going to the bathroom. He picked up his discarded clothes on the way and rinsed the towel, putting it in the laundry basket after.
"Remember to take it to the laundry room later." Taehyung called out and Jimin rolled his eyes. He closed the door, allowing himself to get dressed.
Taehyung meanwhile slipped on his black long-sleeved shirt back on. He sighed to himself, ruffling his hair at the back as always. He laid on the bed, laying the pillow flat on the bed and slid his phone out of pocket, looking at whatever Instagram had to offer.
Eventually becoming bored with that, he threw his phone to the side. He rose from the bed, sitting with his palms behind him supporting his weight. Taehyung brought up a hand ran it through his thick hair, scrunching his fingers on the area Jimin grabbed his hair as he grumbled to himself.
"It's been three fucking months yet you can't tell him." Taehyung muttered, tugging at his hair. "You pathetic bitch." Taehyung mumbled to himself.
This was a normal routine. Fuck Jimin until they both came, let him go to the bathroom to clean himself up and let Taehyung internally scream at himself meanwhile.
Jimin was sometimes there to comfort him, it wasn't always about the sex. There was reassurance from him as he tried to help. But to no avail.
God, how much Taehyung hated himself.
Jimin came out of the bathroom, fully dressed as he donned a thin, black turtleneck sweater and over that he wore a burgundy varsity jacket that enhanced his small frame. For pants, he wore a simple black pair with pockets. Nothing too adventurous.
"Shouldn't you be getting ready for the party?" Jimin smirked, watching Taehyung slump on the bed. "You were pretty fussy about it."
Taehyung's eyes widened and he released his hair from his grip. "Y-yeah." Taehyung got up, brushing himself off.
"You ready to get wasted tonight-"
Jimin's words were interrupted by an abrupt knock on the door. He looked at Taehyung with wide eyes whilst Taehyung just shrugged, mouthing at him to open the door, clearly panicked.
Another knock was heard, this time it was harsher.
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Multi-Track Mages Down Under series - Sisters of Rail, Daughters of Titans
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